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Everything posted by FWIW

  1. Yes please -maybe you could start a thread? I am also wandering where you got the data from. I can't seem to find the good stuff at aproximity!
  2. Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt. Mindless FUD....only thing it proves is that the money masters will not give up without a fight. Stay strong, long and physical.
  3. Thanks for that pixel8r - you'll have to tell me how you came up with that so quick! What would be interesting is to see the price of oil in Yen overlayed on that... We might get some more clues on what could happen next and more importantly when. Elesewhere this was posted: http://mises.org/story/3663 it is essential reading.
  4. Yes, looks uncannily familiar... maybe this is the mo of the manipulation?? I think an overlay is in order...unfortunately i am writing this on someone else's computer!!! Any takers?
  5. Don't know why but when I looked at your graphs and posts GF, this song came into my head... From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIR7ZPIIHQw Enjoy!
  6. Back on topic about Gold... http://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article13386.html and some forex analysis: http://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article13383.html Quote: In short, expect commodities, other currencies and the broad stock market indices to continue to exhibit sideways to upward grinding price increases over the course of the next 2-3 weeks. Once the USD puts a bottom in, all of the above are likely to decline due to their inverse relationship to the USD at present.
  7. I know this not the best place to put this...but a lot of us follow usdjpy, and thought we might discuss this? Big yellow blob is where we need to pay attention. I've been riding this down for a while, and my green line has never even been touched. IF she bounces off the bottom blue line, breaks through the green line and breaks through my 38.2 fib retracement, then I will go long! That's a big IF! If she breaks through bottom blue line, lower bollinger band and white median line then the usa are funked... Of course I only do this to turn fiat into PM's!
  8. Can't believe you didn't say Gold AND Silver!
  9. Sorry if this has already been posted... http://seekingalpha.com/article/160619-the...icle_sb_popular
  10. Something not right here: That's why I say if you're gonna trade gold then you need your stop-loss greater than $10.... Keep it real, keep it physical.... Not sure if 'someone' is trying to hit the longs SLs at 980-982 area....anyone else see this on their trading platform? Kitco not reacting...
  11. I must say if copper has a phd in Economics, then silver has a 1st class honours degree! Gold at the moment is getting 9x A* in GCSE's but we all know that the exams are too easy.... This has been surprising to me, as I held a view that silver was somehow inferior. Maybe the Hunt brothers knew something all along? We should learn 1 key lesson from their obvious mistakes - never ever buy PMs with borrowed money!
  12. I've been telling you for years there is no spoon deflation...
  13. Looks like the sales are on... How far will China allow it to fall before they announce that the Yuan will become a gold-backed currency? http://www.reuters.com/article/rbssBanks/i...EK9879920090908
  14. You seen the author's name? Nathan Slaughter! More like lambs to the Slaughter! EDIT TO ADD: If this is true can someone do this and then sell me the physical for $660 per oz?
  15. If PPT get their way then we might be able to get some at the sales! We should all be like 'golden' boaconstrictors at the moment - everytime they breath out we squeeze them a bit harder. Rinse and repeat until the PPT are dead. Also I heard this song on the radio and in my mind I replaced the word 'baby' with 'bernanke'... Cheats never prosper. From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVvYTIojDF8
  16. Well worth watching this: http://market-ticker.denninger.net/archive...gs-Part-II.html
  17. 1003.15 exactly - i thank you! In my best Lord of the Rings voice - "And so it begins".
  18. Good commentary here: http://www.thegoldandoilguy.com/articles/g...trading-charts/
  19. Don't read too much into it - it's just where one of my thick freehand resistance lines is drawn (which disects the wick from 17th March 2008 - actually 1003.15 is more precise, but this is not an exact science).
  20. Nice to see someone new! Time to sing a song? "I believe that new members are our future, treat them well and let them lead the way!!"
  21. I'm still reading this article: http://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article13257.html We gold bulls need to be extra careful - the G20 meeting makes me nervous; we shouldn't forget they have an infinite supply of digits to manipulate the markets. I would be less nervous if gold closed above $1000.21 and stayed above it!
  22. In my local paper too!!! There is some mention that the government are behind these companies.... So we brits sell our gold, our government holds it and then the chinese buy it....maybe this is what is being discussed in the G20 - Brown must be proud of raping his own country and its people..Now he'll be selling the family silver to the Chinese and hope that they go easy on us him.
  23. I got that in an email update - you need to signup for daily free alerts. Probably a bit naughty of me to put the direct link here though; but hopefully you guys will signup? I'm looking forward to part 4 where the "pyramid" basics should be explained. I think this strategy is very good for trading electronic gold/silver; however it is no substitute for the real deal.
  24. nice video here: http://www.gracelandupdates.com/video/ucrisis3/ucrisis3.html INO energy ball also mentioned Jesse! We all live in interesting times! Got gold?
  25. I think we need to follow the yellow brick road, wearing our silver shoes.
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