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A deeper look at dis-ease (lack of ease)

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There are high numbers of sick/dying around here and I'm sure elsewhere as well. Coughing, hacking, fevers, flu, etc. Excessive self-prescribing/over the counter drugs as well as prescriptions galore. They constantly attack their immune systems with chemicals then wonder why it doesn't function properly. Homeopathy is the only way since it works with your immune system rather than against the system as allopaths do. Homeopathy also goes to the root/cause ofthe disease and not to the symptoms which are just fruits of the cause.



Of course this immune attacking via drugs is part of The Game and the destruction of the immune system is part of it. If your Higher Self is participating in this through shim's incarnation, it's all for experiences. Ifyou aren't meant to have these horrible experiences, you'd be dealing with a homeopath. This is just one facet of The Game's current time line.



One's Higher Self can desire the experiences of certain diseases. As I've said in Ms, if you are supposed to experience an event related to illness or death, no doctor, healer, homeopath or shaman will be able to cure you of it.

From the book Matrix 5.



This is a depressing and de-moralizing perspective, however there may be some truth to it.

What is not mentioned here is the fact that the higher self may be desiring the experience of:


healing yourself, on your own, or finding a way to heal your own disease. So that is why no advice, no alternative-healer, has been efficient.


Or perhaps your higher self wants you to make changes to your life and is trying to nudge you in the right direction through suffering, pain or dis-ease.

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The Game?


Can you explain more about that idea


(In edit: A new thread was started in the Acore section):


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Vlad, I thought you might enjoy this video: (as recommend by Ashllyn elsewhere)

" All - This is an excellent video from German doctor Dr Klinghardt. He is based out of the USA.

The video is in German but translated into English so it works. It is 3 hours long BUT it is slow enough that you can go to settings and speed it up to 2.0 and listen very well. Thus, listening time is reduced to 1.5 hours.

He gives a big picture view of the state of health on the planet. It is a very good talk."

- Ash.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Nature of Autoimmune Diseases



  • in autoimmune diseases, certain organs and tissues are being attacked by:

    • the immune system (white blood cells)
    • pleomorphic (shape-changing) microbes
    • tiny nanobacteria
    • cell-wall deficient mycoplasma
    • various bacterial forms
    • fungi
    • large multi-cellular units

  • the microbes that cause the autoimmune attack develop internally out of the cellular waste products (protein sludge within cells and organs)
    • cellular waste products provide the raw material, out of which the pleomorphic microbes arise that cause autoimmune attacks

  • what causes cells to become unhealthy and accumulate cellular waste products:
    • mercury and other toxic metals
    • an oversupply of damaged protein and fat
    • nutrients damaged by high heat or microwave heating
    • oxidation damage due to a lack of antioxidants
    • elimination problems due to a of lack of digestive enzymes

  • medical research has demonstrated that removing protein debris or damaged proteins from cells keeps aging organs young and healthy
  • the unhealthier the cells, glands or organs, the more highly evolved and aggressive these organisms become
  • pleomorphic microbes seem to attack predominantly the cells in the weakest or most stressed organ or tissue
  • The immune system works by causing inflammation in the affected area, a “healing inflammation”
  • This allows immune cells to easily move into the combat zone and kill and remove the invaders so that diseased cells can now be replaced with healthy cells
  • Sometimes autoimmune and other degenerative diseases have disappeared by:
    • supplying deficient nutrients
    • eliminating allergenic foods or fungi
    • removing dental amalgam and root canal fillings
    • using raw food cleansing

  • To get consistent results and greatest health improvement it is recommend to use all of these methods, preferably in a sequence that starts with intestinal sanitation and antimicrobial therapy, and ends with a 3-week cleanse followed by a greatly improved diet


Allopathic Perspective

  • The medical view of autoimmune diseases is that the immune system attacks healthy cells and organs for no good reason. This attack results in local or generalized inflammations which cause most of the damage
  • Therefore, the usual medical treatment aims to suppress inflammations and the immune system in general
    • Commonly corticosteroids are being prescribed in addition to other anti-inflammatory drugs, or TNF-blockers


Natural-Medicine Perspective

  • Numerous researchers have shown that in autoimmune diseases certain organs and tissues are being attacked by cell-wall deficient and pleomorphic or shape-changing microbes
    • These range from tiny nanobacteria and cell-wall deficient mycoplasma through various bacterial forms to fungi and even large multi-cellular units

  • These same microbes are also present in cancer
    • As an analogy we may see tumors as large multi-cellular units arising from invasive fungal forms
      • very similar to mushrooms growing out of an extensive underground root system

    • The mushroom-tumors are relatively harmless; instead the invasive root system and a massive fungal presence cause most of the damage

  • the different stages of a microbe that is normally present as tiny colloidal protein units
  • in various degenerative diseases, especially cancer and autoimmune diseases, these protein units grow into cocci and higher bacterial forms and finally into fungi
  • While orthodox microbiologists are aware of the presence of such microbes, they have the dogma that microbes do no change shape
  • They expect a definite microbe always to be associated with the same disease. This very much suits the drug companies
  • But the shape of pleomorphic organisms depends mainly on the vitality of the affected cells.
  • The unhealthier the cells, glands or organs, the more highly evolved and aggressive become these organisms. Therefore, researchers see different microbes at different stages of the disease and many orthodox microbiologists deny that they can have anything to do with it


Pleomorphic Microbes

  • A research paper talks about nanobacteria, the most primitive forms of bacteria:
    • “The environment causes drastic changes in their unit size: under unfavorable conditions they form very large multi-cellular units. Yet, they can release elementary particles, some of which are only 50 nm in size, smaller than many viruses.”
    • Another passage reads: “Cell-wall-deficient bacteria, L-forms, show small and large forms“, and “Pseudo-organisms forming pseudo-colonies have been detected in mycoplasma culture media”

  • Pleomorphic microbes seem to attack predominantly the cells in the weakest or most stressed organ or tissue.
  • This weakness (of organs or tissues) may be caused by:
    • the accumulation of heavy metals and cellular waste products
    • nutritional deficiencies
    • genetic weakness
    • emotional stress
    • a combination of the above
      • Some examples:
      • zinc deficiency makes the prostate gland vulnerable to attack
      • iodine deficiency the thyroid gland
      • manganese deficiency the thymus gland

  • Providing the missing nutrients helps to overcome an attack on these glands and organs


Cellular Waste Products - accumulation of debris within cells - the cause of the autoimmune attack

  • To overcome autoimmune diseases it is important to understand where these pleomorphic microbes come from.
  • The body recycles cells and their components all the time
    • Ex. it has been estimated that about 3 million red blood cells are recycled every second
    • Cells contain large numbers of cooperative smaller organisms or organelles, mainly the energy-producing mitochondria, in addition to the DNA and RNA from the nucleus
    • Normally all of these are recycled without a problem.

  • However, if cells and organs are unhealthy, then some of the organelles, nucleic acids and proteins are abnormal
  • With this they cannot be incorporated into new healthy cells
  • instead they accumulate and decompose as cellular residue or sludge
    • But they are really tiny organisms that want to preserve their lives
    • Several researchers, including Wilhelm Reich found that the spark of life in these most basic life forms is indestructible
    • Even if heated to incandescence they would again sprout into new life-forms when given a chance

  • It appears that viruses arise from RNA particles surrounded by a cell-wall
  • while mycoplasma are from DNA fragments without a proper cell-wall
  • Nanobacteria probably develop from damaged mitochondria as both have the same genetic material
  • Out of these primitive life forms can then arise higher bacteria and fungi
  • Therefore, the microbes that cause the autoimmune attack basically develop internally out of the protein sludge within cells and organs
  • A large part of these cellular waste products are composed of:
    • oxidized and peroxidized or polymerized polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially trans-fatty acids
    • degraded or wrongly folded proteins
    • metals, such as mercury, aluminium and iron

  • Residues with oxidized fats are commonly called old age pigments or just age pigments, and more scientifically ‘lipofuscin’
  • It is thought that much or most of this debris comes from degraded mitochondria and defective cell walls
  • In the aging skin lipofuscin can be seen as yellow-brown or brown ‘age spots’ or ‘liver spots’
  • Other waste products:
    • ‘ceroid’, thought to be associated with vitamin E deficiency
    • amyloids’ are protein residues that accumulate mainly in the brain and in nerve cells
      • Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) are especially affected
      • In Parkinson’s disease such residues accumulate mainly in the dopamine-producing region of the brain

  • Up to 70% of the volume of nerve cells may consist of such waste until cells are finally killed, although they would have lost most of their normal functions long before
  • Therefore cellular waste products impair our overall health in several ways:
    • they interfere with the movement of nutrients into the cell and metabolic wastes out of the cell
    • they poison the oxidative energy production or respiratory chain of the mitochondria, causing us to be low in energy
    • they interfere with the signaling capacity of nerve cells and the normal function of muscle cells
    • they provide the raw material out of which the pleomorphic microbes arise that cause autoimmune attacks

  • medical research has demonstrated that removing protein debris or damaged proteins from cells keeps aging organs young and healthy
  • This shows us what we need to do in order to prevent the formation of pleomorphic organisms and overcome degenerative diseases:
    • clean out the cells by removing the protein debris and lipofuscin from the body


The Dental Connection

  • there is another reason for autoimmune attack: metabolic problems arising from mercury, other toxic metals, and chemicals.
  • Mercury generally is the most toxic metal to which we are commonly exposed, and it is also the poison of choice that is routinely put into our mouths.
  • Mercury and other toxic metals cause damage in two ways:
    • by directly interfering with metabolic processes
    • by forming metal-protein compounds which the immune system regards as foreign invaders and reacts with a strong immune response

  • An organ in which these protein-metal complexes primarily accumulate will then be subjected to a so-called autoimmune attack
  • It is also important that amalgam is removed according to standards developed by holistic dentists
  • Extraction of teeth with large fillings is the cleanest amalgam removal method
  • In a large German study of MS patients extraction resulted in an 85% recovery rate compared to only 16% for conventional filling replacement
  • Also other dental metals can cause allergy and hyper-immunity problems, most frequently implicated is nickel from stainless steel
  • Other major problems are root-canal fillings and infected jawbone pockets, called cavitations, often remaining after conventional extraction of teeth
  • Root-canal fillings commonly generate a steady stream of highly pathogenic bacteria, in addition to creating interference pattern in the acupuncture meridians that tend to affect specific parts of the body. For proper healing these need to be removed under cover of effective antimicrobial therapy. For an overview of this whole area see Dental Problems


The Problem with Anti-Inflammatory Drugs

  • Inflammation causes much of the discomfort with autoimmune diseases
  • prednisone is a strong anti-inflammatory drug
  • The problem is that the immune system works by producing inflammation
  • By suppressing inflammation these drugs also suppress the immune system
  • or in other words, these drugs prevent the immune system from healing the diseased gland or organ
  • In addition to other side-effects they keep patients permanently diseased and gradually deteriorating
  • Therefore, prednisone and other immune-suppressant drugs work directly against the effort of natural therapy to enhance the immune system and do its duty


Natural Healing - the immune system

  • Natural therapy is designed to activate the immune system to overcome whatever attacks the body
  • The immune system works by causing a “healing inflammation” in the affected area
  • This allows immune cells to easily move into the combat zone and kill and remove the invaders so that diseased cells can now be replaced with healthy cells
  • But the price for healing the body is a temporary increase in inflammation and discomfort


Allowing the Body to Heal Itself

  • the more acidic the body is the more inflammation and pain are generated
  • Therefore make every effort to alkalize the body
  • As a general rule if there is pain alkalize the body.
  • It is advisable to remain on a cleansing diet or a semi-cleanse until drugs and especially prednisone have been fully eliminated
  • Alternatively, if this is not possible, then you may use repeated shorter cleanses
  • In long-standing and severe cases the whole healing process, including dental sanitation, may last for several years
  • Keep the bowels active and clean to minimize headaches and other discomfort
  • It is important to have several daily bowel movements
  • If they do not happen with your chosen diet try one or more glassfuls of water with an added teaspoon of psyllium, or use other laxatives or enemas or colonics.
  • warning: When losing weight during a cleanse pesticides and drug residues may be released from fat storage and cause distressing symptoms
    • If you feel rather unwell, then go back to a normal diet, and try another cleanse at a later time.

  • In addition symptoms of previous diseases or health problems may suddenly flare up and cause temporary distress. This is called a healing crisis
  • In addition to specific therapies it is important for success to lead a healthy lifestyle by minimizing harmful influences such as:
    • Chlorinated and fluoridated water
    • Processed food with added synthetic chemicals
    • Frying or cooking with microwave or in aluminium utensils
    • Exposure to microwaves from mobile/cell phones
    • Microwave stations for cordless phones and Internet access inside the home
    • Electromagnetic pollution, especially in the bedroom
    • Fluorescent lighting (use full-spectrum lights)
    • Medical and recreational drugs
    • Negative thoughts and emotions (e.g. anger, resentment, worry, bitterness and fear).

  • Sometimes autoimmune and other degenerative diseases have disappeared by supplying deficient nutrients or eliminating allergenic foods or fungi, or removing dental amalgam and root canal fillings, or using raw food cleansing
  • To get consistent results and greatest health improvement it is recommend to use all of these methods, preferably in a sequence that starts with intestinal sanitation and antimicrobial therapy, and ends with a 3-week cleanse followed by a greatly improved diet.

source: http://www.health-science-spirit.com/autoimmune.htm

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Fasting and Cleansing



  • There is plenty of medical research showing that removing debris and toxins from the body keeps aging organs young and healthy
  • Cleansing the body involves dislodging wastes and toxins from within and between cells and transporting them with the lymph fluid to the large veins near the neck; there they enter the bloodstream to be discharged through the liver and kidneys
  • A greatly reduced food intake is the main way to dislodge stored wastes and toxins
  • Just by fasting alone many chronic diseases can be healed
  • If the body is starving it digests its own non-essential tissues, and it starts with diseased parts and tumours
  • The only disadvantage is that it can be unpleasant, especially for beginners
  • Fasting is not indicated for anyone who is weak, fatigued, or underweight with difficulty gaining weight
  • With chronic diseases cleansing may trigger healing reactions, lasting for days and sometimes weeks
  • During a reaction, pain or areas of discomfort may shift around to different body locations


Cellular Waste Products

  • The body recycles millions of cells and their components every second, usually without a problem
  • However, if cells are unhealthy, then some of their proteins, especially nucleic acids from DNA and RNA, are abnormal and cannot be properly broken down and recycled
  • Instead they accumulate as cellular sludge
  • Various researchers have shown that out of this sludge can now arise primitive microbes
    • viruses arise from RNA fragments surrounded by a cell-wall
    • mycoplasma are from DNA fragments without a proper cell-wall
    • nanobacteria develop from damaged mitochondria, the cellular energy factories

  • These primitive life forms are pleomorphic which means that they can change into higher forms of bacteria and fungi which then are at the basis of cancer and autoimmune diseases
  • A large part of these cellular waste products are composed of:
    • oxidized and peroxidised or polymerised polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially trans-fatty acids
    • degraded or wrongly folded proteins
    • metals, such as mercury, aluminium and iron
    • residues with oxidized fats are commonly called age pigments, and more scientifically ‘lipofuscin’ or ‘ceroid’
      • In the aging skin it can be seen as yellow-brown or brown ‘age spots’ or ‘liver spots’

    • ‘amyloids’ are protein residues that accumulate mainly in the brain and in nerve cells, causing:
      • Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

    • Up to 70% of the volume of nerve cells may consist of such waste until cells are finally killed, although they would have lost most of their normal functions much sooner

  • These waste products impair cellular functions and our overall health in many ways:
    • they interfere with the movement of nutrients into the cell and metabolic wastes out of the cell
    • they poison the oxidative energy production or respiratory chain of the mitochondria and cause us to be low in energy
    • they interfere with the signalling capacity of nerve cells and the normal function of muscle cells
    • they provide the raw material out of which the pleomorphic microbes arise that weaken our immune system and cause autoimmune attacks and cancer

  • understanding the devastating impact of cellular wastes on your long-term health, leads to realizing the importance of repeated fasting and cleansing periods in your health program
  • Even medical research can now show that removing protein debris from cells keeps aging organs young and healthy
  • The main causes leading to the accumulation of these wastes are:
    • devitalized food due to processing, cooking, and long-term storage
    • lack of enzymes due to cooking, processing, and overeating
    • eating highly heated proteins and oils
    • antioxidant deficiencies
    • exposure to unbiological chemicals in food, water, air and drugs.


Fasting and Cleansing - general information

  • Just by fasting alone many chronic diseases can be healed
  • The only disadvantage is that it can be unpleasant, especially for beginners
  • Fasting is not indicated for anyone who is weak, fatigued, or underweight with difficulty gaining weight
  • We need a reasonably good energy level to fast and cleanse successfully
  • When we stop having normal meals our digestive enzymes become available to digest and remove the sludge in our cells
  • While it is essential to minimize the intake of food, it should be as high as possible in vitality and enzymes, meaning that it should be fresh and raw
    • Ideal would be freshly cut wheat or barley grass, or leaves freshly picked in a garden

  • Eat any food in small amounts or drink any juices in small sips spaced out over a longer period
    • This is especially important for fruits or any sweet juices as from carrots etc.
    • Keep each bite or sip in the mouth for several minutes.

  • Start with several one-day fasts, possibly once a week, before trying a three-day fast
  • Then have a three-day fast once a month
    • if you live according to normal working hours, have your first fast day on a Friday, as the second day often feels the worst, and this way you’ll be at home

  • Once or twice a year you may fast for seven days or longer
  • Instead of a series of strict fasts you may have longer periods on a raw food diet and use a strict fast only occasionally
  • With chronic diseases the need for cleansing is much greater than for general health improvement
  • After a year or two of good health, the number of cleansing periods may safely be reduced to twice a year, unless you use much processed food
  • With the onset of a cold, flu, or other infectious disease, start a fast immediately
  • The more often you have a fast, the less you normally are affected by it in a negative way; a sense of peace and well-being may develop instead
  • As long as you are still congested during a fast, your tongue will be strongly coated and your breath may have a strong odour when you get up in the morning
  • Conversely, if your breath and tongue are clear in the morning, your body is reasonably clean and no more fasting is needed
  • To freshen your breath, you can scrape or brush your tongue clean whenever it is heavily coated; use a sharp-edged spoon for scraping.
  • For several days before a longer fast, start reducing your amount of food and preferably do not eat flesh or processed foods on the last day before a fast
  • Best have only raw fruit and vegetables on that last day
  • In the same way, increase the amount of food only gradually after a fast and have only raw food on the first day after a fast
  • The longer the fast, the less you should eat at the first meal and the longer it should take to return to the usual diet; an apple is a good food for breaking a juice or water fast
  • Drink plenty of fluids during the fast
  • It is important to keep the bowels moving during a fast, and you may use laxatives, enemas or colonics as required
  • With a juice fast it is advisable to use several glasses of psyllium in water
  • Keeping the bowels clean is not a problem if fasting on fresh raw salads, fruits, and blended green leaves
  • The effectiveness of the fast can be further increased by using a hot castor-oil pack for 3 or more days during the fast
    • Coat the liver area (the bottom of your right rib cage) and upper abdomen with castor oil
    • cover with a woollen cloth folded in four layers
    • keep the area warm for an hour or two with a hot-water bottle
    • At bedtime drink two tablespoons of olive oil, possibly shaken in a jar with lecithin and fresh orange or lemon juice
    • The next morning take sufficient laxative to produce a good clean-out within a few hours
    • The topical castor oil stimulates the liver’s capacity to detoxify, while the olive oil induces the gallbladder to empty and expel fat-soluble toxins from the liver, and the laxative removes the poisons quickly from the bowels
    • This method of cleansing causes a minimum of discomfort as the fast might otherwise result in headaches, nausea, and weakness

  • Take it easy during fasts:
    • rest whenever you feel weak, or just stay in bed if necessary
    • Skin brushing
    • deep-breathing exercises
    • mild sun exposure
    • frequent showers are helpful

  • Learn to listen to your intuition and the language of your body, rather than just following expert advice or sticking to a pre-determined program
  • Sometimes it may be better to ease the program and have some cooked food
  • You also need to keep your 'inner child' reasonably happy. Ask it for cooperation, and in return promise and deliver some treats for any hardships that have to be endured


Healing Reactions (Healing Crisis) - see http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=20564&hl=

  • With chronic diseases cleansing may trigger healing reactions, lasting for days and sometimes weeks
  • During a reaction, pain or areas of discomfort may shift around to different body locations
  • During this time you may ease any strict program and do whatever is necessary to make yourself more comfortable


A Basic Cleanse - an example

  • this is an effective cleanse that can be used from time to time, perhaps once or twice a year
  • It is designed to clean out and sanitize your gastrointestinal tract, liver, and gallbladder
  • Eat organic apples only for the first three days, as many as you like
    • Granny Smith or other tart apples are preferable
    • if you feel that they are too acidic for you, then use a sweeter variety
    • If organic apples are not available, then remove the skin and core of conventionally grown apples

  • In the evening place a hot castor-oil pack on your liver and upper abdomen and take a tablespoon of olive oil orally at bedtime
  • However, on the evening of the third day, drink half a cup of olive oil in this way
  • Then lie down immediately on your back or right side
  • After the first bowel movement the next morning, look in the toilet bowl for gallstones. There may be hundreds of little greenish wax balls of different sizes floating on top of the water
  • First thing in the morning on the second to fourth day, drink a glass of water mixed with a crushed clove of garlic and one tablespoon of Epsom salt (to cause a good bowel clean-out within a few hours)
  • If you cannot take Epsom salt, then try another strong herbal laxative (e.g., senna) or use the isotonic flush
  • If you have trouble taking raw garlic, put it into empty gelatine capsules, or use hydrogen peroxide instead
  • About one hour after consuming the Epsom salt and garlic, take a large dose of acidophilus-bifido culture in the form of high-potency capsules, powder, or homemade yogurt, or some self-made ferment
  • If you do not have the time or energy for the full cleanse, then you can at this point return to your normal diet and do the rest at another time
  • Otherwise, from the fourth morning on stop using the apples, Epsom salt, and garlic, and for the next five days drink only freshly pressed vegetable juices, although these may be flavoured with apple or some other fruit
    • Every three hours (5 times daily) take a heaped teaspoon of psyllium hulls together with two to three teaspoons of ground linseed (flaxseed)
    • Mix this in a glass of water and drink immediately, followed by more water
    • The linseed should be freshly ground in a blender or coffee grinder and stored frozen or refrigerated
    • The purpose is to fill the bowels, with a moist mass that will soften and dislodge any hard crusts and putrefying matter
    • This is essential and very effective with all inflammatory bowel conditions, diverticulitis, intestinal parasites, and cancer

  • Take a spoonful of lecithin granules and plenty of protein-digesting enzymes together with the juices
  • With every glassful of juice, you can take two or three tablets such as pancreatin, bromelain, or papain
  • Alternatively and even better, if available, use mature green papaya, when it turns yellow inside and the seeds are already black
    • You can make a Smoothie by blending it with some vegetable juice or yogurt; use up to half a medium-size papaya a day
    • You could also use the juice of papaya leaves or immature fruit, but this may need to be flavoured and well diluted, as it is bitter.

  • On the morning after the last juice day (or possibly at bedtime the night before) take a tablespoon of Epsom salt in water or generally enough laxative to produce a strong bowel clean- out during the morning
    • Often long strings and parts of compacted faecal matter, which look like sections of bowel, are eliminated

  • It is advisable to increase the variety of food very gradually while doing allergy testing at the same time


Variations of the Basic Cleanse

  • For instance, if you do not have a juice extractor, you can either continue longer with apples or have a few small raw salads instead
  • If you cannot get organic apples but have plenty of wheat or barley grass and vegetables for juicing, then you can extend the juice schedule from five to eight days; have the castor-oil packs, olive oil, garlic, Epsom salt, and acidophilus during the first three or four days
  • highly recommended are fresh green leaves blended in water for part or all of the cleanse
  • Another possibility, especially good for those with high blood pressure, is to use freshly pressed lemon juice instead of the vegetable juice and possibly instead of the apples as well
    • Use psyllium hulls and ground linseed as for the last five days of the Basic Cleanse, but instead of vegetable juices drink the juice of five to eight lemons diluted in three or four quarts of pure water
    • You may do this for the full eight days or instead of the vegetable juice for the last five days
    • If doing this for the full eight days, then use castor-oil packs, olive oil, Epsom salt, garlic, and acidophilus (as described for the apple days)(above)

  • Another often recommended additive is Bentonite, a form of powdered or liquid absorbent clay
    • This helps to remove plaque or old coating from colon walls and also absorbs toxins
    • Each time you use the ground linseed and psyllium, add either one teaspoon of powdered or one tablespoon of liquid Bentonite, which you can consume orally


Lymphacising - speeding up the flow of the lymphatic system - a great aid to cleansing

  • A good way to greatly increase the cleansing action during a fast is lymphacising - gently bouncing on a rebounder or mini-trampoline
  • This speeds up the lymph flow to many times its normal rate
  • Lymph is the blood fluid that filters through the walls of arteries and capillaries into the tissue, delivering oxygen and nutrients to individual cells and carrying away carbon dioxide and other waste products
  • However, if the cellular waste production is high and lymph flow is slow, cells begin to clog up and become inefficient, preparing the ground for the development of a disease
  • Increasing the lymph flow greatly helps to reduce this danger; bouncing on a rebounder can do this.
  • Cleansing the body involves dislodging wastes and toxins from within and between cells and transporting them with the lymph fluid to the large veins near the neck; there they enter the bloodstream to be discharged through the liver and kidneys
  • A greatly reduced food intake is the main way to dislodge stored wastes and toxins
  • Muscle activity propels the lymph flow; castor-oil packs, fruit acids, olive oil, bitter herbs, and sulphur compounds stimulate liver detoxification of fat-soluble waste while a high fluid intake and herbs for the kidneys, such as dandelion, help remove water-soluble wastes
  • During fasting we usually do not have much energy for muscle activity, but lymphacising can come to the rescue as it does not consume much energy and one feels energized afterwards
    • With each bounce on the mini-trampoline the lymph is pushed towards the neck and prevented from falling back again because the valves through which it pushes are one-way

  • Another way of speeding up your lymph circulation is by inverting your body
    • Special inversion equipment, on which you can hang upside down, is available
    • or you can use an inclined board
    • or simply put your legs up against a wall while lying on the floor
    • or do the leg motions of bicycling while in the inverted position
    • or do a shoulder stand or headstand as described in hatha yoga


The Long Cleanse

  • A Long Cleanse of about 6 weeks duration on either a small amount of vegetable juice or grapes has been used to shrink or dissolve tumours and normalize lymph and blood cancers in thousands of cancer victims
  • If the body is starving it digests its own non-essential tissues, and it starts with diseased parts and tumours
    • Famous examples of this kind of cleanse are the Breuss Cure on half a litre of fresh vegetable juice
    • the grape cure of Johanna Brandt
    • the wheat grass cure of Ann Wigmore
    • even the urine fast of John Armstrong

  • It works even better with large than with small tumours as these are a source of protein, but it also eliminates the large amount of protein debris that is a main cause of cancer
  • This long cleanse is usually the best way to eliminate or greatly reduce tumours without strong and unpleasant side effects
  • It is especially suited for overweight individuals
  1. On the Breuss Cure you drink half a litre of fresh organic juices daily, extracted in a non-centrifugal way
    • The usual composition is 3 parts of beetroot, 1 of carrot and 1 of grass juice or celery, and preferably a small amount of horseradish, radish or turnip or their leaves

  2. As an alternative you may use 1-2 litres of juice consisting mainly of about equal parts of green juice as from grass and leaves, and beetroot-carrot juice flavoured with ginger and pollen, in addition to unstrained blended green leaves
    • Hot onion broth may be used in the evening, purple onions are best; cook the skins as well. This larger amount of juice is more suitable for maintaining energy without compromising the cleansing effect. The weight loss during a 6-week fast is usually between 5 and 15 kg, mainly due to losing water and from half to one kilogram of fat per week.

  3. With the grape cure eat black or purple grapes
    • Eat them with skins and pips
    • Preferably chew the pips to release their antioxidants
    • Soak the grapes best with the addition of some hydrogen peroxide to kill and remove any fungi
    • Eat about 1kg daily according to appetite
    • If a temporary aversion to grapes develops, have a few days of juices in between
    • Eat only a few grapes at a time to avoid a strong rise in the blood sugar level
    • Store grapes cool and dry, you may hang them over a washing line in a garage.

  • If you feel that you definitely need something savoury to keep going, prepare and drink a warm strained vegetable broth in the evening, including plenty of purple onions. Also simmer the outer purple onion skins
  • Furthermore, you may make a tea from savoury herbs and spices or turmeric and ginger


Different Cleansing Methods

  1. Apples are good for the first three-day fast
    • Preferably obtain unsprayed apples, otherwise either peel or scrub them in warm soapy water and rinse well. Do not ingest waxed skins. Eat as many apples as you like, generally the more the better to keep the bowels moving
    • Apple fasts are usually well tolerated, and they are also good for children

  2. Fasting on freshly pressed vegetable juices is somewhat more severe but generally well tolerated
    • Preferably use plenty of green juice made from wheat or barley grass, vegetable leaves, and celery, flavoured with sweet vegetables such as carrot, beet root, or pumpkin, and possibly an apple
    • This juice may be diluted with water for a total fluid intake of two to three litres daily
    • If you are sensitive to pain, cold, or skin irritants, minimize the amount of sweet juices you consume and possibly add some alkalizers

  3. For sensitive, weak, or underweight individuals, a rice diet lasting ten or more days may initially be better
    • Eat only cooked brown rice, lightly flavoured with salt and olive oil and supplemented with preferably one to three tablespoons per meal of unheated ground linseed (flaxseed)
    • Use sufficient linseed to have three easy, bulky bowel movements daily
    • You do not need to eat “proper” meals; just have a few spoonfuls whenever you feel hungry, and chew it very slowly
    • Preferably follow up the rice diet with a period of eating raw food only
      • or alternate periods on cooked rice and raw foods several times
      • However, if brown rice is not tolerated, try white rice
      • A rice diet helps to overcome allergy problems

  4. For non-sensitive individuals, a three-day lemon-juice fast is excellent and especially good for improving liver functions
    • it is also recommended for those with high blood pressure and who are overweight
    • About ten times during the day drink a large glass of water to which is added the fresh juice of half a lemon
      • You may flavour this with a small amount of fresh grapefruit or orange juice

    • Later you can extend this fast to seven days or longer
    • This is especially helpful with diabetes

  5. The “grape cure” is not only known as a cancer cure, but is also good for coronary artery disease and other chronic diseases
    • You eat about one kilogram of grapes spaced out in intervals during the day to avoid any strong rise in the blood sugar level
    • Continue for several weeks
    • Black grapes are best, otherwise use purple or red.
    • Unfortunately, it is difficult to obtain unsprayed, organic grapes
      • If you have to use sprayed grapes, wash them thoroughly in warm soapy water and rinse well
      • If you are sensitive to moulds, soak the grapes in diluted hydrogen peroxide or expose them to sunlight before a last rinse and eating

  6. For a longer cleansing period, use a mixed fast
    • You may, for instance, start with several days on a rice diet and follow this with a period of raw food only, with a time on apples or grapes and a further period on juices
    • Then repeat this sequence in reverse order with days of eating only fruit, raw food, and finally rice before returning to your normal diet
    • The cleansing period may last for several weeks, or even months, with repeated sequences



  • Unless you have an acute infectious disease, do not start a strict fast when you feel weak
    • In this case, you can alternate between a rice/vegetable diet and a raw food diet

  • Those with acute infections should have only fresh fruit, fresh salads or vegetable juice until health improves and good appetite returns.
  • A urine fast has the advantage of providing vital nutrients and activating the immune system while ingesting a fluid that is already charged with your own life force
  • It is not as difficulty to do as it may sound because after a few days the urine is so diluted that it just tastes like water
  • If you suspect your body is overloaded with chemicals or that your liver’s ability to detoxify is reduced, do only mild fasts initially
    • such as the rice diet and raw food diet
    • Also supply yourself with plenty of sulphur in the form of MSM
    • or, alternatively, use onions, raw egg yolk, and possibly the amino acids cysteine and methionine, or even powdered sulphur

  • Regular cleansing is the more important the older and physically less active you are
  • Mucus problems are very common
  • This is obvious when we have a cold with a congested or runny nose, but at other times it may be noticed as congested or inflamed sinuses, ear or hearing problems, including tinnitus and “glue ear” in children, glaucoma, and throat and lung problems, especially asthma
  • An oil rinse can be helpful to remove fat-soluble toxins from the system before they reach the liver
    • First thing in the morning take a large sip of a light oil, such as sunflower, or grape seed (stored in glass bottles), and vigorously swish it around the mouth for 10 to 20 minutes; do not swallow it; spit it out (be careful: it may clog the sink)
    • Rinse your mouth several times with warm water
    • Continue this daily for several months
    • This rinse is especially important if the lymph system is congested, as it commonly is with cancer and other chronic diseases
    • it is also very effective with health problems in the head and neck area, including dental problems

  • At other times, you can use distilled water to filter out water-soluble toxins
    • After rising in the morning and again at bedtime, use a cup of distilled water
    • Take a mouthful and hold it under the tongue for about two minutes
    • Then spit it out and repeat the process until the cup is empty


Proteolytic Enzymes

  • Nattokinase, originally from natto - fermented soy traditionally used in Japan, is most effective to clean blood vessels
    • It is commonly available as capsules with 2000 FU or fibrinolytic units
    • A maintenance dose is one capsule each before breakfast and dinner or bedtime in a non-protein drink
    • To clean already clogged blood vessels and dissolve clots up to 12 spaced-out capsules may be used until the blood circulation is sufficiently improved
    • You may take 2 or 3 capsules 3 or 4 times daily before meals and bedtime
    • Be extra careful when using nattokinase with blood- clotting disorders and when using blood-thinning drugs such as warfarin

  • Serrapeptase originally derived from silkworms, may be somewhat less effective in dissolving clots but it is highly anti-inflammatory, relieves pain (e.g. after surgery), and dissolves other dead protein, such as scar tissue, adhesions, cysts, tumours and protein wastes inside cells and tissues
    • Start with low doses from 20,000 to 80,000 units/day taken in divided doses before meals
    • In difficult conditions gradually increase to high-strength 250,000 unit capsules 3-4 times daily. It may be taken together with nattokinase

  • Bromelain breaks down all kinds of unwanted protein wastes. Activity is measured as Gelatine Dissolving Units, commonly 2000 GDU/gram
    • Take 6000 or more GDU daily in divided doses on an empty stomach, preferably separated from nattokinase and serrapeptase (e.g. 20 minutes later) as these may be digested by bromelain and papain.


Antimicrobial Cleanse: see http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=17122&do=findComment&comment=330013



Heal Yourself the Natural Way - by Walter Last





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Some excellent Notes here - thanks for doing this


(Let's put this in the Acore section for a while - it might get a larger audience there)

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