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carbon junkie

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Everything posted by carbon junkie

  1. Never really got those charts but reassuring to know as thats about my take. Anywhere near 1700 and I am out of all my trading positions not core holdings though. Cheers for that, its put a smile on my face.
  2. Gold Dow Jones ratio is your friend, especially if you are long one and short the other
  3. How can you call a prediction wrong when the timescale hasn't been met? I would say his timing is looking bang on at the mo.
  4. Stellar peformance in gold, but silver is shouting LIQUIDITY! very loudly its got to be a warning not to be ignored. I guess gold won't be going to the 900 "handle" then and I don't see any pied piper threads on here these days. I hope at least some people loaded up when it was way cheaper as some of us urged.
  5. Its just noise and drivel. RH has infected this site by posting the same charts multiple times a day (why? what is the point?). Its clueless ramblings. I think many posters have just got fed up with this posters style the waffle covers up a distinct lack of knowledge. There is no point coming here and having to wade thru this bilge just to find some common sense.
  6. :lol: You do come out with some classics, but sadly I know you actually believe it. Iraq is a sovereign nation - fact. Central banks hold gold because they believe it to be money - fact. I can't believe some of the stuff you come out with it simply defies belief it really does make me wonder. Mmmm.......
  7. Central banks see gold as money, if you can't see that then it is because you don't want to.
  8. Which is precisely why they will print like crazy, this action now is the markets asking for more printy. Anyone think we won't see another bailout? Anyone think the politicos in Washington are going to watch their power dribble away? Not a chance, I'll bet Ben and Timmy are arm twisting and scaring the numpties on capitol hill as we speak. I await the politicians response with trepidation.
  9. Prechter is a fool if he thinks the Dow at 1,000 or anywhere near is possible. He is nuts the whole system would implode everyone would be bankrupt pension funds, insurance companies, banks govts etc. Guess what would be the only thing worth holding in that scenario - it has no liabilities has been used as currency for 99.99% of the last five thousand years. Its a paper bubble not a gold bubble, everyone is using paper promises, when everyone is using and talking about gold then I'll concede it is a bubble. If Prechter thinks he can just swan in and buy physical gold at $300 an oz he is delusional. He is one stopped clock who will never be right. The physical and paper gold and silver markets are disconnecting big time right now physical gold is in strong hands that is how bull markets work.
  10. I think goldfinger has lots of money he probably just doesn't want to swap it for paper its called a strong hand. The Indian Central Bank has a need for Gold they bought some. To say nobody has a need for gold is crazy there is a market, its value now is higher than say six months ago its value is way higher than five or ten years ago. Gold is one of the few things that has reached a nominal high since the start of the crisis. Make a sensible point or ignore the facts its up to you!
  11. LOL money printing isn't part of nature - politicians and central bankers can make anything go exponential.
  12. Its not GF who I have an issue with (apart from putting the idea into I have a big stick and I am going to use it - moderators head) I just average in if the price is high I buy less than my quota if the price is low I buy more! Saves trying to be a clever clogs picking up dimes in front of a steamroller. Personally I like the miners you get volatility on steroids it's great fun and when this baby finally blows its gonna be spectacular. This today is still just noise.
  13. Wow, there is some tasty language on that thread GOM AND NOBODY GOT BANNED!!!!!! Amazing, it leaves me even more gobsmacked that Romans Holiday banned me but has put up with some of those posts. DOUBLE STANDARDS AHOY!! What a shambles the moderating has become it is turning into a bit of a joke. Back on topic just going to buy some more gold. The sales are on! Pound cost averagingand all that.
  14. Let's hope they like you when they find out.
  15. Because people who use credit will always outbid those who don't, until those who don't use credit are unable to access certain products services or assets unless they too use credit. "Debt is slavery of the free"
  16. Most of them can't even think inside the box IMO.
  17. Nah, you've got completely the wrong end of the stick, I believe house prices should be much much lower it's the people I was telling with a VI for high house prices who thought I was a pessimist. Imagine what kind of life we could all have if we didn't have to pay bankers rent to live on our island we could all start small businesses spend more time with our family.
  18. That is often the charge used against realists. I got a similar response when I suggested house prices were going to crash a few years back. Water off a ducks back.
  19. Nice try at infering I am and others are trolls. Fact is I personally have never advocated a gold standard I'm not even a gold bug but rather a father with two small children and a worry about the resources they will be left with and the debts they will be left with. Paper claims on the future have brought forward consumption and have wasted vast resources on the misalocation of capital that my children will have to deal with. A sound money system could be created from fiat money if there was total transparency and adequate laws but as history shows us no politicians can be trusted and the popularity contest always wins out as is the nature of democracy. We will end up with a gold standard eventually as we simply cannot trust ourselves as a society. If only the paper printers truly understood what havoc they have brought on the future.
  20. I think the above is exactly where we are now. I often find the things written a while back are the best things written. Thanks.
  21. Cheers DS nice article I particularly like the Descent of Money title as an antedote to Fergusons ascent of money which seemed a bit in awe of the fiat regime. I suspect he would have written it differently if he was writing it today as he has dsicovered his bearishness. Granted it will end in tears, but the authorities will not give up without a fight which brings us to where we are now!!
  22. Yes its true I have noticed on a lot of other forums a real influx of angry merchants HPC had quite an episode. I can't believe the authorities wouldn't use the internet and its forums to their advantage I know it certainly happens extensively in the commercial world it would be almost unthinkable for the authorities not to try to subvert the anti fiat message. I am learning more about Kondratieff waves but I don't believe we have seen the spike or crack up boom which will lead to callapse. Very interesting none the less I am always open to debate and any new information.
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