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Drake & Cobra: Mass Arrests, Reboot Event

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Apparently Saint Germaine concurs - highest members of cabal arrested.


ET arrival too !


Saint Germain ~~ About Disclosure and the Landings


We come with breaking news!

I, Saint Germain and the Arcturians are at liberty to inform you that some of your space brothers have landed on your planet. A few shuttles received permission to land on your soil and more specifically in Roswell (U.S.A.) and Staffordshire (England). Among the first to land were the Pleiadians and the Arcturians : the Pleiadians for their closeness to your earthly civilization and the Arcturians because of their leadership abilities to handle the procedures involved. The Arcturians are the ones who monitor everything conscientiously as regards to your spiritual evolution on one hand and the disclosure project on the other hand...

. . .

Unfortunately, the Arcturians and I, Saint Germain, have to confirm what you probably already heard through your daily updates. Evidently we refer to the fact that Disclosure will be delayed somewhat.

. . .

What isn’t readily known is the fact that the highest ranking members of the cabal have been arrested and their subsequent trials have resulted in them being sentenced for life. They have then been removed from this Earth and were escorted to another world where they can only wait for their final verdict which will be pronounced by our Creator. Please be aware without a shadow of a doubt that they will never ever be allowed to return to planet Earth! Those who already are removed to another world are on this planet replaced by clones which of course have no soul and they can and will be deactivated when their ‘usefulness’ ends


Read more: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/forum/topics/look-at-this#ixzz1wXhorVD6



I think it shows how these "sources" tend to feed of each other.


As stated elsewhere, I msitrust Channel info

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To paraphrase Yogi Berra and his “It ain’t over till it’s over,” you could say ‘they ain’t ready till their ready.’ as far as ‘The Plan’ is concerned.


Which is a handy card to be able to play when your previously predicted dates come and go without incident. Funny that eh? This stuff is no different to Harold Camping's Rapture predictions, it's just been given an X-Files makeover to make seem more plausible. Scratch away the window dressing though and it's little more than a faith based longing for salvation. The world is a big bad place and some people seek to blame problems on a dark force, it's just that now it's the NWO and not the Devil. Throw in those drip feeding us this "hidden" information and you have the classic struggle of good versus evil in the run up to a defining event. Rather than the sermon on the mount you now have the podcast from the net. The followers believe they are the chosen few, that they have an enlightenment that others lack, and they continually label those who disagree with them as uninformed - witness the spread of the "Sheeple" put down. I struggle to see why this whole Drake thing should have any more credibility than Camping? Arcturians? Really?


As for this...


"the highest ranking members of the cabal have been arrested and their subsequent trials have resulted in them being sentenced for life. They have then been removed from this Earth"


How very handy. We have no evidence this cabal exists. We have no evidence our sky brothers exist. But that's ok, as the one set of people we have no evidence for have been removed by the other set of people we have no evidence for to a location we have no evidence for in an event we have no evidence for. Glad we cleared that up. Again, look at the relgious parallels - good versus evil, otherworldly saviours and a doctrine of punishment for sins. It's horseshit.

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Yes, I tend not to believe this. But this begs the question, why would they bother putting something like this out there? When they say specific things like this and then they don't come true, they've just lost much of their audience permanently.


People still follow Camping and he has multiple failed predictions to his name. Some people just need to believe in something it would seem. I'm sure if Geithner turns out NOT to have been detained, there will very shortly follow claims that he in fact HAS been (maybe on the same conveniently undisclosed off-Earth location as the rest of the Cabal), and the Geithner we see before us is a shapeshifting space brother who has been beamed in to steer us back on course or something. In fact I'd put money on it.


The alternative, of course, is that this is deliberate disinformation geared to engage the X Files internet generation. Either that or a way of generation web traffic for advertising revenue. Makes sense when you think about it. You have a whole subset of people who are both fed up of the lowest common denominator pap that passes as "entertainment" these days AND disillusioned with the existing power structures, yet who still need someone to guide them towards what they should think. Having this whole NWO X-Files stuff validates their disillusionment and makes them feel important. It's classic manipulation, as performed by religions and advertisers alike. Doesn't even have to be for any nefarious ends, it could just be ego. Some people like to feel like they're important, and having your own little online following salivating over your every "disclosure" would seem to fit the bill nicely.

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Wow, that guy really put his neck on the line with this news. I mean if it's not true, he just lost quite a following, eh? And I'd say chances are better that it's not true. But I sure hope it is! Looking forward to checking the news tomorrow AM. Aren't Geithner and Bernanke supposed to be at a Bilderberg meeting in Chantilly VA tomorrow? That'll put a damper on the party :P



I think he has had a few misses before - but this looks like a Big One.


(It is Saturday now in HK, and I see no news)


It seems silly for him to "go public" this way, with such an unlikely story

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I have mentioned somewhere that we should pay no attention to whatever this 'Drake' says.

I've only ever listened to part of one of his interviews - they do not interest me at all.

Much of what he says may be fantasy,

but he represents a strong intention amongst the Militia, and ex-military types in the US, who have loads of weapons


His talks are long and rambling, but in some interviews he does "get focused", so I find them an interesting window on how "the Militia's intentions" may be developing.


No other country is armed the way America is... Don't forget that

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No other country is armed the way America is... Don't forget that


That might be why there is such a proliferation of mind control devices in America - to keep people asleep and sedated with American Idol, baseball etc.


Militia groups were one of my targets when I was spamming people about 9/11 ... along with military bloggers, anti-gun control activists, gun show exhibitors etc :)

I'd like to think the cabal hates me. LOLOL!

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I'd like to think the cabal hates me. LOLOL!

Don't try too hard to antagonise them.

They can turn nasty

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(he didnt backtracK)


Deep Intel Down The Rabbit Hole 6-01-12


These Intel bits just came in a few minutes ago --------



Scheduled to go live this evening at 6:00 PM EST from Wash. DC

Suppose to be live on all mass media networks.


Topics of discussion will be:

Basil III Banking Switch over

Currencies RV

The end of the Federal Reserve

Introduction of Treasury Banks

Timothy Geithner Dismissal And Replacement

Bernanke Dismissal And Replacement




Timmie boy has been singing and singing like a canary to save his own bacon. He has been given diplomatic immunity and presently in China to retrieve his family.

Guess he be living in safe houses from now on. The Dark Cabal is a step ahead of the Mafia per payback!





This is speculation on my part ---- But per the "Plan" as quoted by Drake, the massive arrests and lock down is about to happen. DRAKE is right on!

America Thanks You Sir


GOD Bless You All

GOD Bless America Again


John MacHaffie - HIS humble servant


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Melb says:

June 1, 2012 at 1:02 pm

Hello John and Sunfire,

great news for all of us, this is just speculation, but the mass arrest is about to happen, and Drake is ready, right on! and I want to thank the ET’s/ED’s for all the work they have done here on planet Tierra (Spanish for Terra or Earth) and I cannot thank them enough because without them we will not be able to be free from these monsters, and who created these monsters anyway? And when we as humans become 4D, four dimmentional beings I would like to be like them helping others humans from other planets. I am 59 years old, but I have the energy of 25 year old woman. I know that when we become 4D , we are going back to 30′s years old and it is wonderful for all us, it will be beautiful transition. Please Sunfire tell the ET’s that I am calling them to come to my place, my back yard anytime.




Sunfire says:

June 1, 2012 at 2:44 pm

Mel B,

From what I understand, everyone will be given the choice to help out and receive advanced training when that time comes.

Btw, I passed along the invitation, they said they will keep that in mind. And to tell you “Thank You For The Invitation.”




neil pearce says:

June 1, 2012 at 4:46 pm

Can I come? LOL!

I don’t know what to think about all this ‘Drake’ business. I mean don’t get me wrong, I believe and fully trust the ET/ED’s, and I have learned a lot of the last two years and especially over the last few months, but listening to drake over these last two months feels like reading those messages from channellers. It’s the same thing over and over again and to repeat what JK said ‘the proof is in the pudding’?




Sunfire says:

June 1, 2012 at 4:58 pm


Everyone will be given the opportunity that wants it.

Re: the other. They’ve interestingly enough taken a more pulled back to broadly support “in general” of the freedom movement, and human part in liberating the planet. Like they support the Oath Keepers, White Hats (real ones) and all allied groups. Verses supporting individuals. Plus currently their attentions lay elsewhere than that. Bigger Fish To Fry, and Higher Priorities to attend to over what is coming out of one man’s mouth. What Drake is saying will happen, one way or the other soon enough…and well that’s enough for them. Even my attention and focus has deliberately been redirected elsewhere, and I haven’t listened to a Drake interview in a few weeks.




neil pearce says:

June 1, 2012 at 5:08 pm

Thanks Sunfire,

I listened to his last interview and apart from the ‘Dragon women’ who sounds suspiciously like ‘Ruby Rhod’, the DJ from the movie ‘The Fifth element’….not much has changed. Same promises and same possible outcomes? But I can see that it will certain happen, but I can’t see it happening as easy as drake makes out? We will see????




Sunfire says:

June 1, 2012 at 5:26 pm

Well we’re certainly inching towards such a smooth outcome, I’m thinking though from what I understand of “timelines” or “time frames” that it might just be “slightly” bumpier than that and maybe take “slightly” longer than his current projections. But, I suppose we’ll see soon enough wont we? Only thing I really know for sure, there wont be any mass casualty, catastrophic or nuclear/radioactive events permitted. I do know that much.

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facebook_roy.d.woodward says:

June 3, 2012 at 9:48 am

What’s your latest take on DRAKE?




Sunfire says:

June 3, 2012 at 10:06 am

I haven’t been following him as of late. My attention, focus and energy is elsewhere on more important (for me anyway) things. What he is doing is going to happen whether or not I pay attention to what he and the Freedom Movement people are saying/doing or not. If you are in a position to get involved with your community and take part in it, great. If you’re not, watch it all unfold and spend your time doing something else productive like becoming a mentor to those that are ready to listen, and doing what you can to develop your own higher senses and abilities like Telepathy (this is the most common communication method of the ET/EDs), your instincts, intuition and inner sense of knowing. Do what you can to improve any diet changes you want to make, exercise changes. There is always something to do. :)

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Drake Has Moved… to Global Voice Radio Network… 6-3-12 Show… MP3s


Posted on 2012/06/04


Immense thanks go to Geek Kish for letting me know about this. All this is pretty new to me and I have no idea about the complete story. However, with all the Higher Energies coming in now, I suppose we should not be surprised with changes, anywhere.


Apparently, Drake and company have moved to a new home website location, http://americannationalmilitia.com.


Also, he has a new radio show location, Global Voice Radio Network.


That being said, there was a show yesterday, 6-3-12, mp3s of which are here


/see link: http://kauilapele.wordpress.com/2012/06/04/drake-has-moved-to-global-voice-radio-network-6-3-12-show-mp3s/

=== ===


I listened to a bit of it.

He sounds genuine enough

"I am a messenger... I am tired, and I would have wanted to see more progress with this by now."


He bangs on a bit about the pots-and-pans protest, and the role of women in fostering change.

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Jeanne says:

June 5, 2012 at 7:18 am


Drake has moved from Freedom Reigns. http://www.spreaker.com/user/4664624


Drakes website: http://americannationalmilitia.com (this is Drake’s new home website;signup and get auto email when green light is given)




David Wilcock will publish any needed updates to.



Any problems with these links go to kauliapele’s site and click the links for Drake

For some reason Freedom Reigns broke the relationship.

Terri will join in. Won’t have a regular show.

Next show is Wednes eve. with Drake depending on your time zone.

It’ll be 5 PM here Mountain Time in Colorado. j

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He bangs on a bit about the pots-and-pans protest, and the role of women in fostering change.

. . .

Apparently, Drake and company have moved to a new home website location, http://americannationalmilitia.com.


Also, he has a new radio show location, Global Voice Radio Network.


That being said, there was a show yesterday, 6-3-12, mp3s of which are here


/see link: http://kauilapele.wordpress.com/2012/06/04/drake-has-moved-to-global-voice-radio-network-6-3-12-show-mp3s/

Remember that old Greek Drama


Lysistrata (/laɪˈsɪstrətə/ or /ˌlɪsəˈstrɑːtə/; Attic Greek: Λυσιστράτη, "Army-disbander") is one of the few surviving plays written by Aristophanes. Originally performed in classical Athens in 411 BC, it is a comic account of one woman's extraordinary mission to end The Peloponnesian War. Lysistrata persuades the women of Greece to withhold sexual privileges from their husbands and lovers as a means of forcing the men to negotiate peace — a strategy, however, that inflames the battle between the sexes.

. . .


There are a lot of things about us women

That sadden me, considering how men

See us as rascals.


As indeed we are!


These lines, spoken by Lysistrata and her friend Calonice at the beginning of the play,[4] set the scene for the action that follows. Women, as represented by Calonice, are sly hedonists in need of firm guidance and direction. Lysistrata however is an extraordinary woman with a large sense of individual responsibility. She has convened a meeting of women from various city states in Greece (there is no mention of how she managed this feat) and, very soon after confiding in her friend about her concerns for the female sex, the women begin arriving.


/wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lysistrata

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Crystal says:

June 5, 2012 at 3:15 pm

I try not to disparage people but here’s a possible cause of Deatra’s disappearance from hosting Drake and her plea for $2,500. Quite possibly she couldn’t physically continue with the show.

Read more: http://www.cdispatch.com/news/article.asp?aid=16670#ixzz1wxDx7dC8

Deatra Marie Loomer, 46, of 30276 Old Highway 41 in Okolona, was arrested April 18 by LCSO and charged with felonious false pretense. She was released on a $2,500 bond

We know that the miscreants like to file false charges to rid themselves of people who point at them and I keep an open mind until her day in court. This doesn’t beshmerch Drake’s message though. He mentioned once about Turkey triangulating a HAARP earthquake from the Cabal. Jim Stone confirmed it. His sources whisper truth.





Sunfire says:

June 5, 2012 at 3:22 pm

Except for the fact that HAARP is incapable of producing earthquakes, they have a different radio frequency device that produces the earthquakes, but it definitely isn’t HAARP.




Crystal says:

June 5, 2012 at 4:18 pm

My bad – poor choice of words on the HAARP question. Thank you for showing me I needed to be specific. =^)

Jim Stone said, “I have confirmed the Turkish earthquake was haarp, but won’t say how

because I don’t want “them” to know how I know.”

Much love!

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CJ says:

June 5, 2012 at 5:41 pm

I listened to Deatra’s broadcast from this past weekend. According to her, the arrest was based on a check of hers forged by someone else. The case is supposed to be dismissed. Apparently, among the reasons for Drake leaving their site was a change in Deatra’s belief in his credibility. He did say on a previous show that Martin Luther King wrote a speech in his backyard. It did sound a bit strange when I heard it and Deatra claims that it’s a complete falsehood. In addition, apparently Drake (according to someone from her show) also wrote some things on the chat about, for instance, a coming flood. In addition, she asked him for some proof for some things he recently said and she claims he could not give it. So, according to her, there’s something of a credibility thing going on. So, who knows.

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Isn't Tim Geithner supposed to be under house arrest or something with his family in China?


I know, I know, it's a clone. Or fake photo. Or something.

To be fair,

The story about Geithner being arrested did not come from Drake

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Connie Knox says:

June 5, 2012 at 8:21 am


Thanks for the update. Oh, you just know there’s whole lot more to this story than so far known. And I’ll keep digging until I find it! My first suspicion is that Freedom Reigns had their broadcasting license threatened. Of course, as more and more people awaken, they could have just been overloaded and it was time for him to have his own site. But, time will tell.




Jeanne says:

June 5, 2012 at 7:42 pm

Drake’s show yesterday says that there was some dark energy there. Broadcasting threats is possible. Good thought. Drake’s next is tomorrow, Wednes at the site I gave you. also the comments are more mature. Drake gets to talk more at least without all the interference of Dieatra or others. J. Not such a kitchen going on. I think Freedom Reigns will still carry some good community information. Keep checking. Drake said in the next few days the verification of who is real and who is not should be coming in within these next couple days and bigger action is about a week or two out.

The Reagan Mitterand Wanta protocols are in these couple days to be released, canceling debt world wide and the Tom Henegan letter says that Fulford is M15/16. Well we will see. Henegan also promotes the last legally elected Pres. Al. Gore. (that’s a no no) Just presenting info here. Let’s see. Recently Fulford says White Dragons are negoc. with The Queen and NWO. I want to say “spit” and get my stomach under control on that. He also says the Amer. Mil. are not likely to go for that. J.




Sunfire says:

June 5, 2012 at 8:02 pm

I know the ET/EDs will not go for it either. The Cabal all must go.




Jeanne says:

June 5, 2012 at 8:38 pm

Full Accords. As the show was finishing yest. a caller asked questions about the Reagan Mitterrand Wanta protocols as mention at the Tom Hennegan site I posted earlier. Maybe we will get an answer about their application within these two days, and may be why Drake stopped the interview. I doubt his dinner being ready was the motive. I’m sure he got the question and can’t talk for another day. I hope. I will definitely be on that show tomorrow. Reagan’s personal writings to the American people consisted of grave warnings.

He also put Wanta out there secretly to do this work and report only to him. Let’s see. I still believe Reagan had a rabbit in the hat, and hated Geo. Bush and crew. J.

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