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Everything posted by callmejoe

  1. Not sure if this fits in this thread but see what you make of it - I don't pretend to fully understand it myself, though.... http://www.halfpasthuman.com/timecreep.html
  2. Thanks GOM.

    You're pretty swell too.

    I'm sure you're not really not in the least bit grumpy in real life.

  3. Gartman is out and said that "Those not out should get out and go to the sidelines. It['s] nicer there."
  4. A heads-up on the Northwest Territorial Mint http://www.atg.wa.gov/pressrelease.aspx?id=18988
  5. Quote from Richard Russell yesterday: Gold appears to have a base of accumulation around 900. At or around 900 there appears to be one or more big sellers; I suspect the sellers are one or more central banks.
  6. Here's a guide to buying gold and silver coins. I believe it's been written for US residents. http://the-moneychanger.com/commandments.phtml
  7. Looks like Sprott has plenty of Maple Leafs (Leaves?) http://news.goldseek.com/GoldSeek/1231541868.php
  8. I was checking out Baird's website. Looks like they have coins available. Their update for 5 Jan said: "Latest stock: SOVEREIGNS (all types), 1/4 Krugers, 1/4 Brits, 1/2 Brits, 1 oz Pandas, Austrian 10cor, French/Belgian/Swiss 20fr"
  9. I just had a look at their website. Looks like they have been cleaned out of stock. All coins have been sold out while ingots are "Coming Soon". Every item was available a month ago.
  10. There's a very interesting take on gold at http://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article6724.html The page is best viewed using Mozilla Firefox with Adblock Plus - takes out all those distracting ads. If I have posted this in the wrong section of this website, please move my post.
  11. Thanks for the heads up id5. At the moment, I've got a very big punt on a special situation. If that comes right, I'll have plenty of cash for coins. BTW, if anyone is desperate to lay their hands on silver coins over in the USA, you can get them direct from First Majestic http://www.firstmajestic.com/s/Home.asp I understand they will not sell them for under $15 per oz (but check with the company)
  12. I see that Chards are asking £19.95 per 2008 silver Britannias http://24carat.co.uk/silverbritanniasframe.html while the Royal Mint is only wanting £16.95 each (with free p&p) http://www.royalmint.com/PackedSets/BR08AG.aspx Gee, no wonder they have silver coins available. Even at the latest exchange rate of $1.73 with a silver price supposedly at $11.80, that's one hell of premium.
  13. Wow! This is such an informative thread! Thanks everyone and especially id5. While trawling through the web, I see that Chard says they have silver coins available (I haven't called them to confirm if this is still true) http://24carat.co.uk/silverframe.html I'd love to buy a bag of silver coins if they are still in stock but your warning is putting me off. I have bought from Chard before - just the once, some 3 years ago or so when 120 gold sovereigns cost me £7K. I then bought a Fisch and checked the coins (yes I have now seen your advice to give that a miss and save my money but that post wasn't around at that time) and every one passed the test. So from past experience, it might be worth chancing it that Chard wouldn't sell duds?
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