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Everything posted by FWIW

  1. Short and sweet article: http://www.kitco.com/ind/Dyson/dec122008.html
  2. I can't see 6.60 on the chart? When is that due?
  3. Warpig - CDS just gave you the most comprehensive answer I have ever read! Bravo! Keep it real, keep it physical!
  4. It was easy as I was standing on the shoulder's of giants! http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8484911570371055528 Created the diagram to help myself understand it all and to see if it was of use to the common man in order to get interested! Yeah, you can pass it off as your own, but then people will start to look at you strangely!
  5. AJC - could you print this out and leave it lying around? http://i34.tinypic.com/2zp15hz.jpg Just as an experiment to see the reaction!
  6. I am waiting for it to go to $455... Not sure if my sterling will be worth that though...
  7. Yes - think of it as inheritance tax planning.
  8. That's a bit like asking boss of Northern Rock if everything is ok... I do like James Turk though - but not that much... Keep it real, keep it physical!
  9. http://goldnews.bullionvault.com/gold_high_121120081
  10. Yeah Baby Yeah! From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQ9V9CP-6LM
  11. Drip feed your way in - buy some now, evaluate, buy some more, evaluate, rinse, repeat. Nobody can tell you what to do, but have they got any physical?
  12. Must read article: http://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article7722.html Quote I like: Our present experiment with irredeemable currency can last only as long as it is able to support futures markets in gold. The declining gold basis is the hour glass: when it runs out and the last grain of sand drops, gold fever will bleed the futures markets of cash gold, and the days of the regime of irredeemable currency are numbered. Previous episodes of experimentation lasted no more than 18 years, or half as long as the present one which has taken 36 years so far, a world record. Of course, none of the earlier episodes were supported by futures markets. Forewarned, forearmed. Get ready and move closer to the doors. When the curtain falls on the last contango in Washington, there will be panic and some people may get trampled to death at the exit. Dear Mish, lower your gun. The topic of gold backwardation is not for you.
  13. I'm going to give him the full month...known knowns, and unknown-unknowns and all that... If he is wrong I get to take the piss out of the Physist...if he is right, I will be loading up! Win win situation for me!
  14. And so they should be. If I were one of the 'elite' I would be buying gold while I still can. Once the General Public realise they have been conned good and proper they will rip the 'elite' a new a**e hole.
  15. $455 in a month???? Wow - I will be waiting with my fiat at the ready! I have just read the whole article...maybe the 'elite' know the gig is up, and need a way in to REAL money. Maybe the credit valves will be opened after this event and then hyper-inflation it is! Pencil in the 8th Jan 2009 as that is a month from the articles post date.
  16. Or, just keep buying physical and keep it simple!
  17. Just wanted to make sure! No doubt another attempted smackdown will happen; I will buy more physical if anywhere near 9.0. Shame that 'discount' of 7% vat rate was 'fixed'!
  18. Ker - does your 6.60 prediction still stand? If so, when?
  19. Something keeps pulling us down from 777! But the fight is on!
  20. Something keeps pulling us down from 777! But the fight is on!
  21. They will also accept a cheque from you if you ask politely enough. I had to do this while my bank sent me one of their secureid type contraptions.
  22. Flight no. 777 you are cleared for take off...
  23. Disagree with you Ker... http://stockcharts.com/charts/gallery.html?%24silver If it goes anywhere under 8.0 then you are the prince of darkness...
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