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Posts posted by hotspur

  1. Ive been on the podcast thread and was listening to a few of the selections and now have a few serious queries.


    The practical investor on the sow with Tim Wood seems to think gold is on its way back down along with other commodities. i.e. the bubble is over.




    Also on the yorba tv a couple of days ago, another fella (forgot his name - but you could find it in the archive) talking about golds lower highs being a bearish signal and that its on its ways down




    I know I can't ask anybody to ease my mind, but seeing as these talk shows were recommended by users on this site I would love others opinions on this bearish scenario.


    Regards and thanks.[/quot

  2. Ive been on the podcast thread and was listening to a few of the selections and now have a few serious queries.


    The practical investor on the sow with Tim Wood seems to think gold is on its way back down along with other commodities. i.e. the bubble is over.




    Also on the yorba tv a couple of days ago, another fella (forgot his name - but you could find it in the archive) talking about golds lower highs being a bearish signal and that its on its ways down




    I know I can't ask anybody to ease my mind, but seeing as these talk shows were recommended by users on this site I would love others opinions on this bearish scenario.


    Regards and thanks.

    i wish we all stop thinking in fiat paper money can go to the moon but gold buys you bread and water things will rollback but gold hasnt moved yet only up 300% $ 200% euro in 6-8 years most people are still 90% fiat and 10 % houses or there abouts and this is very weimar they even sell cos they think in government numbers all paper will land there were it belongs in the higher caughts with no justice for the trapped you and me --GET IT IN YOUR FIST !!!

  3. the above is based on a 17 year bull market what if this is 40 year bull move as in the 1800s industrial revolutionary spread to europe and n.am from about 1850 1st world exhibition in hyde park then holding big companys such as rio -bhp freeport-anglo-gg-etc will pay great divi over the years think about it. im always a long hold and have played the furtures and options game for years but the problem with it is you will be dead before you can enjoy it

  4. That's a very good summary 'romans holiday'


    From that interview, one mght also argue that if gold is now at some kind of 'fair value' based upon the old 20 dollar coin metric, then its been undervalued for many recent years. And as we know, when prices of things race up (as gold has been) to meet their fair value, they usually overshoot. Hence, the prediction would be that gold should go much above its current fair value during this current longer bull market

    as i have ben saying for some weeks here gold must be seen to what one gets.i think that we are in a inflationary situation(fiat money)and only at the beginning of stage two of the gold bull. base metals took the forefront which is normal if you look at the rough history of commodity bulls they will move higher but in% they have had there biggest move already.oil is blowing off at the end of its stage two move.softs are as always the big if.but as everybody knows the KING(gold)always enters the hall with his poshed up QUEEN(silver)when all the guests are there! just wait maybe 1980 1oz 700 beers or 1923 24000 loafs of bread -----------GET IT IN YOUR FIST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! listen to jim

  5. Would anyone like to guess who made this prediction 6 months ago?



    Jan 21 2008, 06:03 PM)


    I am going to go out on a bit of a limb here,
    but I honestly think Gold will be sub-$500 within 6 months


    10% of the bad news with regard to credit markets is out. IMO, we are looking at around $6 trillion of write-downs worldwide that are connected to the housing market. If banks start to fail a la NR we could be looking at a lot more than that. China is in a lot of trouble and demand from that area will collapse in the next few months sending commodity prices down with them. Unemployment will pick up very quickly this Spring as businesses start to close and cost cotting begins in earnest. It reads deflation. The place to be when deflation is endemic and recession is widespread is US Treasuries and perhaps Swissies and Yen to a lesser extent. Risky bets such as gold will fall as the flight to safety will be predicated upon deflationary pressures. Gold is an inflationary hedge and driven almost solely by sentiment and fear of inflation. That phase of the market is over.


    Nothing goes on rising for ever. Its all cyclical and gold has had a good run. There comes a point when taking profits is wise. As Warren B says--get out while the herd are still rushing in. Not every drop is a buying opportunity otherwise nothing would ever drop.


    The black stuff beat the market today. I got out at 4.99 but its still an alluring bet:




    Last Trade: 389.75 p

    Trade Time: 4:35PM

    Change: 5.75 (1.50%)

    Prev Close: 384.00

    Open: 376.00

    Bid: 389.50

    Ask: 390.00

    1y Target Est: 630.00p

    even if we go in to deflation gold is still a winner its what you get for it that matters . i personally think that deflation is a 30% chance with each new write down they push the button and digital money goes though the wire and bingo WOW we have saved the day ! they cant rise rates very much cos all the banks come down which means they have to start bailing out private accounts which is also printing money here in germany up 50000 Euro but you many not even get a loaf of bread for that !!! in the last 40 years money grew in total to the factor of approx 1000 and this leads to a schocking result = global weimar !!

  6. Cripes, $982 already. Back to $1000 today?

    phase 1 was 1999-2001to mid 2006 with a smart money blow off 15 month shake out start of phase 2 mid 2007 first leg breach of the mind blowing number 1000 very short pull back there are 2or3 legs to come with targets 1500-1700-2100-but long term im still looking for 700 beers lol

  7. I have a US TD Ameritrade account and a UK one. Back when I opened them (about 8 years ago) they were the same company and you could do one-off currency transfers and then leave the USDs in the account as you bought and sold stocks. IIRC it was DLJ Direct at that time, then through various takeovers and mergers they became TD Waterhouse, then the US side changed to TD Ameritrade. As an end-user it's been horrible and now I wouldn't even try to transfer funds between the two accounts.


    I'd be interested to know how international traders operate... but I suspect they hold USD-based trading accounts.

    they just churn and roll you !

  8. Typical - I held that stock for 12 months and eventually got cheesed off and sold last week for a small loss.


    Bumped up my holding in GG though so could be worse.


    BTW hello all and thanks for all your input it's much appreciated.

    raw mats are different game to the run of the mill wall street stuff if you wanna be top notch then you get in at the basis on my list since 2002 Anglo Amer- BHP -rio tinto and as a base investment still good news then you go teir 2 thats around 10 to 20 stocks that i follow so 85 % of the paper stuff ive got gone not to forget is all paper profits should be turned to metal ore why did you buy the thing in the first place ha-ha

  9. $1,000 will be NO MATCH for gold this time.



    go LOG and then have a real look this gaint bull in com thing will throw most people off track cos they think in paper an am i getting intereast --no,no look at this totally otherwise cos we are at heads with something that i think i know but its getting larger by the day

  10. BREAKOUT ... of trading range for RGLD:


    Last [Tick] 33.55[ + ]

    Change... Up 2.26

    % Change Up 7.22%

    Volume 910,387


    Massive move on big volume

    true but yet to happen massive move yet to come 100$ gap up but maybe only 15-20 sfr move masive break down of the main fraud paper chase

  11. Investors got more scared on the donwside recently. Now, this chart here looks to me as if we could be in for some scary days for the shorts pretty soon.



    so if i was a small boy again watching all the big boys i would --GO-wow things are looking good but dosnt a poor sod in hell has the same thought before its last scream ----im not a rocket builder but i can fold a bit of paper!!

  12. this is so easy to see that most people will start try to catch fish at 1 to1 how about 0.2 to1 or out of a mind bending nr that will change the way of general thought

    dont forget that they bend the weight whats your mums got in the basket ---thing !!!!

  13. in a paper world it could come to be that you pay an ouze of gold to keep your house germany 1923 24 ouzes was for a short time a hole block there are so many exsamples of the demise of unbacked paper and the human race still goes for it because of lack of gernal eddy kation --like me

  14. A few updated (Q2 2008) gold and property charts:



    Measure: UK -- London -- Scotland

    Average: 278.31 -- 431.93 -- 235.86

    Min: 80.89 -- 107.19 -- 76.73

    Max: 695.50 -- 1,077.67 -- 507.41

    Q2 2008: 383.64 -- 627.78 -- 328.74


    Bull trap confirmed:






    One thing is clear: The top is in.




    The beginning of the mother of all property crashes?




  15. they always try to find someone else but this time round there could be some nasty side effect as the holes are gaping the british pm shoud be in the tower this keynes get it for nothing thing must be hung i didnt get my exams in the 70 because i wrote against this school of thought

    im cring lol-lol

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