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Posts posted by hockeyplayer

  1. People often use the word cult as a derogatory comment to put down people with different ideas to their own.

    The word cult means "new religious movement", this word has been manipulated into a term with negative connotations by the people in power who stand to lose their power to the new cult. A new religious movement is seen as a negative from the established priests and

    Clergy as it is a direct attack on their power base, so it is in their interest to distort the meaning of the word to cling to their power. So they set about adding extra meaning to the word, and have done a good job. Most people are now terrified when they hear the word "cult", it sends a shiver down their spine.


    It is quite obvious that the old religious movements are 100% correct and have no flaws in their positions, there is no room for improvement on the old ideas, anyone who comes along with new ideas must have his character slurred with phrases that inspire negativity. Cults are to be feared and not engaged with, they are dangerous, they believe something different to the masses. The words cult has been distorted by the religious leaders to deter people from leaving their flock and listening to the new kid on the block. All the existing religious movements, by definition, must all have been cults at one time.


    Other words have similarly been slurred in the same way, Anarchy means "without government" so it is clearly in the interest of t government to skew the meaning of this word. Anarchy does not mean lawlessness, killing, stealing and murder. It means without government but no one seems to remember this. The picture in your mind when some on uses the term Anarchy is of riots and lawlessness, it should be of a world “without government”.

    The word has been distorted by the governments to maintain their position of power. Controlled media and power hungry governments have "changed your mind" and made you think these words have a different definition than they do.


    It is quite obvious that you are using the term as a derogatory slur at a group of people that have out performed you for the last eleven years, you should show more respect for these people than you do, they have earned it.

  2. Somebody is selling! Did you see that MASSIVE VOLUME yesterday? ... GLD chart

    I don't think the shorts are adding here, they are mostly covering now (I would have thought.)


    Exactly! you haven't worked it out yet. The people who are selling are holders of GLD contracts.

    They are selling the paper contracts and buying the phyisical metal.


    When you look at GLD your only looking at part of the market.


    GLD is not gold. It's a paper contract.

    and you should be selling that paper contract nonsense.


    How much physical gold is being sold?

    (its impossible to get the figure but I bet none)

  3. 70% drop in remortgaging since the boom. Is that not a Crash? I mean 70% is a pretty big number.




    Figures from the Council of Mortgage Lenders said that the number of people remortgaging fell to a 13-year low of just 313,200, compared with 408,000 during 2008, and a typical level of over 1 million during the housing boom of the last decade.


    1 million at peak. 313,200 now. That’s a 70% drop!!!!


    In my book that's a crash


  4. The inflation-adjusted gold price is still well-below peak


    Now this has been the case since 1980!!


    Therefore Gold is not really a very good hedge against inflation is it?

    if it was then The inflation-adjusted gold price would be well above peak.


    In the past I was always told that buy gold as a hedge against inflation but really it has not proved to be that good in that regard.



    There are lots of other reasons why buying gold is a good idea. but it hasn't performed well as an inflation hedge has it?


  5. Huh..............


    It is my understanding any capital gains made on investments held in an ISA are exempt from capital gains tax and

    the income from ISA investments is exempt from income tax, however the tax credits on any dividends are not reclaimable.

    ISA's seem a reasonable way to buy shares or ETF's.


    Where does the 28% loss come from ?


    EDIT :- Don't get me worng, buying soverigns has big advantages as well !


    yes fair enough i'm sure your right on this. but your limited to how much you can invest into an isa each year. so if you have a reasonable amount to invest then you can't.. and isa's just trap you into the "owning paper" road. Once you build up an ISA share fund you'll never want to take money out of it because it takes you so long to build it up again. I wouldn't recomend paper anything. physical only, thats my destiny


    The 28% loss i'm talking about is on shares bought outside the isa scheme

  6. Physical can present other issues if you ever want to swap assets.


    An additional option is something like holding or trading a shares ISA. On the recent dip I bought back 22% more shares than I had, you can do that at least once a year.


    You never lose until you sell - don't lose your head or shirt......


    However you can't beat physical in ones hand, but remember a gold bugs portfolio should be balanced - in all things shiny of course!!! :lol:





    This is my point exactly. when you go down the isa route you are getting locked in. you'll never sell. and if you do, your gonna lose 28%. Your shares have to perform 28% better than gold for you to make any headway! That a pretty big handicap.

    Just buy the soverigns, balance your portfolio between physical gold and physical silver thats enough balance. forget the shares and isa nonsense. they're just a big con. a big con with a huge tax handicap dragging you down.


    In the event of a hyperinflation it will be pretty easy to make 100,000 as inflation picks up these figures will become "small" in real terms. so any tax free allowance will become small fry and meaningless

  7. TAX


    Do people realise that if you are based in the UK and you invest in gold sovereigns. You are not liable for capital gains tax on this investment.


    So if you make £100,000 on your coin investment then you keep the lot.


    If you choose to invest in shares or an ETF then you are liable for the tax and you only get to keep 72,000 and you have to give the rest to the treasury.


    For me this is a major reason not to invest in shares. You have a 28% head start over any share investment.


    I don't think people are aware of this tax free perk.


  8. Take a look at Gold Wheaton & its business model - it is very close to being Gold


    How would you evaluate GLD Call spreads?


    + The number of ounces they control?

    + The net value of the Long options & Short options?


    It is not as simple as you may think. I wanted to maintain my 65 GLD calls (that's about 650 oz*. BTW)

    and the calls I have sold, and puts I have bought are a way of financing them and neutralising them, until

    I get more bullish.


    *650 oz x $1200 = $780k . which would be a very meaningful slice of my NW.

    Add the GLW shares, and it is $1mn. I also hold some Gold coins in a vault.

    So you can see that I am not "dangerously bearish" on Gold. But I am far from "wildly bullish",

    as this position is much neutralised by options around it.




    So by "maintain my 65 GLD calls" you mean that you have bought these on leverage!!!

    I think anyone who buys on leverage to be a fool. why can't you just invest with what you own?

    your gonna loose your shirt one day if you persist with the leverage route. (please take this as good advice not ment as an insult)


    Back a few months you said you'd sold all of your gold positions and were sitting on a "big pile of cash"

    but now your saying your maintaining 65 gld calls!?


    You definatly send out mixed signals.


    You seem to hold everything, lots of shorts, lots of longs, lots of cash, lots of gold, lots of property

    you tell a story that your making money whatever the markets do.

    But your just kidding yourself. You must be losing somewhere but you never mention your losses.


    What ever you portfolio spread is, you cant be betting on every direction all the markets take. thats impossible.

    After you take into account your longs and shorts, You must have a net position.


    And its really simple. Are you currently betting on gold going up or down.

    Do you currently have a net bullish position in gold?













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