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Everything posted by Pluto

  1. The losers are all the posters that could have been protected, but now have to listen to crap like, "shall I go to Euros or yen or dollars?" should i take out an account with some Icelandic bank that no-ones ever seen or heard of. Shame really..
  3. Take some advice from me (the worlds worst stock market timer) it is futile trying the trade in and out. That is what's so nice about physical - you are less likely to go running down the coin shop every other day to buy and sell. Sure, you can have a punt with a small amount, but don't gamble with your life's savings.
  4. The dollar is unstable. The markets don't like instability. The VIX is a measurement on volatility in the equity markets, it is going wild, when in reality it isn't a volatile stock market, but a volatile unit of currency (dollar and all its bastard children) that is the problem.
  5. Off course now it is ovious, the smackdown yesterday was to butter the markets up for todays report on oil. Also, OPEC overnight saying the price of oil is due to the falling dollar - first time they have said that as far as I am aware. Week longs got shaken out yesterday for our next assault on 1K.
  6. Here she goes....oil levels lowered in the USA. BLAST OFF!!!!
  7. A while back I was having lunch in a restaurant off 42nd street and Charlie "the gossip" Gasperino comes in with a couple of his buddies. It was freekin hilarious you would have thought Elvis had been sighted. Everyone was drooling over this buffoon. I love the way on CNBC he starts a conversation by saying, "I just got off the phone with Joe Bloggs from Massive Company, and he gave me the inside scoop". Yeah, Charlie, keep taking the meds and reading the teleprompter.
  8. Oh no! Yikes! Not again, I think I'm gonna....yeah....cry!
  9. Oh, and a little bit of UK housing news if I may be so bold. Abbey National are going demand 10% deposits are reporting that the majority of FTBs are holding off buying regardless. No more, "gotta get on the ladder" nonsense. http://www.mortgageintroducer.com/mortgage...s_FTB_fears.htm
  10. Yep, that is the way I see it also. There is a lot of claptrap going around about the fed saving homeowners with rate cuts, blah, blah, blah. The fact of the matter is mortgage rates have been increasing while heli bene has been cutting. There are cutting to save banks, and will continue to do so. Today was a concerted effort to smack commodities before the rate cut. The whole G7 or 8 were involved as the dollar lost ground against other currencies today also. Today was a classic smackdown - to get the shorts back in - without them this run wouldn't be half as fun.
  11. Today was a buying op. for all the procrastinators and alike. With all the banks ready to keel over deflation is not an option on the table.
  12. Citi bank going under will start bank runs worldwide in my opinion.
  13. The turd is going to hit the fan if Citi keels over. Citi is a major clearing bank, and if a clearing bank goes under everyone better hide under the table.
  14. Cramer is a Goldman Sachs shill. He was sucking the masses into GOOG at 700. That man should be in a jail cell as Big Daddy's bitch.
  15. Bernanke might announce another rate cut this PM. That is why the smackdown. Citi bank looks like it is in DEEP DOO DOO. Even SWFs are balking at it now. Brace for impact..
  16. Bernanke is due to speak at 2:30 new york time. Buckle today's gonna be a wild one!
  17. You're right to be suspicious of silver ETF. SLV the biggest silver ETF is owner by...yep..Barclays.
  18. I believe in their rights to do as they please with their web site - as they pay the bills. That is why when they start acting like pimpled faced teenagers I left rather than getting into pleading with them to not act like fools. HPC used to be a good source of info on the UK property crash, but not anymore, its all over the TV and Newspapers. Infact, HPC looks almost bullish now, with threads like "is it ready to buy now". Without the intelligent posters on economic and trading subjects that site is going to some way of UK property - collapse!
  19. You have to laugh at CNBC, yesterday they were saying that PMs are the safety net for investors and folks should have 10-15% in their portfolios (portfolios = grab-bag full of wall street tat) and today they are saying that commodities are going to crash. Meanwhile the real news is Citibank needs more cash - much more cash - otherwise it is going to collapse. Between Citi and Intel, this dynamic duo should stink the market up good and proper today. http://www.247wallst.com/2008/03/citigroup-c-wil.html The biggest question running around Wall St. is how much more cash is going to have to go into the sink hole of banks, brokerages, and insurance companies. The estimates for further subprime write-downs run into the tens of billions of dollars. The big wave of consumer credit card defaults is only starting to hit now. There are derivatives built around these pools of debt as well.
  20. More like he was TOLD to sell the gold. Mr. Bean has no authority or any original idea.
  21. Yes, Brown will be probably go down in history as the world's best rogue trader!
  22. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/opinion/main.jh...3/04/dp0401.xml Nick Leeson's dealings at Barings were so notorious that he became the subject of the film, Rogue Trader, a sobriquet handed down to Jérôme Kerviel, the French trader at Société Générale, this year. Now, after calculating how much Gordon Brown cost the country when, as Chancellor, he sold off part of our gold reserves, Conservative Future activists in Hertfordshire want the Guinness Book of Records to recognise our Prime Minister as the worst rogue trader in history. An answer in Parliament to the Tory MP Peter Lilley established that 395 tons of British gold was sold between 1999 and 2002, when the price was far lower than it is today. "Gordon Brown should have recognition for this astonishing achievement as the greatest rogue trader of all time," Lilley tells Spy. "He scandalously lost £4.5 billion through pure speculation on the gold price and despite clear expert advice - soundly beating Jérôme Kerviel's loss of £3.6 billion by a country mile." Brown be should under arrest.
  23. They are against gold probably because their financial orbit revolves around UK house prices. That is house prices in the UK going down is deflationary and anything that contradicts that must be false. This is very common with people in the UK. What they are not realising is that their STR funds are being decimated in interest bearing bank accounts. Inflation in RAMPANT but they just can't see it because house prices are not rising.
  24. The pullbacks are getting rare now. If they whack gold something else springs up to alert the masses that inflation in rampant - today it was oil. They are in a a pickle. The interesting thing is what happens once it hits 1000. When oil hit 100 it retreated to 88, if a similar move happened to gold it would put it at 880, but I don't know - it could keep on going. The masses are getting worried. They have seen their jobs vanish, equity in their homes go poof, value of their currency decimated, and now their stock 401Ks getting a pounding. They may just panic are rush into the last safety net - PMs.
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