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  1. Prechter has actually put out a circular on the evening of 14 January saying that the start of a collapse in the US stock market was imminent and that the next few days were the only and last chance for overlong bulls on gold to get out, while recommending a mix of T Bills and some gold investment. He says his own Elliot Wave analysis suggested that gold will fall below US$ 252.60. A very bold call on the market. Rosen is bearish to US$ 680 also based on EW analysis. Picarda also similarly bearish, using the same type of analysis. We also all know Alf Field's numbers of US$ 3,400, on the same time scale, also using EW theory. It is revealing to me that, using the same type of methodology, such different predictions are made. How does one make sense of it?
  2. This is a little unexpected news just breaking. I wonder what the Israelies will do about it if the international community doesn't deal with it. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/worl...icle6936798.ece
  3. I feel we must not think of this market in too much detail. I woke up this morning and found the market down $ 60 per oz suddenly in a few minutes. Why?, I don't know now, but there must have been very massive selling, and a huge trigger of stops all the way down. Many spivs will have been temprarily cleared out. I also notice a very radical increase in volatility (which is still increasing) in the very recent past, and time seems to be speeding up, just for the moment, in the market. For just now, I think it is worth leaving overnight buy orders down 4.75% - 7% to catch these sorts of moves - the sudden decline from 1196 to 1137 was such a move (4.75%), and, if one is a trader, also leave overnight orders to sell something up 8%. We have a Mandelbrot market! Volatility is well beyond random and the recent norm. LTA
  4. Thank you very much for this information. I have been investing through Bullionvault, who I think are very good. One of the reasons I have done this is that they are onshore in the UK (and not regulated by the FSA!) so that, if there is a legal or other problem, it is easier to sort out in this jurisdiction than in many others, including the Channel Islands. But, I shall also now open a goldmoney account and give them a try too.
  5. I'd be grateful if you could spare a moment to say why you feel investing in gold through GM is better than investing through Bullionvault.
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