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Posts posted by purechatterbox

  1. I don't think there's a big difference with electrics and not when it comes to car. Cars powered by electricity is also using coal because in order to create the electricity or power that we are using everyday most companies are using coal so there's no difference in that. It's still the same so better to just get a hybrid rather than cars that are powered by electricity. In hybrid we can guarantee that it is environment friendly and is saving gas.

  2. Electric cars are not the answer.

    Hybrid cars are not the answer.

    Getting rid of cars are the answer - CARS ARE LAST - CAL !


    We need to redesign our living, working, and transporting arrangement -

    as we move into a sustainable post-Suburban world


    I so agree with this. If we could take some of our focus away from the individual cars, and turn that focus to efficient, low carbon-footprint public transportation - we'd all be in better shape. If only we could work on taking away some of that human-bred pride, we might be in good shape! :lol:

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