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Posts posted by callmejoe

  1. Brilliant post.


    1) I really don't like lies/misinformation/deceit.

    2) I stereotype most of these fringey things as lies/misinformation/deceit.

    3) Even if it is all completely true, I don't see how understanding it makes my life any better.


    Dr Bubb:


    You won't change my mind on #1.

    I'm not going to discuss #2 unless I see some merit in doing so...

    #3 is the mystery. How do you expect your life to be improved by gaining knowledge of these "fringe" things?

    Not just improved, but improved by more than the time it takes you to to research/understand them?


    Perhaps you have more time than some, so have a lower value threshold. Or, perhaps you get a greater satisfaction from the act of research/understanding itself? Or, see genuine value that I and some others are missing.


    Peace be with you flap.

    We all have free will to follow whatever appeals to us.

    No-one is being dragooned into any strange and wildly exotic concepts.

    I guess Dr B is merely wishing to lay a few wares out for the guests who are unable to access the protected areas. I'm sure his intentions are of the best and highest good.

    I expect very big changes to come - that we shall be told truths which will blow our minds such that if they are completely new, a person could be greatly hurt from an emotional and psychological point of view.

    By widening our knowledge of theories which a person like you might consider to be utterly outrageous and ridiculous, should you then be confronted with them again, at least you would not be so shocked.

    So I guess the point of raising such concepts is to 'innoculate' you from being too upset should you later have to confront them in your life. It might reduce the pain.

    Sadly, not liking something does not protect you from meeting it.

    So sorry.


    But have a wonderful life and I hope all your dreams and expectations will be met.

  2. http://www.divinecosmos.com/start-here/davids-blog/970-new-york-times-bestseller


    One of Hoagland's top black-ops guys, who I've met personally, told him the Powers that Were "would rather lose an entire American city to a nuclear attack" than allow the science of what we call the Source Field to ever become publicly known.


    Wilcock quotes Benjamin Fulford in that blog entry:

    multiple sources claim two of the underground cities, one near Washington D.C. and another near Denver, Colorado, were destroyed by nuclear weapons last week.


    and goes on to write:

    There are other research threads about this alleged nuclear strike on the Internet, including an article from "Sorcha Faal", which is almost certainly disinformation from one faction of the US military-industrial complex. Fulford's sources say it's Naval Intelligence.


    However, in this case -- for once -- it seems they were so shocked by this attack that they actually came relatively close to telling the real truth about what happened. The spin is that it was the result of a war between the CIA and the US Military establishment.


    "Sorcha Faal" also reveals that these underground cities and train systems have already cost 40 TRILLION dollars to build -- not a very happy thought for people suffering through our current economy!


    I will definitely try to interview Fulford soon and get more detail on this -- but I'm supposed to be on vacation here! If this is indeed true, there may be a time in the not-too-distant future where all of this becomes public.


    I did also hear that my three-hour appearance on Coast sent black-ops insiders scrambling to buy the book and read it. I've been told there is great excitement at seeing that this material is now publicly available, as it helps us all in ways not yet visible.


    The important point here is that even if this was just an earthquake, it was the biggest on the East Coast in a century -- and coincided with the overthrow of the longest officially-recognized dictatorship on Earth -- on the very day the book came out.


    These were very significant wake-up calls -- and SFI provides a solution to the otherwise faceless fear many are now enduring.


    Guys, guys, we're going to be FREE

    You should have been at the Wilcock conference I attended a few weeks ago. People were flying in from all over to be there. I haven't listened to this c2c talk nor read his book yet but the conference covered the subject. The audience just loved him. DW appeals to a different demographic to George Kavassilas - much younger and majority of men, quite young ones too.

  3. Has this interview been posted yet?




    Subscribe to our newsletter at http://www.goldmoney.com/goldresearch. Ned Naylor-Leyland (http://www.cheviot.co.uk ) and James Turk, Director of the GoldMoney Foundation, talk about how the new Pan Asia Gold Exchange (PAGE) will change the price discovery mechanism for gold. Ned explains that the futures market currently takes the lead in price discovery over the much larger spot market and how this may change once PAGE starts to operate.

    PAGE will provide a valuable alternative because its fully backed, allocated gold contract will provide a better title, closer to physical, than unsecured unallocated contracts.

    This interview was recorded on August 5 2011 in London.

  4. This is from Sovereign Man aka Simon Black

    (I suspect nearly all here know this already but perhaps some newbies might be interested)


    Date: August 25, 2011

    Reporting From: Zell am See, Austria


    As usual, the CNBC hosts were completely dumbfounded.


    Phoning in from Sao Paulo, Brazil, investment guru Marc Faber was a guest on CNBC last week, once again telling the unvarnished truth about the state of the world economy and bankrupt western nations.


    This time, Faber had a very clear message: that everyone should own *physical* gold... and what's more, they should store it outside of the United States.


    "I prefer if investors hold physical gold in a safe deposit box, ideally outside the US, in various locations... Switzerland, Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia, Canada... I think it's important in today's very uncertain world to diversify, not only the various asset classes... but also the custody of your assets should be in different jurisdictions."


    His hosts couldn't believe it. -NOT- store in the United States, the bastion of freedom and security??!?! What lunacy!


    CNBC: "Uh, so do you thus not trust US banks or US custodians? Do you think they might fail or abscond with the gold?"


    Guffaws and incredulous snickers emerge from the hosts.


    Faber: "I don't trust anyone."


    Uncomfortable silence.


    CNBC: "Hmmm. Interesting."


    Completely devoid of anything intelligent to say on the topic of sovereign diversification, they quickly changed the subject to talk about equities... but Faber soon came back to his original point.


    Among other things, he mentioned that banks in Asia are FAR more stable and sound than they are in the west for not having invested so heavily in dead weight assets like Greek bonds or US mortgage-backed securities.


    I couldn't agree more.


    This is a point I've been pounding on from day 1: internationalization, what I frequently call planting multiple flags, is absolutely critical to reducing your risk.


    You won't ever hear about it from the talking heads on state-sponsored media like CNBC. They refuse to look at the real world where America is no longer the center of the financial universe or the safest place to put money.


    Truthfully, though, bankrupt nations like the United States pose the greatest risk of all to our prosperity and livelihood, regardless of whether we're just starting out or have already achieved it.


    This is because politicians will stop at nothing to maintain the status quo; the more they try to 'fix' things, the worse the situation becomes. They think they can borrow their way out of debt and spend their way out of recession. When these tactics don't work, they just borrow and spend more.


    In recent remarks during an official visit to Japan, Vice President Joe Biden said that China became the world's second largest economy only because of US troop presence in Asia.


    This line of reasoning only makes sense to a politician: China's growth has nothing to do with its huge population, massive accumulation of savings, burgeoning technology, or culture of productivity... and everything to do with US military installations in South Korea, Japan, and Okinawa.


    Such logic truly tests the patience of rational, thinking people, yet it exemplifies the kind of out-of-touch, mindless bureaucrat who is running the country.


    Marc Faber has it absolutely right: entrusting the preponderance of your assets to these moronic sociopaths is a foolhardy endeavor. Own physical gold as a hedge against their idiotic fiscal policies, and store it overseas to make sure they can't get their thieving hands on it.


    Here in Austria, there's a great secure storage facility in Vienna called Das Safe. You can rent a safety deposit box from them completely anonymously, and the box contents are insured for up to $50,000.


    This is financial privacy at its finest... and if you want to take Marc Faber's advice, you should definitely consider Das Safe. As an aside, Austria is also a great place to buy gold; you can purchase the gold 'Philharmonic' coin at almost every bank in the country at premiums as low as 3%.

  5. "The University of Texas Investment Management Co., the second-largest U.S. academic endowment, took delivery of almost $1 billion in gold bullion and is storing the bars in a New York vault, according to the fund’s board."



    I passed that article to a friend of mine who analyses the gold/oil/currency markets.


    He said that will prove to be a BIG mistake and told me to read this article instead


  6. I spent hours one evening staring at the photo of the Mars landscape trying to identify the Mars lifeforms that Basiago was referring to. I recall that I saw only one which might vaguely tie in with the description - the rest I just couldn't spot.


    Did you listen to the interview he gave some years ago on his website when he described how he met an alien when he was with his father at one of the black ops space hangers? I also listened to the part when he said he travelled to the future and came back to describe how he saw the Washington Monument underwater.


    I read somewhere that it is possible for Management to change the future so what these time travellers see is not necessarily what this world will experience.

  7. Kerry Cassidy's Project Camelot: Videos, Interviews, her Blog

    (( See PETE PETERSON, below )).        Link: http://www.ProjectCamelot.org

    / the following is a good intro to the background of Project Camelot /

    "I am in touch with an ET race called "the Guardians", a group of ET races...

    I have done an interview about them with Ashayana Deane."

    Proj.-Cam.: Interview with A-Deane

    (The following came from the Project Camelot Blog)

    Sounds to me like the NWO wanted to cause global death and destruction but somehow failed in their attempts. Guess the ETs will not allow any future nukes.

    LOST INTERVIEWS with Pete Peterson, FOUND  - on back-up: AKedOLQ5FPzu4ocPOMj9f0DC1C456_L1eLoDofk8 : TM, joined 11/2007. 45,476 views. 193 subscribers,

    Pt.1:  Proj. Camelot interviews Dr Pete Peterson, 1hr, 57  (Originally Uploaded Sep 2, 2009)  657 viewsMar 21, 2017

    Pt.2: Project Camelot interviews Dr Pete Peterson, 53:43 min (Originally Uploaded Sep 2, 2009)   560 views Mar 21, 2017

    Pt.3: Project Camelot interviews Dr Pete Peterson, 1hour : 172 views Mar 21, 2017


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