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Everything posted by Pluto

  1. One theory regarding the Working Group refers to it as the Plunge Protection Team PPT. This theory claims that the Working Group is a scheme to manipulate U.S. stock markets in the event of a market crash by using government funds to buy stocks, or other instruments such as stock index futures.
  2. With MER and LEH collapsing this morning - it is of the utmost importance that they put the brakes on the Gold and Silver markets. The PPT must be up bright and early this morning.
  3. They are panicking right now, moving their cash from one account to another then into different curriencies. It's kind of fun to watch from the background. Also, most of their threads turn into some form of Gold discussion. They want to keep Gold off the main forum, but they can't.
  4. I would hate to be spread betting gold short right now. A 30 point move against you could end up costing you a lotta lolly.
  5. Bubb, what do you think the stock market will do in the states? Any thoughts? Tommorow is supposed to be a green day - y'know saint paddies day and all.
  6. The Fed must be working on some other plan for the morning before the open. Gold is going up against all currencies - this is not just a dollar problem - it is a fiat money problem.
  7. Here is another Pluto prediction, a very bold one. Another rate cut in the am before markets open and or a banking holiday. Yes, I know, a little bearish, but the what the heck.
  8. Gold is on a tear tonight. I am worried about JPM in the morning - they are going to get whacked. Spooky stuff.
  9. I saw Paulson on TV today - there was fear in the mans eyes. His strong dollar policy is laughable. As Private Frazer used to say on dad's army: "We're doomed" That man was ahead of his time, and an undertaker as well. Recession proof job.
  10. Gold looks like a rocket ship that is taking off...
  12. I see it on Kitco. My forex screen and BV has it at 499.00. Strange
  13. There is going to be fireworks when the Nikkei opens.
  14. The panic is setting in. The masses will not be far behind.
  15. Yes, because now they assume all liabilities. They were forced into this. JPM shareholders or bagholders must be really pi$$ed.
  16. I'm gonna short JPM. There is no way they did their due diligence on this deal. Impossible. It takes me longer deciding which second hand car to buy.
  17. Sterling at 498.88 Can smell the GBP - toast - black and burnt stinking the place up.
  18. Who thinks Gold is going to break the 500 pound sterling today? I do.
  19. The brainwashed are being parted from their only possessions that are retaining any value. Please view the video and watch the sharks at work. http://www.wsoctv.com/news/15314109/detail.html “We encourage them not to leave anything at home, bring everything in, let us look at it,” he said. “The average person that comes in, they go out with a check of average of $500 to $1,500.”
  20. No, that's not it. His mantra was to buy physical bullion or stocks - preferably jnrs. He used to talk about confiscation and currency controls as well. He hasn't mentioned either for a while now.
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