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Posts posted by agaye

  1. 27 minutes ago, drbubb said:

    Jeff & Catherine Austin Fitts - $21 TRILLION, The Financial Coup & Rings Of Saturn


    this is the black budget cash for secret military research...its not missing its just that its not public info but thats where its gone...plus most people have no idea how much money 21 trillion is...i can give you an idea though...the usa's gdp for 2016 was 18.57 trillion...so in other words more than the entire output of usa for last year has gone missing...this is fraud of biblical proportions....the villains in james bond films are nothing compared to the real word criminals...

    My oh my!

  2. Nuns in NJ: Among 299m Americans Hillary has not yet blamed



    Cloistered Nuns in Summit, N.J.



    Some nuns were said to have prayed for Trump in the recent election


    Hillary is looking for someone to blame other than herself for her loss


    As Mike River spoke about in Thursday's podcast


    MP3- WRH-Th1 :


    She keeps finding NEW people to blame for her loss.

    With the Russia narrative falling off the table, who is Hillary going to blame for her epic loss?


    Hiilary's-Who-is to blame LIST


    Here's a full list of all the people, organizations, government entities, and abstract concepts Hillary Clinton has blamed for her loss thus far:

    1. Former FBI Director James Comey​

    2. Sexism

    3. The electoral system

    4. WikiLeaks

    5. "Minions"

    6. Right-wing media

    7. Mainstream media

    8. Democratic National Committee

    9. Democrat Party

    10. 1,000 Russian agents

    11. Vladimir Putin

    12. Donald Trump

    13. Republican-enabled voter suppression

    14. Citizens United

    15. Facebook

    16. "Millions" of Twitter bots

    17. Steve Bannon

    18. Netflix

    19. "Alt-right" media like Infowars

    20. Bernie Sanders

    21. Suburban women

    22. Rural women

    23. "Anti-American forces"

    24. Bad polling

    25. Low-information voters

    26. "Content farms in Macedonia"

    27. Fake news

    28. Colluding Trump campaign officials

    29. Stupid Americans who can't tell the difference between real and "fake news"

    30. The "broad assumption I was going to win"

    31. Goosefer

    32. DCLeaks

    33. Data from the Republican National Committee

    34. Technology

    35. The FBI

    Hey, look! I found the actual reason Hillary lost:

    Screenshot: Twitter

    v v the best (and only) person to blame vv


    H/T Fox News


  3. Broken record? Ron keeps whining that his "intel reports" are wrong





    The reports are not "intelligence", they are advertising for people who want to make huge spreads selling worthless currency.

    This has been obvious for a long, long time. Why does RVD still not "get" it after all these years??


    "I forgot to start the timer," says Ron.

    No, I don't think THAT is true. Ron has been stuck in a timewarp for years... (even as he ages)


    Oddly, Ron sees the reality of FET:

    But he cannot see that his "intel reports" are also a MEANINGLESS DIVERSION

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