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Everything posted by d2thdr

  1. I am keeping powder dry until June. However, if it crosses 1500 anytime before that I will take a plunge. Still planning to buy at least 5 sovereigns per month.
  2. I think we are just looking at a price where analytical traders and chartalists feel gold has peaked and now it is time to sell it for fiat. However, my question is a bit different. At what price would physical gold become unlikely to be exchangeable for fiat? 3000 4000 5000 10000 25000 1000000000000?
  3. In the book 'Greatest Trade Ever' recommended by Errol- John Paulson called CDS on almost junk mortgage products as negative carry trade. I think Gold fits this description perfectly.
  4. My exact thought on reading his posts. Quite like AliveandKicking, I think, He is!!
  5. Nice. Are we all, in general, of an anti-establishment mindset?
  6. Thats Big. Its coming. Its here. Almost.
  7. He is going to be right eventually. But by then it would not matter to the main stream. It will probably be a bit late.
  8. I feel Mish Shedlock has lost the argument against FOFOA. Mish is a self annointed king of bloggers. But FOFOA is the emperor of bloggers. I see deflationists loosing the war.
  9. Oh I thought we will have just 1 gold thread running 1000 pages with a trillion views. Any how, wishing you all a golden new year.
  10. What about the tired argument,' This is Britain, We will always be ok?'
  11. Why are we the tax payers paying for the wedding of these benefit scroungers? Parents are on benefits living in a tax payer paid accommodation, no council tax, no utility bills, hand outs for supporting kids.....
  12. Link If a shill for the fractional reserve wants you to believe he does not like gold, I can not think of anything else (Gold) would be better to buy when it is still affordable? And this is what not to buy.
  13. I actually agree with you. I think Silver will do well, but gold will do a lot lot better. If given a choice today, I would rather buy gold than silver. I think I would ride the silver bull to 75$, but sell it off then for some more gold.
  14. Perhaps you want to say gold/silver has preserved your purchasing power. While pounds from 2007 are worth a lot less in 2010.
  15. They are fed reserve ( or part of). The whole effing game is rigged. Aaargh!!!
  16. Why are you guys fighting over log/analog chart? Total waste of time I say.Unless you are a day trader of course. Sometimes the gold thread becomes cluttered with too much noise, there is hardly anything useful left to read. Come on guys. Just post useful stuff.
  17. After the unsuccessful trial of gold standard, I doubt if we will ever see the same implemented again globally.
  18. Royal mint is expensive place to buy gold. However, if gold rises more and falls a bit, you could see a lot of people selling it off.
  19. Today on PM BBC 4 about 5.35pm Eddie Mayer was talking about how well Germany is doing with its exports, but the people are not buying anything. The only thing that is being bought is significant amount of gold. I then thought, when will Britain and US learn. Perhaps after an serious episode of hyperinflation?
  20. Yes I did hear that. But the discussion was on gold standard. not purchasing gold per se.
  21. With Tories alone perhaps there was a possibility. With Lib-Cons, there is a very remote chance. Libdems wont let that happen. The rug would be pulled under Dave's feet. Time for recovery is gone, me thinks. They will do everything to ensure they (politicos) survive. People, Banks, Economy will be reborn perhaps when Britain decides to have an empire again. They do not care about J6P. Tories were after all the rich gentry of the past.
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