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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. S&P Downgrades $34 Billion of Bonds Backed by Alt-A Mortgages http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...&refer=home Little article, big consequences? Or is it all 'priced in' already? If not, we're possibly soon going to see the big pension meltdown...
  2. I guess it's a GIMer. Oil has a little correction, so gold goes down. NOTE: gold always goes down with oil, but it never goes up with it. OK, that was a cross generalization here. Anyway, patience. The fundamentals are all in place.
  3. So they're still printing on them on both sides. That will stop at some stage because there won't be enought time for it.
  4. Seems I was on the right platform yesterday. Oh, well, kiss good bye, and then $1,000 and $1,200.
  5. Seems I jumped on the wrong train here. "Next station $900..." Oh, anyway, maybe that's the famous Dr Bubb good-bye kiss?
  6. Nice start of a New York trading day.
  7. Found on GIM: http://goldismoney.info/forums/showpost.ph...mp;postcount=12
  8. Seriously, I think they are in it already for quite a while. Claiming anything else would be a joke. I wonder how long the Masters of the Universe will be able to keep up this illusion.
  9. Financial Sense Newshour radio show works now (all links).
  10. You're welcome. Yes, this has been discussed before, and I think it applies to Diesels. It's certainly good for silver, but won't be that substantial short term, is my guess. I am very bullish on silver anyway: for every one ounce gold, I own 50 odd ounces of silver. I see it as my more speculative position.
  11. And in the a general bull market, the earlier they buy and the longer they hold on to it, the better. I pity all these people who exchange their gold for ... paper!
  12. Yes, I think James Turk said that. And, to add a little from Schiff, it's the USD and USD denominated bonds, of course.
  13. I guess I will listen through some KER shows first until they have fixed it.
  14. Can't download hours 2 & 3 of the FSN show this weekend. Anyone having the same problem? The other hours work.
  15. The Chinese Yuan (how many Yuan $1 buys).
  16. STC, good to see you all well. I see your comments are of an as high quality as usual. Tell everyone over at HPC my best wishes. GF
  17. I agree 100%. Everyone should read this or listen to it. http://www.resourceinvestor.com/pebble.asp?relid=42915
  18. Nadler is simply a bad analyst and getting it wrong all the time. Whether he does this purposefully or whether there is some other agenda behind it -- who knows? I still think that Bill Murphy's email (to Nadler, calling him names) was a mistake and very immature.
  19. The idea that recession means deflation couldn't be wronger as Adrian Ash and others have repeatedly pointed out in their articles. M3 is growing explosively, it does not matter that there is a meltdown in housing: we are witnessing extremely strong inflation. People who will get squeezed in this mess and whose wages possibly won't hold up will have (and have had) other problems than buying gold. These are not (large) gold buyers anyway and this process is therefore totally irrelevant. It is the wealthier who protect their already existing assets who will drive the price. In summary: The cash (to buy much more gold) is already out there, and getting more and more by the minute. We will have a recession/depression and strong inflation -- isn't that fun? Thanks and congrats to the Fed and the BoE!
  20. http://news.silverseek.com/SilverInvestor/1211435880.php This will blow up spectacularly some time soon.
  21. Maybe, over time, the US will find a solution for this problem, e.g. little hybrid cars that can be plugged in and use solar energy as well. However, the change will take decades, and so long the 'bad location' will keep falling in value.
  22. (1) Gold is real money. (2) There is no reason why the world shouldn't be on a gold standard today, other than the greed and the military power of the West (aka The American Empire). (3) Gold has proven over and over again that it is a very good long term inflation hedge. (4) Nowadays, gold is the investment of choice in a commodities boom/systematic banking crisis.
  23. Well, gold had always been money, and suddenly they started prohibiting it or taxing it. I would say that this is discouraging.
  24. Piesikins Slow deflation is not necessarily a bad thing. GF
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