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Posts posted by aardvark

  1. ok thanks for the reply.


    do you just get a feel for bars/coins over time after many purchases then ?

    I must admit I felt better already having some, when this batch arrived, but I like to be very sure about things.


    you realise after a while that it just isn't important - its not the serial number that tells the buyer that its real silver - its the look, the feel, the weight, the sound.


    i've got some really ugly silver - a 50oz bar, hand poured, air bubbles on the underside, no makers stamp, just a 99.9 and the weight stamped on it - i don't think i'll have much trouble selling when the price is as high as i think its going to get.

  2. I recall a post on HPC ages ago where some chap was arguing that investing in gold was a mugs game as eventually scientists will be able to make gold out of other elements. Wish I could find the post now it was hilarious. I remember the chap getting quite indignant saying "and yes the technology does exist" then going on to say gold atoms are produced as a by-product of reactions in large hadron colliders! Not exactly a very cost efficient approach :lol:


    yeah, it was realistbear - total bollocks but i think he was just trying to goad the gold bugs, i don't think he actually believed it.

  3. i'm pretty pleased the way gold is behaving recently - its stayed above $900 in a very quiet time when lots of 'green shoots' have appeared (all false obviously).

    one thing i've learnt is that things seem to happen much slower than i have expected, and that disasters seem to happen in slow motion - i guess thats why they catch so many people unaware. Nothing has changed however, and a big jump in gold will happen in the next few months imo.

  4. How are you going to get round it?


    If you sell it at Chards for example, then Chards will have records of the sale in their books. This will allow HMRC to know who sold (if they chose to look).


    I doubt you will get round this by selling at CID as they are also a British Company.


    GoldMoney and BullionVault both say they will co-operate with the British authorities.


    And ebay monitor sellers on behalf of HMRC.


    It’s not worth getting caught in my opinion. I know people who have been investigated by HMRC and it is horrific by all accounts. You are presumed to be guilty until you prove otherwise. HMRC will never agree that you are ‘not guilty’ they will instead go quite. You won’t know if/when the investigation has finished.


    has anybody actually tested the cgt-free nature of britannias/sovs?? i mean has anybody made a load of profit, told the tax office (and told them its tax free) and they have let it go through as non-taxable?

    i'm just wondering if they might get arsey and try to do you for it.

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