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Selling Lead Mine

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My business partner and I just "inherited" from his aging (87 and frail) grandfather a lead mine. Said grandfather has developed various mines over the past 60 years (silver, gold, copper), and graduated from I believe Montana Tech with a degree in geology. Grandfather worked the mining rights and found high concentrations across a large BLM land area in Montana. Shortly after his health deteriorated greatly to the point that he pretty much has to stay at home and while not an invalid, his ability to help us is almost non-existant. We have his files. We'd like to move this project forward. Ideally we'd get interested investors and start mining, shipping the ore out to be processed. But likely we don't have the necessary skills (I'm an energy professional, my partner is a real estate developer) at this point to pull the whole thing off. So maybe we simply need to sell the project and get a royalty.


Can anyone help us out here? The only company that does smeltering of lead that we've run into is The Doe Run Company. Do any of you have some advise for a couple guys that have what likely will be a very profitable property, but little knowledge of what we're doing at this point?


BTW, we also have a similar opportunity for a copper prospect that grandfather was working on.





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My business partner and I just "inherited" from his aging (87 and frail) grandfather a lead mine. Said grandfather has developed various mines over the past 60 years (silver, gold, copper), and graduated from I believe Montana Tech with a degree in geology. Grandfather worked the mining rights and found high concentrations across a large BLM land area in Montana. Shortly after his health deteriorated greatly to the point that he pretty much has to stay at home and while not an invalid, his ability to help us is almost non-existant. We have his files. We'd like to move this project forward. Ideally we'd get interested investors and start mining, shipping the ore out to be processed. But likely we don't have the necessary skills (I'm an energy professional, my partner is a real estate developer) at this point to pull the whole thing off. So maybe we simply need to sell the project and get a royalty.


Can anyone help us out here? The only company that does smeltering of lead that we've run into is The Doe Run Company. Do any of you have some advise for a couple guys that have what likely will be a very profitable property, but little knowledge of what we're doing at this point?


BTW, we also have a similar opportunity for a copper prospect that grandfather was working on.





Teck's smelter at Trail is likely closer to you, but I doubt if they'd be willing to accept your offtake unless you're talking sizable quantities. You have to be very careful in the States, especially with lead. Look at all the hoops Mines Management is jumping through in Montana, just so they can drill!

What you really need is some data to indicate the scope of the project. Did his grandfather have any drilling performed? I'd recommend hiring an experienced consultant to evaluate your grandfather's files, the property, and perform some sampling, etc. They will then be able to make a recommendation on whether to proceed to the next step, or go to plan B.


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Teck's smelter at Trail is likely closer to you, but I doubt if they'd be willing to accept your offtake unless you're talking sizable quantities. You have to be very careful in the States, especially with lead. Look at all the hoops Mines Management is jumping through in Montana, just so they can drill!

What you really need is some data to indicate the scope of the project. Did his grandfather have any drilling performed? I'd recommend hiring an experienced consultant to evaluate your grandfather's files, the property, and perform some sampling, etc. They will then be able to make a recommendation on whether to proceed to the next step, or go to plan B.



Thanks for the advise. From what grandpa said, this should be a sizable quantity. I believe he's done quite a bit of sampling, but my meeting with my business partner and him is next week. So I should learn more specifics then.



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