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Nigel Watson

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Posts posted by Nigel Watson

  1. The Davos crowd will go for Depopulation (via RNA injection)

     I think that you're right about AI. It will make millions more unemployed. Why would an elite want to waste the planet's scare resources (their resources!) feeding, clothing & accommodating 6-7 billion people with a UBI? How are we viewed by the technocratic elite? As 'useless eaters' ? All that these 'useless eaters' do is create man-made global warming Are there any historical examples that you can think of where a country's leaders have murdered millions of their own people, because it suited them? Just because we're living in 2021, why do we discount the possibility that something similar might be happening now? I don't think that the WEF wants to re-invent capitalism. I think that their goal is to abolish private property and to create an authoritarian planned economy - so the destruction of capitalism Hannah, yes, there are parallels to 1984 - this time the war that never ends is a war against a virus. Have you ever read Brave New World by Aldus Huxley? I think that the future will be like that - unless people wake-up

  2. Please tell the decision makers on HPC greetings from their former poster "Goldfinger" (+5,000 posts or so), and please tell them that they are f**king morons. They could have had this 4 years ago. But no, they banned everything related to gold, and in due course lost out on a 200% profit.


    F**king morons.


    But I guess the longer this bull market goes, the more of that kind will come to surface.




    There were, and still are, astroturf posters over at HPC (scepticus, extra-dry-martini) that wrote very lucidly who always rubbished gold. Too many suckers bought into the consensus. Tne R4 listening Oxbridge loving consensus are gonna pay big time for their inability or unwillingness to think critically. Gerald Celente argues that this will all be good for the gene pool in the long-run. Clearly, not everybody is going to make it.

  3. Standard article in the Telegraph for the sheeple to frighten them into not buying gold while there is still time to do so.




    The article is actually an insult to the intelligence (but I suppose most of them are). Firstly claiming that gold is overbought and heading for a crash and then a few sentences later saying If you bought gold in the Eighties, for example, it hasn't proved to be the most effective hedge against inflation since then. If it had kept pace with prices, it would now be worth about $2,600 an ounce.


    So, it is both overbought but lagging inflation :lol:


    Yes, I thought that too. It just goes to show how stupid most people really are. What I notice down in the South East is that there's a lot of 'Tim, nice but dims' running around the place. The City recruits from a very limited pool of individuals (white and independently educated). They're also trained up to be obiedient followers of the consensus - if it's on Radio 4, it must be true. Quite interesting really - the last part of British culture that buys into deference.


    So, yes, the Telegraph readers won't be buying gold anythime soon - they're more likely to do whatever Steff Flanders tells them to do. Gold's in a bubble, yes, must be true, cos the Telegraph tells me it is. They can't think things through for themselves. They're blind consensus followers.


    Of course, they'll get their backsides kicked and will have to learn critical thinking the hardway

  4. They would have to raise rates to 8-9%+ to have any impact.



    And that would cause massive defaults, leading to the banks crashing yet again


    so, it won't happen!


    There's a greater chnace of a UFO landing on the Whitehouse lawn


    Nanu nanu - Shazbert!

  5. 1. i didn't delete it and warpig was the only other person here. did warpig delete it?

    2. you are threatening me and i will report you. you created a problem because i said your point was poor and you keep making the problem bigger.

    3. NO i didnt. look at #25774, 25775, 25776. youve made up a question

    4. and then you didnt answer it. your telling me about the past when you can see i am asking you about the present

    5. i didnt say me personally.

    6. you changed the time in question when you said "continue to do so". 'continuing' is a future act!. then you said a newspaper was proof for this future

    7. i know. i didnt make the mistake. you made it up and then blamed me for it

    8. you didnt grant me the mistake. you made it up and said i made it. what youve written above isnt what you wrote in post 25794. i might of understood your post if your wrote that first time or wrote it later. instead youve set out to attack me and threaten me. you can think i am stupid if you want but you must know that other people can look up the page at the post numbers i am writing and see you are making things up - thats probably why someone who is not you deleted my post

    9. bean counting? what does that mean? i didn't become an accountant in the thread.

    10. again you have posted information for the first time and if you wrote that first before threatening me i might of understood.

    11. if my argument made no sense to you you would ignore it. you can see that i have pwooned you and now you are scared of me. thats why some one who is not you deleted my post and then you started making things up. do you know you have forgotten to change all the posts to match your argument? all the posts are there to be seen. you are making things up and threatening me.


    Boring troll


    Why waste your time Goldfinger?

  6. Marr (Lackey estblishment man) tried as best as he could to convince the R4 listening sheeple that gold is in a bubble. Those that follow conventional wisdom and plummy Marr consensus will be obliterated by future events.


    "Lets talk about another commodity that attracts mania - drugs", says Marr


    Gold in a bubble - yeh, that's why every man and his dog is buying gold at the moment. Hey, and check out all the gold ramping on TV - Gold under the Hammer. The only mania associated with gold at the moment is a few insiders desperately trying to get uninformed plebs to sell their gold. Hey, gold's in a bubble - therefore don't buy, sell instead, you know it makes sense.


    I bet Marr has got some - gold I mean, not integrity.

  7. I was mulling over why it is that so many people, some obviously intelligent, try to create complicated models to explain why QE , massive debt and de-industrialisation of the West is not a problem and how this complicated economy can be tweaked and tinkered with and it will all come right.



    Perhaps the reason people try to create these models is simply an unwillingness/inability to admit that 500 years of Western hegemony is ending.



    This is the best post I've ever read of GEI -perceptive and to the point


    Needless to say, I agree completely :lol:

  8. yes, ther's a growing group of liquidationists. Even apart from the political difficulties of rolling out another round of QE, it wouldn't achieve anything anyway.... not with collateral values on bank balance sheets continuing to erode. The deflationary tide is going out faster than they could pump money in. Maybe they could try.... I don't know... helicopter drops or something. :lol:


    No Roman, you're wrong.


    Asset prices were falling, but not for very long (2008-2009). This situation was was to correct, via QE.


    These days you don't even need a printer (and lots of paper) to create as much inflation as you want - just a computer will do; numbers can be typed into the system very quickly.


    The money printed/created, by typing in numbers into the financial system, gets into the hands of the people via deficit spending by the government and by schemes that pump money into the economy using the nationalised banks. How easy did the government find it to stop the nominal fall in house prices? :lol: Printed money, ZIRP and other stunts, e.g. schemes that allow those with mortgages an opportunity to not to pay, and still live in their homes, has also given the plebs plenty of money to spend.


    Funny, I still can't see any deflation around here - you know FALLING prices!


    Everything that I buy still seems to be INCREASING in price -


    I guesssome people have just got confused|: the govt and the media keep on referring to inflation as deflation!


  9. Roman, you're right! There will be deflation provided that the government steps aside and let's events run their natural course.


    Deflation will mean the end of the big banks - collapsed by bad loans from defaulting debtors, caused by rising unemployment and falling wages.


    But don't forget who is in charge. Will Governmentsachs let itself fail.





    ermmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.........................I DON'T THINK SO!

  10. I agree too. But Bubb's 'ride the swings' is simply the strategy of how best to profit from the decisions of the politicians/bankers. I feel the trend is deflationary and the policies are desperately inflationary (no shit). We will keep going one way and then the other till overwhelmed by...one or the other. :P


    Deflation would happen if the government left alone. However, deflation would mean the end of the banks. Therefore the final result will be inflation. Turkeys don't vote for christmas

  11. DEFLATION vs. HYPERINFLATION - It is Silly to argue.

    Just ride the Big Swings




    As I have said before: No deep crash, no panic QE leading to hyperinflation.


    As you may know, I am now playing the current Deflationary Swing:

    Plenty of cash, big positions in short-side-options (recently acquired), and some longs in Gold and mining shares.


    If we get a big drop here, I am well-prepared for it,

    and understanding that Swings are what we would be seeing, have helped me to get here, and make money

    while getting set up for it. (Example: I rode Gold up from $1088 to $1200-50, and then sold of it.)


    I think those people who are taking "one way bets" on Deflation or Inflation, are going to get frightened out

    at the wrong time.


    I agree with your analysis. Inflation / deflation depends upon the decisions made by corrupt politicians, erm, I mean bankers. If they leave alone we'd have deflation

  12. 2011 - A Crash coming?


    Paul Diggle, a property economist at Capital Economics, said: "Today's figures showing accelerating house price falls fits with our long-held position that we will see a second leg of the house price correction soon.


    "With incomes set to be squeezed further, we believe that our pessimism about the housing market will prove justified.


    "Prices will close 2010 below their end 2009 level and we expect them to continue falling in 2011."


    Howard Archer, an economist at Global Insight, said: "It is hard at this stage to be optimistic about house prices in 2011 as the fiscal squeeze will increasingly kick in, which will hit people's pockets and lead to serious job losses in the public sector."


    /see: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/persona...ll-in-2011.html


    Falling house prices + unemployment = bad losses for the banks = 2nd banking crisis.


    I expect QE2 to support nominal asset prices.


    The government works for the banks, they're in charge.

  13. This is why the government's "triple guarantee" to pensioners makes no sense. They benefited from the credit boom but are not being made to pay for it, in terms of state pension allowance at least. Compounding works here too, so after 3 years of flat wages and 5% inflation the pension will have risen 15.8% in nominal terms. Workers, who will have had a 14.3% pay cut in real terms, will have to pay higher taxes to fund this.



    Politicians are thick. The policy will be changed at the next budget

  14. Problem is...

    The depreciating curerency doesnt help domestic buyers. In fact, they get squeezed,

    as they pay more for imported goods, and have less left for paying mortgages.


    There is no sign that the falling pound is yet helping to push up UK incomes:


    The growth rate is the most negative in decades !


    UK Incomes are now falling, and without the ultra-low rates, there would be huge pressure on UK house prices.


    Sure, a few foreign buyers get suckered into buying property in London (HK is now filled with "FILTH-y"*

    promoters trying to sell over-priced and mediocre London properties), but I wonder how long people will

    fall for this trick when the Pound is under-pressure. Rising interest rates, and/or difficulty in securing

    decent tenants, may fright away the foreign buyers.


    *("FILTH": Failed In London? Try Hong kong.)


    Data from real estate broker Knight Frank showed more than one in 10 new-build residential properties in London were sold to Chinese or Hong Kong buyers in the year to March, the highest share of the market by any offshore investors.

    /source: http://uk.reuters.com/article/idUKTRE66001N20100701


    It's all part of the global wage arbitrage game. Real wages have to adjust, and its a lot easier to adjust real wages via inflation / currency falls than via nominal wage cuts.


    Sadly for us Brits over the next few years nominal wages will stay flat whilst inflation ticks away at 5%+ year after year.


    With compounding you can cut real wages quite quickly.


    The real trick will be to support asset prices (remember the banks won't be allowed to go bust). Personally, I suspect that Eton Dave will try to get the plebs to take on more debt to support the HPI machine by extending mortgage terms - hello intergenerational 100 year + mortgages.

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