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"RV", and other Scams to sell Iraqi Dinars, etc.

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RV scam is being shut down, it seems




"Those indicted are: Bradford L. Huebner, 66, of Ottawa Hills, Ohio; Charles N. Emmenecker, 66, of Sylvania, Ohio, and Michael L. Teadt, 67, of Maumee, Ohio.



Rudolph M. Coenen, age 47, of Jacksonville, Florida, has already pleaded guilty to crimes related to his role in the conspiracy.

The men are charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud and wire fraud. Huebner is also charged with multiple counts of money laundering, structuring and willful failure to file currency and transaction reports.

As a result of the defendants’ conduct, investors lost about $23.8 million from dinar sales and more than $700,000 from the sale of non-existent hedge fund “seats” and “placements,” according to the indictment.

“These defendants made false statements time and again to convince people to part with their savings and hard-earned cash,” Dettelbach said. “The fact that they falsely claimed one member of the conspiracy was wounded while fighting in Iraq is particularly egregious.”



He said "some old farts are going to be found to be behind the RV scams"


He also predicted some protests and crowd action, I believe

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It seems he is also in on the RV scam.
This comes from a channeled message:


"Today is Jan. 2, the day the global reset was to be announced in the United States. The first announcement was to have been the appearance of the 800 numbers which would tell all the investors in Dinarland that the currency exchange was to begin, with instructions about what banks would be available for each person’s initial exchange.

It did not happen because the banks refused to release the numbers. They went on strike, banding together – the 5 most powerful banks in the U.S. – to create what they thought was an invincible force. Their cause was to force the hand of those who had given them the lucrative positions in the first place, to demand a larger spread (the profit between what they pay out and what they are paid).

They literally bit the hand that fed them. In their arrogance of power, they presumed they could extort even more enormous profits by sheer belligerence and might, even though it was a clear violation of their previous agreements. They believed they were indispensable to the process, that we could not possibly do it without them. Of course they are wrong."



What a hoot ! How do you arrest a channeled being?

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From Clif High

GURU GUNPLAY on the way. The data from the last run describes the situation as:

Following [deep freeze (in the heart)], the DINAR GURUS agitate the [relatives] of their [mentally weak victims]. A [street confrontation] leads to a [following crowd]. 3/three days later a [conference call] is [interrupted] by a [physical presence] leading to [gunplay].

Soooo...now that the [deep freeze] is here...when is next conference call from the 'gurus'?

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(here's an early story of RV "getting busted" - same case, I think ):


Jacksonville man pleads guilty in Ohio to conspiracy in Iraqi dinar case

The Florida Times-Union

April 19, 2013

A Jacksonville man pleaded guilty Thursday in an Ohio federal court to a scheme to defraud investors in the sale of Iraqi dinar currency and two non-existent hedge funds, authorities said.

Rudolph M. Coenen, 47, pleaded to one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud, one count of wire fraud and five counts of money laundering. His sentencing is scheduled for Aug. 12.


Coenen and three other men promoted Iraqi dinar as having the potential to rocket in value once a re-valuation of the currency took place. They said the investments were protected by the U.S. government.


In addition to the sale of dinar, the conspiracy marketed seats on two non-existent hedge funds that were going to control dinar investments after the currency was revalued.

Coenen was presented to investors as a wounded Iraqi veteran who had deep knowledge of dinar trading and was a former vice president at JP Morgan Chase.


Click on link below to read full report:


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  • 5 weeks later...



The world is willing to restructure the monetary system through the International Monetary Fund but has plans in place to by-pass the western dominated institution if the U.S. Congress does not pass the 2010 Code of Reforms.....


I have received many questions in regards to the currencies of Vietnam and Iraq, being the VND and IQD. The questions have pertained to the so called replacement currencies which are being referred to as VNN and IQN.


Now let’s assume that these “new” currencies will replace the old currencies. The only way that will happen is if the old currencies, the VND and IQD, will be demonetized and taken out of circulation. And I would reason that the only way these currencies would be demonetized is if Congress did not eventually pass the I.M.F. 2010 Code of Reforms. This would force the world to activate its plan to work around the I.M.F. and the U.S. dollar.


.... if Congress does not finally pass legislation to support the 2010 Reforms and restructure the I.M.F. Executive Board, than the rest of the world will deflate away as much of their sovereign debt as possible and then demonetize their currencies, let’s say the VND and IQD in this case, and issue new currencies which will not be pegged to the dollar. These currencies in theory could be the VNN and IQN.


Holders of VND and IQD will make very little if the currencies are demonetized.


........ Many of you are following the banker “suicides” and gold market and currency market manipulation. These are clear signs of changes on the horizon. If the Reforms are passed than the manipulation will act as the catalyst for currency revaluation and sustainability. If the Reforms are not passed, than we will watch all the currencies collapse and sovereign debt will continue to eat away at our everyday lives.....


I predict .... the U.S. Congress will in fact pass the Reforms and will begrudgingly retreat from its dominant role in world affairs, just as the British before it.

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The United States is the last hold out on the Reforms. The Congress has to pass the legislation in order for the 2010 Code of Reforms to be fully enacted and the required changes to the Executive Board of the I.M.F. completed. As some of you may have already guessed, and not to put too fine a point on this, the Reforms will allow for the following things to happen:

  1. Restructure U.S. sovereign debt. (other countries as well)
  2. Final payout on historical bonds.
  3. Revaluation of currencies.
  4. Preliminary SDR bond agreements.
  5. Soft landing for stock markets.
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Even the BBC is reporting the Dinar scam now


A BBC Trending investigation has found that one of the biggest trends on Twitter in the US - #wearethepeople - involves claims about the Iraqi dinar which the International Monetary Fund has called "completely fraudulent".

The hashtag #wearethepeople looks huge. Since it took off on 26 January, there have been more than four million tweets. At first glance, those using the hashtag appear to be making an anti-banking, anti-establishment argument - similar to the Occupy movement. "The bankers do not want us picking on them. Then be ethical! #wearethepeople," for example.

But many of the tweets use terminology which is unintelligible to the outside observer. "Release the RV", they say, "release the Global Currency Reset". This might sound like financial jargon - but these are not economic terms recognised by economists. One of the biggest accounts pushing the hashtag - @THE_TNT_TEAM - has more than 250,000 followers. But tests run on the account suggest that between 65% and 80% of the followers are fake - meaning the scale of the trend is far smaller than the number of tweets would suggest. That said, those who are real followers are heavily engaged. Statistics from the group's chat forum show as many as 25,000 people logging in per day.

So what's it all about? "TNT Tony" - as the man behind this calls himself - encourages Americans to invest in the Iraqi dinar. He says the currency will be revalued imminently, making anyone who buys dinars rich overnight.


> http://m.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-trending-26187471

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  • 6 months later...


Obama's "Do Nothing Stupid" Foreign Policy Fails Again As 'New' Iraqi Government Formation Crumbles

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  • 3 weeks later...

...Plus, for all those people who hope the dinar is going to skyrocket in value once this happens, every real insider I speak to says that is not the case.

The Bush faction created that fiction in order to partially reveal and partially obscure what is going on, and then to profit off of it by selling worthless dinars they acquired from the Gulf war.....

Comment by dwilcock on September 9, 2014 @ 12:59 am

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  • 1 month later...

From Clif High

GURU GUNPLAY on the way. The data from the last run describes the situation as:

Following [deep freeze (in the heart)], the DINAR GURUS agitate the [relatives] of their [mentally weak victims]. A [street confrontation] leads to a [following crowd]. 3/three days later a [conference call] is [interrupted] by a [physical presence] leading to [gunplay].

Soooo...now that the [deep freeze] is here...when is next conference call from the 'gurus'?



Ack! #Dinar scam coming under attack! TM as part of Nov. doin's. Stay tuned for ShootOut @ Dinar Corral..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuniCWLwwsc#t=314

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  • 7 months later...

I always thought there must be some money in the scam for TNT Tony

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  • 1 month later...


I learned sometime today the hard way that those who sell dinar and dong have had their online websites taken over by the FBI.

The person I heard it from and I know nothing more than that but I did verify it by who is and go daddy.


* DinarCorp.com appears to have been taken over by FBI *

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  • 1 year later...

SUSAN LAYS IT OUT regarding the RV ... and is accused of being a Troll

Hang in there, Susan



Published on Oct 17, 2016

Susan is one of my many subscribers on YouTube. She made a comment on yesterday’s video saying she researched the RV and found it to be a scam. I commented, “The real scam is the monetary system we have endured for a long time. Did you research the government of the US and realize that it is a scam of the worst kind imaginable? If not, you did not do your homework.” Of course those who want to maintain the status quo will say that anything promising real change is a scam; but they lie. They build their “evidence” from a virtual mountain of lies going back a very long time. The world has been run by scam artists. Those who present alternatives may be looked at as falling for scams; yet they are the ones who attempt to find alternatives that work. How do you determine the truth in such matters?


(then, in response, Susan laid out her argument):


Hi Ron. Thanks for addressing my comment from yesterday. I will comment further after listening. But on reading your headline: What if they are both scams?
SCAM (I looked up the definition): "A fraudulent scheme performed by a dishonest individual, group, or company in an attempt obtain money or something else of value"
First, the Dinar - I put this together from various sources: The story Dinar RV of 10X, 100X, 1000X or whatever, seems like an obvious scam. The scammer benefits by selling Dinars at a higher price than they paid for them, and the idea that the Dinar will be revalued by some huge amount seems absurd. Why would anyone do that?, They can just go into the market and buy as many Dinars as they want. Some people like David Schmidt say that it is to put liquidity into the system. Really? What a crazy way it would be to achieve this aim. Why would anyone reward nutty currency speculators who did nothing but allowed themselves to be convince to speculate in Dinars. What sense and fairness would there be in that? And who has that much money? The Dragon family, says Schmidt. But he provides no evidence or verification, and that doctored photos of gold in vaults, to back up his claims.
Is the Dollar a scam? For those who believe the old soundbite: The Dollar is as good as gold, then it must seem like a scam. But that idea should have disappeared decades ago, when the US dollar left the Gold standard, and gold prices skyrocketed from $35 to $850, and then more recently to over $1900. Now the US dollar is like all the other currencies, it is backed only by a promise and the reputation of the US government. The notion of a fiat currency does seem scammy to me: How good is the promise of the US, when it has so much debt outstanding? But on another level, at least the US will tell you it is based ONLY by "the full faith and credit of the USA". By contrast, dinarians are not the least bit honest about their scam.
Would I store my wealth in the US Dollar? For short periods, i do. But I tend to prefer to put my own money in other currencies, and in tangible assets like property. These seem better than a promise that it looks like the US cannot keep. But I certainly will not buy any Dinar unless and until I see far better evidence that there is someone out there with actual wealth (not rumored wealth), who has a real motivation to push the Dinar up.
susan... according to your channel you only have 3 subscriptions.. and neither is this channel.. so why are you even here?... your starting to look more like a troll to me
I'd like to know if any more information has been passed along?
The only information that I see on the Dinar RV is being "passed along" from very unreliable sources - who have often been wrong in their forecasts. So why believe any of it? I prefer to listen to a few of my financially sophisticated friends, who are nearly always right - and have warned me many times about things that proved to be scams.
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