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Wormholes & Warp Drives... etc.

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Guest Guest_mansouryar_*



a very cool interpretation that is close to my feelings too; however this goddamn math does not understand our feelings. I'd like to discuss to you and others about this matter in the following, but for now 'm gonna draw your attention to this conversation and I ask of all the guys here to leave their comments about this:




The story begins from the time I requested of a guy to write about my work in his website and he replied:




I'm sorry, but I don't think you would appreciate any message I would post on the subject. A few "red flags" that I see are as follows:


1) You cite americanantigravity.com, which is a well-known crank site.




2) You cite http://www.stardrivedevice.com, which is also another crank site.


3) In your paper, you state:




It is clear that if a method of faster than light (FTL) travels would be discovered, its most natural consequences, such as contact to probable intelligent entities & colonizing the earth-like planets, could solve many problems of human race [1].


Which is an extraordinary claim. "Intelligent entities" are not necessarily probable (it is quite probable that there are no intelligent entities. There is no current evidence of any intelligent entities outside of our little planet). Colonizing Earth-like planets also does not necessarily solve "many problems of the human race."


What really troubles me about the claim is not the extraordinance, it is the reference in the footnote:




[1] In my view, TWs (even if we do not consider the possibility of converting them to real nightmare for present knowledge, science & logic, i.e., time machines) could have the deepest effects on philosophic & sociologic discussions of the relation between technology, human rights, ethics, etc. Also, it’s trivial if their applications for FTL or rapid travels would be global, just an international agreement can regularize their usage. See mansouryar.com/whyftl.htm


Which means you've taken an extraordinary unsubstantiated claim, and used an essay you wrote yourself as validation for that claim.






Even if within researching on FTL methods of communication, the related by-products could lead to rapid (not necessarily FTL) ways of transporting humans or things, that situation would be so profitable too [2].


Again, an unsubstantiated claim. It is not yet even certain that anything to do with space travel can ever be profitable. If we use only the historical data (which would be the scientific way to do it, yes?), we could assume that in fact there has never been anything profitable out of space travel, and projecting that into the future, we could say that there also will never be anything profitable from it. So, again, your statement is an extraordinary claim, which, again, you back up with:




[2] Obviously, communications with reducing the path would be most revolutionary; See mansouryar.com/investment.htm


Yet another citation to your own opinion.


5) Regardless of the unscientific nature of the above statements, it is also apparent that neither of the above statements is even scientifically relevant. The first is mainly philosophical, and the second is aimed at profitability. Neither of those are scientifically relevant concepts, so should not be included in any scientific work.




All that said, I'm not going to argue the science or mathematics behind it. You may very well be correct in your equations and thought processes.


It is the methodology of your work that I find questionable, not necessarily the subject matter.


Frankly, I am shocked that any scientist wanting a positive and reputable response would ever cite work from americanantigravity.com or stardrivedevice.com. Even if you are not a crank, doing that is a quick and easy method of getting yourself labelled as one.


I hope that you find this criticism constructive. I wish you luck.




Hi Orstio,


Thank you so much for the reply. (You see?, I'm not so selfish you've thought). Surely, such serious criticisms would help me to improve my ideas. Now let me explain you some points:


First of all, I'm not a scientist and consequently a physicist. I'm just a guy with a big idea who likes the engineering plans. So I don't evaluate the totality of a website. Those two ones you mentioned are tribunes for introducing my work to laypeople. Indeed, the project of building a practical spacewarp is so complicated which would require much collaboration from many experts in the various fields of physics, math, engineering, etc. I can compare it to building a huge accelerator, in the first generation of them. As you see, I never used the words, antigravity (except once referred to a famous journal) or stardrive. I did my best to use formal literature and prestigious references and when I would see the first paper written based on mine by known author(s), that would be my first "real" success in the theoretical division. At the moment, I'm in contact to some experts and they've informed me they're now working on my paper. But I bet nobody hates to be appreciated by the others. Therefore, the basic victory would be when I see my paper in the formal literature of the mainstream of scientific investigations.

I'm now working on another one for a conference in the U.S. in the current September which is a peer reviewed one. A little patience would clarify many things. Besides, there are many wired claims which I don't waste my time to thinking about them. Certainly, I have my own personal beliefs (e.g., I have an essay in Persian discussing on the levitation of a human by a special style of breathing along with the essential concentration, like what some Indian fakirs do), but when I present a claim, I have to behave like a normal theorist.


.. "Intelligent entities" are not necessarily probable .. solve "many problems of the human race."..


Come on man! The subject "probable" answers this flaw. When something is probable - in my view - that's in the 50-50 state of being existent. If you don't believe in living species in other planets, you should prove it; in a rigorous mathematical point of view. However, I think if we could detect (or be detected!) a civilization more advanced than us, and dare to contact to them, we'd be able to ask them many technical discoveries, then the human race would improve very rapidly in a short interval of time, of course if that'd be done reasonably.

By the way, have you thought if Mars or one of the satellites of Saturn would be colonized, that would possibly reduce the population of the earth, and when you have less population, you could mange them for doing the growing (improvement) programs, couldn't you? I know that's a controversial matter and I'm not an expert in politics or sociology, but I try to be optimist.

As a funny scenario, the U.N. could appropriate any planet to different groups of people due to racial, linguistic or religious affiliations to avoid of such a numerous conflicts or wars on the earth as we observe it now!

Beside, if one considers say twenty billions of people as the population of some spheres of the solar system, along with a suitable communicational system between them, that would cause a great mental consequence, in my eyes. I mean "extending of the (civilized) world". Thus, one could say: There is always a job for me, there is always a good physician for my illness, a better place for living or pleasure, a higher chance of finding a true fried, etc; also among more numbers of humans the probability of finding one like Edison or Einstein who attend to solve the pains of humanity is higher, but unfortunately, that's similar for appearing mad criminals like Hitler or Bin Laden.

You know Orstio, almost any innovation has been created for a more peaceful world, but that might be applied in a wrong way, e.g., inventing the automobile has caused many benefits for people, but on the other hand, so far many ones have been killed in the car crashes too. I think we have only two ways, or accept the modernism and always attempt to improve it, or deny it completely, the third way would be ended up to fundamentalism.


.. you've taken an extraordinary unsubstantiated claim, and used an essay you wrote yourself as validation for that claim ..


I think generalizing the present way of transferring the analog or digital data to the goods or humans has many benefits and it's trivial! But anyway, if the terms in my website really troubles you, please introduce me another essay for referring and I'd take it into account in the future.


.. we could assume that in fact there has never been anything profitable out of space travel..


I agree with you to some extent. Unfortunately, many actions in that field - initiated from the Cold War - were expensive propaganda. In that direction, I don't like NASA policies and I think Americans should reconsider about their tax dollars for it; anyway, that's none of my business. However, I believe if private sector wants to invest, we should be happier and more hopeful, the reason is clear: no independent investor wants to waste his (her) money to show a fictitious thing like in the atmosphere of the Cold War.


.. and projecting that into the future, we could say that there also will never be anything profitable from it ..


Stop dude! Don't compare previous bad things to next useful ones.


.. Neither of those are scientifically relevant concepts, so should not be included in any scientific work ..


I told you: I'm not scientist, but they can't ignore my ideas, we'd see it in a close future!


.. You may very well be correct in your equations and thought processes ..


Be sure of it! Although, perfect calculations are too hard and I insist on going based on experiments.


.. I am shocked that any scientist wanting a positive and reputable response would ever cite work from americanantigravity.com or stardrivedevice.com. Even if you are not a crank, doing that is a quick and easy method of getting yourself labelled as one..


As I explained above, please take it easy. I cite above links for introducing my paper to laypeople like you. In my correspondence to the experts, of course I use the technical language.


As the last remark, I again thank you for your attention. It's quite your decision to make a post on my work or not. But if you are interested to do it (e.g., showing the basic idea and outlines of the paper in your taste or making guess about its effect for space exploring or so), I'm ready to help you and answer any related question. Please don't forget I'd really appreciate any post by you, because in my view that would help to present my work to more numbers of people and perhaps leading to change the face of the world in a more ethical and more pleasant manner, that's a dream I'm deeply believe in it.







Well, Theo, Mammad is certainly exhuberant.


I guess the best way to handle this is firmly and mildly.


Not being a scientist or physicist or engineer is problematic. IMO,it means that Mammad lacks necessary discipline and care with respect to developing scientific ideas. But how to convey that nicely.


Certainly, the ramifications of essentially unlimited travel without significant cost are profound.


I asked MM if he had proposed this to NASA (NIAC) and they apparently scoffed at the idea.


So, I hope we can find a way to temper his enthusiasm while keeping him calm.




Hi Astronuc,


What's going on? Is everything OK? I hope so.

Please don't forget that I'm still waiting to see a post on my work by YOU! Indeed, something like the blogs I sent you.







Hey Mohammad,


I have been out of my office at several meetings and conferences during the last two weeks.


I still haven't forgotten you TW theory.


One question I would have is the energy required to generate such a phenomenon. This must be related to the field energy density.


May I ask what is your background?


With warmest regards,






Hi Astronuc,


Thanks for the reply. Now let's deal with your question. In spite of what is generally being thought by the laypeople about the required energy of a traversable wormhole in cosmic magnitudes, recent theories have shown that the exotic matter needed to create and stabilize a TW could be in minor and achievable amounts. I've used some peer-reviewed ones as my references and I can suggest you to take a glance to e.g., the abstracts of the papers written by Peter Kuhfittig. For instance, see:






All previous models suffer from serious limiting features but my model has no known drawback. Indeed, I can claim my paper has severely decreased the researches on the traversable (Lorentzian) wormholes field. You could check this fact out by comparing the rate of e-prints releasing about this subject before and after submitting my work in the arXiv.org (which covers from 1992-up to now); (in addition) regarding the realities of the academic researching, rapid improving of science and some other statistical factors which you know better than me.

I repeat: be sure of its scientific validity, but if you'd like to provide a more confident (or hotter!) post in Everything-Science.com or otherwise, you could contact (phone seems nicer) to Kuhfittig (http://www.msoe.edu/campus/directory_individual.php?id=kuhfitti) or Christopher Fewster (http://www-users.york.ac.uk/~cjf3/).

Anyway, I propose you (one reason is, your English is much better than mine ) write about the picture of a world without any serious physical distance for the humans . For example, inventing of the telephone caused the people to send and receive their voices in principal (however the technical problems don't prevent the philosophical issues of its effect on our life, in respect to when there was no telephone at all). Now I encourage you to write your dreams if there would be no "distance" between the points; e.g., a man could to his office in a far country at the morning and backs to his home in another country at the noon! Or radically generalizing it, one could work in a planet and lives in the other would-be-colonized planet …

By the way, looking at the below links might seem cool to you for start (sorry for old news, although these are very well-written with no similar texts on the net):








As a cooler suggestion, maybe watching the movie "Contact" (starring Jodie Foster) or "Stargate" (starring Kurt Russell) would be a good pleasure.


At last, please allow me not to say my backgrounds, that remembers me terrible things . I think a "young theorist" is a nice expression to explain me.





P.S.: I hope your post results in preparation of all for a new era, in which we should reconsider about something i.e., cars, planes, ships, trains, etc; also we should consider its terrorist applications , the certain role in what some sociologists call "the gap between north and south countries". The media revolution (as an effective agent) caused decaying of the Soviet Union (Eastern Block, actually), therefore we should expect decaying much bigger structures, if spacewarp communications be realized. By the way, (since I have unbelievably unbearable situations herein ) I hope that (= your would-be attractive post, I guess a (long? ) article, in fact!) would help to motivate an investor or any kind of interested entity to contact me as soon as possible!


What do you think abou the above remarks?

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"How much would it cost?

How would an investor make a profit?"


THESE are important questions.

If there is no clear return for "investors", you are not seeking investment, you are seeking charity

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Guest Guest_mansouryar_*

Ladies & Gentlemen,


I'm not out of my mind. Just give me some time. I'll answer to everything.


Goodbye :(

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Just a question from admin or anybody who might know: Is it possible to extend the present topic to the pages more than two? I'm now working on my answers which would be rather long and I see that's odd for the forums, but accept that's not a simple stuff. Untill that time, I'd be glad to read the comments of the guys herein about various aspects of my story.


Mammad :(

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the thread will create pages as needed - go ahead

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You and some of the Property Bulls are still lost in 2004-

if you think this narrow price rally says something about the UK-wide property market

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More on my plans:


In fact, the result of my researches would be a new kind of engineering, maybe I can compare it to the discovery of Thomas Edison (recall the science of electricity before and after that) and establishing the General Electric afterward; or the feat of Bill Gates (recall the area of softwares before and after Windows) and improving his aspirations by Microsoft. At the moment, I need an entity to support my further programs; i.e., a business composed of my idea and their funding. I've much thought if it was possible DARPA would played the role of IBM for me, just as was done for Mr. Gates. I've insisted on collaboration to the military (or less, governmental organizations) in my correspondence with several guys, because there is a less limitation to financially support a project by them. Nowadays, everything is justifiable by the term "protecting of the national security", and that's become more obvious in the post-9/11 era. Further, all we know there is a reserved right for the army of any country to access to the most pioneer findings of the technology, to protect the society. There are many stories (rumors?, conspiracy theory? I don't judge) about the discoveries of Germany experts during the WWII and transferring them to the U.S. (definitely, the anti-gravity devices). Also, all have heard about unconfirmed theories on the unbelievable advancements of the Soviet Union and America in spying methods (and its relevance to the UFO studies) during the Cold War. More recently, we people in the Middle East have talked and imagined on similar innovations, regarding the two wars on Afghanistan and Iraq.

I have no idea on them, and I don't want to appropriate my time to such stuff neither. What I'm sure on it and am in a position to state is: I believe constructing a practical spacewarp is a quite achievable possibility, and that will divide the communication industry to two parts of before and after itself. Since you've read my reply to Astronuc at above, you'd agree that's not an exaggeration at all.

Altogether, I hate to see the fate of such a technology to be a monopoly of a few countries. It's clear this has numerous benefits for all humans and I want to see its influences as soon as possible, regarding the present dangers threatening our beautiful green planet.

For the starting step, I think the fuel companies are suitable options. That comes from present technical circumstances of the model, in addition of the speed of the would-be-created market of it, regarding the dependence of the current economy of the world to the fossil fuels. Now several of them have faced to very satisfying growing of the prices of their items, so they could find a viewpoint to my proposal as a research project, something similar to their attempts to discover unknown oil regions.

Another step could be transferring of the sweet water, mostly in the dry portions. Many people think this would cause much political conflicts at the Middle East and the center and north of Africa, in a near FUTURE, but the sad truth is: the initial parts of this disaster has happened for some years, and the situation is being worsen, due to many factors like technological retarding, governmental corruption, and cultural decline. Unfortunately, despite of all the done efforts and policies of the UN, it seems the most realistic cure scenarios would take place at least after passing of several generations.

Anyway, I'm ready to answer any question about the applications of my theory in any possible case, in the following, but I was supposed to answer: what am I going to do to realize it?

As soon as gathering enough budget, I'd make a team. Members of that team would be experts and technicians in various areas of physics, engineering, mathematics and computer simulation. As once I mentioned I could compare it to building a big accelerator and the only one I know who could unify such branches in direction of a practical spacewarp is (for now) myself. Then we'd start our holy efforts in two main fronts, immediate doing of a few predictions of my papers, specially testing of the core of my model on ANEC violation by an asymmetric perforated cavity made of metallic hydrogen and running intense electric and magnetic fields to give a charge back-reaction to the system. On the other hand, we need exact solving of the equations by a (or more) supercomputer and modelizing of the process by the theory group to help the experimenters. I evaluate we'd be able to perform tests on traversing the gas, oil and water in less than a year and the expenses shouldn't be more than about millions. However, that quite depends on which entity does the job, for example if I'd be contractor (or actually in any legal manner that I could afford) of the U.S. Department of Energy or army or navy, etc, and do the things in a national lab, that would be a huge reduction of the costs; but if a private company decides to launch a completely new lab plus related issues, that would certainly be more expensive. If the experiments goes well, we could start removing the mediation between producer and user of the fuel and water. More exactly, there would be no need to millions of tons and kilometers of pipes throughout the world, and other ones like huge tankers. In that condition, a refinery in say China could receive its raw material directly from Saudi Arabia.

Next phase would result removing of wires and cables (mostly in industrial scales); along with mineral applications, and when all of the above would occurred, by gaining more experiences, the dream approaches to the humanoid applications. Along with doing so, I'd create a special division devoted to study the applications in outer space, definitely colonizing the Mars or Europa (a proper satellite of Saturn).

It's my ideal plan and I'd be thankful to see your advices, comments, critics, guidance and everything about the outlines and/or details ...


Cheers :)

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NO CLEAR prospective RETURN, means no investment in our capitalist system, I am afraid.


But you may be able to find a University willing to back research, if you are good at writing grant proposals

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Guest Guest_mansouryar_*



I don\'t want to cheat anybody. Also, reaching up to this situation has been a great work of mine. The final economical features of this brand new business relates to expertise of analyzers who know the global needs and implications of the market very better than me. I don\'t claim to know all about such a complicated matter, in contrast to some properties of many Iranians you\'ve probably seen. Up to now, I\'ve only begun the scientific (actually, theoretical) part of the project, and other parts would be respectively the experiments and then commercializing. The being clear as you\'ve thought, certainly needs months of study in many fields. If you need an extreme clearness, you should wait for months or even perhaps, a few years.

By the way, that makes no difference for me the place of start, a university, a company, a spying laboratory or a military installation. Remember the Google was born as a simple proposal in the Stanford university.

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I would say you need a business partner who can help you realise the economic potential of your investments, or a billionaire backer, who will invest on faith. Until you find one of these, I reckon you will be stuck in an academic environment.


The Google guys were lucky. They came around with their idea, when big fortunbes had been made on internet businesses, and so they had an easy time finding Venture Capitalists willing to back their idea. No one has made any money on time travel, apart from some science fiction writers

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No one has made any money on time travel, apart from some science fiction writers

I dont think hes talking about time travel.

Hes talking about ehh...space travel - travelling through space.

Or more precisely bending space to make two points come together so that travel between them becomes shorter.


Imagine an A4 page with a dot at the top and bottom.

To get from one to the other you need to move a couple of inches from one to the other.

If however you fold the page in half, the dots are now beside each other and the journey is much shorter.


This is, in theory, possible.

If this guy has a solution either he would be a scientific sensation and/or he would be picked up by an international govt.


I doubt very much that he would be hunting for investors on a website, especially as hes prepared to work for just about anyone....

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More on my plans:


As soon as gathering enough budget, I'd make a team. Members of that team would be experts and technicians in various areas of physics, engineering, mathematics and computer simulation. As once I mentioned I could compare it to building a big accelerator and the only one I know who could unify such branches in direction of a practical spacewarp is (for now) myself. Then we'd start our holy efforts in two main fronts, immediate doing of a few predictions of my papers, specially testing of the core of my model on ANEC violation by an asymmetric perforated cavity made of metallic hydrogen and running intense electric and magnetic fields to give a charge back-reaction to the system. On the other hand, we need exact solving of the equations by a (or more) supercomputer and modelizing of the process by the theory group to help the experimenters. I evaluate we'd be able to perform tests on traversing the gas, oil and water in less than a year and the expenses shouldn't be more than about millions. However, that quite depends on which entity does the job, for example if I'd be contractor (or actually in any legal manner that I could afford) of the U.S. Department of Energy or army or navy, etc, and do the things in a national lab, that would be a huge reduction of the costs; but if a private company decides to launch a completely new lab plus related issues, that would certainly be more expensive. If the experiments goes well, we could start removing the mediation between producer and user of the fuel and water. More exactly, there would be no need to millions of tons and kilometers of pipes throughout the world, and other ones like huge tankers. In that condition, a refinery in say China could receive its raw material directly from Saudi Arabia.

Next phase would result removing of wires and cables (mostly in industrial scales); along with mineral applications, and when all of the above would occurred, by gaining more experiences, the dream approaches to the humanoid applications. Along with doing so, I'd create a special division devoted to study the applications in outer space, definitely colonizing the Mars or Europa (a proper satellite of Saturn).

It's my ideal plan and I'd be thankful to see your advices, comments, critics, guidance and everything about the outlines and/or details ...


Cheers :)



How do you know that this hasn't been tried or planned already? As well as NASA, the US spends billions on black projects every year, space, time travel, anti-gravity, whatever you want to call it, it is probably high on that agenda. And how do you protect an idea for time travel? Is it patented? Once the theory is out there and the possible mechanism for making it work is known it's probably already being worked on in some secret facility in the Nevada or Arizona desert. I'm sure they have many projects in the pipeline or going on as we write.


Have a look at Nick Cook's The hunt for Zero Point. A good yarn, if nothing else, but full of interesting stories on the black project world.


"There is real work going on in the USA today on anti-gravity - the most visible of it at NASA, where the space administration is investigating the use of 'impossible science' to develop hardware that will allow a manned spacecraft to journey into deep space before the century is out by travelling at light-speed or even beyond. In the course of researching this story, I discovered and met with a Russian scientist called Podkletnov who has succeeded in 'blocking' gravity with super-conductors. Technically, this is scientific heresy, but Podkletnov is doing it and others aren't far behind. There's a race going on here and the prize is huge: whoever cracks the technology and brings it to market first taps into a potentially limitless energy source and develops an exotic and novel form of propulsion that requires no fuel."



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Guest Guest_mansouryar_*



Yes, I surely need many partners to realize my plans in making a more pleasant world. Removing (or relaxing) the physical distance is a so much serious affair. That would be a revolution in the capitalist system, for instance in distributions of the goods and delivering the merchandise to the customers, directly. Also, I know some rich guys who like such ideas. For example, Paul Allen (co-founder of Microsoft), Richard Bronson (founder of Virgin Airlines), Anousheh Ansari (main donator of the Ansari-X prize for the first private spaceship). I\'m gonna contact them very soon, what\'s your idea? I mean about the style of my would-be sent suggestion. I ask it from DrBubb and other guys who read this topic.

Let me confess burning in a dream from childhood has made some unique psychological situations for me, and if you\'d know on the hardship of living in this hell, you\'d never have reckoned my to be stuck in an academic environment.

It\'s clear I\'m not like the Google guys; they are part of a process and by improving a special region of that process (i.e., internet search engines) made much money, but I plan to CREATE a process, for second time: A NEW KIND OF ENGINEERING. You see? A NEW KIND OF ENGINEERING. Pondering on this could bring countless benefits for a \"venture capitalist\", an entity or a person ..

Last remark: I don\'t know how should I tell you I disagree to time travel at this stage of my studies. I repeat again: I THINK TIME TRAVEL IS IMPOSSIBLE.




You\'re right, but unfortunately DrBubb does not understand (or didn\'t pay enough attention to) the difference between a space travel and time travel. The illustration you said is the same I say to laypeople around myself to describe the concept.

Yes this guy has found the best solution, but you certainly agree anyone who reaches to a stuff, particularly as wild as my case, wants to see its effects. Look, I don\'t want to be thought as a mad scientist as you\'ve watched in many popcorn movies whom is being destroyed by a hero at the end of the film. My desire is clear and if I were in a better PLACE (in the west, in your views), there would no need to telling something which might terrify others, especially if those were realized in a non-democratic regime ...

By the way, if most of the people (and actually) governments would have known the value of doing the right action, BEFORE IT\'S TOO LATE, the world was a much better place than its present conditions, wasn\'t it? Agreed?



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I’m sure the U.S. hasn’t faced to satisfying results in its previous (probable) tries in the field under discussion of this forum. Take a look at this link (in one of its comments, my name has been mentioned!):


This (if true) has trivial scientific errors. Also, to the best of my knowledge, and due to technical matters, the U.S hasn’t been able to access to a right framework for a practical spacewarp. Most of my work is based on quite fresh peer-reviewed papers of Kuhfittig, Graham, and Olum. Similar to a patient hunter, I’ve been observing the procedure of improving the efforts to furbish a more achievable model of spacewarp and NO finding could have been gained, apart from during recent months. However, a famous argument is: if America were as advanced as it seems and rumors say, its army has had much less troubles in Iraq, Afghanistan, and finding terrorists like Bin Laden; in addition we shouldn’t have faced to accidents like explosion of shuttles (sad dying of astronauts), multi-times delay of launching them, and not being impressed by the old technology of Russia. You can add damages of the natural disasters like hurricanes, etc and some others to that country, to the list.


…And how do you protect an idea for time travel? …


Oh God please you save me from these guys who do NOT understand I don’t believe in time travel!!!! Also, nobody requests patent for a new kind of science or engineering, it’s ridiculous, isn’t it? I’ve read the rules. Besides, there are some funny and serious matters about the patent of my work, which I’d say later. By the way, I prefer not to be anxious on what’s going on in Nevada or Arizona; I do my job and they do their job; no war, OK?


…on Nick Cook’s book …


I repeat: traveling at light-speed or even beyond is not my favorite. I think to bending (warping) of spacetime.

At last: be more exact Mr. Dude. I’ve cited one work of Podkletnov in my Ref. [114]!!!!

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I’m sure the U.S. hasn’t faced to satisfying results in its previous (probable) tries in the field under discussion of this forum. Take a look at this link (in one of its comments, my name has been mentioned!):


This (if true) has trivial scientific errors. Also, to the best of my knowledge, and due to technical matters, the U.S hasn’t been able to access to a right framework for a practical spacewarp. Most of my work is based on quite fresh peer-reviewed papers of Kuhfittig, Graham, and Olum. Similar to a patient hunter, I’ve been observing the procedure of improving the efforts to furbish a more achievable model of spacewarp and NO finding could have been gained, apart from during recent months. However, a famous argument is: if America were as advanced as it seems and rumors say, its army has had much less troubles in Iraq, Afghanistan, and finding terrorists like Bin Laden; in addition we shouldn’t have faced to accidents like explosion of shuttles (sad dying of astronauts), multi-times delay of launching them, and not being impressed by the old technology of Russia. You can add damages of the natural disasters like hurricanes, etc and some others to that country, to the list.


…And how do you protect an idea for time travel? …


Oh God please you save me from these guys who do NOT understand I don’t believe in time travel!!!! Also, nobody requests patent for a new kind of science or engineering, it’s ridiculous, isn’t it? I’ve read the rules. Besides, there are some funny and serious matters about the patent of my work, which I’d say later. By the way, I prefer not to be anxious on what’s going on in Nevada or Arizona; I do my job and they do their job; no war, OK?


…on Nick Cook’s book …


I repeat: traveling at light-speed or even beyond is not my favorite. I think to bending (warping) of spacetime.

At last: be more exact Mr. Dude. I’ve cited one work of Podkletnov in my Ref. [114]!!!!


I should have been more precise. I should have said, and how do you protect an idea for time travel, space warp, space surfing, wormhole travelling, whatever? Is it patented? You may not believe in time travel, that's fine, but there are others working on this. It may be futile, but they are working on it. My points hold true, these things are being worked on already and the black projects are already staffed by 100's (1000's?) working on similar ideas.


It doesn't matter that the US can't find Bin Laden or the fact that they are bogged down in an insurgent war. The US military machine is designed to fight conventional wars against a conventional foe and win them quickly. This they largely do, but what is going on in Iraq, they are not best equipped for. IMHO, it's an un-winnable war by conventional means. It has to be won through hearts and minds and I doubt the US can do that either in the Middle East.


As for Podkletnov, I didn't mention him, it was Cook's quote, but raised to show that the ideas are out there and if they are out there, you can bet that some Government black project somewhere is working on it.


So you need either to be be working for one of those "projects", or find someone with the money, a billionaire who doesn't mind the odd million or two being used for exotic scientific projects, and you mention Branson (by the way, if you approach him, make sure you get his name right, it's Branson, not Bronson). This is what happens in the film you keep mentioning "Contact".


"Virgin boss Sir Richard Branson has since launched his commercial Virgin Galactic service that will eventually use spaceliners based on the SpaceShipOne concept."




If you have got the qualifications, you may have to work on more conventional aspects of space travel first. A job in a University, research or http://www.bigelowaerospace.com/. How you would do this or get there, I have no idea.




And doesn't that logo remind you of a little gray alien? One for the crank sites that.

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Why not come up with a commercial invention, make some good money on it, and then try to raise money for the grander schemes? Once you ahve establish credibility as a money-maker, it will be far easier to get people to look at your more "advanced" ideas.


How about Alternative Energy? Have any ideas that will work in that sector?


Do take this the wrong way, I am really trying to be constructive. I have seen this approach work for people like Sir Clive Sinclair. For that matter, you might even try approaching him, to see if he can help you find backers. You are not a Mensa member by any chance, are you? That might give you some easy access to Sir Clive.


Also, as a long-shot, you could approach the Gates Foundation. There are some links in the Off Topic forum

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I am interested in your reaction to this...


The World will be a better place If and When the USA discovers a new mission...


As a Country to be the Leader of Innovation in Alternative Energy.


To get there, we may need to see:


+ $200 Oil,

+ More failures in US political leadership,

+ A clear peak in Oil resources vs. Production,

+ A more widespread realisation that the current mission as "the world's policeman and consumer of last resort" is thankless, and will eventually bankrupt the USA

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I failed to understand your meaning by {… staffed by 100's (1000's?) …}, and IMHO. Can you explain? By the way, a nice black project could be inviting the Iranian Einstein to the U.S., or even kidnapping him!! :lol: Couldn’t it? :D


…How you would do this or get there, I have no idea…


but I have a good idea. B) Anyway, thanks for citing the links. I’ve already contacted to Bigelow Aerospace by two emails, but no response yet. B) Besides, I agree with you on logo. ;)



DrBubb, (post #44)


You’re right, but I’ve tried to gain credibility from other ways. Most vital of all is the scientific credibility. In that direction, I’ve sent hundreds of emails to the experts who have released papers on general relativity, and have received tens of positive replies. However, realistically I should wait more, to be informed of one of the best news of my life; i.e., writing a paper continuing my research. I accomplished my paper after about 7 years of study, so logically other authors would need a considerable time to write a more complete one, based on mine, but I hope that wouldn’t last about another 7 years!!!! :(

After confirming my claims and improving it by others, the desire of investors would become much more to this idea.

On the other hand, my mental situation isn’t ready for a further masterpiece. If one spends best moments of his youth along with giving an incredible energy, and sacrifices many valuable things for an idea, he surely wants to see the results as soon as possible and doesn’t think to anything else, until facing a definite feedback of his efforts. You can see this status in many authors like great novelists and great artists. Other factor is the required time. If I’d start considering a novel idea to make sufficient money, I’d be far from the atmosphere of this branch of physics for a rather long time and lose my validity to judge on it. I think it’s not fair if everything would be done by the owner of the idea; I should have a free mind (not worrying about the money) to improve this matter which is enough expansive. One reason of being more advanced of the west is: the researchers are not generally anxious on the economical problems of their work and life, isn’t it?


… How about Alternative Energy? Have any ideas that will work in that sector?…


I respect all the done attempts in this area, but my would-be realized theory has many applications about it too. ;) I only mentioned a few examples and the reader could imagine the continuation by his/her imagination. First, what’s the main goal of the alternate energy? I assume a cleaner world. You can have it by the technology of a practical spacewarp, but how? Take a deep look at the post #7 and the photo in my homepage or post #13. In a world with the least possible cars, trains, ships, airplanes and other vehicles that release the dirty smoke, we’d have the cleanest possible climate. That just remains the industrial pollution, which I have a cure for that too. We could connect a simple apparatus to the end of the exiting tubes of the dirty smokes or liquids of the factories. The duty of that apparatus would be sending those stuffs to remote regions, maybe we could appropriate a satellite of the Mars or any other enough far and safe place in the infinite space to this mission. Thus, we’d have a nicer earth. Second, to produce electricity: we could install large plates of solar batteries in the suitable regions, like the Great Desert of Africa, or even at the orbit and be connected to them by means of just “a few meters of cables” to use of the produced energy in our cities throughout the world. When you have no obstacle called the physical distance, you could extract the powers of nature, too much more than before. The last scenario could also be performed for the windy turbines would-be-located in points like top of the mountains, and the “few meters of cables” would be traversed through a spacewarp to a tuner center.

If you think it’s possible and constructive, I really like to contact to people like Sir Clive, Bob Bigelow or Mr. Gates (or the guys in Gates Foundation). I’ve read a reportage in a Persian magazine about Bigelow and feel close to him. By the way, both me and Bill Gates think to connecting people, he virtually and me really!! :lol::lol: But I have problems in making a successful contact to them and introducing my thoughts. Maybe you members could do something to they read these pages and make a right decision; or guide me how would be better to contact to them; by email, fax, etc?


P.S.: I didn’t understand your meaning by “a Mensa member”. What’s that?



DrBubb, (post #45)


What do you expect me to say? Well, the items you listed seem logical. It’s clear the economy always imposes its naked realities and implications, and the needs of the market could change many things. Therefore, one could conclude a group of effective countries, OPEC, oil cartels and others do like to maintain the current situation and gradually increase the price of gasoline, just for more interest. :angry: I think a net of independent inventors and investors activating in the field of alternative energy could create a parallel trade near that. Having braveness and intelligent programmers could result in good things. ;)





There are a few numbers of people who dislike to be rich and I hate to be a liar. In an excessively materialistic and capitalist system, -unfortunately- the money brings a lot of power and that’s pleasant for nearly anyone. I guess all have at least once thought to be a superman as Nietzsche says. :P

As a matter of fact, I want to be a good guy and useful for the people as much as I can. :) If I’d be enough rich, I certainly would use all of my scientific and economical powers to implement my ideas for a better earth and other planets for living. The world I’m gonna shape, would give different definition of the economical equations; similar to the difference of many mathematical theorems with assuming the finite sets, OR infinite sets ... ;)

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I’m sure the U.S. hasn’t faced to satisfying results in its previous (probable) tries in the field under discussion of this forum. Take a look at this link (in one of its comments, my name has been mentioned!):


This (if true) has trivial scientific errors. Also, to the best of my knowledge, and due to technical matters, the U.S hasn’t been able to access to a right framework for a practical spacewarp. Most of my work is based on quite fresh peer-reviewed papers of Kuhfittig, Graham, and Olum. Similar to a patient hunter, I’ve been observing the procedure of improving the efforts to furbish a more achievable model of spacewarp and NO finding could have been gained, apart from during recent months. However, a famous argument is: if America were as advanced as it seems and rumors say, its army has had much less troubles in Iraq, Afghanistan, and finding terrorists like Bin Laden; in addition we shouldn’t have faced to accidents like explosion of shuttles (sad dying of astronauts), multi-times delay of launching them, and not being impressed by the old technology of Russia. You can add damages of the natural disasters like hurricanes, etc and some others to that country, to the list.


From the link above.


DARPA to develop Einstein-Rosen bridge


DARPA, the US military’s advanced concepts research team, is working on an ambitious project to create nothing less than an ‘Einstein-Rosen bridge'. Referred to by some physicists as ‘timeholes,’ it is thought that the US military is set to introduce time travel to the battlefield by the end of the decade.


“This is clearly the future of armed conflict,” says DARPA lead scientist Tetsuo Hasegawa, “the ability to go back in time and destroy the enemy before tensions have even arisen would represent an unprecedented advantage in the history of warfare.”




In addition to going back in time before the enemy is ready, it is also hoped that “quick-trip” time jumps will be made to the recent past in the event of a mistake or miscalculation on the battlefield. In this sense, the ERB would essentially act as a real-world 'undo' button. It is even speculated that so-called “foresight trips” will be made to the future to assess potential outcomes.


When asked about such ethical and practical problems as disrupting sensitive timelines or the grandfather paradox, Hasegawa noted, “Sure, those are potential issues, but I think you’re missing the point – this is time travel we’re talking about.”


DARPA hopes to roll-out a prototype ERB for testing in late 2008.


Cross-posted from Sentient Developments.

Published Saturday, April 01, 2006 12:32 PM by George


1) This idea about going back in time, changing the past, if it could happen, theory based on the multi-verse is that the universe would create different time-lines. One, where the past is changed and another where the time-line carries on and history isn't changed. This overcomes the paradox that you can go back in time and kill your grandfather and yet still exist. In one universe timeline you are not born, in another you are'


2) Look at the date on the article - an April fool (joke, hoax).


Also, IMHO = In my humble opinion.


Staffed by 100's (1000's?). The number of people working on black projects number 100's maybe 1000's.

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There may be too many big ideas for me to do much with them all/


So I will focus on two comments from MM:



"Second, to produce electricity: we could install large plates of solar batteries in the suitable regions, like the Great Desert of Africa, or even at the orbit and be connected to them by means of just “a few meters of cables” to use of the produced energy in our cities throughout the world"


(Are you suggesting that the solar power would be transported by a short cable runniung through a wormhole? Have I got that right? Surely, it would require vast amounts of energy to open the wormhole, and to keep it open? Or am I making the wrong assumption?)



" I really like to contact to people like Sir Clive, Bob Bigelow or Mr. Gates (or the guys in Gates Foundation). I’ve read a reportage in a Persian magazine about Bigelow and feel close to him. By the way, both me and Bill Gates think to connecting people, he virtually and me really!! But I have problems in making a successful contact to them and introducing my thoughts"


(I know Clive Sinclair, and used to see him regularly. But that was some years ago, and I have lost touch. I think he will remember me, and I will look to see if I can make contact with him- before my forthcoming move. Can you trell me where I can get:


+ A press article summarising your past work?

+ A good summary of what you are trying to achieve?


Perhaps it is on this thread, but there may be better material elsewhere


+ What is you ability to communicate with the West? Can you travel to the West?

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Seemingly you really are interested to the time travel discussion. As you know, many interpretations about this subject are not provable nor deniable yet. I usually avoid to talk about it, honestly because I don’t have enough knowledge. Do you know what do I like? I like to excruciate the nature (albeit, not live things! :o ) in the lab and see its confessions. One of them might be possibility of time travel, but we need more investigations to that end. B) Anyway, thanks for your explanations and at last these links might be cool to you:







As I’ve alluded in previous posts, I believe the spacetime shortcuts are constructible without requiring the “vast amounts of energy” to open and stabilizing them. However, in the initial generations of them, I estimate we’d apply intense electromagnetic fields to support them. The only problem remains to consider, is costing of providing the needed electricity of the spacewarp-maker equipments by the same tools (i.e., batteries and turbines) which are supposed to produce the electricity. If the needed energy of those equipments that are to transport the cables would exceed than the power of the related unit, it’d be a joke to use them; :D otherwise we should review further (economical) parameters.

Also, there is no press article on my work, yet (pay attention: only yet). The reasons are different and I don’t say for brevity, but I can say them if you want ...

... On the summary: since we’re talking about a novel kind of engineering, a good summary is too hard to present and also consider my work has been released just for nearly 8 months; B) but as you pointed out correctly, the basic idea has been described to laypeople. I suggest reading the:




at the beginning, and




at the following. My interview is a bit more technical. Very surprisingly, I know only two (or maybe three) people who are able to judge on the whole of my paper, :mellow: however I’m not sure about their information on the new-entered subjects like the metallic hydrogen or fuzzy logic.

By the way, it’s clear any serious and wise investor (no matter how much ventured! :blink: ) would have meetings with scientific advisors, before starting the project.


... Can you travel to the West?


Although extremely difficult, :angry: but I probably could. Indeed, if I’d find enough confidence on the form of collaboration and I’d feel being welcome, I would do my best to go to any place I should. B) Also, formalities like fast getting of visa in Iran or elsewhere are vital.




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