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  1. Your were ridiculing my investment choices. I ridiculed you back....fair game? Seriously FK, you have made a number of very constructive posts over the last few weeks and i thought that i had got you wrong, but then you resort to your favourite tactic of ridiculing and humiliating other posters???? FFS, stop digging, and as someone else pointed out, get yourself some self awareness!!!
  2. Fitkid You have eaten far too many salmonella laden bilberries and sloshed them down with bleach Now go away....
  3. The way i invested was to have a core in gold stocks and a lesser amount in bullion. When i bought the bullion in 2007, the physical was lagging the stocks by a fair amount. That has now reversed. Warpig is right in that the stocks will have their day again but it is just soul destroying to see these big moves in physical and seeing no movement in the stocks at all. Dont get me wrong, my gold stocks are showing a healthy profit so i have no reason to complain
  4. The economic commentators are all saying the same in that they are undervalued, but its still bloody frustrating!
  5. The frustrating thing for me is the Gold stocks are still left on the launchpad! Only bright light is that they dont seem to be selling off like the general market
  6. Keep playing this.........great tune.......thanks for the introduction riggerz
  7. [Alanfreeman] Moshtastic mate! [/Alanfreeman] Still listen to the Helmet/HOP on occasions, but the senser is probably even better
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aRor905cCw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iR6oYX1D-0w Bad times are comin and I reap what I don't sow....hey hey Well let me tell you somthin all that glitters ain't gold....hey hey
  9. Think its been posted already but wtf. One for all yous Golbugs! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1J3uj2wqPPA&ob=av2e
  10. No i hope it didnt sound like that. I dont have a timescale but when/if we reach $3000, then that is the point where i will start to sit up and watch the markets a little more closely. Where i was coming from is that as I have a buy & hold strategy, I am aware that this strategy also breeds inertia. You tend to become acustomed to the volatility of the gold price and the danger is that i will hold through thick and thin when the time has come to get out. When we eventually reach the top in the gold price, the downside will take many of the unwary by surprise, but for now, i am sure we have much further to go The average joe's that i talk to still think that property is the way to go! This week has been a bit of a schadenfreude moment for me seeing gold go through £1000. Back in 2005, a (now ex) friend and I were discussing investing, and despite me taking the contrarian view of the time warning him of the dangers of property investing, he laughed in my face and went ahead and bought a Bulgarian holiday flat. I then told him i had bought a significant investment in gold miners, warned him of the risk of bank/sovereign defaults,(unheard of in 2005), which once again he laughed in my face and publicly humiliated me! Now I dont know about you, but I get a bit hacked off when someone laughs in my face! So I have been waiting for the day that "gold hits £1000" was splashed across every tabloid newspapers front page....(and even "third bong" on news at ten!)....and this week was the week that I had my schadenfreude moment, returned the gesture and laughed in my ex friends face! . As for the Bulgarian flat?......thats nicely underwater now and he has never had a single let in the time he has owned it.
  11. Looks like your posts have appeared
  12. This is something that also worries me. Just as we build positions over time, then my plan would be to average out over time once i feel we are getting close to the end game Its too easy to think we can pick the exact top, so sell out in stages and leave some profit for the next guy
  13. £1000.31 We have a winner! Gold stocks looking like they are finally moving. Noticed that the HUI has decoupled from the broad stock market....Dow -146...HUI...+8
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