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Everything posted by lowrentyieldmakessense(honest!)

  1. i quite like taleb but does he mention fiat currency and central banks in those ten principles
  2. has he - i know he didnt carry them out - but doesnt he still stand by them http://www.usagold.com/gildedopinion/greenspan-gold.html http://dollardaze.org/blog/?post_id=00527
  3. irelands new budget has this interesting snippet http://www.budget.gov.ie/2009SupApril09/Su...icyChanges.html
  4. as well as the above I'm watching the dow/gold ratio also when it gets near 2 i will start selling some and a passing glance at the gold/house price ratio re Goldfinger - i think it could bottom at about 50oz ps i will always own some Gold and Silver - just not as great a percentage as i own now
  5. http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index....st&p=101203 http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index....ost&p=15188
  6. you just dont understand what deflation is only joking
  7. was hoping to add some more last week but missed out
  8. yep agree with that stocks rallying gold selling maybe for a few weeks methinks will be keeping an eye on armstrongs mid 20 april turn
  9. because its the start of a return to sound money its a start but it will hopefully gain traction
  10. are they before or after georgia maybe the US can be saved http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index....st&p=102624
  11. well its a start Georgians to pay state taxes in Gold
  12. yep paper currencies are going to crash over the next few years - those who own gold will protect their purchasing power but its not going to be fun panic of 08 and collapse of 09
  13. lets make lots of money gold is money steve you perfected alchemy
  14. the fed employs the "Tools" and that is the problem
  15. not used them though http://aphrohead.com/Product.aspx?pid=16202330 and http://www.amazon.com/Rich-Dads-Advisors-I...l/dp/0446510998
  16. He lists all the times in history when this has occurred. is that what jim sinclair did in the 70's and predicted $900 (nearly got there) when Done now it is above $10,000 (moving target given the FED)
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