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Everything posted by jinbal

  1. +1 was thinking the same 2 billion? chump change these days
  2. $990 Have to say - the move recently feel a little like last march where we rocketed to $1030 then tanked. Would much prefer a slow grind upward - better for nerves
  3. This guy has a different take on the same view: Gold is Dead and Neitzsche had Nothing to do with it if he's wrong I'll be very happy. If not then POG could re-align with the $ - which would make me unhappy (but a buyer nonetheless).
  4. nationwide: -2.5% MoM -15.9 YoY Nationwide report Really moving now - I was telling friends and family 6-9 months ago that the fall would be breathtaking due to the utter destruction of mortgage volumes THEN. Now - Mortgage volumes are still making new lows - can the downside get any worse? edit: -3.4% Non seasonally adjusted from HPC - they're useful for something....
  5. USD getting a pasting today - even against GBP
  6. GBP tanking with POG Very frustrating when you want to add a little
  7. My thoughts exactly although the GBP is looking worse that USD right now which is why i continue to hold PM
  8. so will I as long as GBP holds up whilst Gold goes down Frustratingly they've been going down together recently
  9. Personally I'm almost exclusively watching the price in GBP as I average in (with my dry powder) and am looking for nice drops to add to my core holding. the FX fluctuations make the USD price almost useless to me at the moment. Of course this approach requires one to have a view that we are in a long term bull, which rightly or wrongly is what I have. I suppose I'm concentrating on accumulating as many Oz as possible.
  10. Sorry to interrupt the reasoned analysis Boing?
  11. I don't get why there is so much despondance here? did everyone buy there Gold in USD? I bought mine in GBP and TBH it's saved me form the beating that GBP is taking at the mo. down 4-5% in against some currencies. As far as i'm concerned Gold is doing exactly what I bought it for - protection from Turdling. The annoying thing for me is that I kept some dry powder in my BV account but TBH prices in GBP dont look that cheap!
  12. Jim Willie was talking about how he's heard about China Russia and middle east forming a new reserve currency which would be constructed from basket of currencies includinga Gold backed Ruble It was a radio interview so can't remember the link. True or not - some interesting "noises" being made......
  13. Trichet calling for a return to the discipline or Bretton Woods http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...&refer=home Could the world leaders me making noises about a new Gold Standard? I recall cgnao predicting a return to the Gold Standard by popular demand..... edit: He knows full well the implications of what they are doing:
  14. agree - esp with $8000 bit - what what $8k actually buy you if that happened? there's nothing "get rich quick" about wishing to preserve purchasing power of savings and wanting a decent home without insane personal debt levels. It's a desire for normality IMO.
  15. useful - look forward to original if you can find it
  16. I've got this - highly recommended! love the fireworks when folds up big and storm clouds for the opposite - lol
  17. Don't want to sound smug in any way but, I've noticed that some of the most vehement anti-gold posters on HPC are getting a bit of a shock at just how serious this is getting, particularly ones with turdling in Icesave.........
  18. Jim regularly says that his forecast is prob way too low Apparently he's reluctant to give the "real" figure as he's concerned that people would margin up, bet the farm and get wiped out by the volatility.
  19. Not until NY confirms the price action IMO
  20. And look at POG - holding it's own -for now lol I like that
  21. POG holding up well versus USD lets see if that holds after NY opens Got some dry powder if it gets ugly
  22. I sold a bit (like 10%) on the massive spike last week when I realised that my account was above water (due to the fallen £) with the intention of buying back on a big fall. One benefit i've felt is that the price movements don't worry me so much as I have some dry powder with which it add if there are any large falls - if it doesn't - nevermind - I didn't sell a lot so it's no biggie I feel much better balanced this way - and more relaxed - if it falls buy a bit if not - great, core holding doing well.
  23. If you look again you may notice that when it does does slice through it oftens comes back to retest the 200 from the other side before moving on. I know of a trading system that uses the "first time back" combined with candlestick analysis to initiate trades.
  24. Final confirmation that the US will print it's way out of trouble. do you need a link for this?
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