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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. The same curiosity in the over 9-year chart:
  2. Someone trying to take influence on the Euro and gold?
  3. Goldman Sucks is still covering shorts: http://goldismoney.info/forums/showpost.ph...;postcount=9326
  4. Could be. Or it's just exhaustion before the weekend.
  5. This triangle needs to be filled with gold-silver price pairs. This could mean lower prices in gold and silver for a while, but in general a slightly higher gold:silver ratio. IMO an ideal time to buy. See also: http://gold.approximity.com/gold_analysis.html
  6. That's what happens when people on BV sell/buy larger amounts.
  7. I told you so. :lol: See also: Towards the danger zone?
  8. I think BV is an extremely good service, and any gold I store there is possibly safer than in a home or a bank. There are certain risks, like confiscation or capital flow restrictions etc. But there are also certain risks if you store bullion privately. I use BV, and I use other services as well.
  9. I am not so sure about this. I think it will be enough if the existing money seeks a new home. Away from triple-A subprime to commodities. However, the bailouts will indeed create new money. The bailouts will make sure that anyone who wants no AAA anymore can get out and into the new bubble. They don't want to, but they will create another bubble. It's going to be (and has been already for while) commodities and precious metals.
  10. Good post. My experience is that buyer of physical are much less scared by drops like this even if they're new to the game.
  11. The amount of ignorance & half-knowledge on HPC is sometimes amazing. When I started to store gold with BV, I read through basically ALL documentation. I came to the conclusion that for a private investor it is one of the best ways to store larger amounts bullion.
  12. Every day another piece of the market implodes. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...&refer=home
  13. Pluto, I don't agree with you here. I think people who park money in bonds simply don't know any better. I do not think the market is giving us the right idea here (no efficiency here, IMHO). People just buy Treasuries because they can not think of anything else 'safe'. But that's only my opinion.
  14. So, usually, price spikes in Asia overnight get wiped out in NY trading. However, price slumps in Asia overnight do not get reverted in New York. I wonder: Could it be New York is somewhat biased? :lol:
  15. Send them my regards. And, no, not a selling opportunity, but a buying opportunity.
  16. They have just found another blackhole in the German bank IKB. Trading has been suspended. Article in German: http://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,542663,00.html Credit crunch gathering momentum.
  17. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...&refer=home It's getting rolled over to infinity. Monetization of bad debt.
  18. Seems my after-Easter purchase could become very cheap. Love it.
  19. Let's not forget, we're still talking $900 gold here, which the deflationistas thought was impossible. Same for $100 oil. The deflation talk in commoditities is b0ll0cks IMO. Oh, and by the way: you can't buy physical on margin.
  20. Anyway, I think I will do some shopping tomorrow. Not all, but I think some.
  21. Palladium looks cheap too. Maybe I'll take the plunge and will buy my first palladium and platinum coins soon.
  22. Not sure. I would suggest to take this opportunity to fill the boat. As outlined above, I hope to take advantage of this collapse as soon as I have some funds, and will average-buy into this.
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