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Everything posted by THEBIGMAN

  1. Yeah. Silver is notoriously volatile; just look at the big peaks and troughs since the shenanigans started a couple of years ago. Ted Butler's worth reading for a while until you realise that every article is, in fact, exactly the same and has been since the mid-90's. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure he's right about price manipulation and I'm glad he's calling "foul", but I don't think there's anything that he, or you, or I can do about it. Of course, assuming he's right and the market has been suppressed for over 30 years, then the free market will eventually correct this, as it always eventually does. Back down to $11 in 1980; back down below $10 in November 2008. Plus ca change. Allowing for currency depreciation, there's an awful lot of potential upside for silver, despite its principal industrial application (photography) being made obsolete by digital technology and ink-jet printing. Personally I think that battery technology will be a significant consumer of silver ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silver-oxide_battery ) in the age of the electric car. YMMV ( ) This volatility is why my personal choice is to hold through the physical commodity ETCs (PHAU and PHAG). Cheap 'n' liquid. To each their own...
  2. Cornering of the silver market by Nelson Bunker Hunt. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nelson_Bunker_Hunt This is why the China influence is "interesting"
  3. that's a clean pair of underpants you owe me
  4. Lovely images from that BBC program: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/in_pictures/8250772.stm Mmmmmmm.
  5. http://www.safehaven.com/article-14325.htm
  6. "Gold jewellery for CA$H" adverts are cropping up everywhere. They have full-sized adverts covering the entire backs of double-decker buses in Nottingham. Clearly someone thinks PMs have a bright and shiny future...
  7. More details: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/european-...d=rss&rss=1
  8. Industrial demand still bullish for silver, on the whole: http://www.edn.com/blog/1470000147/post/1810019781.html http://gizmodo.com/5060103/silver+zinc-bat...han-lithium+ion http://blogs.computerworld.com/apple_to_pi...tery_technology Does anyone know if there are any listed companies that specialise in recycling metals from batteries etc. - particularly silver?
  9. Yeah, the buy-to-let crowd Seriously, I actually do agree with you on the whole, GF. I'm just reminded of a wise old dog who warned us not to underestimate the gnomes of Zurich.
  10. Dunno if this has been linked to already but it's quite a good read... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/comment...ct-trinity.html ...Also a great interview with Antal Fekete: http://www.professorfekete.com/articles/AEFDailyBell.pdf
  11. Simple, I'm long-term bullish on Au & Ag, and have been for a couple of years now. Unfortunately I was a bit too exuberant on the last big rally and thus missed the opportunity to buy on the dips following the massive Ag smack-down from over $21 to under $11. I don't wanna make *that* mistake again. Some wise old man once said: "There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on... shame on you. Fool me... You can't get fooled again." If gold gets smacked down, for whatever reason, it'll be a great opportunity to load up. And ain't a smack-down highly probable what with so many Euro countries degenerating into basket-cases?
  12. What's the odds on the IMF dumping dozens of tons of gold in order to prop up a plethora of bankrupt countries?
  13. Watch silver here... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/in_pictures/8059116.stm
  14. Ta for that. This 'un was linked from there: A very interesting video interview with Ambrose Evans Pritchard. Check it out: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/persona...-gold-bars.html
  15. Exceptionally good post at HPC (really!), but scary in a cgnao way... http://www.housepricecrash.co.uk/forum/ind...p;#entry1702261
  16. Not sure if this is a bullish sign or not... http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/goldanthem/
  17. Update: Ouch! Freakin' awesome article. http://www.safehaven.com/article-12032.htm
  18. Interesting email from stockgumshoe.com: Discounted gold & silver with help from... Microsoft!!!
  19. You ain't alone there, buddy Thank goodness sterling has gone down the U-bend, otherwise I'd be looking at a 50% loss. Bunch of arse, I say. Um, rant over.
  20. Silver at $8.86/oz? Someone pinch me. Same nominal price as about 25 years ago. Go figure...
  21. Casting an eye back to November 2007, I think this report is well worth reading: http://www.gata.org/files/RedburnPartnersG..._11-12-2007.pdf
  22. Those frickin' graphs are breaking my heart. Can't you upload 'em upside down or something?
  23. Jason Hommel is a bible-thumping lunatic who contradicts himself every other sentence. Click [HERE] to read the (very civil) exchange between Hommel and Antal Fekete. Hommel makes a right pillock out of himself... ...and [HERE] to see the debate continue. Hommel looks dafter and dafter with every turd that drops from the misplaced rectum he talks out of, particularly whilst attempting to refute this article.
  24. The message is getting out http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/7450751.stm
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