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Everything posted by Pluto

  1. Make sure you have at least a Reverse Osmosis Filter on the drinking water - this is most important as only a reverse osmosis filter will extract the fluorides and nasty stuff. This is of utmost importance.
  2. Do yourself and your family a big favour. Invest in a multi-stage (6 stage preferably) Reverse Osmosis Filtration System. The government is trying to get everyone to drink tap water. So if they are doing that you must smell a rat and act accordingly. They are setting an example - because you are next! http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...Zs&refer=uk A backlash against bottled water has started in Britain, with some newspapers urging restaurants not to serve it and politicians including London Mayor Ken Livingstone calling for a boycott. Tap water requires around 300 times less energy than bottled water for its packaging and transport and leaves nothing for disposal.
  3. MAYDAY...MAYDAY...MAYDAY. Mr. Market 006 to ground Control Bernanke.... Emergency Rate Cut Needed ASAP!...Losing Altitude quickly....I think we have a liquidity crisis that is turning into a solvency crisis....No parachutes on board...SOS!...SOS! MAYDAY...MAYDAY.
  4. Not tap water. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...ml?hpid=topnews That stuff it forced medication.
  5. Well I've heard it all now... According to the news on the radio, here in NY city, they are saying that expect higher oil prices because of...get this, daylight savings time change. Because of the time change we are going to be driving more and using more petrol, which is going to put the price up. Never heard that one before. Oh, hang on, I just found a news release on the net about it as well. Who would have thought that putting the clocks back an hour would make all that difference. http://www.wkyc.com/news/rss_article.aspx?...p;storyid=84755
  6. Well it isn't going to be long now before the masses wake up to all this carnage and run down to their local banks to get their lolly out before it evaporates into the air like a bad smelling CDO turd. The wheels have fallen off the economy, housing market, financial sector and job market.
  7. Some serious dumping of Gold being done to keep the plates spinning. EMF? Oil up, euro up, yen up, everything is up except US house prices, equities, and of course its currency. Quick Viagra and tons of it!!
  8. The dollar will end up being the new carry trade if this goes on for much longer. Would you believe a reserve currency could up being a carry currency.
  9. The DOW looks like she is going to keel over and be out for the count - just like Clubber Lang in Rocky III.
  10. A agree with GS with regard to their PR, if the DOW tanks today there will be an SOS rate cut. The DOW looks very feeble, any rally is meet with a wall of sellers.
  11. I see oil on another tear today - up $1.00.
  12. Firmer as quicksand is firmer than a cesspool. Both would be appropriate to describe the situation the dollar finds itself in.
  13. Position (1) reserved for UK BTL's, and position (2) for holders of USDs and UK sterling. Those holding PMs will be allowed parachutes.
  14. The Fed is drawing a line in the sand at $1,000. They are sucking in the short sellers which is the rocket fuel that will allow the line in the sand to be breached with impunity. Stay long and prosper.
  15. Ladies, gentlemen, lurkers, boys and girls please assume the crash position. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...d=moreheadlines Carlyle Group Holding 'Crisis Talks' in N.Y. The California Public Employees Pension Fund (CALPERS) and the government of Abu Dhabi also own part of Carlyle Group. The California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) provides pension fund, healthcare and other retirement services for approximately 1.5 million California public employees.
  16. Mr. Market wants a lot more ca$h now! Smackdown in preparation for an emergency cut sounds like the Fed's modus operandi to me. http://www.reuters.com/article/bondsNews/i...044347520080310 NEW YORK, March 10 (Reuters) - An emergency interest rate cut by the Federal Reserve is possible ahead of its next scheduled monetary policy meeting on March 18, according to a Goldman Sachs research note on Monday. Goldman said its view on Fed policy changed on Friday.
  17. More talk of deflation: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080309/bs_nm/...ine_retail_dc_1
  18. Some of the threads on that site are becoming downright depressing and hateful. Some poster was parroting on and on about how (s)he HATES 4X4 drivers as they are responsible for the fictional global warming and also high petrol prices. If (s)he hates them what must (s)he think of the masses that poodle off to the airport a couple times a year, take a plane ride to some exotic local, get drunk, eat too much, and spend the rest of the day sleeping on beach getting some form of skin cancer which is rampant in the UK and costs the NHS (taxpayers) millions every year. They must be ready to take them out with a rifle and telescopic sight. Or is that behavior okay to them?
  19. The dollar had a major leg down last week - and gold went down. That tells me they are trying desperately to keep the masses inside the financial system (banks). That is you transfer your hard earned lolly from one currency to another - but you still keep it in the banking system - which is global. Sooner or later Gold is going to catch up.
  20. Red Kharma is a day trader or more correctly gambler. Red will get badly burnt one day. It happens to all them sooner or later.
  21. The moves in petrol prices are going to severe - 3-5p increases will not be uncommon. If Gold +1K doesn't get their attention that will. So much for the deflationists.
  22. Hey Grumps, how the heck are you?
  23. I filled up my car this morning - there was a woman on the other side of the pump complaining about the price as it had gone up 10% overnight, yes that is right 10% increase overnight, 2.99 to 3.19. I agreed with her and she then went on a tirade about the middle east. I told her petrol had not moved in value, what you are seeing is the dollar crashing. She seemed to get what I was saying. The masses are going to rush out of the dollar when the penny drops.
  24. The Banking system is imploding. The case for gold has never been stronger. Small Missouri bank is shuttered http://www.bloomberg.... FDIC Girds For Bank Failures http://money.cnn.com/... TREASURIES-Bonds surge as Bernanke warns of bank failures http://washingtontime... Credit Crisis Timeline - From Foreclosures To Bank Failures http://www.usnews.com... Home foreclosures hit record high [url="http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080306/ap_on_bi_ge/home_foreclosures"[/url]...
  25. I think we may see a correction to the 800s once we clear 1,000 or 1,100, only because that was the pattern for oil. It hit 100, which was the psychologically level, then retreated to 88, only to march straight back up to 105. But, there again, I am lousy at short term predictions.
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