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Simon Parkes: Exposed Illuminati, ET contacts. Posts on Proj-A

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Hi, waht are the Avanoids?


I am new to this forum - thanks for this avatar pic Dr Bubb, I love it


I do read regularly about the topics discussed here and I am quite interested to pursue discussion with you guys/gals


I am from North America, but not American (therefore Canadian or Mexican, your pik)


It will be fun to be with your group, i am sure of this


And lets the adventure start


And welcome to GEI, Flash-9 !

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Project Camelot interviews Simon Parkes

Published on Aug 13, 2014
51:40 mins
KC: What is the relationship of the Mantids to the Atlanteans and Lemurians?

SP: We need to bring in Hollow Earth....
..... the Mantids have a very, very strong connection to the Earth planet....
And have .... been around during previous civilisations..... trying to steer in terms of spirituality
Trying to .... stop humanity from making the mistakes it made before
But in such a way that it's not actually treating humanity as a cattle that's been pushed through lots of gates
Attempting to give free will
What the Mantids have done is establish safe havens in the Earth for groups who are semi-dormant which at some point will come round and take part

SP: The Mantis have been given the right by other groups to hold this role
I've often referred to it in the soccer games as the referee
That's the role the Mantids play, as a referee
Because of their long association, which is not questioned by any group, with the humankind on the planet Earth, they have the right to be involved
They have the right to make decisions, which other alien groups may not like but are going to have to abide by
Many of those decisions are made are beneficial to the humankind and sometimes go against the bigger agenda that some other alien groups have
I don't really want to talk about the Ukraine situation...
For instance, the Mantids .... would have been incredibly unhappy had the Ukraine situation gone in any other way
So the situation in Kiev is probably the best outcome under the terms....

KC: The Ukraine is at war now.
.....What outcome do you see as preferred happening?

SP: Because the aeroplane that crashed in Ukraine was destined to crash somewhere else
...... It was headed for Kuala Lumpur
The object was it was never going to leave Kuala Lumpur
It was much better for it to have a nasty situation where it did than Kuala Lumpur
That was the official destination
The plane was diverted in real time to head for one of the proper Russian cities to make a crash landing
And then when that was discovered, it was brought down before it entered what is proper Russian territory

KC: It sounds like the Russians would have shot it down

SP: They absolutely did

KC: Under Putin's direction

SP: Absolutely

KC: If it was headed for Kuala Lumpur, why shouldn't it have arrived?

SP: [inaudible] its destination was originally for that
It changed

KC: OK, it was redirected.
Why was it redirected towards that Russian city?......

SP: It was a last minute decision ..... they didn't want to let anybody else know what they were doing
So the longer you leave a decision, the less chance the other side has to react to
The pilots of the plane didn't actually know.
They were just told to redirect
I don't use the word 'dirty' bomb but along those lines
So in the same way as you guys had to put up with 9/11, Mossad had a very big role to play in that
Mossad had a very big role to play in this one
And the contents of the cargo bay, which would have gone all over this Russian city, didn't

KC: ...... this had a veiled purpose but ultimately .....
... this plane still caused some havoc ..... and ..... there's an escalation
Putin is being blamed but not for the reasons you're saying....
In other words, a defensive move.....
There's also a lot of discussion about Flight 370 and the relationship between the flights....
.... if this plane was going to Kuala Lumpur, it was Flight 370 .... but used for a different purpose

SP: .... the first Malaysian flight that went missing, people are very clear about the group of 19/20 Chinese scientists who were there.
That's fairly well known
Working for an American company.
Working on stealth technology and with ... their demise, the patent then goes to Jacob Rothschild ....
What isn't well known is also another group of scientists
They got all the scientists together, who were genetic scientists
Biological weapon scientists
They were also on the plane
I don't know if you have seen some of the submerged reports, from the rebel commanders on the ground, but a number of the bodies that they found were tortured
I think it's also well known .... on the internet that some of the bodies were long dead
What's less well known is that blood supplies have also been kept and they were containing a very nasty virus
Mossad had a bomb in the hold and the object was to detonate that to spread the contents far and wide
That is why it wasn't taken out with a missile because the last thing you want is an aeroplane exploding at 20,000 feet and pushing all its bits all over the place
It was brought down by cannon fire because cannon fire aimed at the cockpit of the aircraft would disable the pilots so the aircraft just goes into an immediate tailspin and crash on the ground
It does not explode in the air. Therefore you contain within a much smaller distance the contamination.
That is why international observers weren't allowed anywhere near the aeroplane so that they can be contained and the bodies that they wanted to get rid off, get rid off.
Real genuine people who had been dead just that moment - they were obviously given back to their loved ones.
So the clean up operation took place

KC: There is an aeroplane expert .... on the internet ....saying that there are also bullet holes coming from within the aeroplane; going outwards....

SP: I am not familiar with that...
I'm familiar with the type of aircraft that shot down that aircraft, has 2 sorts of cannon rounds
I don't think the Americans use it.
The Russians have a depleted uranium round which is then followed by a high explosive round, followed by a depleted uranium round
So it fires boop, boop, boop,boop - depleted uranium, high explosive, depleted uranium, high explosive
Those were fired into the cockpit
That's .... like a hand grenade going off.
So it immediately incapacitate the pilot, the co-pilot, radio operator and the navigator....
They'll be dead within a second, 2 seconds
It was designed to take out command and control of the aeroplane
I'm not aware of any small arms fire because all aircraft now have very strong doors
I would find it very hard to imagine a hand gun being able to penetrate the door that seals the pilot's cabin from the passengers
The whole object is to make these doors bullet resistant
If we're saying that there's a possibility of a fire fight inside the cockpit, then that would mean that there's an agent onboard
That seems a very unlikely thing to happen because if you're firing in a pressurised cabin at 30,000 feet, how on earth are you going to take control of the aeroplane?
I am knowledgeable of the cannon rounds that were fired from one angle and then a second angle
The aeroplane was being escorted by 2 Ukrainian fighters
The Russians launched ground to air missiles, not at the aeroplane, but to chase off the fighters
The fighters broke out of the way as the ground to air missiles went up and allowed the Russian aircraft to intercept the airplane without engaging the Ukrainian fighters
And then the cannon was fired

KC: Was the Russian aircraft stealth?

SP: No, it didn't need to be

KC: .... I've heard about the fighters.
I don't think I've heard about the other aircraft

SP: No, because if you hear about that .... as a member of the public, then you're putting out information that would implicate the Russian government and the Americans are not going to do that.
The Americans are not going to implicate the Russians in any shape or form because they are operating, on some level, together anyway.
So the last thing they will do is that because then the Americans would have to ratchet up the situation and they don't want to do that.

KC: .... describe the relationship with the Mossad.
We're talking about Israel wanting a war.

SP: No, we're not. We're not talking about Israel.
We are talking about a lead group of people who are Jewish with an Israel who wants a war
We got to be very careful
I'm actually a Jew myself
We have to [inaudible] the reptiles and say, "Which reptiles are you talking of?"
Let's be specific here.
You're talking about the lead group of people who have always been used by groups of Americans to undertake incredible difficult and all those jobs almost nobody else on the planet would undertake
The reason this group of Israelis have this protection is because they have for a very long time, had very close connections with an offworld group who protect them and advise them
That is known by America and America does not have access to this same group and that is why America treats the Israeli nation with great respect
That's why these Israelis can almost get away with anything
Because nobody wants to push it to the nth degree

KC: This group..... you don't seem to refer to this group as the Annunnaki
It seems that they would be.....

SP: I'm quite happy to go with that

KC: .... it seems to be the popular name they go by

SP: .... The Americans will know the Ancient Aliens TV series.......
We are looking at a group, from interaction with Sumeria - that is the group
Through the Mesopotamian bloodlines
My human father was Iranian, an Iranian Persian Jew
He can trace the bloodline right back to Sumerian times
So this is the group that most certainly would not let go of the Israeli nation because they see them as the chosen race and that's exactly where it comes from

KC: They are depicted on the reliefs in temples etc
We're talking about in Sumeria; also in Iran.
There's some gorgeous art that has depicted these beings who are humanoid

SP: Yes. My grandfather was actually invited .... as a British diplomat to go to Persepolis, Persia and was given a tour.....
Before the reliefs were cleaned, (they were all cleaned and restored now), some of the winged beings...
I think he went in 1956 and he said to me, "What a magical place. What a powerful place. The centre of a great nation. Revered to this day."
He said to me, "If there was ever a war in this area, this will never be bombed.".....

KC: .....Atlanteans still being around .... and the Lemurians....
In my view, we are the Atlanteans
We have reincarnated....
The drama on planet Earth - we are reliving from a different viewpoint a lot of those things that went down during those days....
Atlantis was just like now.
we have so many different races, different groups....
Does that make any sense because we have this elitist group here on this planet that relates to themselves as The Atlanteans.
I think they mean the ruling class of the Atlanteans

SP: ..... The group that's running the world now - not Lemurians, not Atlanteans, not at all - they are the ones who see themselves as beyond involved.
They see themselves as incredibly educated, very knowledgeable, the holders of magic, the holders of power, the holders of the keys
They are interacted on the fringes by the very 3D nuts-and-bolts people who are running the world
Civilisations have never been totally destroyed
They are preserved in some ... way
You refer to yourself as reincarnated.
Yes, indeed
We talk about the Hollow Earth
I've never agreed to a hollow planet but I have agreed to caverns and areas where cities exist in 3rd dimension and the 4th dimension, held within the planet
Those people who have come from Earth cities from the past - you have an expertise and knowledge which is not acceptable now but will be if the.... human race changes its values
These people come out of hiding and they can be part of the regeneration process to take place
The Mantids have preserved a line and protected groups right through history, ready for a time when they may or may not be available
So yes, I absolutely agree with that
If anything, hopefully, people have learnt that greed, avarice, the desire to have weapons, the desire for power destroys great civilisations
That's what destroyed these places
Because their love was outstripped by their demand for knowledge, which then became the demand for power and became more corrupting
If we learn anything from that, we can go forward and create another wonderful civilisation but not fall into the traps they made before.
I'm afraid the human race does need a referee - somebody to say, not tell it whatt to do but to say, "Here's the advice. If you choose that advice, that's fine but if you don't, you live by it."....
SP: There's are a number of experiments taking place around the Earth at the moment, in a non-physical sense, to see if reptilian culture can live side-by-side with human culture
Can the reptilians give up their idea that they're the gods?
Can they give up their idea that they can eat whoever they want?
Can they come to the point where they can work with humanity?
Can the human race - I don't meant Earth-bound humans; I mean all of the human race; pure humans - can they actually accept a living situation with these creatures?
Because if they can, then when humanity evolves, it will take other races with it to the next level

If that can occur, then ... the ripple effect throughout the multiverse would be so beneficial that it would actually be a healing source for just about everything.
We have a number of experiments taking place, in different places on the planet
.... What I am is a person who's experienced these creatures and just been honest and gone out there and said to people,
"You know what? this is the truth. You either buy into it or you don't. And if you don't, maybe in 5 years time, you will. So be around then and we'll talk about it."
If people vote for me because they think I'm a good guy, sort out their problems and the fact that I have interactions with aliens isn't a problem for them, then humanity is advancing.
That's what i want to see - humanity advancing.
Not standing still. Not going backwards.

KC: In terms of the races that are out there, when I mentioned the raptors that Mark Richards is dealing with, he says they have a relationship with the air force which is pretty strong, as well as the navy to some degree.
I've been told that there are 2 races of reptilians actually here on Earth, that want to take over the planet, that.. consider themselves rulers of this planet
Not just one.
So they are different .... racial lines.
I'm not sure what the distinction is between the 2....
The Mantids and the reptilians are working together
I don't know if the Mantids are working with both groups or just one of them
And they are the enemies .... with the raptors and the raptors are aligning themselves with humans because they have seen their future
Mark Richards said had seen that in aligning themselves with humans, they have a positive future for their race which sounds v ery similar to what you're saying with regards to the Mantids
And possibly a group of reptilians as well
.... How do you view the raptors?

SP: ..... If anybody wanted to take over the Earth, they'd done it.
However, there is some magic that says you have to let the indigenous people give you the Earth
You can't just take it
You have to be given it
So the raptors are working to ensure that humanity gives it to them as a present
Therefore it's theirs to keep
The airforce like the raptors because they have a personal relationship with them
.... The Earth is a prison planet...
The vast majority of the reptilian groups here want to keep the status quo and they work tirelessly to maintain the status quo
That's what it's about
Are the Mantids and reptiles working together?
Yes, they are.
They have an overall goal, but within that, the Mantids have their own agenda
.... if you imagine some oil was found under the sea and the Americans provided the boat for it
And then the Germans provided the optics and the British, the crew
So all countries join together to exploit this natural resource
So they all agreed but when they actually got to the resource, they disagreed
What happened a very, very, very long time ago was a number of alien groups sat at the table and agreed a policy towards humanity
But as things moved on, 2012 approached and came through and as it became clearer, some of those groups decided they didn't want to be part of this any more and they would follow their own agenda
However, when you make an agreement, you make an agreement.
So you have to find a way within that agreement to change the outcomes
And that's what's occurring at the moment
You have a group of reptilians who are very well known to many people in America, who wish to keep the status quo.
You have groups of raptors
There are many other groups who are advising small elements of individual influential people and their goal is to get them to somehow give them the Earth on a plate
Because they are not strong enough to take it themselves
And then you have other groups who want to see humanity free
But the whole rider here is that the DNA in humans is changing, on an energetic level
It cannot be stopped.
This process cannot be stopped
So it's about damage limitation from these people's point of view
How can humans evolve and still be prisoners?
How can that occur?
That is what the game is about now.
If they can't, well, then there are some mad people out there who say, "If we can't have the planet, we'll destroy it."
That is the ball game being played.
When people talk about war, they don't understand that in certain circumstances, it's not just a physical war, there's an energetic war
There's a war of planning, counter planning, plotting
The second guessing that takes place 24/7
I talked about - I don't know if you saw the presentation I did about the CERN Hadron collider - you saw that one?

KC: No....

SP: That was the particle accelerator that was on the borders of France and Switzerland
It was designed to operate on 21st December and that wouldn't have been a very good thing
At the time, I was writing on project Avalon, saying to people that I'm very concerned about this
Somebody found a clip on Youtube and said there's someone talking exactly as you are.
Someone who can trace his lineage back to the Mayan kings who was going around S America, placing some very sacred objects among the hidden pyramids in the jungles
Because he said that the CERN device operates over that.
It will prevent humans from ascending - that was his terminology

KC: Yes, I wrote an article about that....

SP: I haven't seen that.....
I didn't know this guy but he's what you guys call a backstop
So if the device operated successfully, he was the fall back man
It was very clear to me that this machine wasn't particularly beneficial to humanity and so it didn't work on 21st Dec
I used it in my lectures - I have a screenshot showing that it actually shut down and didn't operate over the crucial period

KC: The Wingmakers' material did allude to this
They called it blank slate technology
..... You have said that it's not over
They are still using CERN

SP: No, it's Japan now

KC: You say it's moved to Japan

SP: No, it's still there but they're building another one in Japan
They have to have it up and running before the beginning of 2016
That's a linear collider in excess of $10 billion and Japan was told if they didn't build it, they'll have another earthquake and gone under the water.
So they have no choice but to build it
The linear collider also is their last chance to open a gate to receive supplies and reinforcements or to escape....
I also mentioned Bluffdale - the data gathering centre
You may be aware they had a ribbon cutting ceremony on 29th September last year?
Just before the ribbon cutting ceremony, there was a big power outage and thay had to cancel everybody
All the loyal Americans who were going to stand there and clap, were quietly told, No, you can't come in here."
This is the best way to send a message to those who have power - to take out a massive facility
Nobody died. Nobody got hurt. No damage was done
It was just non-operational for a number of hours
That's the message to say:
If you want your radar to shut, if you want your missiles, your whole defence system taken out. Nobody's going to die but that can happen
You have to be very careful when you make decisions
So these are the things that occur and this is what I mean by not looking at things I do or others do in a 3D way
There's a war going on, unlike the Ukraine.
That's not a war
There's not a war going on in the Ukraine
It's a group of rebels fighting a political battle
That's not a war
To the people who died and killed, that's a war.
That's a tragedy
Every human who dies is a tragedy
But from the planet's perspective, from a political perspective, neither the Americans nor the Russian consider that a war
....... I want the audience to realise that TPTB do not consider it a war.

KC: ........You did reference the Chinese......
Something you said last night.... an event that's coming
You said the Illuminati are ... now sending ..... vitamins and such things to bloodlines that are in the Eastern bloc, in poor or poverty stricken areas to prepare these people ..... for a coming event...

SP: [inaudible] I hope they will do their own research
Eastern bloc land is cheap; labour is cheap
People can be bribed easily....
Things can be done
Questions don't get asked
That's why this is built in the Eastern bloc
It's a very, very useful place for a multimillionaire or a billionaire to operate
And if you're part of the European Union, it gets you access without questions...
There are no borders
So there are a number of old Eastern bloc countries which are now part of the EU where factories are being set up to just literally supply vitamin-enriched food, fluids which will be sold (they won't give them away free) to bloodline families.
Not a lot of them. Or supporters and employees of the Illuminati
So if there is a situation where good quality food is very hard to get hold of or good quality drinking water is very hard to get hold of, these families or groups will have access to a source of nutrition that will allow them to maintain their own personality.
That is being set up.
The woman who was with me in the car when we were crashed into - she is now working on that project.

KC: OK but the event... do you want to go down that road?

SP: To an extent, because we talked about CERN.
..... the year 2016 is an important point because it marks the cut-off point at which certain groups on Earth can receive through portals
It's the last chance to re-negotiate and re-establish a link
After that point, it will be very difficult for them to do so
And so any event that has to occur, from their perspective, will have to occur before that.
...... The Americans have ..... an electromagnetic pulse device which can be piloted in a drone
I would suggest that New York could be taken out with an electromagnetic pulse
You have something like 30 huge generators in America
..... In America, you have to force the electric juice thousands of miles through the grid network system
You have 30 huge devices to do that
The repair time is between 1 and 2 years to replace these things
My information is you need to take out 3, that's all, 3, simultaneously, and you would plunge N America into an Ice Age
But as all money is electronic now, that's how you do that.
So that's a very serious plan
I know people keep talking about we are going to wipe out 70% of the population and we're going to this, we're going to do that
Technology's moved on to a such an extent that it's not actually necessary to do that
You control people through many other ways
You don't have to put them up and guillotine their heads off - I believe those were all true
I believe people sat round tables 20 years ago and said, "This is what we're gonna do."
But then as technology moved, we can put RFID chips into people
We can control their bank accounts
We can actually control the way they think so why need to kill them?
They are like little robots for us
So the thinking has changed at that level
However, there is this mad ....grouping that either wanted to detonate a dirty nuclear bomb the size of a suitcase, perhaps smaller, briefcase
That's a very serious plan
We've had 2 attempts to detonate a nuclear bomb in America over the past 10 to 15 years.
Both have been thwarted by good, loyal Americans
I'm using their term back to them because those are good, loyal Americans
They are mostly men but some women, who are not prepared to kill thousands of people because somebody has got some power play that's going on
This is where the problem is for the elitists.
Most ... Americans are good humans and won't go along with this
So we're looking at is the potential for a dirty bomb to be exploded in a N American city as a final attempt
But before that, I would expect an electromagnetic pulse to try and take down the economic base
The point of that is ... London is the financial hub or the clearing house
You can't ever do it to London because the Queen lives there but you can do it to America
And so that is the game afoot at the moment

KC: ....... Henry Deacon came out almost 7 years ago, now talking about this
EMP. And then it would be flown in a plane
It would be America doing it to itself

SP: It wouldn't be a plane now. It would be a drone

KC: Yeah. But back in his days..... drones weren't even talked about....
So what you're saying is something we were aware of at Camelot and we did put out .... his testimony
I think back in those days, people didn't pay close attention to that
It's interesting that time has moved on now and it's talked about even by politicians....

SP: No, hopefully, they're doing it to change the timeline.
That's what I'm doing
By saying it, then the answer is: OK, my bluff has been called. I won't do it any more....
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Oh dear, it seems that SP's info is not quite correct.

Be careful with the info he puts out.

He's not reliable.

He has his own agenda.


The author of Matrix V said that various ET groups want to participate in what is coming to humanity but since they haven't made the leap of faith and done the work, they can't have it. I expect that the Mantids and the reptilians fall in that group.

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OK, there's some useful info and truth in that Parkes interview but there's some parts which are disinfo.

Either he has put that out unwittingly or he's supporting those he claims to be working against.

I wish this info to be kept here in this forum.

Please don't go blabbing over at PA about what I post here.

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Yes I agree, Simon Parkes is a bit of a loaner with his own agenda. i think he knows a lot more than he makes out. He gradually releases info, although he seems to be ramping it up a bit. He says he doesn't want to overload the public with info which may put them off.


On the hole I think he has more in his favour than not so I give him the benegfit of doubt at the moment, no one is perfect

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He's serving the Mantid's agenda. I don't think that race has a place at the table despite what they say. The only referee here is Source and no matter what any collective of ET races may claim, nobody trumps Source in Source's Creation. Anyone that tells you otherwise is a liar or plain mistaken.


To paraphrase a well known quote:

The Mantids may propose but Source disposes

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There are many races who are here in the hope that the coming event will prove to be the salvation of their race. Many had not chosen wisely and are now confronting the ultimate consequence of their bad choice. They acknowledge that they have gone down a dead end. That's why they have been abducting humans - in the hope that by creating hydrids, they can correct the mistake made long ago. My feeling is that you can't take what is not yours. There is a price to be paid eventually and that day is getting nearer. I've always told my children that when they make a mistake, they must pay for it. Either they pay now or they pay later but pay they must.

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Depends what you mean by a mistake, are you thinking of this in terms of positive and negative energy? No one is perfect and we all make mistakes and have different opinions due to our experiences, although I believe all humans have the capacity of the so called God Mind if they desire to use it.


Simon Parkes was quite convincing with his argument that Russia had to shoot down the plane because it contained a dirty bomb. If he is lying he's effectively supporting Putin who he sees as the current good guy

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I understand, for instance, that some ET races considered emotions to be an undesirable trait and had bred that out and apparently, that is not a good thing to have done. That's one of the reasons why humans are very valuable. That's in some of the early Kettler stuff when he was still reliable (didn't last long though).


Another example of a mistake which some people are embarking on is the transhumanism path. It seems that this is a disastrous choice. I remember Tanaath saying that she's looked down the timeline of those who went down that route and she said that we would be absolutely justified in hanging anyone who seriously tries to take us there. Deus Ex may be a great computer game (I live the music) but don't try to live it.


We have DNA from many ET races - we are the mongrels on the galaxy. Mongrel dogs are much hardier than pure breds and the same comment applies to humanoids. Our DNA is sort of like royalty, apparently. There is great potential in the human race - we haven't made the mistakes that others have...... yet. We are like the youth who's leaving uni. The world's our oyster. How will we turn out?

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John Kettler says:
June 1, 2012 at 6:41 pm
....We’re considered “gods,” not royalty. Why? Because we have the full human genome here. To them, this is “the land of the gods.” We’re screwed up because our genes have been systematically crippled and because of the psychopaths, not to mention millions of years of repression and domination by the Reptoids and their ilk..





Sunfire replied:
There are ET/EDs that are in this dimension/density that make contact regularly and live among us everywhere. I certainly don’t see the ones I communicate with as anything but equal, they to me are close friends/brothers, I’ve had physical contacts several times in the past six months with one of the six I communicate with. The dimensional and density differences are on a quantum level and vibration frequency rate. It has absolutely nothing to do with superiority or anything of that sort. The ET/EDs do see us as equals (the good ones at least) and even some of them consider us genetic royalty, as ‘Terra/Earth’ is the only place in this universe where the complete human genome still exist...
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We have DNA from many ET races - we are the mongrels on the galaxy. Mongrel dogs are much hardier than pure breds and the same comment applies to humanoids. Our DNA is sort of like royalty, apparently. There is great potential in the human race - we haven't made the mistakes that others have...... yet. We are like the youth who's leaving uni. The world's our oyster. How will we turn out?


I think we may be the "royal mongrel dogs" of this part of the universe.

Treated like Corgis... but straining to be free (haha)



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We are all aware of the inherent flaws in human nature such as greed, ignorance and lust for power as well as what causes the continued building and destruction of people and property (cabal) which effectively prevent us from creating a world we desire. At the same time those flaws have likely helped us advance technologically.


The illuminati believe humans are incapable of looking after themselves and that they alone are responsible for the world.


ET's aside, how does the human race accept these flaws and learn to live a good and righteous life without first pushing ourselves to near destruction?


Step 1 - Universal acceptance of the destructive flaws within human nature

Step - 2 A Global Agreement / Constitution which prevents any action which is bad for man, society, earth or cosmos

Step - 3 Screening and filtering of all leaders

Step - 4 Fail safe mechanisms

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Step - 3 Screening and filtering of all leaders


Yeah, that makes sense.

And we need to think not only about WHO the leaders are, but where they get their campaigns funded.


Maybe this is relevant:


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In the UK it's been proposed a few times that the state should fund the election campaigns to avoid favours to corporate donors. I suppose with or without campaign donations the corporations will still control our governments


In the UK we only get about 3 months campaigning before the election, although the Government in power saves up some funds to cajole the electorate

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We are all aware of the inherent flaws in human nature such as greed, ignorance and lust for power as well as what causes the continued building and destruction of people and property (cabal) which effectively prevent us from creating a world we desire. At the same time those flaws have likely helped us advance technologically.


The illuminati believe humans are incapable of looking after themselves and that they alone are responsible for the world.


ET's aside, how does the human race accept these flaws and learn to live a good and righteous life without first pushing ourselves to near destruction?


Step 1 - Universal acceptance of the destructive flaws within human nature

Step - 2 A Global Agreement / Constitution which prevents any action which is bad for man, society, earth or cosmos

Step - 3 Screening and filtering of all leaders

Step - 4 Fail safe mechanisms



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This is from 2013 - and has some interesting bits.


Simon Parkes speaks with another contactee, Sacha


Citizen Sane Episode 07 - Simon Parkes



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Simon Parkes at The Bases Conference

Published on 29 Aug 2014

Simon Parkes is an Experiencer, who has mastered trhe issue and able to give wide perspectives, and with a family with a history in British MI5 and MI6, gives his data with some authority. Simon normally speaks for 2 to 3 hrs, so listen carefully in this 1 hr brief. He also gives greater insight in the Q&A sessions,and in his Project Camelot interview recorded during the 3 day conference by Kerry Cassidy


Towards the end is a Q&A:


+ Simon interacts with "4th Dimensional beings" who can interfere here, while Alex Collier reacts with higher dimension beings, who cannot


+ There are "two lists" held by the US govt, and other govts., where on one list are those who have had contacts with aliens (it may not be up-to-date), and another list of those who are protected, and the Governments must leave them alone

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Project Camelot interviews Simon Parkes


Published on Aug 13, 2014


SP: There's are a number of experiments taking place around the Earth at the moment, in a non-physical sense, to see if reptilian culture can live side-by-side with human culture

Can the reptilians give up their idea that they're the gods?

Can they give up their idea that they can eat whoever they want?

Can they come to the point where they can work with humanity?

Can the human race - I don't meant Earth-bound humans; I mean all of the human race; pure humans - can they actually accept a living situation with these creatures?

Because if they can, then when humanity evolves, it will take other races with it to the next level

If that can occur, then ... the ripple effect throughout the multiverse would be so beneficial that it would actually be a healing source for just about everything.

We have a number of experiments taking place, in different places on the planet



I'm reading some interesting stuff on reptilians and this problem they face. Source was looking at the aftermath of the Atlantean cataclysm and wondering what to do with the reptilian consciousness.


The reptilian consciousness could not evolve any more. It had disconnected itself into such a state of being, it was just degenerating and fragmenting; becoming this incredible tumour in the body of God. So God Is looking at this tumour and saying, "So how are we going to heal this? What are we going to do?"


That's when it was decided to create the Nephilim. It was done so that part of the reptilian consciousness will survive and evolve. But the reptilians resented this greatly as they considered themselves to be elites and humans to be lower then dirt.


The reptilians had lost their connection with the heart. They had lost their ability to feel emotions. That's what I meant when I commented somewhere in the Fringe that some races had made mistakes. But the reptilians resented the hybridisation (which was done to help preserve their consciousness so that it could evolve by piggybacking on another consciousness). In their anger, they installed their own structures to de-hybridise the hybrids.


I might post more on this later. I'm being nagged to get to bed now.

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Interesting speculation.

But also rather complicated


I am working on a new Video about Four Barriers to Disclosure:



This also tackles some complex subjects, but I am trying to make it simple enough, the average YT-viewer can understand.

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