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Posts posted by Gibber

  1. You could study more perhaps, to learn how to hedge in a way that is comfortable for you. ....



    Also, you can hedge differently than how I do it. I have a friend in HK here who runs a precious metals oriented hedge fund. He parks a good chunk of his fund into silver and gold, and then hedges the price risk using Puts. If the "trading system" blows up, he will have all of his Gold and Silver. He is only risking the money that he has in the puts.


    "Different strokes for different folks", even when it comes to hedging.


    For someone who would like to study a bit on hedging, do you have a menu of education that you could recommend.


    For example, a book or set of books. Or a website and set of websites?


    What concepts to get a cross first.? Then what concepts to get after that?


    It may be you have already put this out there somewhere.. Would appreciate a link if that is so

  2. Taxi ride today in Auckland New Zealand


    Taxi driver tuned into one of the talkback stations that runs spruiking advertorials.


    leveraged gold investment ad caught my ear. Spend $10,000 and get leverage to 30,000 worth of gold. Yada Yada Yada.


    Sounds like its getting bubblicious


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