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Everything posted by Pluto

  1. The monetary wealth he stole is not as important as the liberties and freedoms he and his masters thieved. How quick we are to forget the freedoms we enjoy due to the blood spilled by our grandparents in WWII. Did you know the reason the Post Offices must shut is because of Europe and the signing of the Lisbon treaty? While the masses were drunk on credit they had their pockets picked, just like a drunk would have had his pockets picked by a 10 pound whore on a Friday night.
  2. You and most east enders will be lucky to see any olympics in 2012.
  3. The cost of living has increased and standard of living decreased since B squared came to power (B^2 = Blair * Brown). It is well known that our little island has become known as rip-off Britain, with its own website which popped up around 1998 to celebrate this joyous phenomenon. http://www.rip-off.co.uk/ Off course in true Orwellian style we are treated to daily bulletins of terror, low inflation, low interest rates, and footprints made of carbon that keep us all on our toes. Enjoy!
  4. Well the world's 97th sexiest man alive, according to last year's womans magazine, is at it again with his George Orwell wanna be quotes. Here is his latest statement which reminded me of Orwell's 1984, when the Chocolate rations were raised from 4.8 to 3.4 grams. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...vk&refer=uk ``We will maintain a policy that will keep inflation low and keep interest rates down,'' Brown told reporters in Stevenage, England. Can anyone spot the similarities?
  5. In my humble opinion the drop from 1,000 to 900 pulled in a lot of short sellers - especially those following the 3M T-Bill rates like Gary North et al. These recent short sellers' lolly is going to be the rocket fuel to push us well beyond 1,100 this time. The dollar is toast (the blackened and burnt variety) and Trichet is not going to cut and neither is the BoE as Libor is skirting with 6%. The bank of England, as far as I am concerned, has lost control of interest rates, and cutting now will just prove this point to the whole world. The pound will take the brunt of any more foolishness from King and his merry band of knuckleheads. Gold to 1,100 on this move up god willing.
  6. A drop in the bucket. A bucket which is leaking and falling apart.
  7. They don't want anyone telling them their strategy of hoarding their STR funds in the Bradford and Bingleys of this world is flawed. They want to blame estate agents and property porn shows for their suffering, when in reality the fault lies squarely with the government agencies that are supposed to oversea banking regulations. They want to feel warm in the fact they are all in it together, when at the same time they are all running around rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic in a mad panic. Most of all they want everyone to stop talking about gold, which is really about inflation, as deflation is what they are all hoping and praying for. There are some posters that get it, but they are few and far between.
  8. Only in our centrally panned world of Capitalism - which is really another form of communism which lets you keep your stuff in good times and vote from a list of chosen "leaders" once in a while - can we have bailouts from a private company (fed and Boe) with public money. All the banking bailouts shows us who is really in charge, and that is the central banks, which are supposed to be independent from government, but in reality are only independent from you and I as we are not allowed to vote the parasites out. Another trait of communism I may add. Anyway back on topic. Gold dived 15% recently on news that a major investment bank just croaked and all other investment banks can now join the money trough with the other pigs otherwise known as member banks. Also in the news, a RUMOUR ALMOST COLLAPSES THE UK BANKING SYSTEM. Yep, that is the stability the 97th sexiest man alive claims the UK economy has*. Inquiring minds would like to know what would happen in the UK if the economy falters in Brown's mind. A cross between the films Mad Max and 1984 comes to mind. Gold should be crossing $1,500 right this minute based on this news. A lot of inflationists are now joining the deflation camp based on what the bond market is saying. Of course the bond market could be another rigged table in the money changers' casino, so what to believe anymore is suspect. The owners of the casino are desperate to keep the punters at their tables, and not exit the system and buy real commodities, the only form of money since man crawled his way out of the cave. *Womans magazine voted Brown the 97th sexiest man alive - I rest my case on the general stupidity and low standards that is endemic in the UK.
  9. The time has come to exit all financial institutions and take yourself off the grid.
  10. Spitzer was set up. Noam Chomsky talked about events like this years ago. Whenever politicians are seen attacking other politicians in public, or their sex lives are splashed all over the media, you can bet your last Krugger that there is something else going on at the same time that is far more important that they are trying to hide. The subprime mess was planned to the T. There is a great book on UK recessions that Mervyn King proof read that lays out exactly what happens when you have booms like the subpime - so King knew all along what the end result would be. The roots of the subprime were planted with the Clinton administration, where he threatened to sue the banks if they discriminated against those with poor financial records. The UK BoE independence was enacted at the same time as the FSA was brought under government control. The CPI was adopted to mask house prices. The list is endless, which all points to where we are. The end game is to consolidate central bank activity and banking reform - in other words central control of worldwide money printing - and finally WWIII, as was laid out in 1897. An economic crisis precedes all world wars.
  11. I agree, the man was predicting hyper-inflation a while back and now has done a 100% U turn. I posted the link to give a little balance to this thread, and to make the point that deflationistas are all pointing to the bond market as their proof that we are in a deflationary spiral.
  12. Gary North calling for sell off in Gold once again. http://www.garynorth.com/public/3263.cfm
  13. I did a little bit of digging this morning on the price of silver. I called a couple of coin shops and a bullion dealer and asked them what the price of 100 1oz eagles is. The response all sold out. I then went on ebay and 1oz eagles are all being bid in the low to mid twenties. What does all this mean to me? Well the Comex or Crimex futures is being disconnected from the reality of the markets. Either the crimex is right and liquidity will return to the physical market, or there will be one hellava short squeeze once traders realize the crimex is being manipulated by paper money/silver. Keep hold of your bullion regardless of inflation or deflation.
  14. This past Tuesday the DOW rallied over 400 points as the Fed cut rates and people made the bet that Bear would be the only big bank to collapse thanks to Fed action. But the very next day panic once again returned to the bond market as 3-month Treasury bill rates dropped sharply. This is not a sign of a Fed that has all of a sudden fixed everything, but a sign of a market still very concerned about the credit markets and worried that the Fed bailouts are going to fail. The move in T-bills began right as the market opened in the green and continued all day long. Now we have to wonder what they were so fearful yesterday. Much of the selling in gold was due to a giant macro hedge fund that had to sell positions in order to meet investor redemptions. John Meriwether, who if you remember was the guy who set up the Long-Term Capital hedge fund that blew up in 1998, apparently faced huge redemptions yesterday in a group of billion dollar hedge funds. His Relative Value Opportunity fund suffered a 24% loss in its fixed income fund. He also has a billion dollar macro hedge fund down around 9% this year. It is likely that he had to sell gold and commodity positions in this fund to meet redemptions or get off margin. http://www.safehaven.com/article-9737.htm
  15. I have always believed that the PM sector would only really take off when the masses demand physical. That way they can be certain their investment exists, their is no counter party risk, and it is not being shorted or leased. Paper or Digital gold are both oxymora.
  16. As Olivia Newton John once advised everyone "Let's get physical". Sage investors should heed her advice. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQXECBdPgEA Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, March 20, 2008 Three more major silver dealers are reported to be out of silver today: The U.S. Mint, Kitco, and Monex. This, on top of the major dealers yesterday, Amark, Perth Mint, CNI Numismatics, and APMEX, all reported sold out. Further, nearly all of Canada is reported to be out of silver, from Vancouver to Toronto. This is unprecedented, and is a perfect case of market manipulation in the paper market at COMEX and other futures exchanges to see silver prices continue to drop down to below $17/oz. today. Paper promises can be created endlessly, but real silver cannot. This is NOT a case of the dealers getting spooked, and selling out to the refiners just in time, at peak prices. This is a case of the public buying up the stock at coin shops across the world ever since gold hit $1000/oz.. That event finally sparked a little of the public's buying of silver and gold. Thus, the typical coin shop flow of silver to the refiners just stopped in the last few weeks, and especially the last two days. This is NOT a case of the public creating a top with 'everyone' in silver, because nobody's in silver yet. In 2006, only $1 billion was spent on investment silver, which is 0.007% of the $13.5 trillion of money in the banks. As I have long reported, the silver market is so small, there is no room for new investor demand, not even 0.1% of money could be spent on silver, because that would be $13 billion, which would push silver prices to $200/oz., and we are seeing only the tiniest beginnings of that. $13 billion would be almost enough to buy all the silver produced by the mines in one year, which would leave nothing for industry. It would essentially double demand, but supply would remain the same. Furthermore, this is not a top because the public continues to get to the coin shops, and is now getting on waiting lists for silver. The public is not yet in, so how can the price drop? This is a case of price fixing and manipulation, like communism. Sausage is reported to cost 1 link per ruble, but there is no sausage. Silver price is quoted, but there is little to no silver. Shortages are evidence of price fixing. Price fixing results in shortages. They are price fixing silver at a below market price over on the paper exchanges in New York and around the world. How long can it go on? Until people stop trusting the paper exchanges, which could be after they default and fail to deliver silver. Or we could see a severe backwardation, as people refuse to trust and buy futures contracts, which would thus sell at a discount to real silver. Then, the spot price will really go up, maybe about double or more very quickly.
  17. Dealers swift to borrow from Fed under new rules Primary dealers borrowed more than $13.4 billion a day from the Federal Reserve in the latest week, showing brokers were swift to take advantage of new rules allowing them to obtain loans directly from the central bank. Dealers had borrowed nearly $29 billion by Wednesday, Federal Reserve data released on Thursday showed. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080321/bs_nm/...ountwindow_dc_1 LEHMAN, ___ GOLDMAN, ___ MORGAN
  18. Treasury 3-Month Bill Rates Drop to Lowest Since At Least 1954 http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...&refer=home U.S. Treasury three-month bill rates dropped to the lowest since at least 1954 as investors seek the safety of government debt amid a loss of confidence in credit markets.
  19. Who needs Ben and his helicopter when the politicans are planning on just giving money away. As a I stated earlier, money has to enter the economy for there to be rising prices and here are plans from Hilary for a SECOND money bomb, even though Americans have yet to receive their first: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/rtrs/20080321/tpl...cs-20b2d2f.html Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton unveiled a second economic stimulus package on Thursday as a new poll showed her maintaining her lead over Barack Obama among Democrats. With surveys showing the economy the top issue on voters' minds, Clinton called for new steps to address a deepening housing crisis, including a $30 billion (15 billion pound) emergency fund to help states buy foreclosed properties and provide mortgage restructuring.
  20. 25% collapse in four trading days. I think silver is bad for you health.
  21. At the same time they thieved an investment bank for one of their founders. Not too bad for four days work.
  22. Pay no attention to weekend after hour trades - especially bullion and forex. Today is classed as a week ending day because of Good Friday.
  23. Interesting dude. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=VfT4FCWO6KA It will be interesting to hear what Puplava and guests have to say about this week.
  24. I have an Indian friend and I remember his dad telling me the same thing over 20 years ago. As I have said before - there is no default or counter party risk with bullion.
  25. No, I am doing the opposite. Mainstream is talking inflation all the time now. The masses are talking about the price of food and oil specifically, and even gold has made it on BBC and other channels with regularity. Deflation is actually a contrarian view right now.
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