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Everything posted by CIGA

  1. someone needs to PM errol and cgnao.
  2. I been barred too LOL. I'm gonna register with the 5 or so free email addresses i have and do not use. and post as many links as possible here.
  3. LOL the commodities slump didn't last long and OPEC has just told everyone to go fook themselves. Silver/gold looking great, glad I bought a some yesterday. Bernanke Rumour of 0.75% cut AGAIN on March 18th, UK Food inflation over 4%, minimum wage to rise 3.8% You just can't make this sh!t up.
  4. This is and always has been my strategy, in fact I have been and am continiung to accumulate using a few 000k I have raised. The correction seems to be gathering momentum, use it to average in IMO.
  5. IMO BV is good as physical, as is goldmoney.
  6. Ted Butler thinks the silver shorts are wounded, but not dead. http://news.silverseek.com/TedButler/1204651474.php Anyhting could happen here IMO, we could consolidate and push higher or correct significantyl. IMO, this does not look like a correct significantly moment - I am hoping it consolidates and am looking to add larger at anywhere near $18. It's just not frothy enough for a significant correction IMO.
  7. WELCOME ALL HPC Golden Comrades are more than welcome here. If you are a gold bug, or interested in gold, or thinking about buying it, this thread/site will be a very very useful resource for you.
  8. 'If you build it they will come' have you noticed the links to gei i have put on hpc. LOL Glad you're here too quark.
  9. Yes, this is an excellent resource for stocks/markets/economics/gold/silver macro economics. the more people from hpc here the better and Dr.Bubb who runs it is a top bloke
  10. Hi Marmite, This thread I'm sure will be better, bigger and stronger than the other one. We are living in very interesting times and we will have lots to talk about as we take this journey together.
  11. BTW Hello to you too. good to see the extended 'gold' family back together again. We will also get some excellent insight from Dr Bubb and Frizzers here without doubt.
  12. That crazy beeeyatch needs her head examined, I got to admit she does not post like i would expect a female to, maybe she's a lady boy. Personally, I don't actually think she even holds any gold, no true gold holder would get the FVCK out of gold after a 2% correction which seems to have petered out already.
  13. Hi WP Glad I found his thread, no need to post over there so much now - however the banter with ignoramuses was sometimes sadistically pleasurable, I might post a few anarchic ramblings now and again to stir 'em up, especially when gold decisively takes out $1000.
  14. Just working my way through this thread, glad to see fellow gold comrades from hpc. The reason there is so much anamosity was explained by GM Loeb. "The desire for gold is the most universal and deeply rooted commercial instinct of the human race." Gerald M. Loeb Imagine posting again and again there was no point investing in an overpriced barbarous relic, only to see it increase in price by near 50% in a year, how would that make you feel? And most of those were moderators. Gold, like snakes, crocodiles, spiders, fibonnaci and certain human instinct natural reactions may have a deep rooted impression in our genetics.
  15. Thanks GL, as goldfinger pointed out, the non invested over there are usually the most panic stricken and aggressive.
  16. OMG this is major scandal, the sneaky bag of snakes at hpc have put a rendering filter on the url that points to this topic. I would laugh if it wasn't so sneaky. copy and paste the url to this thread, try and post it into a hpc.co.uk new thread (or any thread) and post it - the url is automatically changed to a link to their old gold thread which they locked on their site!!! LOL ridiculous bunch.
  17. Hi folks, another former HPC gold poster here, had enough - they're taking the pi55 over there, may go back now and then to speak about hpc but doubt it will be often after the way they behaved. BTW, I was originally Impartial, I am no longer I am a Comrade In Golden Arms inspired by jsmineset. glad we have a new gold thread and Dr. Bubb deserves the publicity and members at his site. let's have it.
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