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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/c0025500-10ef-11e1-a95c-00144feabdc0.html Apparently most was bought in September at bargain basement prices of less than $1,600!
  2. Hey, wait!! Who let these guys into my basement!?!
  3. Again, we need to know "fully diluted ounces in the ground per share". And then production costs of those course (again, total cost of all mining operations per ounce that the company actually owns, i.e. "diluted"). If I have 100oz in the ground and producing them costs me $500/oz, but a long time ago I gave away 50% of my production for essentially free (e.g. as a royalty stream or a hedge), my diluted cost an ounce is $1000!!
  4. Again I have to wonder whether people like Puplava or Doody deduct these kind of forward deals or sold royalty rights when they do their "ounces in the ground (per share)" considerations. Because, essentially, you have to subtract these, i.e. you have to calculate "fully diluted ounces in the ground".
  5. I recently bought Agnico Eagle. Yamana and Kinross are on the shopping list. I'll stay clear off the big ones. Somehow, I don't trust them. They might do stupid things, like hedging etc.
  6. Yes, I am still very heavily into silver. In terms of value, my gold and silver bullion positions are never too far from each other (but look at the G:S-ratio to see how much this changes over time). For me silver is a means of diversification. Because of the industrial consumption of the past, I do expect it to outperform gold, and there won't be screaming gold prices without screaming silver prices. If gold gets re-introduced as THE anchor of the monetary system, silver might trade more freely and will certainly not be in the focus of central bankster greed. I don't think Western central banks hold any relevant amounts of silver. Silver is the better day-to-day money. This is the role it has always had (until 40-something years ago). I think silver will always be lagging gold in its moves, but I am very patient.
  7. I really recommend everyone to read this. There are some amazing (private) stories in it too.
  8. You don't want to store too much at home. The maid could take it...
  9. http://www.jsmineset.com/2011/11/14/keynote-speech-at-sydney-gold-symposium-14-15-november-2011-by-alf-field/ Paulson's closet? http://cdn.spiegel.de/images/image-279259-galleryV9-spos.jpg
  10. So, who bought the $2B Paulson gold? The Chinese? Or was there no "stuff" anyway, i.e. it was all derivatives, futures, certificates, the whole paper spiel?
  11. Xmas pressie? Hmm, we'll see. The bearish sentiment is incredible given how it's all lined up perfectly for gold. Even on this board here (in parts).
  12. Paulson is a victim of the weakhands and numbnuts under his customers. That's always the problem if you manage other people's money. I am sure he has a nice private stash of the shiny yellow kind that he won't sell for a long time.
  13. Wasn't it supposed to be a good solution that there is not only your own diary (and anyone else's who wishes to), but also the "beat B&H" (does it really work, BTW? )? People who write too much about trading in the general GOLD thread then simply need to be aware that they get a little more heat for this. They should automatically wash up in more trading oriented threads. I tend to simply ignore the trader threads and that spares me a lot of headaches I suppose. I think it is very dangerous in these time to throw away physical gold, but every opinion needs its place and I am not the forum owner. So, I just try to make my POV clear every now and then. Given that Pixel has his own forum now, he should possibly let the traders be what they are. After all, he might be able to even get some "Schadenfreude" out of this once it is all said & done.
  14. I have a feeling like next week we'll go through $1,800 and never ever look back again.
  15. For my own sanity I need to stay clear of your & Pixel's eternal squabble. Maybe it should have a subtitle? "General investing, valuation models, charts & related news"
  16. Can we remove the thread's subtitle again, in order to keep it free of any spin?
  17. Paulson is smart, and I am pretty sure he will keep his personal gold. As a fund manager, however, he is exposed to the will of traders and weak hands who (absurdly) want to throw their gold away every time the fiat money system is imploding a little more. Funny world. The case for gold has never been more obviously bullish than now.
  18. The ECB has just cut rates, so, money, money, moneyyyyy...
  19. Nice to see gold bounce back after the idiots' sympathy selling.
  20. As I said, it's unlikely to rise 100% over the next 2 months, but I don't think it's impossible. Margin hikes, so what? I hope they turn it into a cash market asap. The world financial system is collapsing. Silver is an outrageous bargain. Silver is gold's naughty little sister, as Frizzers once wrote. So, don't complain if your hair catches on fire. I rode $21 to $9, and I rode $49 to $26 recently. At least it doesn't get boring. Call me Silverfinger. Euros anyone? Dollars? Swiss Francs? Yen? :lol: You gotta be kidding me!
  21. I agree that KWN has a mission, and that no one can distract Eric King from that. I also don't listen to all interviews, actually, one of the most annoying ones is usually Gerald Celente (it's more about tone and demeanor than about content). However, IMO, James Turk has been right with his overall assessment of the situation. He usually is too early, expects things to unravel too fast. I have made the same mistake in the past, so I have some understanding for that too. There is no doubt in my mind that silver will go to $60, $75, and in fact way beyond. By end of the year? Maybe not. EDIT: I want to add, even more annyoing is that everyone (FSN, KWN, or e.g. DrBubb) gives too much time and too much space to the astrologers of our time: technicians. Why would I want to hear what Louise Yamada's crystal ball has to say, when I could instead listen to someone who really knows what's going on, like Janet Tavakoli.
  22. http://kingworldnews.com/kingworldnews/KWN_DailyWeb/Entries/2011/10/31_James_Turk_-_Silver_Formation_Projects_Spike_to_$60_-_$75_Level.html
  23. Let's stay focused here. There is no solution for nothing, except:
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