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wee Jinky

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Posts posted by wee Jinky

  1. How times have changed. Over a week gone by and no comments on the 1511 post GEI gold thread


    As you recall i have said before that Gold is just a commodity like ammo or sugar or oil. Somebody has to have sufficient wealth that they can afford to buy it and justify holding onto to it when there are other things they need to buy.


    The fact is we are now all quite a bit older and for sure while Gold has risen hugely in price since around 2008 or whenever it was when i first turned up on this forum after GHPC collapsed, for Gold to rise in price you need to find more people who have a need to buy gold where the number of people buying gold to speculate on a higher price is not likely to be so high in a situation where even while there are huge problems in the world it is not so far getting much worse than it was back in 2008


    You guys need some kind of a game changer and I cannot see it around at the moment. Sentiment has to be against you for the time being and without sentiment you are in a bit of trouble since there is a huge oversupply of gold relative to people who need to buy gold to make a living via work

    Its not about Joe public buying the odd sov its about nations like China buying thousands of tonnes.

    Its about JPM stuffing their private gold accts full

    Its about the GOFO rate turning negative.

    Its about the Comex and LBMA stockpiles depleting rapidly

    Is that happening ?

    If all you are doing is watching the spot price on a ticker then you aint getting the bigger picture

  2. We are heading for financial collapse

    gold and silver will be the last man standing

    the price is collapsing because the cabal are trying to scare you away from owning it

    they want it all for themselves

    physical demand is increasing in correlation with the price dropping

    throw your charts away switch off CNBC and keep stacking while you still can


    gold is the currency of kings silver is the currency of gentlemen barter is the currency of peasants

    debt is the currency of slaves and paper is the currency of fools

    which one are you ?

  3. I believe a collapse of the housing market is the plan

    theres a lot of people with a noose round their necks already and lots of lovely assets to be

    removed from them for pennies in the £. Maybe they just want a few more sheeple to add to the

    pile of misery thats coming. My incredulity is that people would actually fall for this again .

  4. London cannot drag the rest of the UK higher

    the rest of the UK is maxxed out . Do they start raising the multiples again ?

    Bring back liarloans ? 125% mortgages ?

    If London goes up its just the influx of foreign money into the elite areas

    do these investors pump their money into Glasgow or Newcastle ?

    How many new btl landlords are going to get onboard ?

    How many old btl landlords fancy another spin on the roulette wheel

    Let London inflate and let this bubble of corruption burst

  5. i should have added what a lovely property it is and am surprised that there is so little interest shown.

    The only other suggestions I have would be to try advertising it abroad (for free if poss)its exclusive enough to stand out

    Try auctioning it off with a reserve of your choosing

    or consider a swap for some London based property (dont know if the fees from 2 transactions would be damaging or if a direct swap for a Chelsea flat would negate that) A quick word with a London based EA would clarify the feasability

    Must be some Londoners looking to "escape to the country" so shove the details in their face and take their selling concerns away

    I do realise this may be jumping from the frying pan into the fire

    In the meantime I'd get digging that hole

    Good luck

  6. Don't panic don't panic -in a manipulated paper market you can throw the charts out the window

    the $ is fatally flawed , all fiat is being printed to infinity , the debt is exploding, gold/silver will be

    the last man standing. Scaring people away from the physical is priority, accumulation of the physical at lower prices

    is what the smart investor will do .

  7. Politicians work for the bankers

    The bankers will want the bust for profit and to complete the cycle

    In 20 yrs time once this generation have moved on then the new generation

    will go through the boom and bust of property ownership once again just as this generation

    did after the 90s

    There is no money left to be made in supporting the bubble but theres

    plenty of profit to be made from a collapse .


    The asset transfer of the real estate at bust prices to the elite gives them

    the building blocks to rinse and repeat . This is part of the long term game

    Politicians will come and go -they will do what needs to be done and move on to

    a more lucrative career in eh banking perhaps . The boom wasnt about making the peasants wealthy

    The wealth they assumed they had in bricks and mortar was an illusion ,what they really aquired was debt

    and bucket loads of it . Conservative and Labour are the ying and yang , they are not there to give us wealth and freedom

    but to deprive us of it .The end game is to keep us enslaved . The carrot and the stick may be carried by 2 different hands

    but the hands belong to 1 body .

    Nothing in politics happens by accident -it is all planned ,it is only by seeing the plan that you can act to avoid the damage

  8. Its usually the worst areas that are the last to benefit in a boom but the first to be affected by the bust

    The last time (80/90s) boom/bust occured it was the rise in interest rates that led to the collapse

    This time it started with the inability of banks to keep the lending going at higher and higher multiples of income.

    They resorted to self certs and interest only deals and cut rates to the minimum , the bust that had started to unravel

    was temporarily reinflated as repos were temporarily put on hold

    The cost of everything else however was on the rise and wage settlements didnt make up the difference.

    The illusion was that property was still a good investment .

    In moneyspeak I think they call it a bulltrap

    Last time it needed rates of 15-18% to blow the game and provide lots of real estate to the cash rich

    at a 50% reduction ,this time will require a far lower rise . The bubble is far larger this time round and it has

    captured the entire nation not just the SE . The people have had years of MEWing and the indebted are everywhere.

    When the bankers create booms to profit by they also plan the bust because they profit from that as well

    so I expect when it all plays out that nowhere will be left unaffected especially the SE.

    The 2008 mini bust came too soon ,the banks had overstretched themselves through greed but the bail outs

    which the people unwittingly funded gave them time . I feel the time is now right to start the collapse , as long as the cost of living keeps rising then those mortgages become unserviceable even without a large rise in rates .

    London will not escape , in fact when more and more people decide to move out to the more affordable areas it may well hasten the demise

  9. that may be your mission ,its certainly not mine .

    I'll tell you how it works

    We have an elite that control the rest of us

    they have the politicians to make the laws,the armies and police

    to subjugate the people and the MSM to BS us down whatever road

    they wish us to walk .They dangle carrots to encourage us to work harder and longer

    then they whip the carrots away once we are of no more use to them .

    They create boom and busts ,they profit on the way up and they profit on the way down

    The housing boom was a get into debt boom - education education education was an

    enslavement project to keep the young off the dole and issue them with worthless degrees

    while indebting them for years to come .


    We used to have elderly hospitals that the people paid for through NI and Income tax

    what do we have now ? private care homes that you are forced to pay for (again)

    by having your home stolen from you to pay for that care .

    The bottom line is the people create the wealth (private and public sector)

    and the elite steal it back

    Its the longest running Ponzi scheme in history

  10. I think your anger would be better focussed on those at the top of the tree who award themselves vulgar pay packages

    the top 400 people in the US have more wealth than the bottom 150m combined

    Did they create this wealth on their own or did they rely on the peasant to actually go out and do the graft

    To extract the coal the ore the oil etc .

    During the booms its the private sector workers who reap the rewards

    when it all goes pearshape due mostly to their greed they point the finger at Joe sixpack

    There may be a few at the top of the public sector who have their nose in the trough

    but for the vast majority to refer to them as parasites is disgraceful

    Who was it that caused the depression of the 30s ? speculators or coalminers?

    who caused the banking meltdown in 2008 ?

    How many Billions are written off every year from private sector liquidations

    and who pays for their mistakes ?

    How many times has Donald Trump gone bust yet re emerges living off other peoples money

    Theres a parasite for you

  11. One of my Goals in life is to own a small holding. Long way from being able to do that at the moment.



    and to think in days gone by one would be referred to as a peasant

    but then they drove us from our lands and replaced the people with sheep

    as we were coralled into urban slums and forced to labour in factories

    just to pay for them, and they say they abolished slavery !!

  12. Assuming you are correct and there is many multiples of gold out there

    than we have been told , is the same also true for silver ?

    Considering that the ratio in ground is 10-1 that would make for

    so much silver that we couldnt even refer to it as a PM

    Now its always good to be open minded about all possibilities

    and should a gold standard be re introduced it allows the ptb the ability

    to QE the gold market .

    Are you convinced enough as to the non PM status of gold to stop buying it

    you have said you will buy at sub $1600 which I dont understand

    or are you hedging your bets on what may or may not be factual.

    For me its just an insurance policy against collapse

    10-15% in PMs may save me if it all goes t*ts up but it wont bust me

    if it collapses.

  13. "$1764 is the level where Gold will take off!"


    That was not the quote

    $1764 is the level at which gold "could" go exponential was what was said

    It was also said in other interviews that $1764 would be a long drawn out battle

    which it has proven to be

    As with MF Global when the paper ponzi collapses many people

    like Celente will be left holding paper promises

    There is nothing safer than buy and hold

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