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Everything posted by nigel2012

  1. Does anyone have any proof of massive short positions on Gold currently operating which are driving the price lower? Previously when any country within the EMU has found itself unable to pay high levels of interest on servicing their debt, Gold has gone up massively in price. Was that purely on the expectation of a bail-out of the country threatened Is it going to play out differently this time, does Greece leaving the EMU without any more bail-out mean deflation, less money supply and consequently a continuation of the Gold price downwards?
  2. Remember the rules of what happened last time with regard to Gold and to a lesser extent Silver do not apply now. The M3 money supply was levered up at an incredible trajectory following the Lehman Brothers collapse. Also as the main fear is of contagion following Greece defaulting on its debts, preceding a Fiat currency collapse, then there is only one source of protection from that (especially when contagion spreads to the US) GOLD!!
  3. Manor House also has Finsbury Park on the other side of it, so this is a great location, BUT with Europe's debt crisis still massively under-represented in the mainstream press and larger economy then I would have thought that house prices will go into freefall when the UK re-enters recession either this year or in 2012. I was going to buy a flat in a large block in Slovenia before the CDO-inspired banking crisis of 2008-09, but pleased I didn't. Anyone buying a flat in a huge block when the economy tanks either takes a large hit short-term and stays with it for the long-term or if needing to sell is going to have to discount heavily when the prices go down and there are so many others who are in the same boat. So it depends if you think the economy is on the mend or just re-inflated by QE1, QE2, UK banking bail-out etc. I believe there is far far worse to come so house prices and flat prices will dive.
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