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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. Jim Sinclair’s Commentary The equity markets and the financial sector stocks love the Fed so why doesn’t everyone? To understand the following article make sure you first understand the following: Inflation is two fold. First it is the expansion of monetary aggregates which always result in price inflation. Deflation is debt failure first. Debt failure clear of no monetary expansion will reduce prices. We now have unprecedented monetary inflation on top of price inflation coming from the monetary and fiscal stimulus of 2000 to present. We are headed to some degree of the Weimar experience, which can be summed up as debt failure, collapse in business activity and an explosive rise in prices for goods and services while a currency collapse took place. That is a mouthful, but also totally accurate concerning the present situation.
  2. People like Jim Sinclair think there will be no blow-off top this time. But who knows.
  3. Today was either the day of the idiots, or the day of the manipulators (or both). In any case, the next downleg will come (for credit & the markets). Just think of it, the UK, Spain and Ireland haven't even properly started yet defaulting on their mortgages. It will be a nightmare (if you hold no gold).
  4. This is your opinion and that's fine. However, the world did not end in the 1970/early 80s either, and if gold repeats what it did back then, we all know it will end up somewhere between $2,200 and $6,000, when only adjusted for inflation up to today. Given the strong inflation outlook and when compared to other measures such as M3, it could go much, much higher.
  5. Litigation, litigation, litigation. That sums it up.
  6. Not sure whether Doraemon is bitter, but he reminds me of RK, CTT, or RB. Remember RB's calls on gold?
  7. Yeah, the Yen Carry Trade also made me wonder today. Fun stuff. This will be the first depression where the Dow actually goes up. A hyper-depression.
  8. It's not the end of the world. But it's the biggest economic crisis since 1929. As for the paper boy, maybe he is simply clever.
  9. Let's see whether $980 holds. Next stop is then at $960.
  10. Just an excuse of the commerical shorters and of people who don't understand gold to sell some. Except for the fact that it might be a nice dip for buying that is developing here, it falls under the category 'noise'.
  11. This is an excellent buying opportunity in the make. The perception of the Fed being tough on inflation by only cutting IRs to 2.25% is the most ridiculous thing ever. I only hope my funds get through timely and this dip lasts a little. Worst case is if I have to buy after Easter.
  12. Phantastic stuff they come up with at bullshit castle (=Fed). Commodities levelling out. Yeah. Right.
  13. What counts is how much they print in the end. They will print a lot for Bear Stearns/JPM.
  14. The DJIA chart looks pretty distorted right now. EDIT: Gold's doing funny things too.
  15. Dow has just crashed 100pts in a tick, but bounced back straight afterwards.
  16. I will have some funds available hopefully before Easter. A dip is more than welcome!
  17. I bought a lot of silver in London, before the facility was established in Zurich as well (now I have some there too). In general, there could be an act of terrorism in Zurich at some time. It's one of the world's financial centres.
  18. BV and GM use the same vault operator. I.e., you have risk concentratrion because of this. Say, you use GM and BV, but store in both cases gold in the VIAMAT vault in London. A thermonuclear/dirty bomb/act of terror hitting London could wipe you (and the insurer Lloyds) out. Therefore, I'd suggest to spread the risk, and also use the Zurich vault. But you also don't want to have all eggs in Zurich. Another problem is possible confiscation/taxation etc. Since this risk is much higher in the UK, I would tend to store more in Switzerland.
  19. I agree. He is not only belonging to the Shorterz, but also to the Haterz.
  20. I think we're still on the way. Here a few charts. (See also http://gold.approximity.com/gold-silver_watch.html ) Keep in mind, these are London Fixing (AM) prices. Compare this with the chart from 07/02/08, where the analysis first came out:
  21. I'd possibly put £20k into GoldMoney (6K London/14K Zurich), and £20k into BullionVault (6K London/14K Zurich), and I would store £10k in coins nearer by (bank locker etc.).
  22. :P RK is really a tough cookie. At least he is one of these people who make bullion cheaper for me.
  23. Roubini on the moral hazard aspect of the Bear Stearns bailout. He is quite in line with Jim Rogers. http://www.rgemonitor.com/blog/roubini/
  24. Good stuff (from the thread linked to above).
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