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  • 5 months later...
Here's an early stage Diamond explorer in Brazil that has weathered this correction pretty well.


TA looks good too.


SL-V Update, Rab special situation fund (GB) and Sprott Managment (CA) bought into Sola, in there last financing. Sola has finished 7 of 10 holes beeing drilled into the carolina kimberlite pipe in Brasil, the first hole cut 311 mtr kimberlite, ended in Kim.This drill program will generate 3-D model of this Pipe, 1000 mtr. of drilling planed on 4 other Kimberlites (250 mtr each hole).The first hole was drilled (311 mtr), where Sola extracted a 1000 kg dd sample, that ran 2.97 Carats of D. @ $ 200-,/C/Us. Exsisting 400 Ton/Day Jigplant beeing tuned up for 5000 Ton bulk sampling, drilling and bulk samples, will establish grades and tonnage for this pipe, in the next three month. If Sola exerzises LOI on another 1205 square Km of highly prospective land, will bring Sola close to 5000 Km2 with many,many diamondiferous Kimberlite targets, blue sky potential. Sola could be the first Kimberlite Hard rock Miner in Brasil. Economics for the Carolina Pipe, look very positive, 0.2 C/T will make a fisible Mine in Brasil, I, long on this one. Crispy.

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