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Everything posted by AgeingBabyBoomer

  1. He saw something shiny, nicked it and flew away. ABB
  2. Aiui, thye pick up any metal - as a few folks with interesting piercings have discovered. ABB
  3. Prompts me to ask if anybody has ever tried taking gold coins through an airport lately? I'm thinking the best bet is to mix it in with regular coins and put it through the hand luggage scanner. Anybody fancy doing a trial run with a sov or two and reporting back? ABB
  4. Not to mention Bliar, who now works for JPM.... ABB
  5. CNBC=ShoeshineboyTV. Yes they keep talking about gold - clear sign that it is about to go down IMO. IIRC January is a seasonal highpoint for gold (Wedding season + Chinese New Year). ABB
  6. Could somebody explain what the O's and X's mean, and how they are generated? They always look like a whacky game of connect4 to me ABB
  7. Friday's Tom O'Brien First 10 mins on gold. ABB Edited by Steve to correct link (remove extra http)
  8. Beware, commodity index rebalancing ahead ABB
  9. I had an issue with the iced-tea implementation supplied with Fedora 8. (Applet not initialised). The fix is to uninstall iced-tea packages (but due to the large number of dependencies it will remove a lot of other stuff). Install the sun JRE/JDK, reinstall things like Open Office etc. ABB
  10. If that's the case, then fine - only the subtlety of the message was not conveyed by defacing Ker's chart. To me (as a recovering scientist) TA looks like voodoo, but I like to hear all sides of an argument and draw my own conclusions. ABB
  11. Poor form. Ker is as entitled to his opinion as your are to yours. No matter how right you may have been lately, throwing stones is simply throwing stones. ABB
  12. Agreed, an expected delivery time would be nice, only I can imagine peeps would start arbitraging during dips in the spot price... ABB
  13. Nevertheless, it is mildly misleading to advertise a product as available, only to give delayed delivery once the customer has committed to an order... ABB
  14. Hmm, that's the problem with TA, any number of analyses can give a plausible answer, but only one of them turns out to be right. ABB
  15. Bob Hoye is looking for a bottom around $770 (ooer). ABB
  16. Ed Young talks about this on the TOB show About 10 mins in. ABB
  17. Gold or silver? If gold, the maples are 9999, eagles 917, so you probably got a deal. OTOH, you should get what you ordered, so I would query it. How bad are the dents, and how old are the sovs? A couple of mine have dings, but only visible through a hand lens. I would query it, after making sure the error was not in my favour ABB
  18. Airstrip One will always be part of the Empire. ABB
  19. Medvedev lashes out at gold producers ABB
  20. Too paranoid for me - I thought it more likely to have been part of a media scare campaign to rally support for taxpayer funded bailouts. The MSM has been in overdrive on that particular topic. ABB
  21. Was down at ATS today, no queues, two other customers whilst I was there. Very low on stocks, and they 'had been busy'. Chatting to the guy, he mentioned the Guardian article. Apparently, they only had a 'few words' and next thing they were on the front page of the Grauniad. Not too pleased, as they prefer to be discreet for obvious reasons. Apparently photographers had arrived this morning to photograph the queues of people trying to buy gold, but there were none. Draw your own conclusions. ABB
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