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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. NATGAS... Sooo Weak at $2.15 ! Down to only 3.8% of WTI Crude prices RRC / Range to NatGas SWN / So'western Energy to NatGas ==
  2. The Greenways Alviera - Location Plan The Greenways is getting much attention these days as its prime location invites families residing in nearby cities to upgrade their homes and location for a more cost-effective and efficient working and family bonding experience! The Greenways is situated in an ideal location that's close to your needs. Located in Alviera, Porac, Pampanga. May it be offices, schools or other establishments; everything you need is just a few minutes’ drive away. The Greenways Alveo Land is an ideal location for those seeking exclusivity, comfort and convenience. Accessible to both public and private transportation, its strategic location allows smooth travel to every destination that matters to you. The Greenways Alviera is a short distance from the city's premier retail and entertainment hub and mall - giving residents an endless array of facilities and amenities for shopping. A strategic location indeed, The Greenways Pampanga boasts to its future residents a life undiscovered where everything they need is within reach. Hospitals, schools, churches and commercial centers. What more would you ask for? They are all near The Greenways. Cities and Landmarks Clark International Airport – 5-minute drive (21 km) San Fernando City – 30-minute drive (23 km) Angeles City – 20-minute drive (16.2 km) Subic – 45-minute drive (63 km) Quezon City – 75-minute drive (95 km)
  3. ComPost doesnt like it Boris Johnson and his regressive cabinet mean disaster for Britain Washington Post An Eton-educated man whose career is a showreel of ineptitude and orchestrated blunder, heaped with a huge dose of confidence. This is how you might describe Britain’s new prime minister, Boris Johnson. The people around him aren’t much better. Celebrated for being “diverse,” his picks for the country’s “Great Offices of State” are united by their regressive views. Together, they represent some of the major problems in this country: an outdated class system, entrenched privilege and a fixation on diversity over racial equality. They are exactly the opposite of what Britain needs. It’s difficult to understate how calamitous Johnson’s government could be. Not unlike his presidential counterpart in the United States, Britain’s new prime minister comes from the elite, purports to be a man of the people and has used flagrant racism and homophobia when he thinks it might be good for his image. Though he differs from President Trump in his pitch as a supposed “one nation” Conservative, he’s already been called “Britain Trump” by the president himself.
  4. Britain's Trump says: "You're Fired!" New UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson fires nearly all of Theresa May’s Cabinet and replaces them with Brexit supporters Boris Johnson has held his first meeting of his new-look Cabinet after bloodbath of Theresa May’s ministers The incoming PM culled nearly two-thirds of predecessor’s team as he created a new Brexiteer group Many of the Vote Leave 2016 referendum team have been installed as top ranking ministers or advisers Mr Johnson told ministers they were all committed to leaving the EU on October 31 or earlier – ‘no ifs, no buts’ Boris Johnson today warned his new-look ‘Brexit Cabinet’ that Britain is at a ‘pivotal moment’ – and vowed that the country will leave the EU by the end of October ‘or earlier’. The incoming PM gathered his team in No10 for the first time this morning after staging an unprecedented bloodbath of Theresa May‘s government, stripping out 17 of her ministers to create a group willing to go through with No Deal.
  5. Sample of Jewelry that might be sold, Costing over P 5,000 (ie US $100) Paraphrasing from below: "That necklace could be a nice gift idea, but it is EXPENSIVE as an impulse buy" PT.1 / COMMENTS M : You guys might have an opinion one whether this might may a viable online business for Ms. Ting? D : Anything can be a viable online business opportunity however if you are selling a product that is a want rather than a need it is easier to sell something that is an impulse purchase… Sell to a passionate niche M : Also, costs of this Jewelry would be higher, like 5,000 - 6,000. And then the margins are small compared with cheap stuff D : The higher the cost of goods are the more the customer is likely to want to touch it and see it making online purchase challenging. that is unless you are selling a well known brand. for example you can only buy a tesla online. but they have the most recognisable brand M : I asked her: "what does that necklace cost you?" (P5100) "what can you pawn it for (P4200- about 80%)" so at least people who but from her would know they are not paying double. If needed, they can get back most of their money D : ok i think at that price point it will be hard to sell online. my suggestion is to create a facebook business page. add her friends and post her jewellery there M : Good idea. Thanks D : if she can sell it first before having to buy it. that would be better. otherwise its too capital intensive PT.2 / COMMENTS “this serves a good purpose, in getting us to think thru some of the key issues” M : The cheap high margin stuff, maybe she could sell -- after establishing her brand D : i recommend that is where she should start first: find stuff that looks expensive but is actually cheap its harder for people to put a value on jewellery. especially if its unique. M : Start: Higher end thru a FB for friends? Or higher margin, cheap stuff? D. : start cheap. its much easier to sell cheap than expensive M : I know people find it hard to value jewellery. that is why I would think people might want to know what an expert thought, when they spend that kind of money D : find a targeted niche… like for example a silver bracelet is generic M : In fact, this might starts with buying her a single necklace. that was the initial idea. We wanted to know the real value, and what not could be pawned for D : a silver bracelet with dog charms is more targeted… to dog lovers M : hmm. yeah D. : That necklace could be a nice gift idea, but EXPENSIVE M. : My idea was to Buy a gift WITH UNDERLYING VALUE. Like a known PAWN value capitalizing on her specific expertise in appraising and valuing gold jewellery D. : but will end customer (who buys when it is resold) know the real value of those pieces? M. : They would have to trust her. Maybe they could take it into another shop to confirm (if they lack confidence in the stated valuation). PT.3 / COMMENTS M. : Friends suggested… You should help her start a jewellery business, so I came up with this as a way to start D. : that would not be my advice M. : okay. Why not? D. : I think starting a jewellery business is tough. highly competitive, capital intensive M. : yes. sure. Tough business. But how many people do you know with her specific expertise? D : And a start-up also needs… experience owning and running a successful business M : I see her as… She is more of an Expert Buyer / Appraiser... helping people who might want to buy smartly D : yes build a business that takes advantage of her skills M : Most of the time, Jewelry is worth 30-50% less as soon as you buy and take it out of the shop D : just selling jewellery? i think will be a tough slog… just like cars M : But in her case, the immediate loss might be very small if she helps (using her appraisal expertise) PT.4 / COMMENTS M : I don't see it as her main business, just something to do "on the side" while she is still at her current employer D : I think a better idea for her is to encourage her to start a youtube channel, teaching people about jewelry and how to appraise jewelry. Once she has followers, she can monetize her channel and offer online jewelry appraisal courses. D. : Or make a sponsored Facebook ad for people to give her their email address in exchange for some free content. Then use the emails to create a marketing campaign to sell her courses. Don't know if that's possible, but you can do this with little investment and can potentially make a tonne of money selling courses. ( don't know if there is a demand for this knowledge but Ms.T will know more than me.) M : Might be a possible conflict, so long as she is at her current place of employment D : conflict? how? she is just offering her knowledge M : If she makes teaching videos, it could potentially be construed as giving away proprietary knowledge about how her company values jewelry. And. Maybe she does not yet have the confidence to put herself forward in such public way PT.5 / ADVICE D : Start cheap, the biggest mistakes startups make is they spend too much money at the start. Start small and when your business starts to get momentum, then invest more capital. When we started our business we started with (items) Costing just around $60 only.
  6. Mde. TING's PICKS : aesthetic hand-picked gold jewelry Madame Ting appraises jewelry every day. She knows its value, and chooses well. She buys gold jewelry based on its gold value, but sometimes she acquires beautiful unclaimed jewelry for her own account. She does this when she thinks the jewelry has aesthetic value beyond the Gold value. So she is getting that "extra" artistic or artisan's value for free. She marks her acquisitions at her cost, and then indexes that value to gold price. She is willing to resell the jewelry that she buys at a small premium to what she paid. That premium starts at about X%, and then rises at approx. 0.5-1.0% per month for three months, while she seeks a buyer. After that, it is negotiable. Here are the items presently available from her... (coming)
  7. BoJo's Brexit coming Prime Minister Johnson Purges Hardline Remainers from Cabinet, Prepares to Deliver Brexit in 99 Days’ Time Tags: GREAT BRITAIN Boris Johnson has cleared out the Cabinet of hardline remainers and his critics, rewarding allies and appointing a number of Brexiteers to his government. Prime Minister Johnson has recruited Brexiteers to top roles in his government, signalling that with 99 days to go, he is committed to taking the UK out of the EU on October 31st. The wholesale clear-out of 18 ministers occurred throughout the day, with fervent Remainers and Jeremy Hunt-supporters being fired or resigning. The BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg remarked that “This is officially the biggest clear out of Cabinet without a change of party in power — more than half of them gone — [this is] not a reshuffle it’s a new government.”
  8. Colony : "Go Long the Common stock; this thing yields about 10%... is worth $11" CLNY / Colony Capital ... update : Log : vs.PEI, CBL / Last: $5.21 ; yield: 8.45% : vs.PEI, CBL / Last: $5.21 : $6.30 (r-82.7%), $1.02 Ratio: 82.7% : CLNY to PEI Unlocking Value in a Beaten-Down REIT (w/ John Jannarone)
  9. HONG KONG FLIGHT CAPITAL? You want to learn why HK Chinese are starting to buy property in PH as a safe haven investment? "Anyone who has their wealth in HKD assets, better pay attention" This fascinating interview explains the RISK HK people want to escape from : > - when the Wealthy lose confidence, they start shifting assets - Rates climb, and the Debt implodes. Best time to get out? Early !
  10. EVEN CHEAPER / HK 10 is looking: MORE "crazy cheap" today versus HK101 (r-112.6%) HK10 vs. hk101, 2823 ... update : 10d / $21.70, $19.26, https://imgur.com/2Y4NbKb Date-- — : Hk10 -: HK101: $Gap : Ratio / hk2823 Ratio / Dv.80: Dv.75: Y.Gap: R-Yields: BookVal. : $63.49: $30.58: NMF : r208.%/ ——— : ——— / 80cts.: 75cts : 5cents : r107.%. : Earns/sh.: $ 3.88: $ 1.80 : $2.08: r216.%/ Dividends : $0.80 : $0.75 : $0.05: r107.%/ 07/25/19: $21.25: $19.08: $2.17: r111.% $15.16: r-140.%/ 3.76% 3.93%: 0.17%: r95.7%: 07/24/19: $21.25: $19.14: $2.09: r111.% $14.98: r-142.%/ 3.76% 3.92%: 0.16%: r95.9%: 06/27/19: $21.15: $18.52: $2.63: r114.% $15.00: r-141.%/ 3.78% 4.05%: 0.27%: r93.3%: 06/28/19: $21.65: $18.58: $3.07: r117.% $14.94: r-145.%/ 3.70% 4.04%: 0.34%: r91.6%: 03/29/19: $25.20: $19.16: $7.02: r117.% $14.58: r-173.%/ 3.17% 3.91%: 0.74%: r81.1%: 12/31/18 : $19.94: $14.92: $5.02: r134.% $11.40: r-175.%/ 4.01% 5.03%: 1.02%: r79.7%: 12/29/17 : $28.75: $19.10: $9.66: r151.% $15.02: r-191.%/ 2.78% 3.93%: 1.15%: r70.7%:
  11. ALVIERA CONNECTION, with ALLHC"s acquisition Ayala Land expands industrial park in Pampanga by malaya.com Ayala Land Inc. (ALI) and Leonio Land Holdings Inc. (LLHI) recently held a groundbreaking ceremony for the second phase of Alviera Industrial Park, a major commercial component of Alviera. Alviera is , an integrated mixed-use estate the companies are jointly developing in Porac, Pampanga. The expansion plan was driven by the strong sales take-up of industrial lots during its initial phase. With an additional 32-hectares, the park now covers 64 hectares which upon full development is expected to create 3,000 new jobs and more economic activity in the area. The industrial park caters to light to medium and non-polluting industries and will soon offer Standard Factory Buildings (SFBs) for PEZA-registered companies. Alviera is one of Ayala Land’s 25 mixed-use, sustainable estates nationwide. With residential, commercial, and leisure developments integrated into the estate, Alviera aims to create a thriving community that will contribute to the economic growth of Central Luzon. > https://www.alviera.ph/news/ayala-land-expands-industrial-park-pampanga-malaya-com/ / 2 / ALVIERA COUNTRY CLUB: WHERE COMING TOGETHER IS A PHILOSOPHY Ayala Land Inc., in partnership with Leonio Land, has taken a big leap as it develops a large-scale estate development in the north—Alviera. This master-planned estate in Porac, Pampanga is envisioned to shed light on Central Luzon and its potential to become a brand new hub for business and leisure growth, a first of its kind in the region. A sprawling 1,100 hectares, Alviera’s scenic and natural terrain is truly an epitome of an ideal lifestyle —merging the comforts of city life alongside nature. This new property stands as Ayala Land’s new pride in Porac, Pampanga that seamlessly blends urban conveniences with nature. Alviera provides ease of transportation as well with its strategic location. It is situated near Clark Airport, Subic Freeport and provincial hubs like Angeles City and San Fernando City. With infrastructures such as the NLEX, SCTEX and TPLEX, the area creates efficient links to Metro Manila, Bulacan and key cities up north with La Union and Baguio, just a two and a half hour away. This development also offers convenience for parents who yearn to get their children to the best yet nearby schools in the province, including Holy Angel University, Pampanga’s largest university; and a satellite campus of Miriam College, specializing in the creative fields. A Promising Leisure Experience At the heart of Alviera estate rises its world class country club, the perfect venue that encapsulates a lifestyle that caters to everyone who desires to enjoy the invigorating suburban outdoors. Its perfect blend of urban and nature setting truly promises to make people can authentically be themselves and feel that they belong. OVERVIEW Ayala Land, together with Leonio Land will develop ALVIERA, a 1,800-hectare integrated mixed-use development envisioned to be the growth center of Central Luzon, which will have commercial district, business and industrial park, university zones, retail centers, a country club, recreational areas, and residential neighborhoods.
  12. AyalaLand Logistics buys firm for its land in Pampanga AYALALAND Logistics Holdings Corp. (ALLHC), a unit of property developer Ayala Land Inc., on Monday said it bought a smaller company named Unity Realty and Development Corp. that has tracts of land in Pampanga. “The transaction further strengthens the vision of ALLHC to be the leading real-estate logistics and industrial-estate developer in the Philippines,” it said in its disclosure to the Philippine Stock Exchange. ALLHC/ AYALALAND Logistics Holdings Corp (prior name: Prime Orient, POPI) ... 10-yr : 5-yrs : 2yr : 6mo : 10d / Last: xx The company said it bought the entire company, which owns about 192 hectares of property in Mabalacat in Pampanga, for P2.39 billion in cash. ( P 2,390M / 1.92 million sq m = 1,244 per sq meter) According to its financial statements, Unity Realty had no income during 2017 and 2018, and has total assets worth P30.92 million. It reported that it has a land worth of P30.64 million. AyalaLand Logistics said the property is “a prime location for the development of a new industrial park.” Unity Realty declared a net loss of P313,153 last year, from a loss of P12,500 in the previous year. The company, based in Binondo, Manila, was incorporated in April 1997 as a real-estate developer. With the said transaction, Unity Realty effectively becomes a unit of AyalaLand Logistics. The principal officers of the company are Sy Ka Kieng as its CEO, Daniel Chan Sy as its president and manager, and Alejandro Chan Sy as its chief finance officer. / 2 / Parent Ayala Land, Inc. has mandated ALLHC to be its main vehicle in the development of industrial estates in the country. The company’s portfolio includes a majority stake in Laguna Technopark, Inc., which manages the 460-hectare Laguna Technopark in Sta. Rosa and the 135-hectare Cavite Technopark in the municipality of Naic. It is currently developing a logistics and warehousing facility in Laguna Technopark that will offer a leasable area of more than 60,000 square meters (sq.m.). The property will be divided into 40 units with cuts of 1,200-1,500 sq.m. ALLHC is also developing an industrial park in Cagayan de Oro near the Laguindingan airport, where it looks to offer 42 parcels of land with cuts of 7,000 sq.m. It has another industrial park in the pipeline located in Central Luzon. Aside from its foray into industrial parks, the company continues to expand and rehabilitate Tutuban Center in Manila, which now has a gross leasable area of about 53,000 sq.m. and new retail and wholesale concepts. Previously known as Prime Orion Philippines, Inc until its name change in February, ALLHC booked a net income attributable to the parent of P113.57 million in the first quarter of 2019, 1,366% higher year on year. Gross revenues also surged 454% to P985.4 million. Shares in ALLHC jumped 3.49% or 14 centavos to close at P4.15 apiece at the stock exchange on Monday. > https://www.bworldonline.com/ayala-acquires-property-firm-based-in-pampanga-for-p2-4b/
  13. Wealthy New Yorkers are ditching city’s high taxes for Miami Call it fight and flight. Affluent New Yorkers, financially distressed by recent changes to the nation’s tax laws, are bucking the Big Apple’s high costs and heading for an economic paradise — Florida’s Miami-Dade County area. The famed resort is luring the disgruntled urbanites with the prospect of a considerable annual tax and cost-of-living savings of between $20,000 and $120,000 for high earners. One tongue-in-cheek sales campaign for 5,000 residential units and other properties in a tony Miami suburb has even posted the letter of resignation New Yorkers can sign and deliver to family. “After careful thought and consideration, I’ve officially decided to leave the Big Apple to move to the true apple of my eye: Downtown Doral in Florida,” states the boilerplate letter on the Unhappy New Yorkers website of Downtown Doral. The federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act signed into law in late 2017 brought with it sweeping changes that limited deductions on state and local taxes — with taxpayers particularly hard hit in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, which are among the states with the highest income and property taxes. According to US Census Bureau data, Florida had the highest number of migrants from other states, with New York contributing the most — 63,722 people during the 12 months ended in July 2018. Miami-Dade is catching particular interest from dissatisfied New Yorkers. A local executive says New York’s tax woes have been as positive for business as Venezuela’s socialist government, credited for thousands of Venezuelans who have fled to Florida.
  14. Yup. GCM is making us all money, and it has be Easy to trade in and out. $4.79 +0.25, +5.27% / but arguably still "the cheapest Gold share" I will be selling some more shares soon, aiming to buy WtB, if/when it returns to the breakout point. Eventually, I will only own wts - and GCM debs === (suggested on the stockhouse chat): RE:Higher high . On the road to 6 .. another cheap one is Cardinal Resources (CDV.TO) ..5 million USD single open-pit depisit..Final Feasibility will be out in Q3 ... very low marketcap for an NPV of nearly 1 billion USD at POG 1400$.... Goldfields is invested Read more at https://stockhouse.com/companies/bullboard?symbol=t.gcm&postid=29948046#1fCBoPVW6U25wFQT.99 (another "cheapie"? to be researched): I think SGI.V is competitive in that regard. EV is US$43m but should produce ~100k oz on a FTM basis at AISC close to US$1100.
  15. GZZ in strong uptrend.. still / Lagging recently GZZ-all ... update : RZZ.v, Gzz, Izz ... update / Last: $0.34, $12.75, $0.16 : R-2.76%, R-212%
  16. Nighthawk Gold NHK- etc ... 5-years : 6mo : 10d / Last: C$0.52 x Suzette Ramcharan, VP, Corporate Development of Nighthawk Gold at the May Metals Investor Forum '19.
  17. LARA ready? LRA.v ... update / Last: C$0.45 + 0.01 LRA - RRI ...update / last : AVU / Avrupa Minerals Ltd. (TSX) ...update / last: $0.025 Low of Year Avrupa Minerals is a growth-oriented junior exploration and development company focused on aggressive exploration, using a modified prospect generator model, for valuable mineral deposits in politically stable and prospective regions of Europe, including Portugal, Kosovo, and Germany. The Company has an exciting portfolio of exploration projects consisting of: Copper and Zinc in southern Portugal at Marateca, Mertola, and in the recently consolidated Alvalade project area located in the Iberian Pyrite Belt, where Europe's richest active copper mine operates; Iron oxide copper-gold (IOCG) targets in southern Portugal on the Alvito Option project area; Gold, Silver, Lead, and Zinc in Kosovo on the Metovit property in the Trepça Mineral Belt of the Vardar Zone, historically, Europe's most productive district for lead and zinc; The Peshter Gold-Silver deposit in the Slivovo JV, also located in the Trepça Mineral Belt, just 15 km southeast of Prishtine, the capital city of Kosovo. Gold and Tin in eastern Germany in the 307 km2 Oelsnitz exploration license in the historic Erzgebirge Mining District, a 1000-year producer of tin, tungsten, silver, base metals, and uranium. The projects are all in areas with existing mines and strong geological potential for discovery of further economic metal deposits. Avrupa's aim is to create shareholder value through the development of a project portfolio to joint venture or sale to larger mining companies. Avrupa Minerals Ltd. is a growth-oriented junior exploration and development company directed to discovery of mineral deposits, using a prospect generator model. The Company holds one 100%-owned, self-funded flagship project, the Alvalade VMS Project. Avrupa focuses its project generation work in politically stable and prospective regions of Europe, including Portugal, Kosovo, and Germany. > https://www.avrupaminerals.com/
  18. Okay, But I am less "enthusiastic" about MUX, than the others mentioned here, where trends have been more positive. Haha. MUX has disappointed before and may do so again
  19. Don't give up yet. MUX retraced part of, but not all of, the POP upwards. back down to the breakout point. Could be healthy Actually, this could help make future gains more sustainable, if we get some follow-thru from here. Volume was greater on the move up ("Once-trod" gains tend to get retraced.)
  20. Encana (ECA) to Gain From Output Growth, Maintains 2019 ... https://finance.yahoo.com/.../encana-eca-gain-output-growth-141202532.h... Jun 14, 2019 - Encana Corporation ECA has been riding high on impressive production from its core assets namely Permian, Montney and Anadarko. Notably ... / 2 / Why Dividend Hunters Love Encana Corporation (TSE:ECA) https://finance.yahoo.com/.../why-dividend-hunters-love-encana-1434592... Jul 12, 2019 - Dividend paying stocks like Encana Corporation (TSE:ECA) tend to be popular with investors, and for good reason - some research suggests a ...
  21. Bonus: Pinto Art Museum Sierra Madre Street, Antipolo City Pinto Art Gallery. Photo via Yelp Just a few minutes away from Cainta, Rizal, Pinto Art Museum has attracted many visitors all over the Philippines since it opened in 2010. Its name is literally the Filipino word for “door”, and it is just that—an opening which leads to a carefully-curated gallery of contemporary and primitive Filipino art. According to its website, the museum “is founded on the principle that art plays a diplomatic role in bridging distinctive nationalities, worldviews, and communities.” It successfully does just that, by complementing its permanent collection with international exhibitions that showcase the artistic prowess of the Filipino. The good news is you can now live within striking distance of these art destinations—in the grandest way possible. Empire East Highland City is a luxurious master-planned integrated uphill township that showcases 25 years of Empire East’s unparalleled residential development expertise. As the first elevated city in the Philippines, Empire East Highland City aims to become the new benchmark of sophisticated urban living. Empire East Highland City. Photo via Empire East Located at the convergence of Pasig City and Cainta, Rizal, the township will not only boast of easy access to art hubs and commercial districts, it will have within its 24 hectares of development 38 high-rise residential towers on stilts, a sophisticated 58,000-square meter lifestyle mall, a church that has a 500-seating capacity and a five-star sports club where future residents can shape their most healthy and fit selves. Space and greens in the urban setting are a luxury and Empire East Highland City has an abundance of these with an expansive 8,000-square meter green park where families can enjoy heartwarming morning walks or breezy afternoon picnics. Pockets of open and green spaces can also be found around the township, which you can traverse with 4-lane and 6-lane roads that are designed to ease transportation. To satiate your need for art, culture and a new level of sophisticated urban living, you may call Empire East at (02) 810333 or visit their website. You can also follow Empire East Highland City on Facebook and Instagram.
  22. Art Therapy: 5 Pasig-Cainta Destinations to Appreciate Art July 12, 2019 People who travel to other countries always visit famous museums for art and culture, but you don’t really need to travel to Paris and New York to see world-class art. In the Pasig-Cainta area, several spots can already serve you some much-needed chicken soup for the art lover’s soul. Our Lady of Light Parish Church Bonifacio Avenue, San Andres, Cainta Our Lady of Light Parish Church. Photo via Wikipedia It’s not wise to pass-up on a chance to see a Fernando Amorsolo masterpiece in all its glory, and you can do just that in Our Lady of Light Parish Church. This place of worship famously houses an oil on canvas image rendition of Our Lady of Light by National Artist, Fernando Amorsolo, which has since undergone conservation efforts so that more generations of Marian devotees and art enthusiasts alike can appreciate its artistry and historical significance. Pasig City Museum Plaza Rizal, San Jose, Pasig City Pasig City Museum. Photo via Explora PH The edifice which houses Pasig City Museum is already historical art into itself: the two-story Concepcion Mansion is a Spanish-Baroque architectural marvel by Pasig native Felizardo M. Dimanlig, with interiors inspired by pre-war sensibilities and fifteenth-century wood flooring from the old Pasig Cathedral still intact today. The museum gives visitors a curated timeline of the history of Pasig through several collections, and even includes memorabilia of the Katipunan battles fought in the vicinity. Cevio Art Haus San Isidro Street, Kapitolyo, Pasig City Cevio Art Haus. Photo via instagram.com/lheanstorm Owned by art enthusiast and entrepreneurs Cecilio and Teng Tobillo, Cevio Art Haus welcomes those who would like to explore their artistic side through painting sessions with their in-house instructors to create their own personal masterpiece. It also runs mini-exhibitions for aspiring and local artists who want to showcase their artwork, and can serve as an events space if you want to hold your own art gatherings. With its very tight-knit feel, Cevio Art Haus has been able to cultivate a community of both artists and enthusiasts that continues to get bigger. Art Gallery Cafe Atbp Gloria Street, Cainta Art Gallery Cafe Atbp is a hub for different types of artists i.e., visual artists, songwriters, poets, musicians, tattoo artists, and photographers. The creative center encourages artists to help and inspire aspiring artists to hone and embrace their creative side through art exhibits, basic art lessons, tattoo services, live acoustic music while also moonlighting as a cafe. vMeme Contemporary Gallery General Araneta Street, San Antonio, Pasig City vMeme Contemporary Gallery. Photo via instagram.com/vmeme_contemporary An artist-run space, vMeme takes pride in supporting Philippine contemporary artists who uphold advocacy in their art as guided by the gallery’s belief that art should go beyond the physical and economic value. The gallery hosts collections that represent a culture of hope and freedom for art, artists, communities and Philippine society at large.
  23. 2019-07-19 09:00 U:RRC News Release Range Announces Asset Sales That Will Total $634 Million FORT WORTH, Texas, July 19, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- RANGE RESOURCES CORPORATION (NYSE: RRC) today announced that it has agreed to sell a 2% proportionately reduced overriding royalty interest in 350,000 net surface acres in southwest Appalachia for gross proceeds totaling $600 million. The two separate transactions are effective as of March 1, 2019 and apply to existing and future Marcellus, Utica and Upper Devonian development on the subject leases, while excluding shallower and deeper horizons. The properties produced approximately 1.9 Bcfe net per day in the first quarter of 2019 and annualized cash flow associated with these overriding royalty sales is expected to approximate $48 million, based on first half 2019 pricing. Range also completed the sale of certain non-producing acreage in Pennsylvania for gross proceeds of $34 million that closed in June 2019. The properties sold included approximately 20,000 acres in northwest Armstrong County. Sale processes to monetize additional non-core assets remain underway. The royalty interest transactions are scheduled to close during July 2019 with proceeds utilized to repay amounts outstanding under the Company’s revolving credit facility. The combined gross proceeds of $634 million will reduce total debt by approximately 17%. Annual interest expense is expected to decline by approximately $30 million and offset a significant amount of the cash flow reduction associated with the royalty sales. “Following the expected closing of these transactions, Range will have executed a $1 billion reduction in absolute debt over the past 12 months as the Company strengthens the business through organic free cash flow generation and asset sales”, said Jeff Ventura, CEO and President of Range Resources. “These asset sales once again highlight the significant intrinsic value of our assets. Over the past year, Range will have generated asset sale proceeds that equate to approximately 75% of our current market cap through the divestment of assets with a net impact to annual cash flow of less than 4%. =
  24. RE: Possible cup & handle pattern on the last 6 months (& longer too, maybe) "Pattern complete . We coud have some fun now. But nothing in the marble " Read more at https://stockhouse.com/companies/bullboard?symbol=t.gcm&postid=29936526#5lPPYQtsTeocXgOz.99 GCM.t ... update : fr.1/2015 : C$4.56 +0.28, +6.54%, vol. 302k : fr.1/2015 :
  25. Mandalyulong called: "TIGER CITY of Metro Manila"... ready to pounce on demand for workspaces" Here's the article I liked, from today's Philippines Star. Headline: Greenfield District on track to meet high office demand. Property Report, pg.D4 Greenfield Tower: 30-storey with 65,765 sq m of prime office and retail space. (Use 5sqm per job and you get: 13,000 jobs BEFORE double and triple shifting. That could be a bonanza for those owning property nearby, and should make it easy to absorb Fame and The Verge. Greenfied Tower is now ready for occupancy and features provisions for four telecoms providers, and built in fibre optics connectivity MORE OFFICES also available in Greenfield district: Bonaventure Plaza, The Square, and the Sheridan Bldg
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