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Everything posted by grumpy-old-man

  1. yes, but you can use your wifes name to buy in with another 10k also. I got that from a couple of posters on here when I was enquiring about the same thing. I wasn't even aware of this or CGT gold coins & VAT on silver tbh.
  2. that is my understanding also. Someone on here pointed it out to me as I wasn't aware of the fact that CGT was payable on gold unless UK coins. I already had bought some maples.
  3. hey cdswamp, will check my mail. nice to see you back. edited - hope you're right about silver. I am 70:30 silver:gold at the mo, on the advice/information of a few posters on here.
  4. that's the one that changed my mind on my ratio GF. ok, history may not repeat, but silver has a lot to offer imho, especially from the mining/industrial use pov.
  5. I have been 'finger biting' for a few days now TrueNorth. edited - just to clarify I am not working as I am training (still, long story to those that remember), so I have no wage going in atm.
  6. ah, ok Nick. I still have a fair bit in my euro account (for me anyway), which I do not like & am feeling unhappy with this situation tbh. edited - I think I will buy some more gold coins if/when the price dips with the carpot money as we don't intend to change the cars until next year anyway. I might as well give it a few weeks now though I suppose ??
  7. I actually typed out a post a few minutes ago in response to GF's 'you got to be in it to win it' post, but thought I might sound a bit shouty, if you know what I mean. tbh, I was really panicking because I knew I had left it very, very late. I would have bought earlier but we had planned on leaving that French house. I am happy with my current situation BUT I still have some euros left tbh. This money is earmarked for 2 new (3 year old) cars, enough to cover the kids Uni fees/diggs for 2 years & enough for 6 months rent in advance in case we need it for next year's relocation. edited - I know I should be buying more pm's with this though. I also have about euros 5k after that for more pm's. I would have loved to buy those few coins az, glad you sold them though.
  8. that's why I have been busy over there recently, couldn't resist after the majority of idiots slated pm's for the last few years.
  9. what makes you think that now isn't that time ? Remember they have been surpressing the pm prices for many years. So you must be sat now with 100% currency then in a bank(s)? :o Rather you than me.
  10. thanks for that link Steve. I have just read the thread. Horses for course then.....surely better to use everything, DMA, G/S ratio & gut feeling. My personal opinion (even when I didn't have much pm's) was that Pgold & Psilver would be king, then it's just down to how you do your split. agreed.
  11. yes, you are right, it's mainly for a house purchase. I am hoping the silver alone might do this @ 4 x ? that's a great chart DCA & info, many thanks. I will be learning about this & keeping a close eye on this ratio then.
  12. ah, that makes perfect sense now. I only talk about physical because that's all I have (or want )
  13. right I am obviously not completely understanding the gold:silver ratio then. I though you would wait for silver to be a lot higher in price terms first, or does this just depend on what you bought in at & what your silver:gold split is ? so when the silver ratio is at its lowest, that's the best time to sell your silver ? am I understanding this chart below correctly ? so that huge spike in '79 was when the pos shot through the roof for a short time ? then you would either buy another hard asset with the currency of your choice, or buy back into gold then ? edited - I know GF has been talking a lot about this lately.
  14. I am amazed at the attitude tbh, this particular poster I know quite well. so many stories I could tell, but it's not my style. I will leave it now though......it's wasted energy I know, & I am detracting from the informative gold postings (& my further education), my apologies. I really mean that btw.
  15. yes, indeed. I suppose my comments were aimed at those on hpc, rather than a wider base of people. this poster has been following my interest in gold & inflation for quite some time, he has been very quiet lately until I posted a reply to him today. You mentioned name calling etc: Mark Uttley I know this poster from my inner hpc days. I am very interested in how people react/deal with these kind of things tbh as I think it represents (in its simplest form) why we are in this situation today, a total case of denial & head in the sand approach.
  16. must have missed that the first time around, cheers. Whenever the government or auditing regulatory bodies, don't/won't let audit or let independant auditors come in & count asset's, that should be a clear signal to everyone that there is a cover up. The problem is, that when everyone is constantly having their attention diverted by the media to look at celebs/afghanistan/iraq/who's wearing what (I put these completely diverse items together to highlight the ludicrousness of it all), then the populace not only don't ask these types of questions, they don't even know what the questions are to ask in the first place. so they manipulate the most of the markets, bribe/buy off senior businessmen/political figures & control most of the media........how on earth can you realistically ever beat that ? yes, there's that hope thingy, but surely realism outweighs hope ? I am not talking on an individual basis here but group think.
  17. interesting stuff enrieb. I think using Ghandi's quote, we are at the beginning of the fight stage imo. Using Allport's scale, I think we are at Scale 3 Discrimination, I think ?? What I am seeing is the people who have bought pm's appear to be very calm & willing to talk things through.
  18. he is intelligent though (although it pains me to say so) & understands a lot of what is going on, he just can't seem to link it all together imo.
  19. total deflationist, dollar lover, stating that gold is basically useless: check out from post 3
  20. there are so many posters who have pasted themselves into a corner now....... for example, I think RedKharma at hpc knows he has made the wrong choice imo, but keeps digging his heels in deeper & deeper. Boy there are going to be a lot of red faces next year. You know what will happen though, 3 years of posting & they dissappear overnight when they are wrong & use the other usernames they have on the go.
  21. Asians also, but perhaps Indians more?? my wife is a teacher in a school that is 70% asian. Just today she came back from work & told me this: the children had an activity to do. If they were King or Queeen for the day, what would you do. She got these types of replies: stay in bed all day, fly a private jet, shopping, give money to charity (that was a nice one), play playstation in bed... then one asian lad said, I would buy some gold at 99.9%, he is seven years old. She said she got goose pimples all over when he said this.
  22. + 1 especially in Global Gordon's Owellian State.
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