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Everything posted by gasket37

  1. that was quite interesting - he had 40 to start with yesterday he had 13 left i looked on his website this morning + he had 12 i went away and did some chores and looked this afternoon and he had one left
  2. i don't know if anyone ever bought silver from this bloke:- http://www.silverexchange.co.uk/sales.php but he is stopping sales of bullion & setting himself up as an agency. the remainder of his stocks can be found below in a 'hidden' part of his website if anyone wants any silver. i've used him a few times with no problems. http://www.silverexchange.co.uk/working/sales.php pity really - he was(is!) a helpful chap. hope it works out for him.
  3. congratulations GOM! is this you? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JYJylApNvU wimmin eh? actually i've just had a thought. am i right i thinking that that it is predominately blokes that post on this site? what does that tell us?
  4. like a lot of people here i listen to financialsense.com. mainly because it has the odd gem every now and then that makes one think. anyhoo did anyone else catch Nick Barisheff on the first hour (18.07.09) this week at about 54 minutes in? of the 150 thousand tonnes of gold in existance (a figure we are all, i'm sure, familar with), he reckons the split in thousands of tonnes are as follows:- 93 religious artefacts 30 held by central banks 25 held privately anyone ever come across these figures before? to me his figure of 93 is astounding! in fact "it's amazing!"
  5. feel i have to stick up for sarniasilver - as well as http://www.cisilver.com/ who are the same people. i've used them a few times (makes a change from the usual suppliers as they stock stuff others don't seem to have) for small orders with no problems whatsoever. i've also used this chap in coventry a few times http://www.silverexchange.co.uk/sales.php with no problems. stumbled across the mr-silver site myself a few days ago - seems very expensive. don't intend using them! still - interesting enough that these bods are starting to enter the market. competition is healthy, remember?
  6. don't know if anyone heard the 1st hour of financialsense.com this week but at about 50 minutes in J.P. interviews jeff christian J.C. gave the following figures for the demand for silver for investment purposes:- 70 million ounces in 2007 100 million ounces in 2008 180 million ounces in 2009 (projected) according to JC there are only two years when demand was higher 1980 (unsurprisingly!) with investment demand of 222 million ounces & also in 1965 (he didn't specify the amount).
  7. well that was tempting fate wasn't it? looks like the 1 oz coins have gone up a £1 per oz to £15 each. mind you he's missed a price increase on the last 10 oz australian ox so i've just bought it. so hands off! expect the price of silver to tank next week then...
  8. great post - brutal honesty and hello to another EMED holder i was looking at minefinders myself a couple of weeks ago and they were around $10. haven't looked at the chart until just now and i see what you mean. they have a great 'story' though - john dooty (sic) on FSN this reckons someone will take them out at these sort of levels @ around $12 share (??) so you might get a profit yet!
  9. ah - you have no idea how naff my MP3 player is - it cost less than the price on a oz of silver. anyhoo, just for you i listened to the interview again - it starts in the second hour - scroll it forward to just after the (tin foil hattish) adverts. saxena explains his positioning in march '08 at around 1 hour 2 minutes in. sounds like he sold out - he got some grief from some of his subscribers as some of them reckoned silver was going to $30 - $40. FWIW i remember him being on FSN being cautious on the metals some months back. he is "stunned" by the overshoot in silver though - has been buying gold again at around $800 and silver at $15. he says the fundamentals are unchanged. on mining stocks he thinks they are oversold as of now, but prefers bullion. he thinks too many risks in the stocks - management/politics/energy costs etc. he says use ETF's to go long or short (e.g. DBP) rather than use mining stocks - he doesn't hold any mining stocks! bullish on commodities in general - population growth / BRICS increase in living standards / underinvestment in mining in the past. reason for silver price fall - CB intervention (paulson propping up the dollar) and setting up a new round of rate cuts, justified by falling commodity prices. US election is the key. saxena says "most people who are calling for deflation don't understand the monetary system" - he is an inflationista. money supply is still increasing worldwide rapidly and the fall in asset prices (e.g. housing) is just that, a fall in asset prices. CB deflation talk is just propaganda / scare talk. the world has a massive inflation problem. fannie/freddie bailout has increase national debt from $5 to $10 trillion - "a disaster" (unfunded liabilties are $64 trillion or 400% of GDP. money printing will find its way to people eventually. wall street benefits and this is immoral. let businesses go bust e.g. ford/GM. bailouts will be terrible for the $ / world financial system in general. interest rates set by the bond market and not the fed. long bondholders are out of their minds and foreigners will eventually give up holding US bonds & market will collapse. fed will have to increase rates like volker did. asian CB have been more honest about the inflation problem hence fall in their stock markets. in the west, haven't been honest and there will be a stampede out of paper when people realise what is going on. he is back into china now their stock market has halved, despite inflation scare as china raised reserve requirements etc. better CB management in general by china. also buying in vietnam. still a long way to go in bank failures. CDS market failure next shoe to drop. avoid financials however cheap - taxpayer bailouts. european banks are leveraged more than US ones! however get money out of the US banking system. forecast - panic selling is likely to be over now. gold to go back to $1,000 and silver to $17. [i could catch when this is supposed to be!!] still interesting stuff - pick the bones out of that lot. me? i ordered some silver philarmonics @ £9.79 including the dreaded VAT last night from coininvestdirect - so you can expect the price to carry on falling in the short run.
  10. i listened to that but i thought it was a bit of a puff piece for MacDonalds business to be honest. anyone hear Puru Saxena on this weeks goldseek radio (about ½ way in)? he'd predicted the recent fall from $1,000 to $750 - so was pretty damned close he reckoned he'd got a lot of hate mail at the time! he's back in the market if i'd heard it right (can't be more specific -i listen to this stuff when i'm out running and i was being chased by a dog at the critical moment)
  11. thanks steve - love your beginners guide post + other stuff BTW. i have no idea - but he did work out how many ounces it was with john loeffler. can't remember the amount, but according to google 1 tonne = 35,273 ounces! unfortunately i have little or no idea about what i am doing so i am better off being a lurker, believe me! i'd rather keep quiet and be thought a fool than open my mouth and confirm the suspicion.
  12. hello all must admit i had assumed that the talk of silver shortages was just that. talk. i've been buying modest amounts over the last few months with no difficulties whatsoever. each delivery has been pretty quick. until i logged on here http://www.thesilverxchange.com/ and had a look. whenever i've looked at this site in the past they have only temporarily been out of Silver Mexican Libertads. now it looks like they are out of pretty much everything except for Silver Austrian Philharmonics on the coin side. last night i could swear they had some ten oz silver bars - now nothing available. perhaps it is all jim puplava's fault - on a recent FSN podcast he said he was buying a tonne of silver. i don't think he was joking.
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