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Ambassador, GMOP and Dragon family Fall short of Realistic Expectations

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They don't give up... There's now another report from the Goldfish Ambassador, #5


GoldFish Report No 5: 8/26/15 The Ambassador's Message of Global Unity and Peace


Ask for explanations of what is causing market falls, the GF Ambassador comes around to talking about "something in the air."


We are told that this is a chance for us to get information "from the inside" on "how things really work" but this inside intelligence is nothing but vagueries about there being "something in the air." How very useful that is!


The report from HK (from Sherry) is equally vague. She gives a half-baked retelling of what we read in newspapers and online, concluding: "Nations are tired of the cabal... This is something that has to happen because they are not complying, those running the fiat money." I'm not sure what this means, but I would like know something else: Why is she there? What is she hoping to achieve? Who is she meeting? Is there any evidence whatsoever that "the family" actually wants to provide some funding to worthy projects? These details would be of interest to everyone, I think.


Eventually, she does talk about how she is planning to make use of a rejuvenation tank in China. And how she'd like to bring the technology back to the USA.


Her positive message is: "Humanity is the treasure of our world."

The Ambassador warns against "just hunting for treasure" - so it sounds like no actual money is flowing yet.



I do beg to differ a bit here: These people are meant to have worthy projects that need funding and presumably, they traveled all the way to HK, to get some funding, to initiate those projects. To bear the high travel expenses, and then by told that they can swim in rejuvenation tanks, and that money is not important, must be terribly frustrating.


Once again, I want to encourage TVOP, to "get real", and help people to make real practical arrangements, that require real funding and not just provide more empty promises and platitudes.


Here's some real good news: TVOP is going to have a Goldfish of the week, and Goldfish of the month. The Ambassador continues with his strained analogies involving goldfish.

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I listened to the whole report, and heard some odd "threats" or something near the end of Report #5.


Oddly, they think they can deal with critics-with-questions, by giving them an Award, such as "Goldfish of the Week".

I reckon this is a real award, and I-for-one would be happy to receive it. It would show that persistent questions cannot be simply ignored.


(Does anyone recall, that RR said, "so what; I will just delete you" many months ago, when I said I was disappointed that he and the Amba were not answering my questions? They still haven't answered. And I have not given up and stopped asking.)


So now the HARD QUESTIONS are on the table, where everyone can see them (post#196). And I even sent to following polite email to their website:


NAME --- : The Friar

SUBJECT: Five Intelligent Questions, that everyone wants answered


Instead of calling people names, like "Troll" or "Goldfish", I suggest you face the reality - The Ambassador has not yet delivered on his promises. I know I can speak for a number of people who have contacted me. Their input, and mine, has been included in these "Five Key Questions" - see post #196: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=20093&page=10



Let's see what happens. If TVOP gives me an award (a form of: Name Calling), then I hope it will attract attention to these Five Hard Questions

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I heard the last five minutes. I don't believe they understand the legal implications of what they are about to do in terms of having Goldfish of the Month and Goldfish of the Week. They are the ones asking for money and not following through. Let's see how far they take this through but it's getting interesting.


They are going to have to come up with truthful information, otherwise, this is going to take a twist. This is reminding me of third world politics. At least they seem to be following this thread.

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Here's my offer to TVOP:

I will leave you in peace for at least One Month for every question you answer fully* and honestly.

So if you want me off your back, answer the questions.

Five questions = Five months of peace. That's a long time, and I will likely have lost interest in TVOP after that.


*(I will be the judge of what is a fully answer, but I shall listen to others on GEI and RVD's channel, to determine if the

answers are "full and honest")

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ICED, for Seeking Awkward truths?


(Ron says he has blocked two people, and my latest post on his channel seems to not show)




Here's what I posted:


Hmm. TBOP seems to be in the "avoid" mode at the moment.

They are avoiding my "Five Hard Questions for the Ambassador", and instead accusing me of being a troll, for being persistent in asking these questions. They say they want questions, but not THESE questions apparently. (BTW, in putting these questions together I have had communications with at least half a dozen people who are familiar with the Amba and TVOP.)



Interesting to hear that Ron had a mental block, and could not (at first) recall the name of Radagast.


Ron still says about the Ambassador: "I like the guy. I like the guy... a lot!"

Ron seems to be getting better sleep now, and is getting back some of his old sharpness

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"Sunshine is the best disinfectant" (in the dim and murky world of the Ambassador)




Some posts from RVD's channel, that Ron will not let you see:

(the way it works is: if you are part of the conversation, you can see my posts. If you are not in the conversation, you cannot see them, except here):




Alithea Kella : Yesterday 1:13 AM

+merlinhadninelives +Friar Newborg Where's FN's comment?


Friar Newborg : Yesterday 4:44 AM

Hi Alithea. Well it seems that I am the one that Ron took out behind the barn, and shot in the head. Apparently, to please a guy, The Ambassador, who does not keep his promises, and uses a Running Chicken cloud formation to prove his bonafides.



Alithea Kella : Yesterday 6:22 AM

+Friar Newborg LOL! You make me laugh. In the face of all this nonsense you've retained a sense of humour. Good for you!


Friar N:

Afterall, It's only a video channel here.... Mostly, Ron's material is chatting about his life's everyday dramas, gossip, and entertainment. Despite the pretensions, I really do not think that the Ambassador has any genuine inside information that he has shared. Everything he has said could have been gleaned elsewhere, or just invented (like the running chicken - whoops, Phoenix cloud formation, an obvious invention.) I had hoped to push him to being more revealing - in the way that say, Simon Parkes is revealing. But the Amba will not or cannot go there. The Ambassador remains what he was a year ago: a mere Storyteller. After a year or more, the story is very tired and not very interesting. This little "spat with the Friar" may be one of TVOP's last dramas, before the long slow fade into complete obscurity. The last visitor to the Modwiz channel should remember to turn the lights out, and say: "Goodbye, from the Friar and everyone." (Or, if I am wrong, and they do actually come up with some funds, rather than 10 -20- 30 "last chances" to pitch the Ambassador, let them actually prove their claims. How much money, who got it, what's the project. And let the successful fund recipient keep the public informed about how he/she manages to payback the loan and avoid losing control of 51%. There's an old saying: "Sunshine is the best disinfectant". TVOP needs to disinfect itself.)

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"FB is a harvesting operation" - "13 steps on the Illuminati Pyramid"



The guy cannot stop - he is too deeply imprinted with ritual magic,

harvesting everyone's energy, as he has always learned.


(Excerpt from a message received privately):


What did he mean about things being said by you on facebook?
It was pure comedy how he forgot XXX's name yet XXX was always referring to him as a brother and would crow about how close they are.

... know anything about these people who have allegedly been awarded funds in hong kong - apparently about 13 of them?"


Friar's Response:

I do not use FB. I think it is a harvesting operation, to take people's personal data, and peddle it to the NSA, drug companies, and other nasties. I recommend avoiding it. It would be interesting to know who the poor bugger was who got disappeared there. / Interesting that they should talk about awarding money to 13 people. There are 13 steps on the illuminati pyramid, right? (Or is that the Masonic pyramid?)

=== ===


Does anyone know: Who is the poor soul who has been banned from FB?


(BTW, it looks like he wiped George Lincoln too. George and I had been some of the main ones working to "make it real, keep it real" on RVD's channel.

George is welcome to post here.)

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Thanks for developing those questions Friar. It's time that answers come forth. Your questions are fairly well worded and balanced. Surprised to hear Ron does not see the need for those questions to be answered. I hope the 13 participants will see funds coming into their bank accounts soon. All the best to you and thanks again.

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Thanks for the supportive comment, Ashlynne.

(And thanks to those who made supportive comments on RVD's channel.

Funnily enough, I have no anger towards Ron. But I do feel he has been duped.)


I wonder how real these guys are?


OffPlanet TV-08-19-15- Drake Bailey & Thomas Williams: The Plan


I always thought Randy Maugens was a genuine truth seeker, though not perfect (who is?)

It will be interesting to see what he makes of these two - here you can see Drake's face, so there is some "sunshine"


"Everybody's waiting for America to wake up now," says Maugens at the beginning of the show,




They still claim there will be a "Green Light" someday. What's that?:

What is the green light?

The green light means we have gained control of the global collateral accounts, and with civillian authority the Pentagon to the US Marshals to local law enforcement will begin the arrest of thousands of top criminals.

The Plan has been in the works for decades, by some good folks in the military, kept secret until now.

They good guys are waiting on Neil Keenan to finish his work securring the accounts before they take their actions. The idea is to first knock them out financially.

The East has been busy seeting up a new, sound and fair financial system for the world to use and to provide a means for funds from the accounts work for humanity as they were originally intentded.

What do we when it happens?

Just remain calm, and tend to your families. Talk to your friends and neighbors. See if people need help. There may be some interruptions to services, but nothing serious or for to long. Don't panic. This effort is unbelievable in scope and great care is being taken to make it all go as smooth as possible.

There should be announcements all over the news radio television Internet once it happens

What it is not

  • Martial law

  • A military coup

  • A "new world order" take over

What it is

  • The green light signals the 24 hour notice before the actions begins.


> https://www.reddit.com/r/greenlight/comments/3cityr/the_red_dragons_sweet_talking_ambassador_still/

A nice fantasy perhaps. But how realistic is it?

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Thanks for developing those questions Friar. It's time answers come forth. Questions are fairly well worded and balanced. I am surprised to hear Ron does not see the need for questions to be answered. I hope the 13 participants will see funds coming into their bank accounts soon. All the best to you and thanks again.


For those new here - below are the Friar's QUESTIONS that Ashlynne referred to:


Top FIVE "hard questions" for the Ambassador




1. What actual hard evidence, if any, can you give us to show that you or the Red Dragon family have access to "real wealth"?

(ie. US$10 Million or more: If your family has billions, then surely you can show us evidence involving <1% of the wealth your "family" group claims.)


2. Where did this Dragon Family wealth come from?

(My own research suggests that some Chinese families made big money from the opium trade. Certainly Skull and Bones, of Yale is connected in with the opium trade. What portion of the DF's wealth came from the Opium trade? If small, what were the top 2-3 actual drivers of family wealth creation.)


3. If the DF (and you personally) are wealthy, why do you need to ask for fees from those who are seeking funding?

(You talk about the need for "skin in the game." Well, there are worthy projects, already up and running, and showing :skin" through their successful operations, which would be great pioneer recipients of your funds. Backing them, would show your "skin", while also advancing worthy projects, helping the world. I have mentioned two such projects in previous communications. If the funding effort was genuine, it should have been "all over" such projects. But TVOP has shown no interest in demonstrating its own funding capability, expecting people to just take in on faith. You have asked for "skin", but given none. This looks very unfair, even dishonest.)


4. What about promises made and not kept, how can this be justified?

(Two examples of your group's bad faith: Ron Van Dyke was promised reimbursement of his expenses over one year ago. Still not paid. People attended Dave Schmidt's seminars and were promised that they would be at the front of the queue in funding, Instead of getting money or even the access they were promised, instead they were asked for more money. TVOP has lost face, what can you do now to show your promises have value?)


5. Why has the Ambassador not shown his audience more respect?

(I have always found it extremely odd, that the Ambassador never talks in a respectful way to the people who listen to him. Many have done their research, and seen the dangers and holes in the existing power structure. They want real change, and they want more solid information about how the power structure really works. But he does not address these obvious concerns. Instead, he talks about people who are still asleep, and he rails against "goldfish", whatever they may be. After listening to some hours of his repetitive rants, I am convinced that he does not respect his audience. He treats them, like they are dupes - and this is the biggest reason that I have turned against his message. The Ambassador has used truly laughable "evidence" to back his claims. Running chicken cloud formations, Recycled logos. doctored UN documents, and third-hand predictions of Jubilee years, are not going going to convince anyone.

To the Ambassador: Why do you think your audience is so easily duped? Why do you treat them like Goldfish? ...as if you are feeding your listeners: information that seems like little scraps of junk food - that they could get from many sources on the web.)


There you go. My questions are now "on the table" for all to see.

Isn't it time to answer some real and intelligent questions?

== unquote ==


Are any of the Q's inappropriate?

Ask yourself why does TVOP not want to answer these ???

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How Real? They seem like "storytellers" to me


I wonder how real these guys are?


OffPlanet TV-08-19-15- Drake Bailey & Thomas Williams: The Plan


I always thought Randy Maugens was a genuine truth seeker, though not perfect (who is?)

It will be interesting to see what he makes of these two - here you can see Drake's face, so there is some "sunshine"


"Everybody's waiting for America to wake up now," says Maugens at the beginning of the show,


I listened. Parts of it were interesting.

Drake still claims that there will be a "green light" and mass arrests when everyone is ready.

And he still says it will be "soon."


Being prepared with two weeks of food, is still a good idea.

And Randy asked some good questions like: How can we be sure that agencies like the NSA and CIA,

will not "go rogue"?


Collateral Accounts?

I still find the evidence that these exist to be very unconvincing.


Drake claims that something like 100,000 tonnes of Gold may be held within them.

(How was this wealth accumulated? When was the gold produced, and on what planet?

Where is this gold stored? These sorts of questions need better answers.)


At $1,100 x 100k tonnes* (x32,150) = $ 3.5 Trillion


If this amount of Gold exists, it will be very hard to sell much without deeply depressing the price.

It could fall by 30-40-50% or more, I reckon.




I promise you that 93 quadrillion dollars of wealth (per Keenan) is complete and utter horsefeathers!


=== ===

* the Official estimate of total gold on our planet is: 171,300 tonnes (at 2013);

The range of estimates tends to be: "155,244 tonnes, marginally less than the GFMS figure, to about 16 times that amount - 2.5 million tonnes"

> http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-21969100

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Yes it would be nice to have those questions answered in the advance fee scam arena they never are and everyone ends up out of pocket and in the Boulevard of broken dreams!

Also Schmidt has posted a video 29th August admitting to what I said. There was no cyber attack!! He has personal issues,but money is flowing to him like never before??? Oh and he loves us all!!!! No he doesn't he loves himself. Avoid this guy!!!!!!

With regard to the owners of the Collateral accounts this is claimed by the Five Star Trust and their self proclaimed leader Marc Alfonse Cifelli who if you Google him is known as the American fraudster who claims he has billions in bonds is the saviour of our world and oh by the way is being sued for a fraud he was involved in with a guy in HK for circa 3MUSD!! So how can the RDF be the holders if the Five Star Trust are??

Anyway just observations.The truth will out it always does.The advance scam arena is full of lies and deceit masked behind the wall of Confidentiality. If its real it will really show it's face if not it will hide behind defensive name calling.Time will tell!!!

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Some new information has come to light, thanks to Friar N. and Ron Van Dyke, so I have have edited the following posts, making some clarifications.

It was never my intent to treat Ron unfairly... and perhaps I did, without knowing it.


"RVD's Home" / The information on Quatloos shows further confusion


(SUMMARY of explanations of RVD's dilemma from the Quatloos website*)

Explanation #1:
"The old lady (she was in her 80's I think) that owned the house and some other property was not mentally competent. Ron convinced her to put him on her bank accounts, and to leave both properties to him. Her kids* took him to court and the court determined that the woman was incompetent. By that time he had already emptied the bank accounts. The house and property, as you said, was awarded to the kids.

At that point, Ron took out the loan to buy the house from the kids. Within a few months, Ron filed a bunch of Sovereign Citizen magic paperwork,....

> http://www.quatloos.com/Q-Forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=9950&start=280#p204765

RVD seems to have avoided any explanation to his viewers about his own role in adding to the confusion... and it could be intentional on his part


*(subsequent to posting this, I have been told that Ron is adamant Dr Mary's children did not have a dispute with him. Indeed, he seems to have been "like a son" to her in his declining years, So he may have simply inherited the property from her.)

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Well done in catching Schmidt in another lie - the guy is a "piece of work".

Charla seems a nice person, and she can better than dating an international con-artist.

Your comment about the Collateral Accounts seems spot on:


With regard to the owners of the Collateral accounts this is claimed by the Five Star Trust and their self proclaimed leader Marc Alfonse Cifelli who if you Google him is known as the American fraudster who claims he has billions in bonds is the saviour of our world and oh by the way is being sued for a fraud he was involved in with a guy in HK for circa 3MUSD!! So how can the RDF be the holders if the Five Star Trust are??

Anyway just observations.The truth will out it always does.The advance scam arena is full of lies and deceit masked behind the wall of Confidentiality. If its real it will really show it's face if not it will hide behind defensive name calling.Time will tell!!!



A photo of RFK with Sukarno does not mean collateral accounts were real.

They were probably joking about RFK's reactions to Indonesian food, or maybe when he met Marilyn Monroe for the first time



The above is a basic diagrammatic example of the structuring of Trusts / Foundations under the Collateral Accounts legally owned by The International Treasury Controller, which should be construed as an example only and for the purpose of simple explanation.

Considering that there are in excess of 30,000 Trusts / Foundations throughout the World, categorised as Primary Trust, Sub-primary Trusts, Secondary Trusts, Sub-secondary Trusts, Sub-Sub-Secondary Trusts, Sub-sub-sub-Secondary Trusts, and Corporations, the structure is far more elaborate and extensive than shown above.

> more: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Whistleblower_and_OITC_114/The_Office_of_International_Treasury_Control_OITC__3635_printer.shtml


(Does anyone beliieve this nonsense? Why such an elaborate structure?)


I think it is very likely that there are NO COLLATERAL ACCOUNTS, and the whole concept may be a Myth that was invented to allow certain con-artists to push various schemes involving "Bonds of Large Denomination" which may or may not be real, and may or may not involve Gold. Perhaps these scammers need to convince their "marks" that there was huge hidden wealth, so that by advancing their millions to the scammers, they might gain a profit of hundreds of millions, or billions - To make these big amounts seem credible, they needed to get people hooked on fairy tales that even larger amounts were secretly hidden away. (I think that if there really is what Dr Joseph Farrell has called a "secret system of finance", it was used to finance the Secret Space Program, rather than just being a way from rich Asian families to store their wealth with "keepers" and "holders".

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What is interesting about Marc Cifelli and his claims of being the owner of the Collateral accounts is that he claims he owns billions of historic bonds.These bonds Petchillis,Napoleon's etc are supposed to be worth billions and quadrillions, but experts say are just collectables not redeemable and are worth something but as items in the hobby of Scripophilly.Every deal to sell these bonds failed and and every scammer in the arena has joined the this bandwagon promised the earth and delivered nothing!!!!


His link with the Ambassador is that MC claims to have met the elders M1etc and the family and over many years he too promised world changing events that never happened and took money based on the same claims the Amb makes. Who is the reality here????

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Ron has just made a Video about this drama (of my being blocked on Youtube.)


I think there has been a misunderstanding.


I have no ill will towards Ron, which I believe some of my (not visible) posts on Youtube will show:


I wonder if Ron has the integrity and the "balls" to expose the Ambassador for his broken promises. We need more "amber sun", the disinfecting light of Sunshine and full disclosure on the Amba's story. I would like to see Ron reach out to some people who have more genuine information: Max Egan, maybe Simon Parkes, or even Zen Gardner or Daniel Sheehan. Ron should learn to bypass the story-telling jokers... maybe leave those in the scam-making business to the good Rev. LotsaGas. Meantime, Ron looks and sounds better. I am happy to see that, whether he banned me or not.


I am not a troll. But I have been persistent in asking certain Hard Questions - which I have summarized - see the Link.


No, No, No! I don't post on Facebook (actually, I dislike it), and I don't have any information about Dr Mary and her family. I certainly would not comment "as if I knew", when I do not. Let me check, because I have an idea of how this misunderstanding may have arisen...


Here's an excerpt from DrBubb's quote #178, on GEI's "Ambassador, TVOP and Dragon family Fall short of Realistic Expectations" where Bubb is summarizing some material he found on Quatloos:
""RVD's Home" / The information on Quatloos shows further confusion" - that's the title of the post
Explanation #1:
"The old lady (she was in her 80's I think) that owned the house and some other property was not mentally competent. Ron convinced her to put him on her bank accounts, and to leave both properties to him. Her kids took him to court and... (the post continues)


NOTE: This was a quote from Quatloos, not me writing - I hope this has been clarified in the NEW TEXT, now modified on post #178



Can someone please contact Ron, and tell him that I have no ill feeling towards him,

and also that I have made arrangements to change some of the text on GEI (post#178 and 179) where quotes from Quatloos

were somehow attributed to me.


I also note that Ron now says: DR MARY HAD NO CHILDREN,

I believe him, and that shows that Quatloos had it wrong, and this should be corrected on Quatloos, if anyone

from there reads this.


If Ron chooses to unblock me, that would be great. In the meantime, I would like to encourage him to expand the

number of people he interviews to may be include some others, whether he still believes the Ambassador or not.


Ron has mostly repaired the matter in my mind with this video, The only thing left that is needed is to unblock me.

(I hope that he is happy with the changes and clarifications here.)


I would add that if the Ambassador wants to repair my impression of him, he needs to send Ron the money promised,

show evidence that real money is flowing to real projects, and make a serious effort to answer the questions I have asked.


Is any of this unreasonable?



My earlier post (on YT) suggested that he interview:

: Max Egan, maybe Simon Parkes, or even Zen Gardner or Daniel Sheehan.

I would like to add to the list: Alfred Weber, Kev Baker, and maybe Randy Maugens, who recently interviewed Drake, see above.

(I am not suggesting that Ron interview Drake, at this time,)

Jay Weidner might also do an interview, since he has a film, the Last Avatar, to talk about

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"The Ambassador has no clothes"




(I just posted this on RVD's channel - but it may not be seen publicly):


Hi Folks. I want to make clear to everyone, that I hold no ill will towards Ron.
I believe that he may have been confused, and assumed that a comment on Acore/GEI was from me, when it was really a quote from Quatloos. I believe that the confusing post has been fixed now, and the comment there is now more balanced. Anyway, I would like my posts here to be publicly viewable, if Ron can change that, it would be great.
I would also invite people to look at my FIVE QUESTIONS*, and tell me if they think they are appropriate and relevant to the story that is being told by the Ambassador and his followers. I do not think that a healthy movement can come out of following anyone blindly, without asking hard questions. The story telling "Ambassador", Bo Mikael Lindstrom, has shown zero willingness to address intelligent "hard" questions - and that has left me very skeptical towards his claims.
His followers, like RHM here, seem to be a bunch of lackies, who show deference to a guy who makes claims that he cannot or will not prove. I am not twisting anything. I am merely stating the facts boldly and plainly. The twisters are the ones who call me a troll for daring to ask questions and say clearly: "The Ambassador has no clothes."
*see Post #211
===== =====
REACTIONS from Youtube
N V : 9:25 AM
I like the questions. I think Ron should ask them on his next video.
S.S. : 9:46 AM
+Friar Newborg
I read your 5 questions ..its sad that they were never answered ..it could of save everyone time and energy moving on to bigger things but here we are :( hmmmm its all about neglect and this is the true condition of life as I speak ..another example of "mismanagement"... we are diffidently a dysfunctional family ..If we truly hope to have "true peace" we need to start listening to one another seeing the value in each other instead of depreciating and undermining one another ...

Yes, the Emperor has no clothes on and everyone has been able to see it for some time now ...

I feel some of us would like to give the Ambassador a chance to redeem himself for those he has failed miserably and in hopes that he will over come his arrogance with such a condescending attitude ..he is just a little goldfish in the pond also ..sometimes wealth can give folks such faults ego undermining themselves disconnected from the all in one, one in all "life" ...for folks that truly want to get it together need to lose their faults ego and become their authentic self which is Love and Joy! ...
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QUESTION Six, and a look backwards
Why is TVOP changing its name to G-Mop / Global Mission of Peace ?
(Might it be to distance themselves from the promises made by TVOP?
They already used that tactic once, changing to TVOP, to distance the "Ambassador" from the promises made at Dave Schmidt's seminars.
WAKE UP, People! Whatever sweet promises the Scam-faster-dor makes, you can now judge him by his actions - and his inactions! Isn't that exactly what he requested us to do when he came on the scene. And then there's this: The man was jailed for two years. How much do we really know about that? Might it be possible that he was jailed for some sort of confidence game, sinec that seems to be what we are seeing from him now? This may not be the case, but why doesn't he reveal any actual detail of the incident. Remember, he said on day one: Judge me by my actions, not my words.)
Going back in time to his first interview with Ron: / now has 30,000+ views

Who is the twister here?
Look at RHM's comment:
Very nice Ron, thank you and thank you to the ambassador for sharing his and the Red Dragon Family vision for humanity. This vision of theirs seems to have the same message and intent for humanity as Swissindo and the OPPT people have expressed. This is very promising and I look forward to the next video and discussion with him that will expose more truths that have been hidden from everyone for centuries. Food for thought for you and for him. I see the biggest challenge for the distribution of humanities wealth to everyone as; the third world
(Back then, I was very open to "the Amba's" message):
Very good! Let's hear more from him. (Some Muslim principles seem to come through. I bet he does not like usury.) "We need to stop being a parasite on humanity."
From what I am told, members of the Dragon Family come from all the major religions; and many of them have studied more than one so that they can have an understanding of the commonality.
I see. I would be very interested in his response, if you ask him about Usury. The muslim approach might put the cabal out of business, which is why the cabal targets them so often


He sounded much more humble than he does today. But he gives a really vague answer to the question: Who is the Dragon family, talking mainly about "different colors". Later, he covers different topics:
"We need a global awakening"
"We need to clean up this planet... and we need to clean up our mindset."
"We need to win people hearts back acting (from our religious values)."
"Let's arrest the criminals... We need to do it ourselves. If you want to arrest the criminals then, DO IT!... Things are changing."
"We need to give people the possibility of creating a new future for themselves. If you are from a lower cast, it is impossible to get out of that ditch."
"When you are getting free gifts... you do not appreciate what you are given."
(Ron asks: What drew the family's attention to me?)
"We started studying you... and people representing Trusts and so forth... We watched Swissindo... You have a genuine heart, and are not afraid to expose yourself, and your heart... You came out in a pure way... and involved ourself with an open mind...
(He also mentioned Ben Fulford, and Neil Keenan.)
"We need to see performance... Not just talk."
"My mission is to help humanity. I am a servant."
"Do your research... and be aware of deception." (golly, this seems ironic now.)
"We need to see performance... Not just talk."
At the end: "The truth will be shown by our actions, not our promises."
Final word: "I hope and expect changes in all humans... So we can move forward and release these funds to humanity."
(hmm. Humans must "change" before funds are released. Why?)
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(hmm. Humans must "change" before funds are released. Why?)


I think he is right on this point. The majority of the wealth of this world is not being used to benefit the earth, the environment, the animals and make life better for people. Government budgets direct more money towards war and violent activities and pharmaceuticals than anything else.

How will more money fix things? It is the mindset that must change. The need to control, exploit and profit at any expense needs to give way. I agree there must be a global awakening, but at this point the pace of awakening is glacial or in other words, vvvvveeeerrrrryyyyy ssssllllooooowwwww.


In many ways, money is the problem, not the solution. Even if there are warehouses full of gold that are being held, what good are they when the current values and motivations of humanity result in suffering, violence, war, environmental destruction etc. in the quest for money. The Ambassador is right, humans have to stop the aggression against each other and the planet.


If TVOP or GMOP can in some way, move in that direction, then great. What I find dishonest is making grandiose claims and turning the hopium dial up to maximum. It just sets people up for disillusionment. It is great to have big dreams, but there has to be a clear path from A to B. If something out of the norm of human experience happens, like aliens come and clean up Fukushima, then that would be awesome, but when people say things will happen based on hope, rather than knowledge, it is really not helpful and just causes more distress than is necessary.


I am like RVD in the sense that I want to hear from people that talk about a better world, but talk is not enough. Hope is not enough. There has to be the will to move in that direction, but not enough people have embraced those values to make world shifting changes. If the control structure on the planet is indeed pyramidal in nature, then those at the top have to be on board.


I am reminded of the lyrics of a song by Rush:


And the men who hold high places,

Must be the ones who start

To mold a new reality,

Closer to the heart


I am not saying those at the top are the only ones responsible for change, but we can change all we want, and if the money system is corrupt as it is, then we are still in a cage. The terms of exchange are more difficult for you and I to change. We can barter and exchange, but certain things require money and that brings in a dependence on a system controlled by people who are not concerned with the effects of their actions. They work for themselves, not for the greater good. In this regard, it is blind selfishness that is the problem.


There is an abundance of videos, blogs, etc. about the banksters and the problems they are creating, but what can be done? Do we want revolution? There was an American Revolution, the Americans separated from the Brits, but the corruption grew to new heights in the New World. There is no new continent to go to in order to start over. It seems we can't escape immorality. Can we grow beyond it? How many decades/centuries will that take?


I do not know what is really going on, in terms of the control structure on the planet. I have heard lots of different stories, but cannot verify any with the resources at hand.


What is it that we have to overcome?

  • Human values and morals that are currently in the gutter?
  • Archons that control access to the planet?
  • Malevolent beings controlling world governments?
  • Are humans under mind control from external agencies?
  • Why does the suffering, war and violence continue, decade after decade, century after century?
  • Are we a kindergarten planet for souls who then fight in the sandbox?
  • Why do older souls come here? To keep it from becoming a complete mess?
  • Will humanity as a whole mature and become moral beings?

At times I have felt that humanity was progressing, but there seems to be just as much evidence for as against. There are certainly some people who want the world TVoP is talking about, but unless something out of the ordinary occurs, like a serious financial meltdown, things seem to just carry on without much really happening.


This is a nice planet, but the management sucks!

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Yeah, i like that post, Red Panda

And we need to help wean people off the deep materialism that afflicts so many.


Daniel Sheehan is on the right track, I think. And I hope has has correctly assessed the intent and motivations of Pope Francis in talking about a Jubilee:


I do not think that change is easy

To get there, we need, as you say many steps, including:

"7. Religious leaders / Vatican decide to take the lead - suspect in my opinion since they'll expose their own crimes and shortfalls which could ruin them

- truth and reconciliation maybe possible" - etc


... as I say:

1/ Education - ie more knowledge of our true history

2/ Leadership - ie, someone in a position of power, presenting a plan

3/ Public discussion, acceptance and support for change

4/ Action


Sheehan himself is providing the Education, along with others (such as Simon Parkes).

The lectures on the Romero institute channel are truly remarkable - you really must start listening.

(And especially the lecture series called "Trajectory of Justice" and the "JFK" lectures.)


The Pope has begun to provide the needed leadership. The Laudato Si Encyclical was a big step.

Apparently, there is more to come in Philadelphia (in September), and more still in December.


Will the public embrace the education, and the Pope's leadership?

We do not know yet. A good sign is that it is almost impossible to get a room in Philadelphia on AirBNB when the pope

will be there. People will flood into the city to try to get a glimpse of him, and to hear his message.


We need more public discussion and debate of these big issues - even on GEI.

This thread, and some others on various aspects of the Pope's message is stirring some interest.

But I an eager to hear more thoughts from people.


The section of this video where the student's question how feasible is the Jubilee-driven change starts at about 38 Minutes,

and is a must listen, if this topic interests you:


*At just before 1:21 hours he says:

"WE need to withdraw the power from the Trans-National cabal... and NOT give those people a seat at the table."

I really want Daniel Sheehan to tell us: HOW do We-the-People do this?


At 1:28:40:
"We have to have companies, producers... willing to take responsibility."
"We do not have to engage in violence... Francis is going to call out the way."
"The time has come to lie down your bets."

"They finally put in the guy (Pope Francis) who has the courage to make the change."
"They keep saying, it the catholic church church was really worth its salt, they would
get up and give away everything they have - The Shoes of the Fisherman scenario.
What you are looking at the Shoes of the Fisherman scenario !"
"We have to be willing to respond."

I am certainly expecting we will hear more debate from Sheehan and others on this big topic.


"If TVOP or GMOP can in some way, move in that direction, then great.

What I find dishonest is making grandiose claims and turning the hopium dial up to maximum."

- Red Panda


I really think the fake Amba is offering people a "wax banana" solution. It will not work just handing out money. Nor will his VC dream of taking 51% of the enterprise if they cannot repay the loans work well, IMHO. You need to live with people and really get to know them, and back those who have a sound idea and also have good business sense. There may be some funding seekers who have those qualities. But from the little bit I have seen of them, I was not impressed. I have seen many entrepreneurs in my working life, and the good ones are very practical, and heavily focused on their projects. They do not make airy-fairy chatter about their projects being good for humanity. They may start with that, but once the projects are underway, it is all about nitty gritty detail.


The Amba and his team seem to be like amateurs in my own "professsional" assessment of what they are doing. They ae likely to have a very steeo learning curve. (Imagine the sort of projects a full-of-himself dreamer like the RR might choose !) I am not he only one who feels this way. I have seen similar comments abou TVOP / GMop from those with some professional background.

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Quick comment on RVD video.


The Ambassador has not paid him one single penny he promised him and Ron says due to various excuses the AMB has been unable to make payments. He cites geographical and logistic problems reading into what he said.


Has the Ambassador not heard of Paypal?,International transfer,Wells Fargo?


He gets his money from TVOP for his pitches via PayPal,geography should not matter!!


He is the representative of a billion USD organisation funding projects and claims are helping philanthropic causes all the time.Why so much difficulty in send some money promised to RVD? It simply makes no sense.


In this arena what always happens is the protagonists make huge promises that are never fulfilled and leave people in the Boulevard of broken dreams.


What would be amazing is if the Ambassador fulfilled his promise to RVD and sent him some money without excuses as something physical to prove he is of good intentions and can really keep a promise.This would be an initial marker of some credibility.At the moment there is none!!!

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"In this arena what always happens is the protagonists make huge promises that are never fulfilled and leave people in the Boulevard of broken dreams...."




Yes. And it may be worse than that...

The $5,000 promise is a great carrot, that the Ambassador has put out there.

And the secret Purpose of that promised money may be... To control Ron.


Yes, Ron can use the money. In fact he may truly need it.

But the Amba can leave him thinking: "If I turn on the Ambassador, then I will never get the $5,000."


What a wonderful and devious way to keep Ron "on side."

I hope that this is NOT what is happening. But it does seem to be a real possibility.

What do others think. Is the Ambassador using this unfulfilled promise to control Ron?

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Ron seems to have lost the plot today... (Maybe he is too tired?)




(I posted under another post - only those in that thread can see it):

Golly. What an emotional reaction Ron is having today!

The Quatloos info was out there on the web before Acore discovered it. we were doing him a favor in bringing it to his attention on a forum which is basically friendly to him, and will consider his point of view. Has Ron never seen Quatloos before? I am astonished to learn this. Ron seems to be blaming me and Acore - who are mere messengers.


> here's the Link: http://www.quatloos.com/Q-Forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=9950&start=260




Enjoy. There are reams of material there. And much of it is not favorable to Ron - though some is.

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