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Everything posted by pieshop

  1. Wish I'd seen this contest : The design contest, an annual ‘beauty prize for objects’, was launched in 2007 in Italy by the architect Sandro Silvi. Every year it gives away €10 000 (£9165) in gold coins to the public voter whose choices most closely match the final results. Mind you, I wouldn't have won as I think the fireplace looks awful As does the contest website IMO.
  2. Snap. I liquidated 70% of my BV holding and want to exchange the turdling and add to my physical stash. Im hoping for a dip, but am going to buy regardless.
  3. The details: Special Offer at CoinInvestDirect Dear Client, Once again we would like to draw your attention to our next special offer. This time CoinInvestDirect will be offering the 1oz Krügerrand gold 2008 and the 1/10oz Maple Leaf gold 2008 at a fixed price. We have put aside certain quantities for this special offer and it will be advertised on our website as of Saturday morning, September 27th 2008. This offer only lasts as long as stocks are available. The maximum order limit will be 5 coins per item per client. We are looking forward to receiving your orders. Kind regards. Your CoinInvestDirect Team
  4. bounced off $920 Onwards and upwards my son.
  5. Not really. I'm in with 10% gold and currently subscribe to the 'hold a percentage in gold, and hope it does badly' view. I'm interested in what happens, but certainly not 'crapping myself'.
  6. Well then, good luck with the 'research'.
  7. I thought my questions were reasonable? And you still haven't provided anything more than extremely vague answers. Now don't take offense, but my trolldar went off when I saw your post. However, it wasn't an all klaxons blaring signal, hence my suggestion that more contextual detail from you might encourage responses. Is that input satisfactory?
  8. And your reasons for wanting to find this out are? Why exactly do you have to 'defend gold going as low as 666'? What do you mean by defend? I assume some sort of debate - if so, with whom, why etc. If you provide more background you may get some responses.
  9. Likewise, I use both London and Zurich with BV. Still haven't got round to finishing the application for GoldMoney - I must get that done this weekend.
  10. Thanks for the welcome G0ldfinger After a couple of months of prevarication I have decided having a percentage of my pot in pm's is just common sense right now. Most of the prevarication was caused because I was thinking of holding physical gold, and was unsure of security. BV and GM has made the decision much easier
  11. I used BACS but Cahoot don't have the fast transfer operating yet - very annoying. I did a small amount first to try, and then 2 days later did 10K, and neither of them has gone through yet. Next I have to decide percentage of STR pot (230K) to put into pm's, and then percentages to gold/silver. It's all a bit stressful !
  12. Same boat for me. Just opened and validated my Bullion Vault account last week (it can all be done online), and I'm now waiting for the money to transfer across from my bank. The money won't be there until wednesday! I'm also in the process of setting up a goldmoney account - it's much more of a pain to sort out.
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