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Everything posted by callmejoe

  1. Got to $25K now. Unless some rich guy shows up with some money, this will fail.
  2. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-06-19/who-just-bought-half-billion-dollars-gold-futures Who Just Bought Half A Billion Dollars Of Gold Futures?
  3. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-06-19/china’s-largest-gold-company-seeks-become-kingmaker-gold-market China’s Largest Gold Company Seeks To Become Kingmaker In Gold Market
  4. Clif High posted that last month USNavy knows what i (and a few million rishi) know: Water does not exist. Water 'molecule' cannot be found. Instead all of water is ONLY energy in form of highly complex lattice structures fleetingly and energetically binding two gases. Thus the idea of using the water lattice energy structures themselves as a fuel source. How these energetic lattices provide 'suspension', and 'dilution', and anti-gravity is still unknown to the Navy researchers. Our data suggests that a [new electrics break-through] is pending in 2014 when [sympathetic resonance mapping/tapping?] will be announced. (5/23/2014) Here's a more recent posting Navies love water, of course! But usually to be on it, or under it, or flying over it. So what is it about what is happening to the water on this planet that has the US Navy's Space War Center sooooo intrigued? Something to do with why some experiments work sometimes, but not others, when water is the focus of course? Hmmm....If we outside are ignorant of the ex-pan-sive conundrum, perhaps en-lighten-ment will be shinning down upon us this summer (northern hemisphere)?. SGFs suggest that a whole lotta light is going to be spread around the planet for a number of years causing all manner of thingeys to be scurring in their dark corners. And it all relates back to the [unknown energies from space] linguistics that first begat the SpaceGoatFarts entity just about a decade ago. (6/11/2014)
  5. Do you think this is a worthwhile project? http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=310183 .... an IndieGoGo crowd-funding project for a team of Russian scientists who are working on bringing Tesla's idea of "free energy for all" to life. They have re-designed and plan to build Tesla's Wardenclyffe tower, using modern materials: ===== Planetary Energy Transmitter Instantly. Wirelessly. Worldwide. We need your help to make it happen! https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/planetary-energy-transmitter
  6. http://armstrongeconomics.com/2014/04/02/money-is-only-a-medium-of-exchange-wealth-productivity/ Money is only a Medium of Exchange & Wealth = Productivity Gold is a hedge against government – PERIOD. Rhetoric is just sophistry – where is the evidence? In a Dark Age, not even gold has value – only food. You return back to square one. This is a great sales pitch that has hurt a lot of people. Gold is a viable hedge – but understand its purpose and survive. Believe the rhetoric and you will lose your shirt. Everything rises and falls – nothing is constant forever. There is a time to buy gold and a time to sell. It rises and falls with everything else.
  7. Thanks for the snippets. We were talking about the collective consciousness so that would be what he was telling me to listen for. The monsters of the Id? Now which movie had that?
  8. He seems a bit of a sweetie. I emailed him but didn't understand his answer since I don't have a brain the size of a planet. He just sent me a message saying that he's talking about the topic right now on C2C with John Wells But I'm so dumb, I don't know how to listen to it live. Dr B, do you have a sub for C2C? There's a recent show which has been deleted from YT because some controversial topics were discussed. It was posted briefly but now taken off YT
  9. What is he saying? What's this reference to "Red Queen" mean? I think maybe he's saying that if enough people can be convince that Fukushima is an ELE, we'll make it happen. Is that what he's saying? If so, that's why I'd ignore all that fear porn and say the same to others.
  10. This Keshe seems to be all hat and no cattle. I don't care for his fear porn.
  11. I thought I'll see what was said earlier this year Mike Harris interviews Kerry Cassidy 22 March 2013 Hour 2 5:40 MH: Let's talk about the info that Duff released the last couple of days. .... Can you confirm.... what Duff has told us? KC: ..... There is a massive situation going on which surrounds Africa Duff hinted at that. He didn't actually go down the road very far. Even what he said was skirting the edge of incredulity On my blog, I did release a lot of back channel info that I had been getting from a couple of sources. It does match up with some of the info that Duff has.... How much is exactly true? We are still trying to figure that out. Let me point to 2 movies that have been revealing some of this scenario ..... How the truth is getting into TV shows and movies - I'm racking my brain on how they actually do this How do they carry this off? Because they are literally telling the truth in some these things. One is called "The Event". The Event was a series that was a big deal about a year and half ago and contains info about an offplanet race of humanoids that were coming here. Their planet was becoming unliveable for a variety of reasons and they wanted to move their race of humans to our planet. They were negotiating with a president that looks very similar to Obama ........ It's a scenario put into this TV series again and ... it appears that this very thing is happening here on this planet Governments have been meeting over this. There are a race of beings apparently that want to come here That are negotiating with our government and the secret government to get land for their people. 8:35 KC: One scenario says they are humanoid. Another says they are not. They are looking humanoid just like the TV series 'V' but they are actually reptilian and/or praying mantis kind of beings Which brings up the District 9 movie that people will remember that was out a year or 2 ago Which had a scenario in Africa that was a precursor of this info. So we're getting a hodge podge of info but there appears to be some truth to it. How much truth? I'm still trying to find that out. 9:15 MH: That's the challenge If they are giving us this info - some of it is true and some of it is disinfo This whole issue of discernment comes in which I spoke about in the first half hour How we reach out and grab as much info as we can, and discern what's real and what's not real This Africa thing - this has got me very concerned too. It's not going to just affect only Africa It's Africa and the Pacific basin Which means everything between the coast of Africa and all the way to the west coast of the US. They want it all. Duff alluded that there's going to be tens, hundreds of millions, maybe more, offworld humans coming to this planet. He said that on the air the other day. You think about the impact it has on this planet What are they going to do about the people who are already in Africa? What's going to happen to them?..... 10:14 KC: Exactly.... I'm going back and rewatching "The Event" since this piece of info came forward to see how much they had seeded into that series BREAK 15:22 MH: Duff made the statement on the radio yesterday or the day before. He stated that agricultural production in the US is slated to go up by 400 to 500% as a result of these offworlders coming on. And for uses on other offworld locations. That's what he indicated You have another source that can confirm that that's for real KC: Yeah.... This source is not necessarily on board with me revealing his agenda in this way because he's being very careful and he's on a short leash .... It's Richard Alan Miller ......... The guy is going around the country educating people He worked for the secret government. He got very burnt out and he left it ... and went into herb farming.... He's a physicist ..... He's going around the country with Matthew Stein, talking about survival but also specifically in Richard's case, about farming and teaching young people to become farmers. This is no co-incidence............ He knows what he's doing and why he is doing it He's doing it because he's been tasked with doing it He considers it a good cause.... What's wrong with turning the US back into a breadbasket?.... There's no doubt whatsoever when you begin to realise the Africa part of this ... It's no accident either with the Chinese investment So we need to go into the area of the Chinese when talking about Africa 18:06 MH: I'm glad you brought that up because China is building cities in Africa right now for what they are calling the caretakers. I don't know what they mean by 'caretakers'. But they are building entire cities for the caretakers The guest I had scheduled who was going to call in Skype from the Central Africa Republic had last minute problems and couldn't join the show So I was going to have him tell us what he's seen over there with his own eyes. Hope we will have him back in the future. If you think about this. If they are going to move hundreds of millions of offworld humans on to this planet, what does that mean for the rest of us? ..... Look at the last time cultures met when the Europeans met the American Indians Didn't go so good for the Indians KC: Yes. This is something my whistleblower has said. People don't understand what was also embedded again in "The Event" There is some sort of connection between what appears to be a humanoid race and the fact that they will end up affecting and even exterminating the races that come in contact with them For some reason that we don't know. So there is that possibility ...I know the secret government has a huge vested interest in Project Bluebeam for pulling out the Werner Von Braun last card That has to do with dealing with .... the offworlders, as the last bad guy they can rally the troops around so they can get as much money as possible to funnel into their black projects, their off planet secret space program That stuff costs a lot of money But we need planetary defence This is one huge area of contention with me ..... Stephen Greer likes to talk about all races being friendly That's just not the case. I am at least aligned with the government in the fact that we are in agreement that not all those guys out there are friendlies So you do need some sort of planetary defence.... 20:55 MH: That's just common sense. It's like what Reagan said, "Trust but verify." You look at the Star Wars project and you look at all the trillion dollars that were spent on that. We have yet to see disclosure on what was truly developed It's been repressed. We've not seen it...... BREAK 26:13 KC: .... This aspect of negotiation with the government to get land People whose planet has been destroyed There is a negotiation that has apparently gone on and this thing is a done deal. What's interesting is that this negotiation happened a long while ago. That we are very close to it actually becoming reality. People are saying.... MH: Let me give you a data point. This is something that Duff said on the radio show yesterday. He says as of 1977, the US government had agreements, treaties, ..... contracts with at least 3 alien races. That's something he disclosed yesterday or the day before. That's fascinating info for me because if you say that this is a done deal for some time and we're just getting around to learning about it, that fits the time line. 27:33 KC: ...... Everyone knows about the treaty with the Greys, that Eisenhower was part of. It's more than that. It goes way beyond that. Treaties have been going on. This kind of discussions between our government, the Russians, the Chinese, various peoples here on Earth with offworlders negotiating various things have been going on since at least the time of the Nazis which would be the 1930s, 40s and 50s. And became front and centre once Paperclip was put into place and a lot of the Nazis came over here to the US and brought their relationship with at least the beings from Aldebaron We're really talking about things that the mainstream has no idea about.... The other thing to say about these beings is that they are already here There's a contingent, just like in "The Event" in which they have blended into society I was born in Moffett Field Hospital... and my father was a pilot in the navy I'm just now finding out that it may be that I am somehow related to this whole program I know this is probably very weird. I've never talked about this before and it's something that I'm investigating at this time. ..... One thing they do is they experiment on their own. If you go into the military, your family is front and center for experimentation and brought into military programs... I was the only kid in our family that was born in a hospital I have got into Camelot and all this sort of thing. But what is very interesting is the storyline in "The Event" in which you got a girl who ends up to be a hybrid because her father came from elsewhere. And there's something to do with longevity. Having a gene structure that allows you to stay as young as possible for as many years as possible That is some key and this goes back to the Annunaki. This is where the link up is, with the race .... called the Annunaki the race that Sitchin brought forth a lot of info from the Sumerian tablets ... There is a very strong link up going on here I believe this is also part of my gene pool...... You need to watch that series because the stuff they reveal in there is, in bits and pieces, the truth Some of it is obviously cloaked in fiction.... If ... the truth is that easy to come by, you wouldn't even need to be in this game, this school, .... planet Earth. It's all about developing discernment; being able to use that heart centre coupled with the mind to determine what is truth and what is falsity Some people go off the deep end there They start following up something and they are deceived and they stay deceived for their entire life We have the equipment. The humans, the hybrids that we are. We are all hybrids I'm not the only hybrid out there. We are all hybrids Just depends on what race these beings you're hybridised from In that case, you've got at least 7 races and most probably more by this time. All these revelations are coming out. There is more to this story ........... 32:15 MH: .... The one thing I will add is you watch the things Duff mentions. You watch the X-files .....you watch Stargate.... "The Event" is a new one for me but I will watch it. You watch these things and they are giving us hints Sometimes, these things are popular because they resonate with our spiritual self, our inner self If they didn't resonate somehow, we reject them as 'no-one could believe such a fantastic story; it's just nonsense'. But we watch this stuff and they resonate with us, some more than others KC: .... it's like this inner sense of truth. If something resonates .....it has a vibratory frequency that is in alignment with who you are You attract it. If an idea keeps coming back, over and over again, it's something you need to pay attention to. We are going down this road. People are starting to realise who they are, what the game on Earth is really about It's much more massive than what people have been giving it credit for. ..... My heart goes out to those people who are really sleeping at this time because they are the ones who will have the hardest road to hoe when all goes pear-shaped Which it will do and it is getting ready to do ..... When TPTB get on the White House lawn ... and try to tell you the truth, it's going to be steered in a direction they want things to go. They are not going to tell you the whole truth 44:48 KC: ..... The word is out there that there is a race of beings that are coming here That this recent craft - it was the craft that was shot down over Russia which people were saying was a meteor It was not a meteor. It was a craft and it contained a lot of these kinds of beings. My understanding is that they are small I'm trying to get validation from various back channel sources on all of this. ..... We are moving into 4D in a major way and we are now front and center to join the galactic community We are being visited. The fences are down..... All the friendlies and unfriendlies are headed our way The secret space program is going out of their minds dealing with this shit There's more than one side to this story They are bringing Duff out to do a lot of disclosure stuff. I can't even believe people aren't paying... more attention to this man because he is putting himself out there. Some of this stuff has been out there for the last 20/30 years but the mainstream still doesn't get it MH: No, no, no. The mainstream is told not to tell. They are being directed or repressed..... KC: Exactly. We have a lockdown. The US is basically sequestered and put into some kind of a media lockdown You go outside of the country and you will get more info about anything than you do in the US MH: Yes you do. That's why I've been appearing on Press TV Iran has more free speech than USA does. KC: ..... the Weather Channel has 2 shows coming out. One is about what they call a rogue planet. It's literally about Planet X The Weather Channel! Really! Come on! I had no idea they were doing this kind of programming. But apparently they're putting out a program called "The Rogue Planet"; all about Planet X. Believe me, there is something out there There is this guy whose name is Beany Black (or something like that)..... This guy has got his hands on the real thing He's got footage and it is fascinating About what is going on in our sector of the galaxy. He is proving we have satellites way beyond what NASA admits to This is another key thing.... The reference to NASA as a defence agency by Duff is such a revelation that people are going to miss But it is key. I wrote it in my blog but they are going to miss it there as well .......... I work for JPL as a contractor in media, for a while, helping them with this ISO program I know they are all about defending us from outer space. They don't reveal this This is what they're tasked with This is something that Duff is revealing........
  12. Didn't do the first part. Can't remember what that was but I was more interested into he ET and black oil talk. There's really nothing new here. MH said that Richard Alan Miller can go to Mars if this planet becomes unliveable because of his work. Dr B, do you know what work that RAM did which might render this planet unliveable? I hardly ever listen to that guy. He wouldn't happen to be the guy who created that nano oil, would he? I only heard him once, talking about setting up the protocol for the Navy SEALs when they go on missions and all that psychic stuff : Alien graves in Africa (added by Dr Bubb) Mike Harris interviews Kerry Cassidy 10 Dec 2013 26:44 KC: What are you hearing lately about our ET friends and foes? MH: About 8/10 months ago, I had Gordon Duff on the show and Gordon said that a deal had been cut to depopulate Africa and to import up to a billion plus off world humans on to the planet and give them Africa as a place to live and reside. ... Since then, we're seeing genocide breaking out. War on black tribes for control of the Central African Republic The war drums are beating in Nigeria They are beating in Kenya They are beating in Sudan and Chad and it looks like the whole depopulation effort is going to go into high gear and that these things are going to be happening. We're looking at tens if not hundreds of millions of dead if we don't get a handle and stop it now. From what I understand from Gordon is that the deal's already been done and there's a lot ofmoney to be made. TPTB want the war in Africa just for this reason. ( Aldebaran : is the "eye of the Bull", Taurus ) 28:15 KC: I believe that race of beings is coming from Aldebaron and possibly other places. But definitely Aldeberon MH: .... Aldeberon was the alleged alien race where Hitler and the Nazis in the WW2 were getting a great deal of their technology from. Was more advanced than anything this planet has ever seen..... KC: Absolutely. This info I have also comes from another whistleblower who has nothing to do with Gordon Duff Weighing in with that info as well as the idea of what they actually look like. Which is again something of the classic not see light appearance Which is going to be quite strange. ......There are 2 interviews on my website One is the interview with James Fetzer on the Kennedy assassination.... We talked very briefly about the ET connection to the Kennedy death Michael Salla .... has written a book which has just come out .... that links the assassination of Kennedy with the ET reality The TV show that came out in 1996 called Dark Skies which is set in the 1960s which brought up that connection in that series. The producers of that series, one of which is named Bryce Zabel, who was a very avid UFO researcher - He wrote a book recently with Richard Dolan .... called 'After Disclosure' So he continues to be active.... It appears that they had back channel contacts during the time when they did the series and there's a lot of very good info about MJ12 and how they operate, in that series They also bring up the connection to the death of Kennedy and his wanting to disclose the ET reality as being linked up. They pretend that this was sort of fun and they kind of put 2 and 2 together and were just reaching for the purpose of the series But I contend that they actually had real back channel info 32:30 MJ: I'm going to agree with you on that one because if you watch the series I watched and every episode And you watch how they brought this all in full circle to squash Timothy Leary's research into LSD, and its mind expanding effects into another drug similar to LSD LSD that brought people into contact with the hive mind like these aliens That was powerful stuff. 32:53 KC: Absolutely. A lot of very good info there. .....A sort of slant on the ET visitation thing here on Earth ..... That often gets short shrift in the media, even in our sector. People not realising that there may be something afoot There may be an invasion that already took place and is being expanded as we speak I would contend that this involves the abductions... I have been ... with making very high resolution DVDs, exports of all my old Camelot interviews. One of those interviews ..... Dan Sherman, an ET intuitive communicator who was hired by the government for a time, when there would be an outage An electromagnetic outage worldwide. He was one of many ... ET communicators who talked telepathically with Greys He was actually genetically engineered to do this. His book 'Above Black' has been out and is for sale on the internet for some time. 39:48 KC: My website has an interview with Mark Richards from the secret space program who is a captain as part of that program, and is in prison. I visited him in Vacaville and was not able to take a pen/pencil or anything, no recording device whatsoever I called it 'Total Recall' because I had to recall from memory everything we talked about... I encourage people to watch that. 40:30 MH: Let's go back to Dark Skies. It should be available on the internet. It's a 1996 series. Folks, there is so much good info in there... Not just is the info good, it's fun, it's well produced, it's exciting and it will give you some real clues as to some of the challenges that our government and governments around the world have been facing with this ET issue. I can't say problem because they are not all problems This particular group in this series that is depicted is certainly meddlesome and troubling for humanity 41:05 KC: There is ... a whole episode devoted to a kind of nano-oil type substance.... It really is a precursor to what we're supposedly dealing with in the Gulf and to do with the Falklands It was pretty well depicted in this series very interestingly [http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0115151/] MH: ..... I've met Richard Alan Miller... I brought up this issue about this nano oil and boy, he usually doesn't gloss over topics very much He glossed over this one and didn't want to give me nothing about it. I looked at this and say, "OK, move along folks. There's nothing to see...." That really raised my interest level on that. KC: And it should. I did a live broadcast, a Camelot roundtable on this subject. I did a few of them with David Griffin who is a researcher from the UK who has been very hard to reach since that time. .... Did some stellar research in that regard Miles Johnson also has done some research. I don't agree with all his research but he's done some very good research in this area as well. And then I have back channel sources on this There's no doubt about it. I have so much data on this nano black oil - it cannot be ignored It's very serious and I wouldn't want to mess with it whatsoever. 43:30 KC: Black nano oil is supposedly an AI substance that has been activated from an offplanet race They found it in the Gulf oil spill. The Gulf oil spill was all about the black oil That it was a cover up The bottom of the ships were being eaten by this substance The Falkland war was a cover up for a war with a group of ETs around this issue Apparently it can take over the whole 25 Marconi scientists - all died ... very bizarre deaths Apparently having been taken over by this substance and made to commit suicide in the most bizarre ways you can imagine... It is in the Gulf. It's probably why the Gulf is off limits even to this day.... They are trying to figure out a way to counter it That's why they poured so much Corexit into that situation Not because they didn't know it wasn't helpful in many ways but I guess they felt that it does battle this substance in some way..... The Marconi link is very serious And that's we're talking about Some stuff involved with takeover scenarios, terra forming of the Earth and possible conversion of humans into something else ... We are really looking at, I used to say Humanity 2.0. But it's actually variations on the theme; the theme we call humanity And any ET race that can get into the game and try to toy with the DNA and so on. It is a game all about creating a race of beings that either ... can be occupied (ie taken over and allow for boots on the ground from various races that are visiting and want a place to reside and push their agenda whatever that happens to be) And there's our own secret space program and our own Illuminati who are all intent on creating their own robotic supermen MH: You are talking the whole transhumanist agenda KC: Yeah People cannot ignore this We're looking at a trend in that direction Everything - from surveillance and spying and keeping an eye on the DNA of the children and augmenting that and changing that Your children are not safe MH: Talking to Richard Alan Miller about this. He says the big companies are not after you any more. They are after your great grand-daughter That's how far out they play in the game That's how Monsanto is playing the game with their GMO foods that various byproduct substances that you ingest and modifies your DNA Some are toxic and some are not They want to breed for certain traits, certain characteristics. They have got an ideal human 3 and 4 and 5 generations downstream They have to start it now which is what they have done. They have already get us where they want us to be in a hundred years KC: Yes, that's the agenda A back channel person... told me a lot of dire stories about the Illuminati - the normal kind of things where they use children, the rapes, the child porn etc. A big part of that is also the DNA; the genetic re-engineering of these children and even before they are born It's also a matter of discarding the ones they don't want and they don't want to see procreate and see that the ones thrive that they do The only good side of this story is .... that they are not abandoning Earth any time soon if they can avoid it. A lot of scenarios end up with some kind of an abandonment or a birth Richard Alan Miller has been told unequivocally that he has his get-out-of-jail-free card; meaning he can go to Mars any time this place becomes unliveable as a result of his work However, I guess their feeling on that subject is that they have plausible deniability so that these things we talk about, whether it has to do with Africa or if it has to do with mars or whatever, they just figure that no-one's going to believe us. 49:00 MH: They have such a massive media machine... that drowns out voices like ours......
  13. Sounds like a transcript of that show is called for but I'm kind of busy now. I'm really getting traction on the 9/11 truth. It's exactly like this Isaiah 29:15-16 (The Enemy hides their plans in plain sight, but turn them upside-down to conceal their agenda) They have been telling us for over 12 years now that the World Trade Center was nuked by the very name of the site: 'GROUND ZERO' There used to be only one meaning for that term - it's what you call a place that has been nuked. After 9/11, the US government sent people round to every bookshop and public library on the planet to replace ALL the dictionaries with amended versions which have more definitions for 'Ground Zero' to obfuscate the single original meaning. I found that after I started to point this out to people, they sit up and listen because I've given them something they can check with their own eyes as to the US government's duplicity. All they have to do is compare the definition of 'ground zero' in their own dictionaries and then mossey out to the public library or book shop and see what's there. It's like what the meerkat says, "Simples!"
  14. Vinny has been in deep financial straits and has been asking for donations But at least that desperate plea that I had seen a few weeks ago has gone now. http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/.
  15. http://armstrongeconomics.com/2013/08/24/yes-in-a-mad-max-dark-age-not-even-gold-has-value/ Yes in a Mad Max Dark Age Not Even Gold Has Value ....... The only thing in a dark age that retains value is food – PERIOD! In Japan all money vanished for 600 years and rice became money. The government taxed in rice and didn’t bother issuing coins because nobody would accept them. After the fall of Rome, gold vanished from the money supply as well and did not reappear until the 1200s.... Keep your gold – it will do you no good. Food will be worth far more. You eat or you die. Assuming gold will ALWAYS have some value is absurd....
  16. Orange County, California – Buy a house for a $1 and move it –
  17. Investors buying Detroit properties – Milwaukee, Wisconsin – continued below
  18. http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/08/25/america-is-entering-another-great-depression/ There are millions and millions of homes in foreclosure and millions and millions more unsold, the only way for this market to proceed is steep discounts. Even now houses for a dollar are spreading, Gary, Indiana has now joined Detroit in offering homes for $1. Yes you can buy a house for a buck! And you can buy whole blocks of houses and become a slum lord. Once people see houses selling for cheap, that changes their minds about what a house is worth. High home ‘values’ is a myth lodged in the brains of brain dead consumers, a house is commodity like any other commodity and its price is set by market forces, oversupply will eventually overwhelm this last vain attempt of the banking system to keep prices high and their balance sheets in the black. $1 homes in: Gary, Indiana – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtvnGx-OvWY Detroit, Michigan – Continued below
  19. There's something very big involving intelligent oil. I'm reading up on it and when ready, I'll start a thread on the Falklands war and this 'oil'
  20. http://www.silverdoctors.com/eric-sprott-the-us-govt-may-be-exporting-german-gold-to-china/ Eric Sprott: The US Gov’t May Be Exporting German Gold to China!
  21. Richard Alan Miller, Ph.D. on VERITAS | ESP, Alternative 3, Time Travel, & Stargates Published on Jan 29, 2013 This is Segment 1 of 3 (3-hour interview). Segment 1 is being provided as a courtesy of VERITAS Radio.
  22. http://www.silverdoctors.com/is-ted-butlers-silver-panic-imminent-apple-contractor-claims-new-imac-production-delayed-over-silver-shortage/ Is Ted Butler’s Silver Panic Imminent? Apple Contractor Claims New iMac Production Delayed Over Silver Shortage!
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