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Mr Pipples

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Everything posted by Mr Pipples

  1. Pixel8r - I've just skimmed through these last round of posts re. ethics of trading, but I'd guess you might be over-generalising in your posts while, actually, you are thinking of (and therefore, should maybe be referring specifically to) certain types/ways of unethical/irresponsible trading, unethical/irresponsible financial instruments - which might be governed in an unsatisfactory and damaging manner. Bad practise, bad products, bad procedures, etc. I agree with the basics of that kind of thing being wrong - but not trading, per se, being intrinsically wrong. I do agree with a lot of peoples view on here, including Pixel8r's, that there is a v. strong argument in support of buy and hold physical pm's. Like some of the others who do trade (and talk about it here) - I do not trade my (majority) core holdings. (I might skip in and out with some very occasionally (haven't yet) if it seems like a obvious winner - but I'd always leave a healthy portion.) To be honest, I would like to see Dr B buying a bit of physical bullion too!
  2. Yep, totally agree with all that. Prepare and plan as well as you can for you and your family. (Personally, I may well be moving to Chiang Mai myself soon - that's the area in Thailand Faber has land in, I believe.)
  3. Is say only a very small percentage of people (in the west) are able/in a position to make this happen - even if they really want to. Of course, this depends on the country you live in, etc. but, taking the UK as an example, unless you have loads of money/a mobile or movable job/already live in the countryside where there's a slim chance a couple of acres of agricultural land will come up for sale (at a fair price) less then a few miles away - you'd have to be extremely lucky to do this (and end up with a fair size plot of reasonable land). I guess the situation in S. Korea is quite different though...
  4. Gold, Gossip and Russias Tu-160 Bombers by Adrian Ash - http://safehaven.com/article-12858.htm
  5. A thought... China ain't gonna be happy.
  6. Paulson goes for gold - http://ftalphaville.ft.com/blog/2009/03/17...-goes-for-gold/
  7. Crunch Time? By: Theodore Butler - http://news.silverseek.com/TedButler/1237228354.php GoldMoney Alert - 15 March 2009 - Extraordinary Stress in the Silver Market - http://goldmoney.com/en/commentary/2009-03-15.html EDIT: Found this too: Got Gold Report notes 'shocking' short concentration in silver - http://www.gata.org/node/7267 (the bottom of linked article particularly interesting)
  8. World mints report soaring demand for gold coins - http://uk.biz.yahoo.com/13032009/325/world...gold-coins.html
  9. Now or Never. Face The Gold Cliff & Buy - http://www.321gold.com/editorials/thomson_...n_s_031109.html Worth a read.
  10. Looking at the action in markets today - I'm not so sure. That 'positive' feeling seems to be missing. Hmmm...
  11. Yep to all that... Thing is with the various kinds of TA, a main reason for me to pay attention to it, comes from that I think it is self-generating/perpetuating to a large degree - what with all the hedge fund black boxes following TA algorithms and technical traders influence, etc. on stocks and markets. TA seems like guessing on a guessing game.
  12. Fair play to you bigT - do keep posting!
  13. What you reckoning now, cgnao? Lower - or still sure it'll hold at $900? Ta.
  14. 3 links to gold stuff at FT: Hedge funds turn to gold - http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/37fcba70-0c0a-11...00779fd2ac.html Barrick founder sets no limits on gold price - http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/1f4375ee-0c07-11...00779fd2ac.html Suki Cooper of Barclays Capital on haven-sent gains for gold - http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/ebcc1cda-07d2-11...00779fd2ac.html To be published live from 2pm on Monday, March 9.
  15. Gold & The Panic Phase by Jim Willie - Gold & The Panic Phase: http://www.financialsense.com/fsu/editoria.../2009/0305.html etc.
  16. Silver will outshine gold in 2009 - http://www.resourceinvestor.com/pebble.asp?relid=49185
  17. Silver Backwardation: Prices About to Soar - http://seekingalpha.com/article/124517-sil...opular_articles
  18. Russian TV interviews GATA director on gold suppression - http://www.gata.org/node/7231
  19. May well be some subscribers on here already, but I reckon David Morgan at www.silver-investor.com is worth a listen. Reckon I'll sign up soon - but even the free mailshot emails and bits are well worth a read.
  20. Russian Prime Minister Putin thinks gold is going up - Gold Price Correction Will Not Last http://www.gata.org/node/7210
  21. First Majestic Silver / FR.t (>50% SLV) Can someone explain what this all means to an existing stockholder? Down about 18% on open! CHART JAN.2023: AG/ First Maj. vs. SIL Feb'22: July'22: $6.26 vs. $28.94 : 21.6% 04.26.23: $8.00 vs. $30.70 : 26.05% old, 4.26 SIL -etc. Update: w-AG: SIL set for a 2024 Breakout? === (in edit - Charts); FR.t / First Majestic Silver ... all-data : 10-yr-W : 5-yr-W : 2-yr-D : 6-mo-D / 10d : Aug. 4, 2017 8/4/2017 Last: C$7.89 -$1.79 -18.49% : Volume: 3,090,799 / -in edit- FR.t held above 50% of SLV / Silver etf
  22. Ha! Didn't spot the date - found the link to the article today on www.thebulliondesk.com - odd!
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