I don't know why you can't all just get along and cut out the distracting petty squabbles and tit for tat name calling, posts and thread titles. That goes for everyone. I imagine we are all here for the same broad reasons. I.E. mistrust of mainstream economists, politicians, central banks, central bankers, banks, bankers, hedge funds and the current monetary / financial system. Trying to minimise the impact of the aforementioned on your wealth, purchasing power, financial security, stability and family.
If you buy and hold gold / silver as part of your strategy, it works for you and you are happy with it fine. If you buy and hold miners as part of your strategy, it works for you and you are happy with it fine. If you buy and hold more exotic / complicated instruments as part of your strategy, it works for you and you are happy with it fine. Now substitute the words buy and hold for the words trade and speculate and the same still applies. It is your money, your choice, your risk and your life. Grow up and stop belittling the decisions other people have made, it is their money, their choice, their risk and their life.