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Everything posted by plan9

  1. It's also 99.999% pure! From Wikipedia: On May 3, 2007, the Royal Canadian Mint unveiled a Gold Maple Leaf coin with a face value of One Million Dollars,[1] though the gold content was worth over $2 million at the time. It measures 50 cm in diameter by 3 cm thick and weighs 100 kilograms, with a purity of 99.999%. The artist is Stanley Witten. The coin is mainly a promotional product to give the mint a higher international profile.[1] The 100-kilogram coin was conceived as a one-off showpiece to promote the mint's new line of 99.999 per cent pure one ounce Gold Maple Leaf bullion coins[1] but after several interested buyers came forward the mint announced it would manufacture them as ordered and sell them for between $2.5 million and $3 million. As of May 3 2007 there were five confirmed orders.
  2. @ romans holiday We're wise to your kind, Sergeant Wilson, ask Jones to demonstrate the HPC gold thread aversion plan! Mr Jones, if you would be so kind: Sorry, I HAVE had a few this evening!
  3. Stupid boy, it's deflation, cash is king. Trust me, I'm a bank manager! (Oh, and I'm not intelligentsia. I'm an ex-warehouse worker... So maybe I should shut-up! )
  4. It won't be like that at all. Post crash, we'll be back to mud huts and mysticism in no time. So a Kruger find would be more like the local soothsayer saying: BeHOLD! The era of the Gordogon! It is said, that to stare into it's cyclopic eye! Would turn your FIAT saving account to STONE! :o
  5. There's Gooold! In them there (banker) bailouts! On a more serious note, just started reading this: Exchange control (gold coins).Commons sitting, Deb 13 June 1966. May be of interest (sorry if posted before). Oh, and welcome back cdswamp!
  6. Cheers for the positive comments about my redundancy guys! I planned for the possibility, so should be OK for now. It shouldn't be a shock I know, but it's a shame to break up a good team. Ho hum. (And sorry for posting off topic in this thread)
  7. http://www.mailonsunday.co.uk/news/article...ndon-hotel.html I'm drinking the good stuff because my redundancy came through Friday (good on my ex-employer). It's all in the above. (I just want to curl up and hide folks... )
  8. Or drinking too much home made cider. (Sorry folks...) ( From actual pressed apples: )
  9. First off all, there is no magic wand that made it so people cannot go hungry or homeless. Second, july this year inflation will be madnotes, and will increase over the next 12-18 months to ludicrous levels. It's a hyperinflationary depression. That means no work and sky high prices. It's a shame Injin isn't postin here
  10. Meanwhile, over on the other channel: "Who's Watching The Dollar., GBP and Euro soaring." "Euro collapse may be the big event ahead which steals the history book chapter headlines of "Global Depression 2008-2012." Sterling is safest in dollars and yen. Maybe AUD and CAD on the green shoots of upturn."
  11. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=GZxY1J69WsQ&...feature=related
  12. If we close over 800 can we have a rocket?
  13. Come on gold close over 800! (While you're waiting enjoy! ) Edit: you're (it's the cider...)
  14. [/lerk]Maybe I should teach you people how to make (hard) cider! [lerk] Edit: Love your posts Ker + your analysis!
  15. I think I'll start making a list of the furniture in my house... As a hobby... For no particular reason... If push comes to shove, do you think I should keep the beds?
  16. Reuters: Gold monthly fall biggest in 25 years I tried to sell mine, but my fingers just wouldn't let go of it!
  17. I'm not getting rid of mine any time soon either!
  18. I know what you mean, silver swore she was a lady, but she's acting like a cheap commodities tart!
  19. (My understanding of it) If money is created from debt, and lent at interest, then where does the interest come from? If all the debt money is represented by 1.0, and lent out at 2% interest, then 1.02 money is required to service that debt. So (by my understanding of it) economic growth must be at least 2% (the 0.02) otherwise some people will default (1.0 money in existance, 1.02 needed to replay). Keep spinning that wheel hamster boy!
  20. All is quite before the NYMEX smackdown?
  21. Thanks wren. I won't be selling up the yellow stuff just yet! In fact I bought some more silver two weeks ago after the drop, but haven't received it yet.
  22. I wish! TEN GRAND! Incidentally, my mum (or us mam, as we say around here) sold a garage a little worse than that for SEVEN grand a few years ago... Naturally she blew that cool 7 big ones on shit... The value of "Money" seems to have lost all meaning to most (if you ask me).
  23. I worry about the third comment on that link. (Hi everyone, clueless newbie here!)
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