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Everything posted by wren

  1. In his signature GF has a link to his website with all his charts and links to some other sites (charts are not all the most up to date though). Here's the link: http://gold.approximity.com/gold_charts.html @GF. Just noticed a typo on your page: Should be "Approximity".
  2. Yes, but some are trying to maximize their ounces. Personally I am not so keen on swing trading as I think I would probably not gain for lack of skill. However, as I said a week ago I have cash to buy gold and silver but I am willing to wait and move in cautiously. I already have a lot of gold and silver (for a small investor at least) so I already have the "insurance". By being careful I may gain a few percent, which is why at the moment I am slowly cost-averaging in on my further silver purchases. A few percent extra is not insignificant especially if the gold price doubles in the next couple of years, which I think is likely. Silver might treble in the same period. I may also avoid the bad feeling of going all in and being under water for the new purchases if a correction occurs. So I try to find a happy medium which reduces my stress level. My bullion accounts now stand as follows: Gold: 44.6% Silver: 28.9% Cash (euros): 26.5% Gold and silver percentages are up slightly from last weekend. A couple of gold bids were filled on a minor correction and I made several small silver purchases.
  3. I prefer GoldMoney and BullionVault for large quantities. I keep only a few one ounce coins.
  4. Some sell a percentage of their position (usually a lot less than 50%), hoping to buy back cheaper. G0ldfinger chastises them saying "you've got to be in to win". May was a new all-time monthly closing high. We are close to the important USD 1000 figure and seem to be completeing this much talked about inverted head and shoulders formation. Oil has been increasing steadily over the last weeks. The printing presses are close to overheating. GM is bankrupt and California is 14 days from being broke. We're supposed, by some, to be at the start of a summer doldrums but it feels very edgy. So, I agree that it's beginning to look overbought but there are all these other worries.
  5. Silver is still pushing upwards. USD 16.11 and EUR 11.27 right now in Asian trading.
  6. Paul Tustain of BullionVault has just sent out an email to customers which I think provides a good brief summary of the monetary situation. I hope BV does not mind if I post his email in its entirety here (bolded by me): Anyone know the FT article that says gold bulls are nuts?
  7. Only the companies I deal with and tax office know that I own gold and silver. Tell people on a need-to-know basis only. In the depression burglaries will probably get a lot worse. Act poor even if you are not. And thanks to Steve for setting up the new thread and generally helping to keep things in order. Good job!
  8. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=ema...id=ajf0L9wTPq6Y Institutional interest.
  9. Just as a reminder to anybody thinking of opening a GoldMoney account: you can get the first 6 months storage for free if you sign up at GM via this website. Near the top of the page in the centre is an image saying "GoldMoney 6 months free storage". If you click on that to get to the GoldMoney website and open an account you will get the first 6 months storage for free. I believe DrBubb gets a small commision for this, which helps pay for the hosting of this site. This is a cross-post from the GoldMoney thread: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=5499
  10. As I was writing that comment I was thinking the same sort of thing. If I do go ahead and average in between now and September it would make a lot of sense to be holding a paper currency likely to hold up better over that time period. This would mean studying forex markets which gets a bit much for me. How much does it cost to transfer between currencies at GoldMoney? I found that it is 0.49% for transfer between currencies. What are the arguments for and against holding any of the currencies which they offer? The currencies they offer are (just checking the site to get the list) USD, CAD, GBP, EUR, CHF and JPY. Are all purchases of platinum and palladium subject to VAT? One of the nice things about investment silver at GoldMoney is that we can buy without paying VAT. I need to remember that the 2-letter abbreviation for platinum is Pt (not Pl as I wrote in an earlier post).
  11. Thanks for your comments. My cash percentage is higher than normal as it is newly acquired cash. In January I ran out of cash in my bullion accounts as I spent it all on silver from November to the first week of January. That was quite fortunate as I might have bought silver as early as July but more for chance reasons than design the purchases were delayed and I managed to catch the low in November and December. I understand your reasoning about buying USD which sounds quite rational. However, being a gold bug, I would feel a bit like an infidel buying USD.
  12. I think it might be too inconvenient for me, being in Finland and paying from a euro-denominated bank account (cheque books do not exist in Finland either). Otherwise I would probably be playing palladium and platinum, especially palladium. I bought a one-ounce platinum coin last December near the low. A nice Isle of Man Noble just so that I have one platinum coin (had to pay 19% VAT!). I find BV and GM so convenient for transferring money easily and buying and later selling. It also saves me from having to research Pl and Pd seriously as I won't invest in anything without researching the market to my satisfaction (I'm just a retail investor but I take it seriously).
  13. http://the-moneychanger.com/daily/DailyFile5.htm True about a bull market being kind about timing errors. Just requires patience. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I would be interested in what you guys think about my bullion-cash balance and how you would play it over the coming months. As of last weekend my gold and silver accounts stood as follows (percentages are euro-equivalents): BullionVault: 70% gold 30% euros GoldMoney: 68% silver 32% euros Totals: 69% bullion (42% gold, 27% silver) 31% euros Longer term I expect to put nearly all the cash into bullion, but I'm worrying about the timing. Over the last few weeks I was thinking that a summer correction would be fairly likely and so it would be good to hold back on big purchases - over the last few weeks I made some small silver purchases, but have kept most of the cash. Right now I feel uncertain about whether or not we will get a good correction in the euro price of gold and silver. So I have begun to think that maybe a lower stress approach would be for me to average in slowly across the whole summer into September. As I mentioned the other day it wouldn't surprise me if we get a run up to the old highs, maybe new highs, in June to July, but followed by a serious correction (smackdown?) in the July to August period. But basically I don't do short or medium term forecasts as such. I just do plausible what if? scenarios. Anyway, I would be interested in what you guys would do given my percentages of bullion and cash as above.
  14. Yes, I have been thinking the same. Owing to all the uncertainty though, my plan now is to use up my remaining (euro) cash by slowly averaging in over the whole summer. Silver now at €11.0037.
  15. Thanks that's pretty impressive. USD falling badly against the euro. So the euro Ag and Au prices are up less than in USD.
  16. Thanks to notanewmember for providing that link. It serves to remind us that silver actually is precious - and many other important metals will be in short supply within a couple of decades. I googled "copper nugget Chris Martenson" and found text where he talks about it. Does anyone have a link to a picture of this nugget?
  17. Snap, snap, snap. Hope you got enough links.
  18. Terbium and hafnium it seems. From another thread: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index....ic=6744&hl= which provides this link: http://terresacree.org/argentanglais.htm
  19. Good that you point this out. For investors the fact that it is mostly recycled is good news. It means that the reduced demand from photography owing to the increasing popularity of digital cameras is less than would otherwise be. I wonder how much silver goes into digital cameras? Somebody on this site said that 70% of silver used in traditional photography is recycled. Maybe it was you?
  20. Yes, I think this was it. He postponed to March due to the unexpected autumn deleveraging.
  21. A fun little strory about a bubble in goats. Here's a taste: http://www.juliangough.com/the-great-hargeisa-goat-bubble/
  22. Wow. That's scary. S&P earnings down 90% in the last 20 months!
  23. A while back we had a great batman formation in the gold price. Maybe Steve Netwriter could find the post. He made an enhanced version.
  24. In terms of total above-ground stocks I believe there is more gold than silver. But this is because gold does not get used up, unlike silver which is being used up and a lot of it not recycled.
  25. Interesting what he said about seasonals: that it may go against the average seasonal behaviour and catch a lot of people out. Just the last week or so I have been wondering the same thing: as so many seem to expect a summer doldrums and maybe correction. Now I'm wondering if it might push up strongly in June maybe to a new all-time high in July, but followed by a strong pullback into August. If I were the cartel I would try to engineer something like that. Catch out those expecting seasonal slowness by pushing it up in June far enough to pull most in long, then smack it down like hell in July or August. Working for the cartel might be quite fun in a malicious sort of way.
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