It is lol
But measuring anything against a varying/flexible metric is bound to make things tricky and is liable to be unreliable and give a false picture
A good metric doesn't have to be gold, it could be a basket of commodities, time averaged to remove short term market variability.
I like to watch the price of tins of pineapples lol
99c, then $1.39, then $1.49, now back to $1.39, all in the last few years in Countdown
Likewise cheese, was $5, got to about $12.99, now back at around $9.99.
So prices have doubled in the past 6 years?!
Or more accurately, the purchasing power of the NZ$ has halved?!
If the doubling time is 6 years, 70/6 gives 12% per year. Seems a little higher than the official CPI increases lol
If "gold has gone up by 23% per year", that's a purchasing power increase of more like 11% per year.
Not very much during such a turbulent and dangerous economic period.
Methinks there's a lot of catching up to do