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Everything posted by fitkid

  1. What was the price per gram in sterling please GF?
  2. An orwellian connundrum at its very best LOVE IS HATE and HOUSING BENEFIT CUTS WILL STOP SOCIAL UNREST. Answers on a postcard please!!!! http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2010/nov...fit-questioning Housing benefit cuts will stop social unrest, claims Cameron Social unrest would have been likely if housing benefit payments had not been slashed, David Cameron said today after claims that his cuts would lead to an influx of poor families from inner cities to hard-pressed suburbs. He challenged Margaret Hodge, the chair of the Public Accounts Committee, to join him in the streets of her home in Islington, north London, to find out whether the public supported the cuts.
  3. Here is a link to the above but was on radio 5 "wake up to (i have not got a clue about)Money" programme the litteraly laughable gold piece starts at 27 mins 30 secs link http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/console/b00vv...oney_19_11_2010 Mickey clark "are kruggerands still around" "are people still buying them because they dont produce a yield" It should be called "WE NEED TO WAKE MICKEY UPTO MONEY BECAUSE HE HAS NOT GOT A CLUE" that just about sums up the general awareness of gold from the "GROUP THINK" camp.NOT A CLUE!!!
  4. HEADLINES like this is what is spurring on the continued "property Frenzy" but i think the writing is clearly on the wall for "SERIOUS" corrections. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-11791358 Demand for rooms to rent is growing, according to the industry. Frustrated buyers are continuing to push up the price of renting a property in the UK, according to a survey. The average cost rose for the ninth consecutive month to £691 a month in October, according to LSL Property Services. The price is rising as potential first-time buyers struggle to get a mortgage and so continue to rent. A separate survey from Spareroom.co.uk suggested that seven people were chasing every room for rent. It could be argued that this is vested interest journalism as LSL property services (hardly independent) clearly require a healthy housing market to function.http://www.lslps.co.uk/about.html LSL Property Services plc (LSL) is one of the leading residential property services companies in the UK and provides a broad range of services to a wide range of customers including mortgage lenders together with buyers and sellers of residential properties. LSL’s operations cover four key areas; surveying, estate agency, corporate services and financial services
  5. What most englishmen and mostly all men DONT realise is that the "free hold" legally expressed as "FEE SIMPLE" position in their property gives them only "EQUITABLE" title in their property not "ALLOIDAL" title.What does that mean? SIMPLY as any bodies deed's will show that you are just a "TENNANT" it is another MAJOR misconception by most that having the freehold interest in their property means they own it.Yes you get the use and posession of the property ie 9/10 of the law but who has the other 1/10 the legal title oh yeah "THE CROWN". You see you are always merely a tennant usually with a "MORTGAGE" does'nt sound to bad but what does that mean "MORT"= latin =death "GAGE" latin=pledge hold grip. so the next time you think about having a mortgage think more like do i want a "DEATH GRIP" on me then you might think twice. The current legal status as laid out in The property acy 1925 view here http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1925/2...19250020_en.pdf evidences and legaly states these facts (please note NO CONSPIRACY ALL PUBLISHED FACTS for those who can be bothered to and have the capacity to understand the "colorable" words used in LEGALESE not english.) So the actual position of your "legal" fiction as evidenced by the above act and other historical treaties with the vatican is that you at very best can achieve a 3rd position of claim on your freehold "equitable " interest in your property If you put a commercial lien in place (a registered charge at the land registry) Otherwise the list of legal claim looks like this.for what you WRONGLY/ DECIEVED to believe is your CASTLE.!!! 1st legal claim The Pope as evidenced by http://www.britannia.com/history/docs/johncon.html 2nd legal claim The Crown as evidenced by http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1925/2...19250020_en.pdf 3rd legal claim Lincolns inn as evidenced by the above 4th legal claim Land charges registry (long title) as evidenced by the act of actual "re-gisteration" 5th legal claim Land registry (short title) evidenced by same as above 6th legal claim Bank/Lender as evidenced by the legal charge (lien) registered with the above 7th legal claim YOU.|(ie your legal fiction/strawman) as evidenced by your name(legal fiction) registered at the above. SO NOW WHO WOULD LIKE A DEATH GRIP.!!!!!!!!!!
  6. I still retain a small property portfolio which is unlevaraged.The properties were 'purchased' many years ago before property was the most common/popular tv show and the most used word in the english language.I can remember clearly a friday night out in a popular local town in 2008 and EVERYONE i spoke to over the course of the evening was a property developer a property speculator a property landlord a property --------- etc etc etc.that was the REAL "SHOE SHINE BOY" momment for me.Having read Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds (1841) (a must read and free download here http://manybooks.net/titles/mackaych2451824518-8.html ) a history of popular folly by Scottish journalist Charles Mackay, many years ago it was like living his excellent reciting of the "tulipmania" "south sea bubble" the follie of john laws fiat experiment in 18th century france.ALL AS TRUE TODAY AS THEY EVERWHERE. "THERE AINT NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN" If i had been totally clinical i should have sold the properties and put all the proceeds into Au but as they were unleveraged and producing good yields i have retained them.would that classify me as RICH G definition as an "ASTUTE INVESTOR" or someone who was'nt so astute who missed a bigger better return by having further funds invested in PM's?? I can see a possibility for an ASTUTE investor returning to property when we have a rothschilds "BUY WHEN THERE IS BLOOD IN THE STREETS " momment not before.BUT if the catastrophic breakdown of the economy happens will the "ASTUTE" investor see property as an "ASTUTE" place to be ALLA the property experiences in rental yields in "WEIMAR" gemany as i recall the good dr's research into rental yields at that time elucidated that the rental yields were absolutely slaughtered.!!!
  7. You should know by now that my word association is very "colourable" and "imaginative".
  8. Thanks schaublin and i like the improved ettiqette and respect being shown on gei these days towards fellow posters after all calling me colon is much more polite than an a###hole.
  9. The GOLD LOCK DOWN BEGINS!!! $600 gold purchase requires a completion of an IRS form1099 . http: //www.kitco.com/KitcoNewsVideo/kitco_news.htm
  10. YES!!!! Well come to THE REAL WORLD of the psyche of the average brainless brit and probably many other countries intoxicated with property "FEVER STILL". I HAVE NO DOUBT AT ALL FROM PERSONAL CONVERSATIONS IN FACT NEARLY ALL that it it was'nt for this http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-11784783 Mortgage lending still subdued, lenders say Mortgage lending will stay subdued for at least the next few months , lenders say Mortgage lending continues to be subdued, the Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML) says. Total mortgage lending in October was £12.4bn, the same as in September but the lowest October figure since 2000. The continued rationing of lending has been the main factor behind the recent fall in house prices. PURELY BY DESIGN. The FOOLS would be purchasing houses until the iirredeamable perpetual annuity bonds did'nt have enough space for all the 000's to fit on them. This is the REALITY of "GROUP THINK" "UNHEALTHY SENTIMENT" and all the other consistently quoted tags by many on here. I have a very good freind who owns a national letting agency in his words we are RUSHED of our feet.We have never been so BUSY.Does he see the bigger picture ?ABSOLUTELY !!!Did he take my advice and purchase some PHYSICAL GOLD yes he did.One of only 3 (THREE) other people of the hundreds i have spoken to about buying Au.Everybody else wants to talk about property STILL and how WELL the FUTURE looks.Thats where the "GROUP THINK" "UNHEALTHY SENTIMENT" is time to WAKE UP to the real world reality.
  11. "GROUP THINK" here we go again its becoming contagious.Look a group has got to be more people than a "piddling minority" as represented on this forum.
  12. I like this one What is High Frequency Trading :lol: http://www.xtranormal.com/watch/7676559
  13. Oh damn pix i have sold all my physical for some of those korean paper things i thought the raised interest yield was just far to attractive. :lol:
  14. Shake out CONmex style.!!!!!! Comex Gold Extends Losses as Futures Margins to Be Raised http://www.kitco.com/reports/KitcoNews20101116JW_UPD.html Gold Prices Tank as South Korea Ups Rates http://www.thestreet.com/story/10921858/1/...-ups-rates.html
  15. THE SHRILL OF ALL SHRILLS SAYS DONT DO WHAT I DO DO WHAT I SAY. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/soros-inc...rter-2010-11-15 Nov. 15, 2010, 5:26 p.m. EST Soros increased gold positions in third quarter SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Soros Fund Management LLC, headed by George Soros, increased gold positions during the third quarter, according to a regulatory filing late Monday. Soros held 4,697,008 shares of the SPDR Gold Trust /quotes/comstock/13*!gld/quotes/nls/gld (GLD 132.93, +0.51, +0.39%) and 705,000 call options on the gold ETF at the end of September, the filing showed. Soros also owned 5,000,000 shares of the iShares Gold Trust /quotes/comstock/13*!iau/quotes/nls/iau (IAU 13.31, +0.06, +0.45%) at the end of the third quarter, according to the filing. Three months earlier, Soros held 5,244,697 shares of the SPDR Gold Trust, a portion of which was a shared position. The firm held no shares of the iShares Gold Trust at the end of June, according to the filing. Such regulatory filings don't include all positions held by investment firms. Many derivatives, direct commodity holdings and short positions aren't included.
  16. I think hp has clearly made a mistake and will realise it when he reads back through the thread.
  17. HOPE is for the hopeless. HOPE is for the ignorant. HOPE is for the obama fans. Lost count how many times i have said that.You dont need hope you need knowledge and understanding and strategy to deal with any eventuality.The only time hope enters my vocabulary is in the sense of I prepare for the worst and HOPE for the best.So as an example with regards to finances my strategy was to accumulate PHYSICAL GOLD HELD IN MY PERSONAL POSSESION as a strategy for preparation of the worst case scenario and then i hope that my calculated fears are not realised.Sadly with this example my worst fears are becoming reality in front of my very eyes so i think my strategy of worst case scenario will play out to the full.This will leave me in a very strong position to develop my strategy when as ROTHSCHILDS says "buy when the blood is on the streets". So i feel that hope is an empty word not worth my time and is used as a propaganda tool to convince the masses not to despair when it is absolutely obvious that despair is the truth of their situation.
  18. In my HOPE OF ALL HOPES i wish this could be true.But what you need to realy understand these people are SCIENTISTS at this stuff. It has been going on for centuries they control everything the student demos etc are what they want so they can lock down the streets with martial law.What did they achieve with their demonstration ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Waving a flag at a pirate ship is a joke.
  19. you mean the singular currency and centralisation of power is not going to be achievable with their current program.?
  21. HURRAH you finally can see the point.Of course pixel should get a tip of the hat for is PIXEL8R lines its the best and only accurate call to date on here and has stood the test of time.
  22. RH read my post I AM NOT INTERESTED IN CAPTIVATING ANY AUDIENCE MAINSTREAM OR ANY OTHER I WANT THE TRUTH whatever that is good or bad..I do not give an opinion in my post as to what my thoughts are but the evidence and fundamentals to date point strongly to a hyperinflation collapse of the currencies i.e dollar gbp euro due to the incessant printing and debasing of the currency. THE FUNDAMENTALS ARE CATASTROPHIC AND THAT AT THE MOMMENT THAT IS HOW I SEE THE END RESULT A CATASTROPHIC COLLAPSE. Is that what i want no is that what the mainstream want to hear no but if that is the TRUTH it is what it is. I DO STONGLY FEEL THAT THIS IS THE PTB ENGINEERED GOAL TO BRING ABOUT THEIR DESIRED SINGULAR WORLD CURRENCY AND THE CENTRALISATION OF POWER. BUT I AM TOTALLY OPEN TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME WITH GOOD FUNDAMENTAL EVIDENCE AND FACT.
  23. Frankly i am amazed any body uses ANY charts.In my opinion they should have all been put away a long time ago and a real focus beamed on to the real fundamentals.Charts for historical perspective yes but to try and predict the future is a little bit nieve to say the least.The fundamentals offer a much clearer true real perspective of possible future events. Having said that when someone posts a chart prediction nearly 2 years ago and it is exactly correct you have got to say that is pretty impressive.Other than SIR PIXEL8R chart NO ONE on GEI can acclaim that. COME ON RH TIP YOUR HAT TO PIXEL HE GOT IT BANG ON.
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