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Extract from one of today's articles -


Media Disinformation On The Credit Crisis


When Lehman was thrown under the bus, the $60 trillion plus pile of credit default derivatives imploded. That pile can NEVER have a clearinghouse and it is that pile now sitting on any business recovery of merit. Geitner, our possible new Secretary of the Treasury, fluffed off questions about regulating the OTC derivative market.


You can anticipate piles of BS daily with the media continuing to educate you with disinformation. All of this is like intoxicating the terminally ill patient in order to convince that patient that he can anticipate a long and healthy life. It may be kind but will not make the patient live one more day.


Respectfully yours,




Geitner and regulation of OTC derivatives just don't seem to go together.



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Dear CIGAs,


“The battle for Helms-Deep is over; the battle for Middle Earth has begun”!


So says Gandolph the Wizard in the second of Lord of the Rings trilogy, “The Two Towers”.


Gold has beaten back the Orcs and Uruk-Hai to regain the critical $880 level and must now deal with the Ringwraiths (the bullion banks) and Sauron (the monetary lords) as they attempt to defend Mordor (the unbacked paper money system – the root of all economic woes in the global universe). If Frodo can just make it to the fires of Mt. Doom and throw the golden ring of power into the volcanic flow (reintroduce gold into the monetary system), the system will topple freeing the masses from the tyranny of the money masters!


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Jim's prediction:

Everyone is looking for where and when the top in gold will come. Will it be Jim’s $1650 or Alf Field’s $10,000 plus before it comes back down?


To put it nicely, you are all wrong. Gold is going up and STAYING up.


There is no top to look for because like all things people strive for, the top does not exist.


Gold will trade within $200 of a given point as a product of the Master of the Financial Universe, Paul Volcker, taking control when all this is totally out of control. He will instate the revitalized and modernized Federal Reserve Gold Certificate Ratio, not gold convertibility, and not tied to interest rates as an automaticity.


The Gold mining business will then be the best business there is and the highest dividend paying monetary utility.

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Karl Marx 1867

"Owners of capital will stimulate the working class to buy more and more of expensive goods, houses and technology, pushing them to take more and more expensive credits, until their debt becomes unbearable. The unpaid debt will lead to bankruptcy of banks, which will have to be nationalized, and the State will have to take the road which will eventually lead to communism. (Das Kapital, 1867)

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Everyone is looking for where and when the top in gold will come. Will it be Jim’s $1650 or Alf Field’s $10,000 plus before it comes back down?

I've always been a bit curious about Jim's initial prediction of $1650 - or indeed anyone who likes to publicly quote a 'top' and expect people to take heed.

If gold was going to $1650 - who would he be expecting to buy at anywhere near that figure? :blink:


I wonder what price levels we will reach in £'s - has anyone put a prediction on that yet?

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Gold's Upcoming Magnets

Posted: Jan 26 2009 By: Jim Sinclair


Dear CIGAs,


The next two magnets for Gold above $887.50 are the following:


1. $1060

2. $1245


Or $600 if you believe Ker :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sometime this year, taxpayers will receive an Economic Stimulus Payment. This is a very exciting new program that I will explain using the Q and A format:

Q. What is an Economic Stimulus Payment?

A. It is money that the federal government will send to taxpayers..


Q. Where will the government get this money?

A. From taxpayers.


Q. So the government is giving me back my own money?

A. No, they are borrowing it from China. Your children are expected to repay the Chinese.


Q. What is the purpose of this payment?

A. The plan is that you will use the money to purchase a high-definition TV set, thus stimulating the economy.


Q. But isn’t that stimulating the economy of China?

A. Shut up."





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Read this and you need not read any more ever, anywhere.


Save the file linked below. Each time you need me to hold your hand read this first. You will no longer need me.


I have in chapter and verse outlined to you what is coming and why.


This article is a maximus opus in line and verse, outlined in time and form and absolutely correct in content.


I met Mr. Armstrong in the early 80s. I know his story better than most. This is a man who has been persecuted for his knowledge. He is a modern day Livermore. Armstrong is the only true genius in finance. No one can qualify to tie his shoes.


He was incarcerated because of his talent by an all but now forgotten jurist. The why is forgotten. All that is remembered is someone’s belief he cost the IRS a large chunk of money.




Full pdf file: http://www.jsmineset.com/wp-content/upload...n-armstrong.pdf



Given that build up, I guess I ought to read it. It's quite long............................

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Where Do All The Gold ETFs Get Their Bullion From?

Posted: Feb 12 2009 By: Jim Sinclair Post Edited: February 12, 2009 at 8:06 pm


Dear CIGAs,


Don’t you think it is about time GLD and all the other popular international gold ETFs told its owners exactly what kind of gold they claim to own?


Can you imagine a situation where a person buys a gold ETF to own “non-gold” but finds out that they in reality own OTC derivatives on gold?


That would be an investment in the same type of financial instrument (not gold) that one owns gold bullion to protect against.


The failure to unearth the Madoff scandal becomes incredible when one understands that the returns from the market claimed on the size of the hedge fund were logically impossible.


The exact same reasoning screams bloody murder when applied to the many Gold EFTs in terms of what it is they really own.


This begs one major question: From where did all the gold claimed to be owned by all the gold ETFs come from?


Where did funds such as GLD get their additional 45 tons in the last month?


We certainly can forget about that gold coming from the Comex. 12 deliveries would stand out like a sore thumb.


This concept and record keeping eliminates all exchanges around the globe as the source of bullion delivery in any size to all Gold ETFs.

The physical market is so tight that coin minting has all but closed down compared to what it was one year ago. It is hard to accept that the Gold EFTs can buy what the mints can’t.


A read of the original prospectus removes any thought that the gold is leased, but leaves one to invite probability.


That probability is that the claimed gold can only be OTC derivative long positions. If that is so then the financial reliability of the paper stands on the foundation of the balance sheet of the granting counter party to the OTC derivative. This is true regardless of whether it is a mine or naked speculator.


Don’t you think it is about time the gold ETFs told their owners exactly what kind of gold it is that they claim to own?


Can you imagine a situation where a person buys a gold ETF to own “non-gold” but finds out that they in reality own OTC derivatives on gold?


That would be an investment in the same type of financial instrument (not gold) that one owns gold bullion to protect against.


I think you own an ETF of derivatives, not of gold!


If I am correct then there is no clearinghouse guarantee for the OTC derivative to function.


Like so many other surprises of the last two years the Gold ETF shareholder may actually have no gold at all.


A perfect Ponzi scheme would allow you to surrender shares for bullion. You need only think about it.



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Where did funds such as GLD get their additional 45 tons in the last month?


That is exactly the question I asked myself yesterday night. Something is wrong here.


There should be no gold in COMEX warehouses anymore. But there is. So, what is going on?

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That is exactly the question I asked myself yesterday night. Something is wrong here.


There should be no gold in COMEX warehouses anymore. But there is. So, what is going on?


Paper gold doesn't really have the same wealth preservation warm feeling about it.



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Can anyone remember when it is that JS said gold will be at $1250?

End of March, his original target was end of 2008, but then put the target back 3 months.



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Jim's gone a bit apocalyptic this weekend - does anyone know whats going on?


This communication is to inform you as of 2/13/09, "It is totally out of control." There is no longer any means of reversal of the beginning of the final phase of the downward spiral now solidly set in motion.

For your sake, protect yourselves immediately.

Be prepared for disruptions in distribution common to hyperinflation.


and so on :blink:

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